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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

You bastard! That's not nice ...

Jesus though. PILLOWS! Blas, you're a man wiser than your years. I forgot about pillows.
Get better soon. I know how it feels to have surgery (Though I DID like getting to sit around for a week playing games...)
krisslanza said:
Get better soon. I know how it feels to have surgery (Though I DID like getting to sit around for a week playing games...)

Makes me wish I didn't have work tomorrow. I've got to play KoTOR more ...
Get better Doshii!

Okay, so in other news...it turns out you can't login to the forum on a cellphone, posting however is theoretically possible (I believe the phone just won't take the login cookie, or whatever it is that logs in. I give it information, hit login and it gives me the login page again ) So, Fred, I'mma aimin' mah postin' gun.

edit: still no internetz at home But I did fire mah postin' gun!
Abwehran Commander unfortunately doesn't seem to be around at the moment. So much for trying to give new people bridge experience ^_^;

I may lightly NPC Masako so to give Miyoko and Yoroko something to do. Gallant, expect your sprite to be called in to fill in for the last seat (Yoroko'll be on navigation and Miyoko on operation - this leaves Tactical... which is admittedly not the most useful at the moment, but enough to have you interact with the two others).

Sorry for not 'slowing' down further for Masako... but I'd like to keep moving for the other players. My apologies.
BAH, I'm still alive!!!!

Sorry, my house mates keep dragging me away from my computer to do other less important things.

I'll post when I get off work.
Oh, good.

Matthew, I'll remove my post so you can have the opportunity to get Masako to respond (if you wish).
I'll be a bit slow to respond for a while. Just moved to St. Louis and starting to look for an apartment... and the new job begins next week. I'll still be around, but I'm a touch busy some days.
Fred....something I wonder, theoretical situation (as I didn't post it in time)

Before Kotori successfully escaped dessert:

Yoroko watched as Kotori started to walk away. "Ano Ketsurui-Taisa, didn't you want some dessert? I'm sure it will be delicious, and that whoever made it worked hard on it...." Yoroko's voice trailed off and she looked away slightly from Kotori when she realized just who exactly she was talking to.
I thought you said that to Yuzu. *checks* That's right...

Well, Kotori would probably have asked that they kindly keep some to put in the buffet display. She might have had come back later to snack a bit.
Ugh, sorry for the lack of posting. Having a rough couple weeks with training and being sick on top of it. >> I'm playing catch up/trying to get back into the swing of having fun when I get back from work as opposed to crashing out. >>
Postage-wise, I've done what I could for the moment. If you guys wish for things to progress, you are going to have to keep postrate up and a definite idea of what you want to be doing.

- Sumaru and Nyton are talking
- Sora wanted to talk with Sanjuro.
- Yoroko was still at the table wanting to eat dessert. Yukari is still around too. Masako and Yuzu have been active there too.
- Kosuka, after talking to Kotori, is in the hallway on the upper deck, starboard crew section.

If there's anything I can help with, please ask. That's what I'm here for.
Bloody hell! The power supply fan has died on my computer so I'm a little... Worried of using it for extended periods. Hence my lack of showing up lately. I keep wondering if it'll explode or catch fire on me first.

*Doesn't want computer shrapnel in her legs*
Yukari's still around to be engaged, but not for much longer. Kosuka will be around until things break up, however.
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