Re: [OOC] Discussion
While Yamatai is an imperial empire that by-and-large has had almost complete control over the universe for quite a while, it remains true that nothing lasts forever, especially not an empire. A split was bound to happen sooner or later, and frankly it's up to Yamatai if they want to try and force the UOC to back into them. Diplomatic procedures seem a bit more practical though, especially considering that the UOC has Nepleslian backing now.
And as far as OOC conflicts are concerned, I think everyone needs to remember that no matter how much commitment we put toward developing this's still just a game. Granted it's an incredibly fun and rewarding game, I'm not trying to belittle that, but getting all butt-hurt in real life over things that happened in the SARP universe is childish. At the end of the day, this is a fun game that we all enjoy playing, but it'll stop being fun if we start getting all bitchy with each other OOC. I mean, if you were at a friend's house playing Monopoly with six other people and one of your friends has a bitch fit because you bought some of his property or whatever, then he flips over the board and starts throwing shit at you, would you just sit there and take it? No, you'd tell your friend to stop being a twat and you'd leave. Ultimately that could happen to this game as well. If somebody starts being a bitch OOC about IC issues, people will leave. And then nobody can have fun. I want to have fun. So if you're taking the game too seriously, go take a walk, get some perspective, then come back and HAVE FUN.