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RP [Open RP] Exams for Justice!

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Port Jiyuu
In the outskirts of the Jiyuu System, a single large vessel emerges into the physical realm in a flash of blue energy. Sporting the black and gold livery of Takeda Minerals and Mining ships, the sides of the ship bear the following: "YL-C27-0001 Ashizuri". The lead ship of a new class of Mining Command Carriers, the vessel was already readying itself to offload cargo Ryu Keiretsu had ordered for construction on Port Jiyuu within the system.

As a number of smaller transports departed from the two side transfer bays of the Ashizuri to begin their round trips, a single carbon black and red Crane Dropship made departed from the central shuttle bay. Inside a wide assortment of individuals sat in the shuttle drop seats, waiting for the CDD microwarp to come to an end and they finally reach their destination. A Neko, a massive Nepleslian, a Kodian, and a wide assortment of races within the Kikyo Sector sat talking among themselves in combat armor.

"Port Control, this is BCS 216. Requesting docking instructions." one of the pilots could be heard saying within the cockpit. The other pulled out the tablet on her side and started going over the checklist for landing procedures within stations.

"BCS 216, Port Control. Docking request has been granted. You are clear to land at Pad Blue 526. Follow automatic docking beacon channel Alpha 5-6."

" Welcome to Port Jiyuu."
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Corridor connecting to Pad Blue 526

In their brand-new uniforms, the receiving delegation from Takeda Fleet and the rest of Yugumo Corporation waited until the passengers had disembarked and left the flight line. The two women at the head of the security detail escort, in their royal Motoyoshi-purple one-pieces, were waiting when the bay doors opened to admit the Ryu-Keiretsu delegation into the station. The junior of the two, easily discerned by her deferential demeanor were the rank pin on her collar not clearly inferior to the Buchō beside her, was projecting a volumetric display that she scrolled through with sweeping gestures, checking the passenger manifest and the itinerary of events.

When the doors slid open, her projections disappeared into nothing as she lowered herself into a Yamataian bow, deep and low. "Welcome to Port Jiyuu, honored guests. We have a reception ready once you've been shown to your quarters. We thank you very much for your instruction." When rising, she gestureed to the higher-ranked woman beside her, a bespectacled, voluptuous fox-woman with white-furred, black-tipped ears and tail– no, tails– who appeared to be the tallest Shukaren Daur ever seen. "I now defer to Vice President Winters," she used the Trade-tongue title and name for her Buchō. She bowed once more, a little more shallowly and rose more quickly, then stepped back, standing straight and silent with her hands folded in front of her.

@Cecily @demibear
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Corridor connecting to Pad Blue 526

As the bluenette steps back, the fox steps forward. Those nine tails of hers fan out some behind her as she opens her arms in a welcoming gesture and dips her head and torso in a bow to go with it. As she straightens, she folds her hands pale hands against the purple of her dress. In addition to her standard uniform, a tactical harness frames her plush chest, carrying her sidearm and spare magazines in shoulder pouches. "Thank you, Mishitari-san. I will echo her welcome, elite samurai of the Black Crane. We are honored to have you here in Port Jiyuu, and look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with your company. We are grateful to be able to kindle the spirit of cooperation to better our people in more than the simple terms of mining agreements and product adoption."

Her voice is loud and firm despite her soft appearance and surprisingly gentle features. At 5'7" she's definitely above the higher end of Shakuren Daur, and her multitude of tails are absolutely some kind of strange anomaly. She carries herself with a professional dignity, eyes wandering over their guests. "I am Cecily Winters, outfitter and armsman for our security detachment, and head of security for this endeavor with yourselves and Takeda Fleet. It has been my pleasure to prepare a number of exercises and scenarios for training and practice purposes, and have seen to personally evaluating and modifying the gear everyone will be using."

A small smile plays upon her darkly painted lips, and with her hands clasped at her waist, she bows her head politely. "Your reputations precede you, and I hope everyone will be satisfied and enlightened by this joint operation. Again, it is an honor to have you all here and I look forward to seeing what you can do. Please direct any questions you may have to me personally or my adjutant, Mishitari-san. We will do our best to see your needs met while you are here at Port Jiyuu." Another bow, this time her upper body with her head, mirroring her assistant's motions before she, too, steps back.
Corridor connecting to Pad Blue 526

With the Black Crane Securities' Crane Dropship touching down on the pad, the Crane's cargo hatch split in two. The upper portion lifted upwards towards its recessed location in the ceiling of the troop bay, while the lower portion extended down to the reinforced surface of the landing pad. 10 or so individuals wearing BCS jumpsuits exited dragging cases with their gear within. The last person, however, was different. Sporting an rather militaristic but eloquent pink yukata with the kaimon of the Mizumitsu Clan, black hakama, and a daisho; it was clear who was in charge of the detail.

