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[OOC] The Colosseum

The Romans had their fights becuase of a dieing economy and declineing civillisation, not because they were civillised. The vast ammount of slave labor left the majority of citizens unemployed so the fights were needed to keep people distracted, along the same lines somewhere near 50% of all days were holidays for the same reason. If anything this reflects the continued decay of Yamatai perfectly, making it perfect for yamatai but not for the reasons you seem to think it is. Either that or you just picked a really bad analogy.
Zakalwe said:
Yes, it wouldn't happen in a perfect society, but it is important to remember that Yamatai isn't, and never was meant to be a perfect society.

Not to sound sarcastic, but I seriously doubt that.
Count me in. Sounds like something Alex would do - and 10,000 KS? Big prize.

-prepares his punching bag-

Bring it on, babe!
I know, I still don't even know what to do with the 83,409 KS Masako has.

I mean, she could probably afford her own power armor with that cash.

So yeah, large cash prizes aren't really that necessary unless you plan being a civilian with a ship or merc group.
I know exactly what i'd do if my Miles character had that cash, i'd purchase myself a rifle to keep in the Sakura medbay. Or put the money towards a private powered armor.
Inter-fleet combat would be fun; we could have soldiers from the YSA go up against ones from the NSA, give them all NSP's that have their normal and heavy modes disabled if you want to reduce deaths.

Have all kinds of different groups come up in combat actually, yay the random violence amuses me!! ^_^
Scribbles said:
Have all kinds of different groups come up in combat actually, yay the random violence amuses me!! ^_^

*flails arms* I think I recalled saying this exact thing would happen shortly after my posting. However I'm not taking any sort of solace in being correct on this account.
I'm going to have to side with Rei on this one. I honestly don't think it's in character with the Star Army. Even though I'm a person who sort of enjoy's epic conflicts, it does seem to go against ideals of the YSE - heck, we made it blatantly clear back on the Sakura when dealing with the lorath (we we're willing to go through a fighting ritual, but when we learned that they actually just wanted us to suffer to boost their own egos - or so it seemed - we reacted rather badly).

I'll agree that the YSE does have it's shadier parts, but it is meant to look like the perfect society or some such. As far as I know, the bloodiest events in the Empire actually happen in the SARA project sweetheart, which supposedly pits a hundred nekovalkyrja in a free for all deathmatch to see which one comes out alive... but then again, this is an extreme.

If I may suggest an alternative... I'd go for olympiads. Olympiads could involve fighting disciplines, but would also allow for other facets to come out, such as sports (I'll admit it isn't a big focus of the setting, but it ~would~ look better while still allowing for competitive fighting in some cases).
Wait a moment, whose the one that controls Yamatai and knows its culture better than anyone? I believe it's Wes.

If Wes says that it fits in with the culture, and I have to say it does fit in with the personality of Uesu, then it does.

So commenting on it not making sense for the character of the people does not neccesarily mean anything.
Don't think about it too much. If you don't mess with Uesu, he doesn't mess with you.

Also ... don't get in the way of SAINT.

Alright, I'm not going to mention Uesu again on this thread.
Also the saying well known by its connection to:

Dominic Deegan

Now, I have said before, that a certain amout of violence established in this sense is neccesary for a stable enviroment, and keeping down crime.

You wouldn't commit a crime if you knew you where going to have to fight to live would you?

I wouldn't agree to it RL, but it does fit with Yamatai's culture.
It's easy to agree to something when your characters stand to have a huge involvement in it, and you can use an admin as backing. I'll definatly consider the opnions of someone who won't throw metagamed 'IT CAN TOO HAPPEN, YOU'RE WRONG!' at us. Mistakes happen. Don't tell us not to say something because there's an admin tag on the addition. How else are they to know these concerns? I'm sorry our constant objections aren't being quelled by blanket statements ^^;

I must agree, as when we first discussed something of this manner, a better alternative is some sort of galactic sporting league, though Kotori's Olympic idea has a good weight of merit too.
Marksmanship competitions would be pretty good, but then you must think about the whole concept.

Many people would shoot 'perfects'. Perhaps we could turn it into a festive event, with firing squads?

But if the participants were self-concious, then perhaps it would work...


Possible sporting event, there.
I got it! here is a sporting event!

You get ten convicts, then you place targets on each of them, then you have them run about in an evasive manner around obsticles and such. Meanwhile, a squad of riflemen go about attempting to shoot at each convict and get the highest score depending on what targets they hit.

I think it would be a good sport.... um... am I right? B)
Yep. Every convict you take down gets you like, 10 points. Whoever ends up with the most points wins.

Killing your opponants gets -10 points. An acceptable loss...
I was worried when I first saw this thread that I was the only one who thought it was a bad idea. Lucky I was wrong.

OOC, I think this concept is overdone. I think a character would develop a lot better fighting outside of some arena; if anything, you could make special characters just for this. I was also thinking that I'm not sure if many people around here know how to fight well, but that's possibly just me being an arrogant elitist.

IC, I don't think it fits. I was telling Zack that I was reminded of Rome and its decay, which looks like it applies to Yamatai if it needs to create an arena like this.
The Colloseum of Rome didn't really mark its decay, gladiatorial fights lasted the entirety of the Empire, and a good part of the Republic, as a powerful propeganda tool. It was there through the heights of the Roman civilisatoin, as well as the lows.

What did show there degradation was there theatre productions where they used real people to enact Greek tragedies.
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