Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

*groan* What is it with this JP?

Wes, there's still missing parts of dialogs scattered everywhere not to mention the latter parts make no sense at all : we're getting instances where the characters answer questions before the questions are asked.

Don't worry about it, I'll get back home and fix it ( even the beginning of this JP was apparently done over again even after I took the pains to sort the posts so that they'd flow better... ~_~ ). Everything'll be ready before wednesday.
Fixed. This should be good now. There were parts missing even in the re-edited JP, so, I took out my own archives and tried my hand at it.

It was strange. It's like YIM didn't allow a full text selection to be copied right. I copy pasted what I had and carefully screened through it until I saw where the gaps where, then compared to the message archive : the archive had everything - oddly enough - so, I decided to copy/paste the missing posts and check each of them individually to make sure everything was okay.

If there's anything missing now, it's because I made it that way, not because I missed something ~_^
Where did you get that idea?

Most of what's going to happen is based on the result of the survey Wes made along with how he needed to wrap things up since he has to go do army training in the start of June.

What's going to happen is this: the Sakura's crew will likely be transfered on another plotship which will be active. I'm not clear on the excuses that will have to be made to have the characters jump ship (and have Wes-controlled character not be in sight for awhile), but the new plotship should be Kotori's first command.

I'm still fleshing out the plot for Mission 1, but it'll probably have something to do with the recent conquests the SMX have done, as shown here.

While most of the 1st Expeditionary Fleet will be holding the fort on the Flarghrishimmi/Mishhuvurthyar front (see star map); the squadron Kotori's ship will be in will likely participate in the protection of the Lorath homeworld along with the retaking of the Bizankro, Refidh and Jun star systems.

The new plotship will likely be called the YSS Kochou, a new Type-29 nekovalkyrja experimental light cruiser. The ship's name stands for "Butterfly".
Okay, I'll make sure to have him <s>be tortured</s> spend quality time with our kawaii mishhuvurthyar hatchings.

Thanks for the notice.
Notice: Wes is not available Monday to JP. his working schedule goes from 3 to 11 PM.

Another time perhaps ~_^
What's all this about NH-29s having to exercise? ^_^;;

That aside, I just read the latest RP posts (including the ones of Kotori on Yamatai) and I'm really proud of you all. Awesomeness.

I don't know if I'll go home tonight; getting up at 4:30 sucks. I was almost late today and last night I was basically too tired to do anything before going to sleep. Unfortunately, there's no internet in the barracks. >,<
The NH-29 bit was drawn from the discussion about nekovalkyrja combat capabilities. If the NH-29 and Yamataian are on the same level of strength (as outlined in the thread I just refered to, to which you made no contradiction or correction), it means that while being on the upper scale of the strength a human would have, if Yamataian muscle structure can develop, then, there is some consequences to physical exertion when your body is unaccustomed to it. Especially if the character's strength is capable of being increased.

In Kotori's case, it's more a matter of getting used to her body - I expected the process to be similar to when you have to break new shoes (wear them for awhile and move around until they get comfortable), warming up an elastic so that it'd stretch better and the like. Even if it's not appropriate (in which case you should probably point it out in the thread I refered to before), it's probably going to be a short-lived period.

Additionally, it's a reason if any to bother training and that's something the Sakura's crew don't bother doing much. It also gave Miles the chance to stand out as a doctor.

Don't push yourself too much Wes. This is likely going to be a slow week for the Sakura as I'm killing time until Blas and Tiffany can show up (Tiffany had a week long trip to do which was apparently planned, but that we got no notice of) - so, don't bother trying to attend just so you can follow our progress. I'm sure the forum won't blow up if you skip coming for a day or two! XD
In that case, if everyone agrees to it, I could leave the saturday JP for character development and move the Plot JP to Sunday. Tiffany told me she could be back by Sunday as well, so, this might all play together nicely.

I'll probably talk about that on the Friday JP.
Sorry but Sunday is a no go for me. I got stuck with F'ing CQ duty at the barracks for some F'ing reason even tho I don't even live there anymore. So yeah Sunday and me is out. Its all day from 0900 till 0900 monday. I get monday off but this means I cannot make it sunday. Friday is still good and Saturday is iffy. We're gonna be doing some wedding preps tomorrow. Gah this is just annoying.
That's alright. We'll introduce Nyton on Friday, allow for additional non-plot development JPs Saturday and Sunday and see how to go from there.

edit: Scribbles wins at fast posting.
An ok JP last night, Nyton was introduced, and a few other things. Not that much plot advancing though. I'm good again tonight, who else is up for another?

