Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC [OOC] Senbu JP Scheduling


Inactive Member
Post your availability for JP here, and also check back often as I will be posting the times of our next one.
Re: [OOC] JP Scheduling

First our first JP: May 14th, Wednesday, 10:00PM EST!

We're planning on heading out to repair the Fort Ready plot ship, so our first mission will be a cross over with them. Be sure to be here!

Also: If people are interested, we can start early with our own Senbu stuff. So when we do the joint plot at 10, we'll already be on our way.
Re: [OOC] JP Scheduling

I get out of class at 9:30 Eastern Time, so I'll be there.
Second JP: May 15th, Thursday, 9:00PM EST!

We'll be continuing on to the second chapter of our Fort Ready plot ship crossover. Stay tuned!
Next JP: May 19th, Monday, 9:00PM EST!

Everything is go-go for launch, tonight we JP. Hope everyone can make it!
Next JP: May 20th, Tuesday, 9:00PM EST!

Last JP involving Mission 1, we just need to do debriefing and get things wrapped up. Be there!
Next JP: May 22th, Thursday, 9:00PM EST!

Next time, the Senbu goes off on her next mission in hot pursuit of the pirate ship that tired to claim the lives of her members. Stay tuned, and we'll see you there!
Next JP: May 26th, Monday, 9:00PM EST!

Next time, on YSS Senbu. We continue off where we left our cast after the last episode. The pride wing's new den unveiled, we wonder if the pilots are indeed the talented people the Shosha sees, or are they too small in a sea of people? Find out next time, on the YSS SENBU! Stay tuned~!
Next JP: May 28th, Wednesday, 9:00PM EST!

Catch the YSS Senbu, at it's normal time this Wednesday! The pride wing's been put in their place by the mysterious Shoi who we've yet to hear the name of, all we know is he plots a Mindy named Panzer. Will the pilots of the Senbu's lead wing learn from their mistakes and buckle down to learn the art of war? Will we ever find out the blond haired officer's name? Stay tuned to learn the answers to these questions and more~!
Next JP: Jun 1st, Sunday, 8:00PM EST!

Last time on the YSS Senbu, we got to meet the ship's newest member Maya. Will she be able to right her wrongs and prove her worth to the Capitan and will she be added to the Senbu's prestigious Pride Wing? Let's not forget about our pilots, the members of the Pride Wing have a very important lesson about combat and piloting, and the mysterious (and oh so handsome) Shoi; Akira Kanno is willing to give it to them! Be sure to be here next time as we witness them go through; the simulation chamber of hard knocks!
Next JP: Jun 4th, Wednesday, 10:00PM EST!

Our last showing of the YSS Senbu was interrupted due to technical difficulties. We'll be returning to our regular time this Wednesday to air the conclusion of the last episode, again we'd like to apologize for any inconveniences and hope you'll join us when we return to the adventures of the YSS Senbu, be here!
Next JP: Jun 7th, Saturday, 1:00AM EST!

This just in! A last second continuation of the YSS Senbu's last epesode will pick up at a few moments at a new and exciting once in a life time, time slot tonight at an hour passed midnight for those Eastern folks, be there!
Next JP: Jun 10th, Tuesday, 9:00PM EST!

We apologize for all the technical difficulties with our random schedule due to the summer quarter, but we will be returning to a regular episode time this Tuesday at our normal 9PM EST start time. Be sure to be there~!
Next JP: Jun 12th, Thursday, 9:00PM EST!

The climatic build up to the Senbu's next mission had brought us to the breaking point and on the next episode we explode in full bloom! Be here for the next installment of SARP's very own mecha anime like extravaganza!
Next JP: Jun 25th, Wednesday, 9:00PM EST!

It's been a hard time nabbing a good block for the next episode of the YSS Senbu, but in the craze of the summer madness we have done it. We'll be JPing on our regular time tomorrow night, so come prepared for more awesome SARP action, be here!
Next JP: July 9th, Wednesday, 9:00PM EST!

The next episode of the YSS Senbu, we'll be JPing on our regular time tomorrow night, so come prepared for more awesome SARP YSS Senbu action, be here!
Next JP: July 20th, Sunday, 10:30PM EST!

Okay, we're very sorry for the long break in our program but we will be showing on a special time this Sunday the next highly anticipated episode of the YSS Senbu. Though there's been some problems with getting the staff together for a complete episode, we've made a executive decision and plan to move the plot along for the sake of keeping our ratings and fan base alive! So with many apologizes -- please don't forsake us -- and be here for the exciting return of the YSS SENBU~!
Next JP: July 24th, Thursday, 10:00PM EST!

Surprise, it seems everyone's favorite SARP anime like extravaganza will be playing another special time; tonight at 10 o'clock we'll be invading your intarwebs for a grand time of YSS Senbu's brand of awesome. Be here!
Next JP: July 30th, Wednesday, 10:00PM EST!

  • Canceled

Woo! It seems everyone's favorite SARP anime like extravaganza will be playing at another special time; tonight again at 10 o'clock we'll be getting together for a grand time of YSS Senbu action!