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RP [Open Event] Kikyō No Sekku Festival

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Kikyō No Sekku
Kyoto, Yamatai
5月 20日 YE 39

The Kikyō no Sekku festival always fell on a Saturday in the Yamatai Star Empire and the particular Saturday in which the festival of YE 39 fell on was a warm one throughout the Empire. Sun shone down on its residents and in many towns and cities the holiday was being observed in similar fashions, though in Kyoto the affair was more extravagant than anywhere else in the Empire. Seeing as Kyoto was the capital of the Yamatai Star Empire, it only made sense that it would celebrate exponentially more than any other place the holiday was celebrated.

Appearing on the flag of Yamatai, the kikyō flower is in bloom during the summer months and the capital's gardens were no exception. The purple flower, also called the bellflower, was in full bloom throughout the city. The flower was perched in window boxes, sold in storefronts, painted onto the cheeks of children and adults alike, and could be found exploding out of the soil in every possible place a plant could find root. A parade of floats decorated with the kikyō flower amongst others currently in bloom made its way throughout the streets of the city at a sluggish pace.

Much was happening in the Riverside District of the capital such as tenders of wares like trinkets, umbrellas, fans, sales on kimono and the latest fashions of Yamatai. Being sold in stalls were sizzling yakitori on their skewers, savory red bean or sweet matcha filled dorayaki, fish-shaped taiyaki that were filled with custard or open mouth ones stuffed with ice cream and glazed with chocolate or caramel syrup, and hand-held meat and fish filled onigiri as well as a dozen other types of traditional Yamataian foods. By walking through a noren cloth divider of a ramen or sushi house, someone that had an appetite for more than street food could sit at the bar or, in some larger houses, at a table or booth, to enjoy their food alone or with others.

Many Star Army personnel strolled with one another throughout the paths next to the Ketsurui River or along the streets and pathways around the district. Another place of interest was the Imperial District where the palaces were located, which were bathed in the purple plumage of the bellflower like the rest of the Empire.

This is open to @everyone that has the ability to be in Yamataian space, regardless of where your character's current plot is taking place or when. It is an open RP event, so the events found in this thread are not hard canon.
Kyoto, Riverside District

Ise Momoka floated about the festival, the seven and a half inch tall mini nekovalkyrja was dressed in civilian clothing, a bright orange top, blue skirt, blue sandals. Her bright orange hair was done up in a pair of pigtails, tied up with two yellow ribbons, rather than the single tail she usually wore. In her arms she held a stick with a puff of pink cotton candy that was almost bigger than she was, from which she munched large mouthfuls of as she floated along from booth to booth, looking at various big person trinkets, foods and drinks.

"Eeyyyaaaa, why don't they ever have stuff for people my size?" she mumbled over a mouthful of cotton candy, then smiled and shrugged to herself, drifting along, seeing that there was to see, making note of which spot she wanted to come back to for drinks later, or what other form of candy she wanted to get once the cotton candy she was currently working on was done for.
Sura had always enjoyed Yamatais various holidays and festivals. The food here was usually quite good. Yamatians tenddd to be shy when compared to other aliens in he sector, But there as nothing to stop her from coming to observe the festivities.

Sura move on over to a line in an effort to get her a dish she and her father both loved- Sashimi.
Kyoto, Riverside

"Hard to believe its already a year gone by."

Junko watched the festivities from afar. Well, as far as anyone could get from a celebration that literally encompassed the globe. Still, she had a good twenty meters between her and the nearest revelry. Just her and this bench, like an air bubble in a lake.

Let her head recline back, thinking back on the year. She remembered being happier the last time on Yamatai. Confused at the whole social event thing, but happier. At least this time she'd come wearing civvies.

Fighting as a soldier was still her calling, but she resented how little choice it felt like she had. At best, the rest of her squad was well functional and professional. Couldn't say she felt particularly like part of the team again, though. Only person still with her from the Orochi was Freyja, and that was something she'd never consider smoothed over.

Watched who she thought was Sura going to a food line. Considered seeing if anyone was cooking up Gyoza. Decided against it, wouldn't have been the same.

Turned her attention back to the fireworks. Most the reason she'd went out for this was to avoid drowning her sorrows in a tiny, barely lived in apartment. Keep her head above water.

