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Oh man. I had been hoping to have Krystian in the building. Show off his sharpshooting skills in the event of an attack, maybe see how well he can deal with a female partner.
Behind the vehicle were four more alarming signals, becoming clearer and closer as each second passed. One NXM Ripper, with a compliment of three Render units.
You mean those three Render units and it's compliment of a single Ripper.
When ever I see compliment, I usually expect to see smaller units. This says, "Hey there's a Ripper. Oh, and like. Three Renders are out there. I think. I dunno."
Three Renders & one Ripper? Damn, suddenly we're in the deep end of the pool. I've never thrown 3 NMX mecha (Render or Ravager) at my players before. MoonMan wants to kill us T_T
Then again, I might play them differently from Moony
Oh dear, I believe I may have made a little booboo.
Looking at the comments, I just realized that I had mistakenly switched the Ripper and Render in the likeness; what was 3 Renders and 1 Ripper should have been 1 Render and 3 Rippers. Well, I mean, they all sound the same anyway it was a very easy mistake that anyonecouldhavemadeI'mnotreallyatfaulthereit'snotthatbigadealanywaygetoffmybackMOTHERJEEZ...
I've made the appropriate changes in my post; if everyone else could treat them as such, I'd really appreciate it.
No complaints here, I'm liking Berhnard. I am still trying to get used to Marsh and RP in general, so my character is a bit more disorganized than I intended, at the moment.
Oh, I'm not complaining. I've made some rather aggressive and brutal characters myself. I was just commenting.
Though I wouldn't blanket it so far as to say "you guys" with that. I don't think anybody is treating this like a a picnic. Krystian is just too quiet and reserved for acting out.
It's more his own idea. It is based less around actual worship, like most religions, and more around the acknowledgement of an absentee father figure who could more-or-less not really care about the exact outcome of the universe. It just intervenes for its own amusement than anything else. He doesn't so much pray to the Creator, as he simply asks favors.
Based somewhat off of a real experience I had with a fellow soldier who had come back from Afghanistan.