Star Army

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OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

I's just that everyone seemed to be speaking as if it was badly RPed and detestable, when it wasn't as clear-cut. I pointed out flaws from the other side because of this, and also tried to figure out how Tomoe could get his character back in a way that was fitting for the others (which currently doesn't look possible).

If nothing else, this has potential to set off further developments, at least in the legal area of things, dealing with psychological issues resultant from Soul transfers made as part of the Species Restriction Order more seriously, possibly because of religion and culture issues(though it wasn't the sole cause). I think Miles might have gotten a kick out of that, too. ^^
Doc played the character out to the extent the character existed. The character died because of that. It happens. Wes might've been generous, but Doc played the character in a true fashion, all circumstances considered. Doc now has the semi-desirable task of starting over. His character will remain a part of the SARP for as long as the Sakura and the art last.

In short: RP happens. Move along.
I think too often role players take the safe route as others have said, letting OOC concerns cloud thier judgement on what actions a character would take sometimes. I felt Tomoes performance was quite good.

Considering his previous career I thought might be prudent to bring him before a court marshal though.

Dr. Gunn's service record includes

The following awards:
9 Combat Awards
8 Exploration Ribbons
8 Service Awards
4 Tomoyo Kikyô Medalions
2 War Ribbons
2 Combat Lifesaver Awards
1 Secret Ops Pin
1 Training Ribbon (Though I think he should actually have two)
1 Chiharu Prisoner of War Medallion
1 Notable Career Award

Four promotions which took him from a simple Santô Hei to Shoi.

That would be totally up to Command though. It just seems a shame that the Star Army lost someone who up until this incident was a model officer.
I'm not going to present argument here, because Toshiro has nicely covered all of my points, but the primary things are:

Its not Mister Gunn its Doctor Gunn. Also, he went crazy because he viewed the transfer as a murder. In Miles' eyes, MEGAMI murdered him, it was not a simple "I'm going to throw a tantrum because I am a Yamataian now." it was entirely different, he viewed the situation as MEGAMI stealing his humanity, like the Star Army had been wanting to do to him since Hanako first began to pressure him to switch. Which was his reason why he went for her first thing, and ignored everyone else.

Nutshell: Doctor was murdered, he snapped, Hanako was a flesh and blood target of his anger due to her persistent pestering, and the assault on the Sakura was to kill MEGAMI.

Also: There is always the option of SS revival, and discharging him from the Star Army of Yamatai due to revealation of mental instability. Then Fred can be happy because he'd be able to attempt to kidnap him, and Miles could get a nice psychological treatment prior to the event. Like he was going to prior to the BS Mindy assault.

Also, this opens a possibility for the BS to steal Miles' SS pod, with ever so valuble data. Or even Miles' cybernetic components, and his intact braincase.

I view a death as a beginning in this case, not an end.
I will not comment as to the desired outcome of the Black Mindy and her actions or any impact they could have had - that's up to people to be figured out ICly. However, it is not relevant in any manner to me being 'happy'. As far as I am concerned you managed to escape from my grasp and escape - I was not the one whom cooked up the radiation poisoning idea.

DocTomoe, you keep repeating the psychological treatment bit... but I didn't really see anything of the kind. What I did see was your character turned into a girl for a bit and - well, that's about it.

I guess one sad thing is that Miles is less trouble dead than he was alive, both for his enemies and his former-allies. No, I don't see the Black Spiral raiding the Sakura for getting him. He's not that valuable.
I'm not sure how you can see Yamataian Mile's actions as anything other than insane Fred.... he seemed fairly out of it too me....

On a side note I'm sort of glad Tasuku fell off the map (went MIA), nobody knows where he is. And thats a good thing for Sakura crew apprently.
Insane or not, he is not going to be trusted again by his coworkers... whom would be the first people whom would have an hand in reviving him. ICly out of Hanako, Midori, Elisa and Yuriko... whom would really want (dare) to want him back?

It's not up to court martial sessions or anything: Hanako has ultimate authority on her ship - it's up to her and she's probably going to ask around and it's fairly easy to figure out what will come up.

Besides, one way or the other, his original body is dead and the yamataian body is pretty much based on the DNA it had. It's the closest he'll come to being alive again in any case. Anyone care to make a repeat?

Back to what Doshii Jun said: shit happens. Kudos on DocTomoe reaching such a blazing conclusion and making a statement for Nepleslians anywhere. Not, it's time to move on.
Considering the fact that Yamatai probably won't be so keen on a military funeral for someone who went crazy to the point Miles did, you think us Neppies here on the NSS Alliance could have that brain casing? We need some more people on our medical staff anyway. Plus, we seem to enjoy taking in former Nepleslian Yamatai officers and throwin' em on board.
Well, the thought had occured to me - I mean, all you have for a medic are your cooks and the Custodian, right? Miles would sure shore up your medical department (even though Kotori thought he was a quack doctor).

Well, that's if Hanako decides to revive him and let him go. ICly, there are still only very slim chances of that.
How long before his death and the circumstances become common knowledge, if at all? I want to know when to have Yaichiro find out and start posting his reactions.
Miles turning traitor should be public knowledge now that the Sakura has returned to base for repairs and Hanako has put in her reports of their lastest mission.
Actually Kotori, I'm the ship's current medical officer, and Kokuten works with me too, which is good considering our caretakers have no formal medical training and Valo ain't to keen on chilling with our jp's.
But still, that's three formally trained medical staff for around 60 or 70 marines.
Also, I think it would be fun to be able to order around one of the most prominent minds of medical science in the galaxy. ^_^
Are you saying Yamatai should sell Miles' last backup into slavery?

I could see that...wars demand funding. He'd be expensive, though.
Maybe uh... I dunno... send him home, let him do some freelance work? The primary point is, get him out of the Star Army of Yamatai, and maybe into the care of another group, which would pay. (The Lorath will pay 40k KS and 500 kegs of Lorath wine.)
Ok, my turn to toss somethin in :P

From a OOC standpoint: Tomoe played out his character true to detail. There was a small siloquy with Miles on his own, where he began to show signs of such a mental instability. With such a traumatic event, it is easy to see why he snapped.

Also, I thought once someone made a ST, it would automatically overwrite the previous one? Not simply continue to make new saves. Could I please get someone to clear this up for me?

As to the point of Reviving him period? I have to agree with Fred, the eventual decision would be left up to Hanako since he was her crew member, and her responsibility.

Also, Onto the points Yai brought up. There were no signs of mental instability, so those points are null. At the same time, like said before, there is no argument for the whole deal with the murder. Miles was going to die due to radiation poisoning. His body was dieing, And per both his wishes, along with the orders from the YSA, he was to be transfered to another body.

From a IC standpoint: Midori will never trust him again, hell she may even try to kill him when he is revived, if he is revived on the Sakura. Plain as that. Datenshi...She won't trust him either, though she wont have the same hate as Midori. She is just irked he had to screw up the ship that much.
Here at the SAoN, we'll take all of the mentally unbalanced medical staff we can find. Seriously though. 50 DA, PLUS the absinthe. You're ripping me off with this deal.