Mulled over the pros and cons of joining in the celebrations.
Eden clapped her hands together as she spoke out to those from the Kaiyō that had assembled at the festival near a row of food carts on one side of the street, just walking distance to the river and next to several storefronts and shops.

"We're here and it should be lots of fun to explore the city more together. Find your friends," Eden said, putting a hand around Saki's waist. "Or go off on your lonesome to explore and have a bit of fun on this holiday. Saki and I will be having a meal in two hours, so feel free to meet us back here at the restaurant on the corner." Eden then pointed to a New Yamataian restaurant known for its small and multi-course dishes and impeccable plating."See you then if you'd like to join us! "

With that, the captain turned her head and kissed Saki on the cheek, then gave her daughter a peck on hers before gripping Saki's hand gently.

- - -
Aratani looked one way and then the next before running across the street, narrowly avoiding a float decorated in the purple flowers of the holiday. She caught up to Ise Momoka and put an index finger on the mini's head and patted her with it.

"I saw a mini Neko clothing store selling kimono. Would you like to try on some outfits?" she asked with a lilting tone of voice.

- - -
Masumi stared into the river quietly, standing beside a bench that was empty while she pondered a multitude of things that nobody could be able to answer, or so she thought. The pink-haired and dark-skinned Neko sighed and slumped her shoulders, apparently perturbed.

- - -
Tsubei Kyoka moved with an air of ease and comfort in the city and walked up the Empress' palace's steps strategically skipping steps to get up them as fast as possible.
"Dis is what I get fer tryna spend tiem with her." Bronzi grunted as he moved through the crowded city street. He brushed past a crowd of Neko who gave him a rather surprised look. Like it was some how impossible for a Gartagen to be here. The large blue Gartagen paid it no mind. If it was one thing he always did was turn heads-- for better or worse. But even so with this festival the crowd was socializing and communicating. Something Bronzi did like. He had always enjoyed festivals,food, dancing, games, and drink. What he didn't like was his 16 year old telling him he "Embarrassed her."

"Embarrass yer? I embarrass yer?" He huffed as he continued walking not knowing where he was any more. His booted feet plunked up some metallic stairs. Then he felt them being to hoof. Bronzi looked around and realized he was on an unoccupied stage. His blue eye darted up and down examining the stage.

"Fuggin prompt screen."
"Microphone....." Bronzi said to him self advancing on the device...his face contorting to the caricature of a mischievous gargoyle as he went.

This was the biggest stage Bronzi had honestly ever seen. It was also the largest crowd he had ever seen. Countless people were streaming into the square for the time honored Yamataian tradition. A Tradition Bronzi did in fact enjoy quite a bit. He waited a moment, fingering the microphone and activating the prompt screen selecting one of his favorite YamPop songs. But he couldnt find his wayward daughter. Guess he'd flush her out.

"Su-Surrrraaaaaa." He said smiling. "I found da biggest Karoeke machine eva." Bronzi said, his deep voice booming over the heads of the crowd. Many of the people who turned their head would see the Large Gartagen leering at them from above.

As the electronic anthem of the song opened up. Bronzi's voice changing to mimic the singer....

Sura by this point had heard her Father's voice booming had retreated down and alleyway, and watched him along with the others in the crowd. The crowd cheered and began dancing. He was actually rather good. Sura was amazed he had such rhythm and could dance to the music. She how ever was thoroughly mortified.

@Zack , @Gunsight1
Kyoto, Riverside

Oh hey, someone she actually recognized. Junko expected to see Masumi with Candon around, even off duty. Maybe thats why she looked so deflated. So far she knew, Masumi hadn't fucked up any more than she had.

She trudged over, figuring if she came out to be with people she may as well not be alone in a crowd.

"Whats eating you, Mas-san?" Junko almost drawled out.
Kyoto, Riverside

Oshiro Masumi turned from her deep thoughts to look at Junko and gave a wan smile. She looked from Junko to the river again before she tucked her lips in towards one another, obviously unwilling to say anything. She then looked back to Junko with concerned sparkling blue eyes and let loose her lips.

"I am not a good soldier," she said only. "I am not like you." She repeated herself by saying, "I am not a good soldier."
Reactions: raz
Rei nodded at Teien Eden and then looked to Princess Ketsurui Aiko before asking a simple question.

"What would you like to do?" the samurai questioned.

William stood off to the side of Rei and nodded to Eden as well before turning back to Aiko with a smile. He was dressed in his sleeveless vest with his swords hanging from his belt as always.

