Star Army

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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Lets swap schedules :P
Anyway I remembered I have a Yahoo account:
[email protected]

Though not sure when I'll have time to be on since my work schedule is so lame.

I'm lame. My schedule Tuesday is 7PM-11PM. So again 6PM-12PM with the commute time.
Fred, as you're on: Do you want to address Wes' post? I feel the "streams were crossed" with his post, and I don't know about you, but he didn't talk to me.
The reason I did it is because I felt like I had to have another character come in to break the misconception that Yamatai/SAINT/SARA/Yui/Ketsurui Clan are working against the Miharu crew. They're not. I figured if you guys didn't want Tsuya involved, you could just ask her to stay out of it and she would.
Wes said:
The elder samurai Tsuya leaned in from the doorway. "Why not just get Yui's support? I am sure she would be understanding. As I understand she admires you, Kotori. As a Ketsurui you should realize that your family and empire is on your side."

Tsuya being present does causes concern. Those misconceptions are ours to deal with - heck, Nyton usually goes wild when he starts thinking about conspiracy theories - and actually do hint at something I was subtly hinting for the future and that I've talked to you about before Wes.

Here's my stance on it regarding her presence:

  • Tsuya is the highest ranking Samurai. If words leaked out of Kotori's presence - a Ketsurui princess - then odds are good Tsuya would have heard of it.
  • Seeing Himiko is now ruling at the Palace, I suppose Tsuya could have a good reason to be on Yamatai, and home, even.
  • I suppose one reason why the nightingale floors didn't creak to warn of her presence would be because Tsuya would have had floated.

  • Kei, whom was guarding the door, was ignored and was on watch to intercept anyone whom could've walked in on them. That's metagaming I cannot help but frown a little on, despite Tsuya probably easily brushing Kei off. To be blunt, there was no interaction there and this displeases me to see precautions ignored.
  • Secondly, despite Tsuya being on Yamatai possibly making sense, it sounds like too much of a convenient coincidence at this time seeing the First Expeditionary Fleet was moved out to the Ketsurui Military Sector and that the samurai squadron was assigned there.
  • Finally and most importantly, Wes did not ask first. A previous post was made to discuss the earlier involvement Wes tried to have with the Miharu plot and it was clearly said that we'd appreciate being asked first. It could have had been a very simple "Fred, I'd like to include Tsuya in the roleplay you are doing on Yamatai with Kotori, Nyton and Kôsuka. Can we arrange that?" to which I'd have had probably replied "Sure. Make sure to interact with Kei first - she's guarding the entry to their room. You probably will want to talk to Doshii before as well."

I don't mean to be deliberately unpleasant here, but I'm placed in the position where I sort of have to enforce what I said before. The CONs outweigh the PROs from where I sit and for that reason, I've chosen to delete Wes' post. It involved metagaming, discourtesy and I cannot promote that... especially considering this isn't the first sort of interference I get from Wes and that he promised (guaranteed, actually) not to do such a thing anymore.

I hate to return Wes' words in this fashion, but "you have your plot and I have mine". Please learn to ask and to show some respect to the people whom are involved here if you like what we do.
Oh hey, not to chime too loud but as a sort of observation I would like to note, just because they may be paranoid of SARA, Yui, etc bla^3, it doesn't mean they don't have good reason to be. On the same note though, just because they have good reason to be doesn't mean that SARA, Yui, etc (bla)x3 really are against them. It would be that Ko and crew just think they are when they aren't and Miharu people are just being super paranoid geeks. Misconceptions and misinterpretations are things real people make. Playing characters who make mistakes is more realistic. If the players just went with the knowledge that things are okay and don't write how the characters should act with the limited knowledge they have then it makes for bad form, ie metagaming.
*shrugs* I already was planning to have Kotori straighten things out - Nyton is already very prone on going wild with conspiracy theories. I was already working on that post when Wes came up with Tsuya.

But yes, people are flawed but in time, even they can straighten out misconceptions by themselves.
Put another way, Fred — Yuri was purely a foil for Kei. I haven't really developed her in my head much. Wes is right on the chain-of-command bit, but if you need an OOC reason, mine's a good one.
*flings hands up* Yuri's probably better fleshed out than some of Miharu's sprites. My bad for trying to not waste a character that got created! >_<

I'm not changing my post, but Kôsuka can feel free to argue the case more. It's pretty obvious Kotori's just flippantly making the point that she's a Ketsurui princess and can take advantage of it by being able to order retainers around (something she should be able to do *glares at Wes*). However, it doesn't necessarily makes it wise of her to do so.

1. "She's beyond my jurisdiction, really, and it'd raise too much attention on you. I thought you wanted to remain discreet."
2. "I just punished her. Do you really want to reward her with serving a Ketsurui princess on a starship and overrule me?"
3. "She's really hasn't had enough training and her judgment could be lacking. Considering the sensitive nature of your mission, she might not be the most dependable person to have around."
Hmm.. I need something for Kai to do, Now as I actually have enough time to do it, I need to get off my lazy butt and write for him. Should I just write something on my own or ask around for someone to help me out as NPC's and such?
Nothing comes to mind save having him make himself involved with the other members of the crew onboard at the moment... which is pretty vague.

On the upside, I think most of us are close-to-done with our respective branching storylines here. That said, we'll likely get on with Mission 3 soon.
Alright new mission time! Sounds more fun then Yuril lounging about on the Miharu cooking foods that make her have psuedo-hallucinogenic dreams.
Right now, I'm sort of hesitating between letting the new people come on board and settle in or get started right away.

I've done the 'post in the present and the past' kind of deal before and I do feel the urge to quicken things up... but that part really depends upon player wishes.

But yea, we do have a few new characters around... and sadly one I'm about to kick out: Serizawa.
Yeah, I don't think he's interest in SARP any more. I've contacting him numerous times through AIM, but he seems to ignore me when I bring it up. He has also told me that real life has been hitting him hard on the work front, so I don't think he'll be back.
Fred: I'd love to do my link-description stuff for the view and whatnot from the top of the pagoda-house they're in, but I just don't have the time or the proper computer system for it. I'm going to cheat it in later, but post now. Lemme know if that fails ya.
It's disappointing that J left but what can we do, really? I'm gonna try to do some more posting this weekend to advance the Sora/Sumaru scene.

I should be memorizing my police codes/SOP right now. >> But yeha, posting, soon!
Okay guys its been really quiet and quite frankly I'm starting to worry that something might have happened to Fred. I told Jake about the lull we've been having and I think we're gonna need to step things up or else we'll lose everything. Jake said he's going to work on jump starting us again soon but we'll need everyone's help and hopefully Fred's return will happen soon.