Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Eh. I don't particularly want to emphasis what Sanjuro does in his off-time just yet anyway. My point was to say/portray he was *going* to do it.
Did I make a mistake? I didn't wanna butt into the Kyoto shopping one because I thought it'd seem out of place. Same for Kim's other thread. :(
I was talking to Doshii and Nyton earlier about it (before I posted), they said that it was likely that we could just get a shuttle from somewhere else to come and take us planetside (perhaps the pelican even).
Yes, yes, yes. I realize when it comes to cute or hawtness, I have a tendency to put all of the factors in one package. And cackle with glee in the aftermath.

Anyway, yeah. Masako's in the point of her career where she's pretty much stuck. Infantry is a WO/Enlisted career path and she's hit the highest attainable rank for it all. Though rising through the ranks is less of a factor in her research than just trying to become more useful to the crew.
Heh heh, I totally forgot about shoes to go with his outfit. I tagged an edit on this. So what's up, we missing something?

Want to be the third wheel on the Tom/Yuka Trike of Lurrrrve? I promise there will be many moments that Miyoko can use to ponder how much she can mentally grumble about life, happy people, Sanjuro and not getting laid.
Just a note:

One thing I particularly dislike of wiki bios is compartmentalizing. It's something I know Wes is big on, but me... it just makes my life more difficult.

There was a time when you could look at the First Expeditionary Fleet's ship roster and have it all on hand, in one page. At some point, Wes decided it was a better idea to go and just write his battlegroups and force anyone wanting to view them to view each set of battlegroup types individually (Wes also used this as a convenient way to hide how he increased the 1st XF's size from a 125-or-so ships to multiple thousands). Today, I can't even make heads of tails of what the 1st XF has anymore, diminishing my desire to have anything to do with it.

That trend sort of began with characters too. I've seen some entries where I have to load another page to see the possessions and yet another page to see the skills... instead of having one comprehensive page of information that I can use menu links to access it wherever I want.

I frankly don't care what stance Wes takes on wiki formatting, but I'll be plain: I don't like it. When the plot is more active, I often refer to your character sheets to know what your characters are capable of, or to try to use them as a tool to give your characters better opportunities to shine. Not having everything in front of my face in one click makes it harder for me to gather the information I need to better cater to your needs.

As the combat notes revealed a while ago about the sort of details I pay attention to in round-to-round posts, I already have a lot of information to juggle with. Please don't make it harder for me. I'd greatly appreciate that.

Example of what I'd prefer not having to deal with: Masako
(Sorry Matt. Yes, this is the reason for this post.)
Sorry Fred, unfortunately I do have a reason for that.

It makes it easier on me to update Masako this way. It's quite true that you end up having to search through multiple sections to gather information, which can be very annoying.

But it is also quite annoying when you have to scroll through layer upon layer of text just to edit one simple sentence. True, this could be done via the edit buttons that occur in each section, but I still have to scroll through endless amounts of text to reach even those.

With each section as a separate page, it makes it easier for me to update Masako when need be. All I have to do is go to the necessary page and edit, simple as that.

I will make a compromise on this however. For ease of your use, I will put of the small pages I have back into the main page (such as History and Skills). I will, however, not put Masako's pictures and Finances/Possessions back into the main page. The pictures because they can clutter the main page, but the Finances/Possessions are too complex a list not to put it in its own separate page.

I believe this would help use both out in the long run.
Please note that only character biographies belong in the character folder, just like only user pages belong in the user folder.

Here are some examples of correct URLs:

user:wes:to_do (instead of user:wes_s_to-do_list)

character:hanako:skills (instead of character:hanako_s_skills)

character:masako_kurohoshi:inventory (etc)

As for the 1st XF, ships are only found on the battlegroups and squadrons pages, plus two extra rosters for logistics and one for star fortresses.
Abwehran Commander said:
I believe this would help use both out in the long run.

Seeing that the info I usually access on a sheet is the character's personal information, the compromise you made is good. Possessions and finances is something I need to look at significantly less (though I do keep an eye on them at intervals to see how those are doing).

Thank you for your comprehension and I apologize if I came in rather strong before.

Wes said:
As for the 1st XF, ships are only found on the battlegroups and squadrons pages, plus two extra rosters for logistics and one for star fortresses.

It doesn't change that I still totally dislike it, wether you think doing so was a good idea or not.

MoonMan said:
"To get to the other side."

If one were to look closely, very, very closely, he or she could perhaps discern the slightest hint of pride in Sanjuro's paper-thin tone. Almost. If they squinted.

It's not funny! It really isn't!

But I still thought it was totally hilarious!
Go, go, go super lame post!
Maybe if I'm lucky someone will laugh. Or they'll call people to arrest me for my craziness.

Also: Yes Sanjuro is really more funny then he should be... @.@