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OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

In the short term, I'm going to be at Anime USA for the weekend, so no plot-moving JP Friday or Saturday.

In the bigger view, I'm thinking we might close the Sakura for the holidays, at least for Thanksgiving week and the week of X-Mas perhaps. By close, I mean no big JPs. SPs would be open to relieve boredom.

Between now and the new year, the plot goals are basically to have Hanako return with her spiffy new samurai (who will likely enslave Jo to be owned by Hanako and/or Kotori), to go to Hanako's Star and hang out on the beach while the Sakura gets an upgrade. Rufus may head off afterwards to go train new recruits.

Mission 5 will be a major part of Secrets Of the Yamatai mega-plot and will have some big developments as the crew visits Yamatai, Hoshi no Iori, and Scorpio secret research base, where they'll meet Yuuko.
Wes said:
"We are on Yamatai," Hanako giggled, "Where tight is right."

So. Damn. Wrong.


EDIT: Reading this further, I see that Hanako is out to make Nekos look like the sexpots they're supposed to be.

Indeed, LOL.
I vote for new female uniforms that are a skin tight, thin, bulletproof polymer!

Meanwhile, Men shall get new hats, with a big feather, and cheap suits.

<_< Yes... yes indeed.
To get back on the thread's topic...

With Hanako, Jo and Kotori on their way back... things are set up to have the crew slowly assemble back together.

Things to deal with :

- The 3 afore mentioned girls returning to the Palace. Seeing how Rufus ended up (some plot development here, hopefully).

- Kiyoko's call to Rufus.

- See how Miles is going to turn up in the hospital.

- Settling any loose ends for the night and get the characters to bed to face the next day, wether they have rejoined or not. Still, I expect seeing Rufus' premonition proven true to have a sizeable impact on how things shape out.

- Additionally, if Scribble can be active, we should try to somehow reintegrate Yatani in the crew.

* * * NEXT DAY * * *

- Some additional shopping.

- Hanako recovering from her memory lapse by having the data transmitted to her by either Jo or Kotori (right now, Jo seems increasingly more likely).

- Rufus buying Kotori lunch?

- Oranges?

- Returning to the Sakura, see the result of the refit cycle and head over to a part of the 'vacation' that won't include killer neko assassins, tanks or any further interruptions (like a time where the characters could REALLY relax? B'sides, the convalescent Miles shouldn't be bothered for awhile).

So much for a vacation >_>;
Kotori said:
- Additionally, if Scribble can be active, we should try to somehow reintegrate Yatani in the crew.

He had to build a computer of spare parts and a Prodigy-era 28.8 modem. He just got the modem and the mouse to work at the same time two days ago.

Let's just say he's not reliable, but it's not his fault.

That's hilarious. Wes is our GM, after all ... black Nekos and tanks are what it's all about! WOOOOOOO!
Here is a dare idea for the party scene if Yui joins in:

The person who draws this dare must make a "romantic advance" upon Taisho Yui. If it is Taisho Yui who has drawn this dare, Yui must strip out of her clothing and remain naked for the remainder for the game, unless another dare calls for otherwise.

That's a great way to get poor Rufus slapped for oogling the Star Army's mother.
She was around during the early years of the great twenty eight year old empre Tomoe. <_<
Well, Kiyoko and Bonichi can stay on the Sakura to watch over the ship. I was going to have Kotori order some people to stay behind anyways, so, we can still put Kiyoko to good use!

Seriously. We're docked to a top secret research station that's crowded around with black-hulled ships and our previous antagonist in the Black Sakura could very well have friends in there waiting to pounce on us. Given how easily they were able to invade the Sakura, get to the medbay and temporarely turn the MEGAMI to their side, it doesn't seem too unreasonable to leave a couple of crewmembers behind to keep an eye out.

Not doing so is tantamount to telling the Black Spiral "Sabotage us please!"
Welcome back! XD

I'm slightly puzzled as to how we're going to justify Sakura Taji's entrance (along with Cho?) due to the secret nature of our mission and the sort of justification that will come up for her absence.

Since Sakura had left around mission 3 (when the 'samples' were retrieved from Miles, those mishhu-infected people), I thought that Sakura could have had tagged along to work on that project and that she might have had been working at Scorpio Base.