"There is so much to experience today," the princess remarked in her royally gruff way. "Our springtime visit showed me how spectacular and alive Yamtatai could be, but this is so much! I had not realized just how populous the Empire really is—our citizens were just a number to me."

The festival scene was truly overwhelming, though Aiko didn't seem outwardly overwhelmed by it. From the countless vendor stalls and entertainers to simple revelers, the streets of Yamatai were certainly in bloom for Bellflower Day.

"I am content to take in everything as it passes us," she said, whipping out a crimson and gold folding fan from her red-white-blue-and-bellflower purple kimono ensemble to cool herself as they stood under the early summer sun. "But I will not object to guidance from my trusted retainers."

Rei looked to William and then back to Aiko, saying, "There is no reason not to stick around here and enjoy everything 'as it passes us,' as you say."

William nodded. "That sounds nice actually. Would you like for me to fetch some food or something to drink, your highness?" he asked, before looking over to Rei. "Or you Sensei?"

"Something cool to drink would be nice, but you needn't go out of your way, Wil-kun," Aiko replied, batting her fan a little too quickly to be considered normal. She was more used to a cold, climate controlled starship than a planet's sunlight. "We will accompany you, of course."

"Of course, Princess." he replied, before looking to Rei. "Would you like one as well?"

"Iie," Rei said. "Please get something for her, though."

The Nepleslian boy nodded and smiled to his mother. "Yes Ma'am," he said before walking off into the crowds to find a drink stand.

"I want to try, eeto, one of those chewy drinks that are so popular with the commoners," the princess called after contemplating it for a moment, jogging after William when she realized he'd stepped off. "That kind of tea with little black orbs at the bottom!"

William froze upon hearing Aiko and turned. When he heard her request, he nodded and flashed her a small smile. "Yes, your highness," he said before disappearing back into the crowds of people.

He walked for a few minutes before finding one of the stands that Aiko was talking about. When he approached, the vendor smiled and asked, "What would you like, kid?"

William looked over the menu and described what Aiko had requested.

"Ah! That is pretty popular around here,” the Yamataian shopkeeper said. “How many?"

William flashed two fingers and the vendor went about preparing the drinks.

"Here you are, enjoy!" he said after William payed for the drinks, and began to walk back.

He approached Aiko and held out both, letting her choose which one she wanted. "Here you go, your highness. Which one would you like?"

Aiko extended her hand out and took one of the drinks, which was a light purple like the Yamataian Kikyo flower they were celebrating today, leaving the other for her Nepleslian friend. A thin, shiny line formed vertically down the princess' neck and rolled over her ample bust, just like the condensation already sweating down the side of her chosen cup.

She examined what could only be taro-flavored milk tea and the swarm of jelly boba bunched up at its bottom with a furrowed brow, wondering why anyone would want this even though she'd asked for it herself. But still, the princess was curious about it, so she brought the oversized straw up to her lips and took a sip.

A shadow passed upward through the straw and into Aiko's mouth. It made her eyes sharp and the flow of her sipping stop, and she removed the straw from her mouth. Then, the princess stared over at her compatriots with a stern glare. First to William and then to Rei and then back to the Nepleslian.

Looking as if she had no desire in the world other than to grab the cup and fling it into the street by her expression alone, Rei breathed in sharply. She immediately looked to the boba tea and asked a quick series of questions.

"Are you feeling ill? Is it possibly poisonous? Should we get you to a hospital, Princess?" the samurai said in rapid succession.

William looked absolutely mortified...

He began cursing himself incessantly, his face turning bright red at his mistake. His eyes fell, not meeting either of their gazes. "I am so sincerely sorry Princess..."

"Oishii desu yo," Aiko said, her voice still deadpan despite the positive declaration. Her eyes brightened a little and she snapped her fan shut before pointing it toward a group of passing Star Army enlisted who seemed to be enjoying their holiday.

"You!" the princess called in a lively voice that somehow still sounded more like an order than anything. "By order of the Ketsurui Clan, you must partake of this!" she demanded, holding up her frosty plastic chalice because she didn't yet know what the concoction was called. "It is a warrior's drink, fit for any uchuugun soldier! Go! Now!"

