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OOC [OOC] Senbu JP Scheduling

Next JP: December 30th, Tuesday, 10:00PM EST!

Moments away from deployment, the Senbu faces it's next mission. Again the 1st XF's battle carrier repair ship takes on a formidable opponent. What are they exactly, a malicious intelligent virus or maybe mechanical zombies. The truth, the action and the intense awesome only here on the YSS Senbu. In order to get all this and more you know what to do... BE HERE!
Just a note, I'm out of town and will not be back until Monday, might be late Monday, though. Happy New Years Senbutts!
I'm very sorry for missing my own scheduled JP. I know everyone had their hearts set on getting some awesome Senbu action, but last night I had to go to the hospital because of a severe inner ear infection. I didn't know what it was at first, all I knew is that the world was spinning and I couldn't stop being dizzy. Anyway, they fixed me up and kept me overnight and then sent me home today with some meds and I've been told to rest and get better.

I know I should have at least tried to get some sort of notice up, either before I left or grabbed my DS or PSP on the way out, but I didn't really think of it at the time. So again I'd like to apologize to all of my loyal players and faithful readers. I'll make it up to you guys next week, we'll JP and it'll be awesome.
Next JP: January 15th, Thursday, 10:00PM EST!

Hopefully this will work out, I'm going to try to put something together here in a few hours. I know it's -really- short notice, but if we can get Senbu back rolling that'd be awesome. Anyway, I'll be crossing my fingers-- BE HERE!!
I'm going to get dinner specifically for this JP so now you have to run it.
Aw man, I cannot, unfortunately, make it tonight. This is the last weekend of the move.
Next JP: January 22nd, Thursday, 10:00PM EST!

Okay, it's a week notice this time. Let's all try to be here, so we can get back to the show and rock the site. So everyone, remember to BE HERE!!
Next JP: March 12nd, Thursday, 10:00PM EST!

Same bat time-- same bat channel. Be here!
Next JP: April 9th, Thursday, 10:00PM EST!

Uh, I didn't even realize what day of the week it was. So I apologize to all those who don't make it tonight because there was no notice. But to those who see this, we're gonna throw together a JP-- so hurry up and log on. Be here!
Next JP: April 16th, Thursday, 10:00PM EST!

JP, normal day and normal time. Get your stuff together, and-- Be here!
Next JP: April 23rd, Thursday, 10:00PM EST!

JP, normal day and normal time-- Be here!
Next JP: May 5th, Tuesday, 10:00PM EST!

The first in a two part sequence, the YSS Senbu now finds it self in the middle of the first wave of attacks on the Empire. With the sovereignty of the great Yamataian civilization threatened by a new menace, the crew of the Senbu joins the fight bravely. Will the crew and their captian, the Red Lion, make it through all this-- after the death of the anri's XO Shosa Nicholas Saiga? With so much to lose, and so much to fight for there's so much that can-- and will happen! So don't miss a episode, be here!
Next JP: May 7th, Thursday, 10:00PM EST!

The second in a two part sequence, the YSS Senbu now finds it self in the middle of the first wave of attacks on the Empire. With the sovereignty of the great Yamataian civilization threatened by a new menace, the crew of the Senbu joins the fight bravely. Will the crew and their captian, the Red Lion, make it through all this-- after the death of the anri's XO Shosa Nicholas Saiga? With so much to lose, and so much to fight for there's so much that can-- and will happen! So don't miss a episode, be here!
Tuesday, tomorrow, as I said on IRC, might be difficult for me, but Thursday is 50/50 on whether I'll be able to make it on time or be late as has been usual.
Next JP: May 9th, Saturday, 10:30PM EST!

JP Delayed by 1:30 -- many apologizes.

Note: This is not a full JP, so attendance is not mandatory! On May 9th, one year ago-- I had gathered up enough courage and confidence in my ability to run a successful SARP plot, and now here we are-- it's one year later and we're on our 6th Mission and quickly coming to our 50th episode. Some said we'd never make it this far and yet we have. From a side indy plot, to one of the most popular and successful plots on SARP. I'd like to invite the crew to get together this Saturday to celebrate our plot's anniversary with some non-canon JP, maybe a party. Some Senbu trivia and all together awesomeness, so if you can-- be here!
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