That's just a suggestion... but meh, I suppose you and Wes can figure this one out.
Yes, I could. ~_^

Besides, raven-black hair is the in thing right now.

* * *

Seriously Wes, given the nature of the mission, I really believe it'd be a good idea, ICly wise, to have Sakura Taji already involved somehow. Maybe she'd be with Yuuko or something. Our characters are already suspicious of what's going on and having Sakura be part of what's going on (Kristin could be put back to speed with a PM or something) - and it'd really include her better in the story instead of the cliche "Hi, I'm back... What's going on?"
*laughs* Though it could have been the other way-round. I mean she's a Yamataian with furry ears and a tail! Though now that I /know/ it's a secret mission, Sakura probably would have been informed of it (or as it says on my orders YSS (name of a ship I can remember/number) is supposed to be taking Sakura.
Yeah I agree including Sakura in and having her be apart of it is a great idea instead of having her pop up and go 'Hi, what's going on....? ' So one fill me in.?

Also anyone get an idea of when the next JP is?
Wes should, from what I gather, and, from what I see in the 'In and Out' forum, Wes was experiencing internet trouble, which was why he didn't show up.

This doesn't change that he'll be busy on the coming weekend, but hopefully we'll be able to get things back on track in the time after.
Okay... this has stretched on for long enough. This warrants I take measures I wouldn't have ordinarely. I'm going to beg.

Wes, please, can we schedule a Joint Post session? Last post we have up is mine, back on Febuary 25, and I'm totally lacking the JP transcript because my YIM archives hadn't been configured to save everything and keep it once the YIM session was closed. It's been a while now...

Here's what I'd like :
  • Send me the transcript if you can't edit it through a PM. I'll take care of it.
  • Schedule a JP session (and not start 1 hour late since that gives Tiffany only half an hour to JP with us - I know you can be busy, but punctuality at this point would really be great).
  • If you remain unable to lead plot-advancing JPs, I'd like you to send me a PM so we can discuss it over (like, instructions and stuff). Possibly, if you're really swamped, you could leave me information and I'd try to push things onward. I'm not positive I'm the best person to portray Hanako, Rufus and *cough* Yui... but some progress, even flawed, would seem better than none.
Sorry to come on you like that, but even before you had trouble with your internet connection, your presence was noticably weakening - enough so for people (I include myself) to start wondering if you are losing interest too / or got yourself a girlfriend. In any case, I'd like to keep the Sakura plotship alive at least long enough for it to play it's part in the 'Secret of Yamatai', since it's important, and achieve some sense of closure if you'd like to take a breather and not GM actively for awhile. If by then the ship can't continue on being an active plotship, at least the player characters will be able to move on.


I'll summarize the above with the following : For Pete's sake, Wes, please please please talk to us JP deprived/tech unapproved/bored people!! ~_~;
Last JP went okay and we are about to go out and explore Hoshi no Iori. Wes has yet to post the JP, but it ends up with Miles, Chisou and Kotori going in the changing room/Mindy Bay to get power armors and then head inside the circumstellar ring.

Tasuku and Yuuko should help the three suit up with the new hardware. After that point, though, attendance to the exploration part of the mission will require Wes, Cora, DocTomoe and myself.

On the other hand, there is also the going ons inside the Sakura while the others are gone. Rufus, Kiyoko and Hanako are staying behind and will probably monitor things from the bridge. Jo should be in the cargo hold sorting her things. Tasuku will probably end up painting some power armors Kotori prepared earlier and Bonichi is most likely hanging around the kitchen. Not sure how Wes will want the people on the ship to be handled, but cramming it all in the same JP is probably not a good idea.
Well, you can go for a SP whenever. As for possible JPs between players, well, just wait and see ^_^ Miles and Chisou will be tied up though.

Additionally, I've been thinking that if we are going to have people get inside Hoshi No Iori, maybe it'd be an idea to create a new thread for it? "Mission 5, Part 3 : Hoshi No Iori"?

In other news, I went over the crew roster and gave it a really complete overhaul. We now have the YSS Sakura Resource Handbook, and I hope you'll find it a nice resource to have.
Actually, most of the handbook was inspired of yours Doshii. I used lists, pictures and the 'a ref' thingies. Thanks for setting up a good example.

And, you know, I could get used to getting in a friendly moderator rivalry thingie if it means we end up prodding each other to put up better stuff. ^_^;
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