"Uhh..." mumbled one soldier while putting her hand up to the back of her head and scratching at it in confusion while another audibly laughed before Rei stepped forward, grimacing at their lack of respect. Realizing who was talking to them, a few of the group murmured out.

One was saying, "Is that...?"

"Hai! I think it is," said another.

One more put a hand up and said, "Wait, you're the last princess of the Ketsurui Clan, are you not?"

All of the color drained from poor William’s face at the declaration. Partly in relief, and partly at Aiko making a scene... again. It reminded him of the time they snuck out and he had to stop her from drawing attention to herself. This was a tad different, however.

He turned and looked to the Star Army soldiers and moved to stand next to Rei, setting his untouched drink on a table as he did. He sighed inwardly, remaining stoic as normal.

"If you know that much then you should bow, not pose questions!" Aiko told the Neko santo hei who'd asked about her heritage. "Your transgression is forgiven, however, as I am aware of the willpower it requires to contain one's excitement over this," she said, making her drink obvious again.

The princess' attention quickly turned away from the soldiers she'd assailed with her Imperial demands and back toward the Samurai and her surrogate son. She was sipping on her drink again, this time with more measured pressure—they could see the boba rising through the straw at a crawl now—presumably so Aiko could savor it better.

"Perfect, Wil-kun," Aiko said as cheerfully as Aiko could say anything, moving closer to him while she eyed his cup on the table. "You must enjoy yours with me, too. As one of my personal warriors, you are no exception to my order."

William gave a soft smile and turned to Aiko, giving a small bow. "Yes, my lady," he said before grabbing his drink and taking a sip. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the ice cold drink hitting his palette. "It is very good," he replied.

Rei watched over them and then glanced to the onlookers, lifting her arms then pushing her fingers back and forth in order to shoo them away. They left but not without a few gasps of surprise and quiet muttering before, one by one, they bowed.

"Let's explore more of the festival," Rei said, walking away from the place where the Star Army soldiers had been and towards the palaces.

Aiko followed her yojimbo's lead and strolled along, watching everything that was happening with an interested gaze. At one point, the trio came upon a flower shop tucked away along a shady stretch of Kyoto storefronts and street vendor stalls. There were many florists scattered about the city today, all selling Yamataian Kikyo. But the princess noted that this one seemed to have the freshest blooms, so honored its proprietor by choosing their flowers to replace the delicately-crafted Bellflower barrettes she always seemed to wear before moving on.

William followed behind the two silently as Aiko took in the sights of the festival. When she stopped to see the flowers, however, William peeled off from their group and snuck inside. He walked up to the florist, and asked, "May I have a few of those Kikyo flowers please?"

The young woman inside happily obliged, handing William a small bouquet before he took off to catch up with Rei and Aiko.

Once he had, he cleared his throat. "Excuse me Princess Aiko... I saw you looking at these." He held out the flowers to her.

Aiko stood up straighter and pulled back her hands from their practiced position clasped in front of her belly. William's gift didn't send her reeling, but her motions seemed motivated by a surprised reflex.

"Thank you, Wil-kun," she said gently, her fingers changing from their startled curls and back toward grace as she took the bundle from him. "You are most gracious..."

Her voice trailed off and she turned away almost immediately after taking the bouquet, almost hurriedly returning to the group's previous path. Something was obviously awkward for the young Neko and silence reigned for a few long moments.

"Do you enjoy having to follow Rei-san around as she serves me, Wil-kun?" Aiko asked after a time, not turning to address him or the samurai. William's bouquet rested along her left forearm with the tips of its stems in the palm of her hand as they walked and she looked down to the flowers while she spoke. "You have made a fine warrior already, and I welcome your presence, but you are not obliged to tend to my happiness."

Rei looked out of the side of one of her eyes as she heard Aiko's questions, but remained steadfast in her movements away from the Riverfront of Kyoto and said nothing.

"Thank you, Princess," William replied to her compliment. "I do enjoy this... I never saw myself, in this life, being adopted by Sensei Rei, or following around a Yamataian princess. I wouldn't change any of it," he said smiling softly at the both of them as they walked.

Aiko halted when William finished speaking, and her thick ribbons of hair swayed just a little when she stopped, but only for a moment before a warm summer gust carried them off her shoulders. With her free hand, the princess seemed to be toying with the Bellflowers she’d been gifted by the Nepleslian, though neither he nor Rei could tell what she was doing. Then she turned around to face him.

