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OOC [OOC] NSS Nerkat

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Alright. The timeskip will be initiated tonight. JP if we have enough people, then a ship transfer.
Awesome. I hope you all don't mind getting full physicals.

Also: If people do make it, I'll run spoiler theater to explain what you guys would have missed, and what probably confused the crap out of some.
Alright. Post is up, about a day late. Get yourselves to Medbay and finish up on the physicals so we can go on shoreleave and jump ship. Everything is in SP now, and there's only so much auto-ing I want to do.

How do you feel about gambling on Fortuna?
Well, since I think Davis' character had Autumn's head, and since Davis left, and since Ex thought my character had it, I will make a post.
So the injured people I don't need to rush off to medbay? Can I toss Adrian on something and get him there or do we need bolt cutters first?
Unsuit and walk there. If you can't walk, there are MT's with stretchers waiting outside the Vipers.
So... After a long absense, i am returning... Right after the mission ended... *Facepalms* well, anyway... i'm gonna go ahead and say that Trey got food poisoning from that soup they had before the mission (I know he's Yamataian... maybe someone put arsenic in his bowl or something XD) So i'll use that as my (lame) excuse for not being there, and get ready for the next mission.

*waves hi to all*
Alright folks. I'm going to allow you to skip through your scans and get yourselves to wherever. Just make it a footnote in your next posts. Once you're done, try to get your characters cleaned up and into debriefing.

Trey and Autumn are exempt from the tests and scans, just so you know.
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