Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

Hey, Hanako DOES do laundry (she's done it a few times in the RP already too).
I'm sure Hanako has some white cotton ones as well. She will probably start locking her room again so only she can enter.
Aendri said:
when should i come for the interview? during the jp this evening?
I don't know if Hanako will be back to the ship by then. They're in the middle of a mission right now. I'll get you as soon as I can through. It would be good to watch us in action, too.
Hey Wes, not to be nitpicky but both Tenshi and Blueberry are there as well, Blueberry for the very reason that Hanako had called for a medical shuttle, and Tenshi is along since Hanako ordered it. So there ware two more armor pilots there to help with the Sylph II.
I had figured they'd have went to pick up Dagsuz after he fell out.
Yea but really only one is needed for that, and then ontop of that they would have moved back to the truck afterwards as well.
What did you want Wes to do Tiffany? Handle five NPCs at the same time and choke out whatever other actions the few active players were around could have done?

Okay, here's what happened: After Dagsuz fell out and was retrieved by Blueberry, with Datenshi lagging a bit behind to make sure they were okay and notice that van that was tailing Hanako, their aether generators had a malfunction which forced them to the ground for around three minutes. With limited power and bad visibility, they didn't manage to get to the battle (seeing aetheric beams from farther away isn't all that hard) in time.

With the enemy Sylph II leaving, their generator system was restored. It probably wasn't a coincidence.
Ok im getting confused now....Just to clear a few things up I need to ask before I continue to post.

The tunnel part Wes, about Dasguz coming through the concrete, are you talking about Datenshi, Cherry and Blueberry? Or was the transport ship destroyed and Dasguz tossed to the streets where he went through the cement? Cause in my post I put him in the transport beside Midori.
Oops, I meant Datenshi, since you made her smash herway into the sewers. I said an armor would fit in the tunnel, but it sure wouldn't fit through the drain! Though I suppose Datenshi could have cut open the manhole/cover.

Hanako used her skinnyness to slide into the actual water inlet.

Related link:
Ahhhh ok! Thanks for clearing it up ^_^; No she smashed in, not thinking, and Cherry is in the front of the pack so she would see Cherry first if at all.
SWOOSH!! A squadron of thirteen teal and black Kylie M3 power armors shot into the area, guns blazing, drenching the police with a shower of glowing white aether pulses from their forearm cannons. Each of them had little 8-Ball symbols on the shoulders. Each came from different directions but all aimed at the police.

Now that is a fuckton of diplomatic responsibility.
JP posted (finally; it was 25 pages)!

I think we're going to start Mission 9 Part 2 now. I'm off to bed. See you at tonight's JP!
I, including a majority of the crew, think that Kien should be written off completely from the YSS Sakura plot... And possibly Star Army entirely.

In our IC topic, he has stated:

Go Nogisaka: fuck this do whatever you want im out

Prior to that he went silent for a hour and 12 minutes... A HOUR AND FUCKING 12 MINUTES... in the middle of RP that he was actually in for once.

That fact that he can't be mature enough to handle the fact that he isn't in the spot light makes me fully question if he is 18 or older, which I highly doubt. And even if he is, he isn't old enough to handle the maturity 18 or over is supposed to have.
Wes the crew agrees, and this is not a first time offense. He did it the first night he came aboard I think, when he wholed up in the armor, and he stalled for a while then. Then after warning from not only myself, but others, he finally snapped and indeed left the chat after giving up his character.

He is just not right for this plot.
I have to agree with Gamer on this one, fluid's been chatting with him OOC constantly (since he won't talk to the rest of us in conference), and all he seems to do is whine and complain about us not making things easy or accomodating to him. I move that we just transfer him off-ship, if not kick him from the site altogether.