Her nose wasn't held as high as it usually was, and so her big crimson eyes remained unusually hidden under her lengthy bangs as she stepped up to him. The band of bright pink skin across her cheeks and nose made up for their absence, though.

"Then you must match me," she said, threading one of the flowers he'd gifted her through the top buttonhole on his vest. Aiko looked up to William and was still blushing even though her eyebrows remained crinkled with their usual stern expression. "It is odd if a Ketsurui Princess' companion does not match her."

William began blushing as well when she turned to him, and blushed even harder still at her touch. He looked down at her and he smiled. "Yes, your highness. I will wear it happily," he replied.

Rei had been close by, but understood that giving the two some distance would be a good idea, so had stepped to the side for a moment. Then, when William had replied to her, she had spoken out to the both of them.

"Let us keep going!" Rei said.

William looked back to Rei, and nodded. "Hai..." He then looked back to Aiko. "After you, Princess."

Aiko, of course, obliged and took the lead toward Kyoto's palaces once again. Only after shaking off the fuzzy, cloudy feeling between her ears, though. Head held high again and cheeks clear of any indiscretion, she moved along without delay, thankful that Rei was there as a constant reminder of her duty and demeanor as a Princess of Yamatai.

Soon, Rei was walking up the palace steps and said to the princess, "We should be visiting with your family on this day of festivity and enjoyment. Would you like to lead the way?"

The princess simply nodded at Rei's suggestion and proceeded onward as her first home towered ever-larger above them. Though the Kaiyo was more familiar to her by now, she still held the place where she was born close to her heart.

William followed behind them as they approached the palace. He looked to Rei as the palace guards formed around Aiko. "Excuse me Sensei? I have something for you as well..."

"Nani?" Rei asked. "For me?"

As they were left alone, William smiled and stepped up to her. "Yes, Momma," he said, holding out his hands and placing something in hers. As he removed his hand, she found William's most prized possession: his locket.

"I want you to have it, Momma..."

With wide eyes, Rei accepted the locket and looked up to William, a sort of gasp escaping from her mouth as she did. She put the locket on and then looked back up at Wil before looking back to Aiko and then to William again.

"Arigatou gozaimasu," Rei said. "Thank you, Musuko."

It seemed as if Rei might say more. And if not that, perhaps she would express her own gift to William, but looked instead to Aiko and back to William, as she had just done. She only said, "Let us follow the princess."

"Yes Ma'am." he replied, following Rei and Aiko into the palace.

Aiko: @raz
William: @Gunhand4171
Rei: @Ametheliana
Kyoto, Riverside

"First off," Junko pointed out, "Says who and why should you care?"

"Second, not being like me is hardly the worse thing you have going for you. I'm a pile of fucking anger issues and existential dread. My only inter-personal relationship of substance had the other person have sad desperation sex with someone else. Unless Candon is secretly carrying a bun in the oven, your probably doing a whole lot better."

A pause.

"Third, your not a soldier anyways. Your a scientist. Your job is to be the smart one, or at least the technically knowledgable one. If we need something shot, one of us meatheads can handle it. So thats not even a valid criticism anyways."

Junko glanced around for something cheery. Well, something cheery she could use. Old her would be all supportive and huggy about this. But that wasn't her anymore, wouldn't have been sincere anymore.
Kyoto, Riverside

Oshiro Masumi was eased knowing that brute force wasn't her forte nor was it expected to be from Junko. The scientist gave a wide-eyed stare at Junko as the infantry Neko mentioned a bun in Candon's proverbial oven. She was less than happy about the next subject that Junko had brought to her attention.

Then, she asked, "Is having a relationship really that good if it just ends in misery most of the time? I've not seen one person end up enjoying the company of another in that capacity for as long as I've been alive. It seems..." she looked for the word and said it, "Futile."
Kyoto, Riverside

"Well, I fucked it up because I was stupid and scared. Well, thats putting it short, but we're not talking about me right now. Keep in mind our sample size is a small crew of one ship, which can kinda skew things." Junko wasn't an egghead, but that made some amount of sense.

"Wether its worth it is up to you, but when it works, it really seems to pay off. Just think we're all dumb kids about it, though. I mean, we're all mature and all, but we're not socialized. I'm two years old and most of my social experience is fireteam tactics, none of us know what we're doing."