As they entered the corridor, the comically uniformed in shape and sized group formed a loose formation with the samurai at the front. The samurai closed her eyes and bowed her head to the woman's formal bow. She then continued her gauging the Shakuren Daur a bit more intensely upon being introduced as the Vice President they were to meet. It's not every day you see a very tall Shakuren Daur with more than one tail.

When Winters was finished speaking, the samurai bowed politely to her superior. The briefest of raised eyebrows were seen among the Ashigaru when mention of their reputation was mentioned. They were not sure what the intent was behind it as Black Crane Securities could be considered at best a small time mercenary outfit within the sector. But they did not put to much thought into it.

"Well met Vice President Winters, I am Mizumitsu Rie. These are the Ashigaru assigned to assist me in teaching your forces the proper use of the Paradin Infantry Kit. We are humbled that a corporation as large as Yugumo wished to purchase the system from Ryu Heavy Industries." Rie said in response, the most diplomatic smile comes across her face as she speaks. "We pray that this joint operation and training will give rise to further cooperation between Black Crane Securities and Yugumo Corporation.

"Once they have stowed their gear, we can commence training at your earliest convenience."
The on-duty security still wore the venerable Emrys tactical suits that had been in service for over 10 years, although their old ODI Model 16 rifles had already been replaced by Ryu-Keiretsu's Sakura Bushi Rifle/PDW. It was visible on their faces, as well as those of the security supervisors and lower managers accompanying the two executives, that they were envious of the Black Crane delegation's new gear, and hungry for the promise that they would be getting their own, soon. Few things motivate a soldier like new gear, and that doesn't change after they've got their discharge and a corporate security gig in civilian life. For the most part, Takeda Fleet security and the Yugumo Keiretsu were veterans of something, whether Yamataian (mostly) or Nepleslian (sometimes), or even this singular Daur specimen with her above-average-for-a-human-female height and curvaceousness and muscularity, not to mention the fan of her tails. Of course, the Black Crane's leader, an executive of Ryu Keiretsu, would know that Vice President Winters was the beautifully successful result a special black project of Ryu Keiretsu's bio-augmentation subsidiary, Advancer Enterprises, that Yugumo had financed. In a way, she was a living avatar of the cooperation between the two corporations: the Kami that had arisen from their pact– and a very auspicious omen of things to come.

Veterans they may be, Yugumo's people weren't generally from front-line combat jobs or special operations. A few were, like the members of the Keibi, but most simply had average careers and honorable discharges from noncombat professions. Their elite core, who ran the organization and filled out their special response teams, were often Star Army Investigators, the best among them Close Protective Services, or officers hired out of civilian police agencies like the YNP or YSA. In general, they knew what they were doing, but aren't the sort with combat experience, or outside of the YSA counterterrorist teams, hadn't actually encountered piracy before joining.

Mishitari bowed and gestured in the direction the Black Crane team was to follow. "Please, honored guests, this way."
If the Ashigaru were sensing the envy from the Yugumo personnel, they were not letting their body language show it. With the niceties out of the way for the moment, Rie nodded her head and extended her forward to indicate lead the way. As they are lead out of the corridor, a very tall dark skinned individual nods towards Cecily. The size of an ID-SOL, he did not seem nearly as built as one.
Cecily falls into step next to her adjutant, Mishitari, and the two start their path deeper into the station. Cecily quirks a brow at the tall soldier nodding at her, ears flicking and folding flat and forward, tails going still for a moment. Then she casts a nod in his direction before taking the moment to address the gathered. "If you will permit me to get straight to business, we have two decommissioned vessels not far from the station that have been set up to host your training sessions. Outdated models of the venerable Seiza cargo vessel and StarChaser ferries have been requisitioned for our use. They are the older, pre-refit and updated versions but they will serve our purposes. We have come up with a small handful of breach and attack-slash-defend scenarios but we welcome any input on coming up with your own."

The fox leads on towards the inner sections of the Yugumo-owned areas of the station, expanding further on expectations. "Each one of you will be assigned a squad of security personnel and it will make it easier to divide the teaching up as well as simulate multiple entry breaches and multi-angle skirmishes. It should also reduce the necessary workload, since while you will be acting lead for your respective groups, you may always defer to Mizumitsu-san or myself for questions and guidance." She seems to be no stranger to speaking to groups, carrying herself with a firm dignity befitting her station. Cecily doesn't yet give time for questions, though, moving at a brisk pace towards their first destination, which looks to be a shooting range. Whether or not it's a permanent fixture or something set up for this exercise, that remains to be seen.

