Let's put those arguments in context: You wouldn't be arguing about it if you didn't care a lot about the faction. So thank you guys for your voices. Since it's getting unpleasant, let's move on.
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For nearly 10 years, the senate has helped flesh Yamatai out, giving us our laws, treaties, and guiding the nation. I control the Empress and Yui, but Yamatai is more than just me. The senate is where you guys are my equals and where you're a part of the government that runs this unique nation your characters live in and fight for. You get a say.
Since we're going to the old school style of players with systems/planets, we need to figure out who wants which system.
Here's the requirements for being a Yamataian senator:
1. First and foremost, you got to like Yamatai. If you don't have our great old faction's interests at heart, I don't want you in my senate. We got to work together to get things done that help the faction. Yamatai-Haters need not apply.
2. When you pick a planet, you're the curator for that planet. Much like Yamatai's homesteaders getting their bits of frontier land, you're expected to improve on your imaginary territory, adding new improvements in detail and culture to your system and planet wiki.
3. You're expected to make an NPC senator and participate regularly. If you don't vote, I may ask someone else who is active to take your place at my discretion.
Here's my thoughts on system assignments:
- Hanako is an experienced senator and I can use her for Hanako's Star
- Doshii seems ideal for planet Yamatai, having written a lot of the newer cultural stuff there.
If you want to sign up for a system, just ask here in the thread.