She picked up a stone, considered, before trying her hand at skipping it across the water. Didn't go very far, making a loud splash and disappearing. Too much force, maybe not the right angle. Another thing a civvy probably had a better grasp of than her.

"Can I ask what is going on between you and Suites? Because you two seemed pretty stuck together that first mission. Then I get back, and the first I see of you, you get naked almost immediately your in eyeballing of him. Makes you wonder."
Kyoto, Riverside

Masumi's eyebrows knit together as she looked off into the distance, off to the other side of the river. She watched the parade make its way around the streets over there while Junko spoke and sighed deeply after Junko was done.

"I get naked in front of everyone," Masumi said plainly. "I don't really think there's anything to it. The fact of the matter is, we're a team and rarely without one or the other. So whenever I get naked, it happens to be while he's around."

If this was a way of justifying her behavior or the reality of the situation was up to Junko to decide.

"Candon has more... History than me." This was a way of saying was very much older than her, a young Neko. "He needs more space than I do, at times. There are things I still don't know about him, but I know they're there. You know?" Masumi seemed to truly open up at that moment and she went on, "I know they're there. I know there are things that eat at him and make him feel like... Like less than a person should feel. But I don't know what they are, just that they're there."

She looked at Junko, now, with pleading blue eyes, as if she half-expected Junko to tell Masumi Candon's secrets and half-expected her to tell Masumi that she was insane for even trying to try to delayer the onion that was Candon Howard Suites.
Reactions: raz
Kyoto, Riverside

"Only person who might know what those are would be Candon himself. I mean, maybe the Shosho might, figure she has everyones dossier. But that only tells you what happened, not what it meant to him." Junko rambled. Wasn't in uniform, wasn't as ramrod, so she got a little tangental.

And she was looking at her with those kind of eyes. Ugh, she couldn't just tell her nothing looking like that. At least, not without feeling like a massive jerk. Stuffed her hands in her pockets and let out a breath.

"Have you talked to him about any of this? Told him you'd like to talk off-duty?" She decided against adding something about strapping him down and making him feel the gee forces. This time.
Kyoto, Riverside

Masumi bit her lip, thinking of the time she had almost seen Candon get emotional. Strike that, she had seen him get emotional. Fleetingly. He was normally a stoic rock in her life, but that time in the power armor bay after they had trained together alone. It had happened then and no other time in her year of knowing him.

"I don't know how to..." Masumi trailed off. Finally, she spoke, "I don't know if I want to know, Junko-san. I don't know if I want to experience his pain for him. What's more, I don't know if he wants me to, either."
Reactions: raz
Kyoto, Riverside

"What do you mean you don't want to experience his pain for him?" Junko tilted her head. She'd figured Masumi for one of the colder types of Neko. Not totally unemotional, but just separated from it. Made for interestingly honest dialogue, but they tended to "invent" language to describe something more right brained.

"Look, you don't know and I don't know. I just know him in a professional capacity, how he does in the field. Doesn't seem to be a bad guy, and I'm guessing he does like you from what I've seen. If you be honest, say what you want to say, he can't really do worse I think than politely decline."

As cliche was it was, clear and open communication was probably what she needed. What she wanted, where her boundaries were, so on. Might not work out, might not get everything she wanted, but thats life. She'd have to give as well as get, or something like that.

"Or you can just sit on this and just let him pass you by." She shrugged, non-committally.

Because Masumi did care, she cared enough to agonize about the decision. Enough to be intimidated by the potential consequences. Enough to moon over him alone under a tree like some cutesy shoujo ai magazine.
Kyoto, Riverside

Masumi said as her eyes shone while looking at the river, "I mean I don't know if he wants to unburden his life on me. And I don't..." She looked for the right words and found them after a long, introspective pause, "I don't know if I can bear the burdens."

She raised her pink haired head and looked about and then raised her hands to her eyes, wiping what could have been tears from the tops of her cheeks. She sniffed once and looked everywhere but Junko's red eyes.

"What do you say we try to find some food? Or some other SAoY personnel to hear about their current missions?"
Reactions: raz
Kyoto, Riverside

"Whatever you wanna do. I'll just follow you around for the festival. At least 'til you get sick of me." Junko shrugged. Message received, no more relationship therapist.

Which was fitting, she supposed. Junko went where people ordered her to go. Biggest difference was she didn't have her Mindy on her. At least she kept a knife.
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