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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Yoroko said:
"Claymere-Juni, perhaps I could carry a spare LASR-SLAG on my second equipment rack for Takuma-Heisho."

Nyton said:
"Don't forget to review the manual on rank pins now that you've finished up in there." he added.

Keheheh! :lol:
Pleinair is my ava because I've been obsessively playing Disgaea DS. She is so epic.

Anyway, back to the Miharu. I didn't notice those little excerpts.... HILARITY!
I know I've been absent lately. I apologize.

Either I've been locked into Mass Effect — the only worthy competition to Star Army — or I'm at work. The next day or two will also involve me applying for a job in Renton, Wash. It's for a senior RPG editor at Wizards of the Coast.

If I get this gig ... K could stop working. We could start our family. We could go home. So I must ask, if you've got a bit of luck to spare, or any tips for me, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you, all. Down here in California, you guys have been the only friends I've had, outside of K. I can't thank ya enough.
Glad to see things turning up for you Jake! Keep us posted on the possible job opportunity.

I wanted to ask: can you find a new name for the current battle preparation thread? We'll keep the one you had for the next thread, which I plan to start shortly.

Now I'll know who to blame for screw ups!

We're rooting for you, Jake!
Alright guys, not to steal any thunder especially because Jake really needs the support but Annie's preg test this morning came back positive! So it looks like Annie is PREGNANT! Again! We've prayed for a girl this time.
Woot! Good luck to the both of you! this is all good news, and is making me rather jealous of the both of you.
Geez Blas, you're killin' me here. I expect Fred to pound on my apartment door any day now, screaming shrilly in French, "GET TO THE BEDROOM AND GET TO WORK!"

Congratulations Blas!
Fred said:
I wanted to ask: can you find a new name for the current battle preparation thread? We'll keep the one you had for the next thread, which I plan to start shortly.

I'm sure you want to keep 'the sound of machina' for the actual action phase of the mission and I've no alternate name ideas for the segment we are in.
Actually I think he meant he wanted you to change the name for the thread we are currently on so he can put the sound of machina name on the action segment.
So do we have a time on when we want to begin the mission and is everyone satisfied if we start soon? Any last loose ends to tie up?
Well, the ship segment of the approach to Bowhordia will probably not be a big spotlight to the power armor people until they actually launch (when Hoshi gets in position) so we can leave the current thread open to have additional posts/JPs trickle in and have the actual mission start at the same time.

I need to check up on a few things first before giving it a go, but plan to do so soon.

Blas, you have my express permission to prod people into posting or JPing if you need anything. Feel free to schedule a JP too.

In addition, have you figured out whom will occupy a bridge position on Hoshi while she will make atmospheric entry? Hinoto and Nyton are a given... but what of the two other seats?
Hmm, I hadn't thought of who would take the two extra seats on the Hoshi. I figured Hinoto, yeah, then Nyton and I guess Aoiko and Mara could fill in while already fitted in their Armors. I figured Nyton would also be commanding the bridge in his Armor so that he could be ready to launch with them. I think with the C models' sensor pack he would be able to maintain a pretty tight command and control between ship and armor crew. If things go well, the shields and drone defenses for Hoshi should hold long enough for Takuma to disable the automated security system.

Given that we still have an open end on the pre-mission thread then if people want to post any pre-battle preps that would be fine. It doesn't even have to be Armor related. If someone has a good luck ritual they would like to perform in their room or something than go for it. I know I'll respond to any posts made in the Armor bay as needed. 5tar, only reason I hadn't gotten to Sumaru is because typically you review the enlisted crew members first before diving into an warrant/officer's koolaid. Aoiko was an exception since she came in looking quite confused.
I wasn't really expecting a post from you at all actually, I just left that as a sort of closure post. I just kind of left him there so that if anyone felt that they wanted to interact with him could, or an opening arose for interaction.

I have a few ideas of what he could be doing, but I was more so just waiting around for more posts to see what's going on.
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