It doesn't seem that we've been getting enough done though lately, so if possible I would like to recomend a mid-week JP to help us speed things up.

There is also another concern which I voiced last night during the JP. I don't believe that we are getting enough IC days in. I think we need more JPs to pause somewhere in the middle at some point and then resume the next day; if not we're only going to have around a months worth of IC days during this entire Yamatai year.

^_^ Yay, reply #200
Yeah, we're JPing more tonight, I hope. XD

I have to agree about the IC time delays. I'm actually squeezing as much of that as I can presently, but Kotori's not in a easy situation. I am currently assuming Kotori is allowed to lag behind for the following reasons:
  • 1st XF vessels whom are actually slower than a Sakura-class jumpship (such as the CDD limited Kyoto-class carrier) haven't made it yet to the staging area. The Sakura itself has a powerful fold system that will bring it there under a few minutes.
  • SAINT intel is in progress and the enemy numbers, their locations and current activities are being assessed. The 1st XF is an experimented force, but it's still fighting at odds which are likely to be 4:1 against or worse. With these kinds of odds, you can't just throw your ships in the grinder.
  • There's a good number of Sakura gunships whom are being refitted with the newer S3-W2900 main gun.
So, for now, the 1st XF are likely patrolling around Rufusland, Fujiko and Hanako's Star rather than rushing blindly for Refidh, one of the systems that's likely to have the bulk of the SMX fleet facing the 1st XF.
I haven't been helping this either, admittedly. I work a lot of hours, which tends to jam things up. Fred, would you rather I post my schedule here or in the In and Out forum? I think I can reliably predict a week's events that I'll have to cover.
Here would do the trick. I'd appreciate it, since it'd allow me to plan the bigger JPs (or hopefully bigger JPs) for when it's the most agreeable to everyone.

So, yes, please.

Edit: And, just to mess with Scribbles' head: Yatta! I'm in the top 5 posters of the site! XD

The page designer for a weekly paper in our company was told by his doctor that he wasn't going to be at work today. That leaves me, back up page designer, working late. At no overtime.

I'd just assume that I can't make it tonight. This is how it goes.
If that is so, then please review this:

Mindy description said:
Outer Armor (Ke-M2-F2703) is a mixture of plates of Zesuaium-coated Titanium Boron Carbide, Zesuaium chainmail mesh, and an advanced, flexible Titanium-based alloy frame. Zesuaium is a nonporous gray substance which does not conduct any form of electromagnetic radiation, including heat and electricity. It neither bends nor breaks, but will remain in a solid piece. The Mindy's armor is immune to small arms fire, provides excellent resistance to large mounted weapons, good resistance to light starship weaponry, and poor resistance to heavy starship weaponry such as main guns and anti-matter; it is most armored on the main body, and the outside section of the limbs (where the Zesuaium plating is).

The Mindy power armor can still function without its limbs, so long as the core and engine is intact, although this would mean loss of limbs for the pilot. The Ke-M2-P2701 also protects the Mindy from scalar attacks. Note that the helmet is removable (and is removed before entering or exiting the armor). An optional Zanarium/Andrium stealth armor plating set (Ke-M2-F2704) is also available to replace the default F2703 set for stealth missions.

Same description on the Kylie's page said:
Outer Armor is a mixture of plates of Andrium plating, Yarvex (A highly advanced gluon mesh), and an advanced, flexible Titanium-based alloy frame. The armor is most armored on the main body, and the outside section of the limbs (where the Andrium plating is). The Kylie can still function without its limbs, so long as the core and engine is intact, although this would mean loss of limbs for the pilot. Note that the helmet is removable (and is removed before entering or exiting the armor) and contains parts of the control system that are necessary to operate the armor beyond basic muscular movement.

While it is clearly stated in the outer armor description of the Mindy that it has scalar protection, theKylie has this completely omitted. Furthermore, this has been brought up many times in OoC chatter in our JPs in which you were present. It's been a concern for Tomoe and his character Miles for a loooonnnng time.

The Kylie's scalar protection is completely omitted.

If you want the Kylie to actually have scalar protection Wes, then, it seems it's high time it got some love and was upgraded to variant M3-1D. Allowing the addition of the hardpoint to mount the teleportation/shield/nodal support bits/nodal construction module would probably make Miles very happy too.