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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Happy birthday Kai!

*hands Kai a free death coupon* Here's my gift. Whenever you want a free character death, just ask me. I'll be happy to oblige.
Should I just autopilot the rest of my actions so as to help jump to the mission? After the JP ends, of course.

I got my character development stuff mostly out of the way and Tom would be setting up the weapon systems alone for the most part.
Whatever you like, Tom. We have an ongoing JP which hasn't been posted yet - I'm waiting for the people I had to become available again so we can move on with it. Hopefully, it shouldn't take much longer.
*Takes the ticket* Umm... Thank you? I'll be sure to use this... someday...

I'm mostly waiting on Gallant for what I'm gonna do, but RL seems to be stumping him at the moment...
Tom, could you help me with Kyoki and Gallant? Their characters are with Ichigo, setting up the Uriko bomber. Give'em some interaction!, please?
This is only semi-related, but how do you like this nifty torpedo bomber I made in DOGA? When I finish the stats, I think I'll replace the old Uriko with it.
My profile now has my supar seekrit AIM account on it, for if people need to contact me for JPs and stuff. And by 'supar seekrit,' I mean it's the one that I actually log into. My YIM account and old AIM account both have this problem where certain friends of mine tell me EVERY THOUGHT THEY ARE HAVING AND EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ROOM any time I'm logged into them, so I'm on them less and less nowadays.
I can relate. Totally.

And yes, Wes. The bomber is nifty. Not new, I think, but nifty. I can't have it on Miharu yet, though. Space issues =P
By the by guys, I'm starting leave tomorrow so if there's JP-age afoot then I'm free. Plus today is a down day anyways so I'll be around. We've finished cleaning up the other house and are about to turn it in, but we still got content that we still need to finish putting away over here. Plus boxes to break down and put away. And the movers lost the pegs to our bookshelves, the lousy bastards. So the DVDs are just piles waiting to be knocked over atm.
Well, we messed up so far if we wanted more JPs with the Miyoko-Yukari/Kosuka-Nyton group.

Nyton and me seem fairly available (at least it looks like lately). No idea about Kelenar, though Doshii seems able to summon him occasionally. I've actually haven't had that many run ins with Doshii recently either.

I'm not available next saturday, but sunday evenings and onward I should be able to JP. Can we arrange some availabilities there? We ought to get this done (well done, not hastily done, mind you) so that we can push on with the start of the mission (or the fast forward to it).

I congratulate those whom have been keeping busy during the lull. I encourage you to keep it up - it's work under pressure, but at least not under fire and it gives you the chance to get to know your hardware and have your characters build some experience with it.
We're going to be flying to Florida this Sunday. I'll be bringing my laptop so I can still connect with everything I have. It won't be very frequent since we'll be busy doing family stuff like going to Busche Gardens and the beach. But maybe. Just maybe. Not likely though since I won't be home till the 29th.
Yeowch. Does that mean going on without Nyton in the JP?

Yoroko, Kai - Tom is talking to you guys.
I thought he was talking to the sprites. Thanks! I'll get on a reply sometime when it isn't midnight...
I'm available from when I get home until 11 PM weekdays, and I get home somewhere between 3:30 and 6. This is Central time. Weekends, I've been free pretty much all day. And I'm usually on at least AIM, if not YIM too, pretty much 24/7, so there shouldn't really be any problem getting ahold of me.
Fred I think you missed a part of my post.

Sumaru's plan with the capacitor units is not to charge his weapons or it's normal use in powering up his teleportation pack. Instead, his plan is to use it as a backup power supply to his suit, in the case that he enters one of these superior anti-aether fields. Seeing how the Mindy is powered by a aether generator, it would simply shutdown without a secondary source of power for life support and other integral systems such as the AIES. That's where the capacitor units come in, if they provide enough power that is.
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