Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I appreciate the well-wishes guys. Thanks.

Generally, though, I tend to not really like my own birthday celebration. It turned from me celebrating getting more mature (1 until 20ish) to a day where I start feeling pangs of mortality and the celebration around that seems in effect to be twisting the knife and giving family an excuse to get together (everyone in my family know I dislike gatherings and skip out when formalities have been done and dispensed with, so there).

So, no need to make anything big of it. I prefer my birthdays quiet. Actually, I prefer them to be like any other day. I mean, I'm actually technically around 10 592 days old and none of them deserve to be more special than the other from where I sit.

Cynical? Maybe. That's what I get for not being religious and believing that what awaits my consciousness at the end of my lifespan is oblivion. Erk.
I figure Actually making a decent sized post and interacting with other characters should make a good present for you, Fred. Happy birthday, Dude.
Reminder: Yamataian days are about 18 hours long. Star Army vessels probably stick to the same.

Thanks again for the well wishes. Now's the 27th, though. Not that this should be an excuse not to post.
Cynical? Maybe. That's what I get for not being religious and believing that what awaits my consciousness at the end of my lifespan is oblivion. Erk.

Imagine the look on your face if you're wrong! 8D

Thanks thanks.

Regarding latest post: Kotori can remember the most inane things sometimes. ^_^;

*goes to collpase in bed - work tomorrow and 5 hours of sleep left*
I give you a belated happy birthday.

So we spliced in a new fan for the computer's power supply... Now the thing shuts down randomly with a burning smell. I've seem to have fixed the problem by removing one of the panels...

But I'm honestly thinking my computer is ready to keel over and die any day now. I'll see what I can do with it's remaining lifespan.
How is everyone? I hope ya'll are doing well.

It's been a rough two months for me, but I can say that I have finally turned a corner. I am a stronger man now after having been through what I've been through.

That being said, I'm not making any excuses for myself. If ya'll have moved on without me, that is fine. But please hit me up on YIM or the chat. Gotta do some catching up.
I am glad to see you up and around again, Tom.

I would lie if I said your absence (though notified) did not at some point cause some awkwardness and worry, but Tom is still on the Miharu and ready for you whenever you want to go and roleplay him again. Reading over the Mission 3 thread is probably what will help you get up to speed.

You probably should get in touch with Doshii Jun over IRC or YIM, if you can. He's the one whom was lightly NPCing Tom in the meantime.
Thanks guys. Sorry to have been gone for so long.

But, unfortunately, we made that JP before I caught up reading in the thread's posts.

I assumed it was daytime. Seems it is night! The breakfast/morning statement doesn't make sense then. Jake, can you edit that to be more fitting?
Oh, added mention.

Yuzuki was created around the same point as Sanri was... which makes her more like 2-3 weeks old than 12 hours. I established that with Gallant, but there was no way for Doshii Jun to know.

Adding that correction in the JP would be nice too.
Sheesh, I just spent the better of 2 hours basically saying "No, YOU take it" back and forth with Yoroko.

Ya'll better appreciate the sacrifices we make. D:
I say three cheers for Yoroko. She finally told Sanjuro to his face how most of the crew feels about him. Pity it didn't register =P But good job! That was an interesting read. My hope is that Sanjuro actually learns from this experience, though I doubt that will happen.
MoonMan said:
Sheesh, I just spent the better of 2 hours basically saying "No, YOU take it" back and forth with Yoroko.

Ya'll better appreciate the sacrifices we make. D:


Good chance it's something that explodes.
"I think replacing all the connectors on the Hoshi will provide a small improvement to the CFS, but we may have hit the ceiling on the HF system. I'm more concerned with HOW our generator is set up and how it's getting the energy to where it needs to go. Unfortunately, we're going to need time to literally take apart the thing, brainstorm and refit it. That's time we don't have, with our current schedule and manpower limitations."

"Yes, Juni," Ichigo said, eyes falling downward. It was true; there was simply no time and not enough people to truly tackle the ship's energy issues. "I am sorry, Juni. I did not work hard enough to isolate the problem."

Tom turned around, sensing the disappointment in the sprite's voice. "It's not your fault, so don't act like it. We did what we could on a hunch that worked out pretty well. That's something to be proud of. When we get back from the next mission, we'll get all the technical sentries together and really hammer down this problem. I'm sure you all will provide me with some great ideas, too." He nodded to Ichigo. "THAT's where I'll need you the most."
I have like six technicians on the Eucharis right now if you want to meet up and have my dudes help with modifying your ship. Nana even served on the Asamoya, making her one of the rare experts on the Himiko-class Light Cruiser.