Without pausing, Cecily moves to one of the lanes and picks up the 10mm "Bushi" carbine sitting there and holds it in front of herself, keeping her finger off of the trigger and the barrel pointed downrange. There's no magazine inserted but she still checks the chamber before speaking again. "As mentioned, necessary modifications have been made, but not to the weapons themselves. I've overseen engineering and production to ensure everything we do here for these exercises is as realistic as possible without causing harm to persons or company property. Well, at least beyond the Jagaimo-maru. I expect you all to put a few holes in that old cargo trawler, but I digress..."

She breaks her professionalism for a moment, casting a light smile over the gathered personnel. "We are not using live ammunition, but we will be using the 10x51mm hard light training round, or HL-Tr, that we've devised. It fires, or shall I say, projects, a short-lived bolt of hard light that can disrupt the training holograms that we've set up on the Jaigamo-maru for your more.. rigorous training sessions. At the close ranges you'll be fighting onboard these vessels, the lack of solid projectile drop won't be an issue in the artificial gravity, let alone when you're lacking gravity." She holds up her free hand, shaking her head, "Now before I hear any complaints, the YCS Asami has been set up as a training ground with live targets for proper practice as well, using these same rounds. The Asami is a passenger vessel and there'll be plenty of opportunity to establish exercises that range from storming or defending the bridge to VIP extraction. As far as how these all work... please permit me to give you a demonstration."

She turns and picks up a magazine from the lane and slides it home inside of the weapon with practiced ease before letting the bolt slam forward. Down the firing line, there's two things. One is an average humanoid-sized hologram, the other is a mannequin garbed in one of the "Paradin" kits, with the Type-43 "Ketsugi" plate carrier displayer prominently. "Now you might notice... without the powder charge, these modified rounds will lack much sound but still have a kick due to the inner workings. So for your training dummies..." she brings the gun up and aims it downrange, delicate finger curling and depressing the trigger. A trio of shots are snapped off, a noise more like a hard, electric pop pop pop sounding out instead of a report of gunpowder sending a trio of light blue bolts streaking towards the light construct. The full cartridges are ejected instead of brass, but they look a little shorter than your average rounds. The tips resemble hollow points but instead of the actual hollowed out tip, there's what appears to be a lens. The hologram flickers and several holes appear in it, two in the chest, one in the head.

"Now, as for live fire... you will all be assigned modified plate carriers coated with a special photovoltaic paint that reacts to these munitions," she explains, leveling the carbine at the armor stand. She empties another half-dozen rounds at it, sending the bolts downrange, seemingly completely unaffected by any recoil. The armor shakes slightly as if being buffeted by a few rapid finger-pokes, the exterior surface blooming in brilliant neon blue from the impacts. "Every team will be assigned magazines loaded with a different, assigned color, to make future review of combat footage easier to track for mutual training purposes. If you're curious as to how they work, every round is a short-stage hard light projector that triggers when the firing pin hits the cap, and the round cycles by way of an internal magnet."

She lays the carbine down and lifts one of the spent cartridges, turning it over in her hands. "...this also means that have a care with your electronics. We'll be needing to thoroughly degauss every carbine after every exercise... but, beyond any of that, does anyone have any questions about the weaponry, the exercises, the station's amenities, or even myself?" she opens up the floor as she opens her hands, then clasps them at her waist.
Having newly signed up for the security team the Young Mikan recruit stood there as the demonstration he had to admit he was rather in awe over the display but did his best to not show it. the hair on the back of his ashen-colored skin bristled with anticipation as he watched on. when it came to asking questions The ex-SAOY infantryman would raise his hand to be called on when it was his turn to speak. he would lower his hand standing in at ease before asking. "when it comes to firing these rifles Ma'am, what would be the effective range in which they are to be used I'd assume if we're trying to get as accurate of a live-fire training as possible it would be a good idea to get a gage on that so to best not try to take potshots out of something that's outside of its effective range. My second question however is when we do the live-fire exercise what would be the ROE?"

Mac would stand there thinking to himself that they were relevant questions to ask but may come off as a little blue falcon-ish to the other less experienced recruits.
The bluenette administrator attaché, clutching her virtual clipboard, spoke up, in answer to the security officer's question. "Well, you're not going to be shooting at anything far enough away that any effective range of either the training or actual rounds would matter. It would barely be an issue if you got a shot from bow to stern on the StarChaser II Ferry. And, as for rules of engagement, you'll be aware your mission is to protect the lives of passengers and crew at all costs, and to minimize damage to the ship, cargo, or other property. That said, a piracy boarding scenario is what it is and we have insurance for a reason. You're all senior personnel, some of you supervisors, and are trusted to bring this training back to the group." She paused, smiled politely, and continued, "However," she gestured to the leader of the Black Crane group, "Mizumitsu-sama is in charge of the actual instruction, so any specific rules of engagement for the exercise will be according to the standards she is teaching. After that has concluded, their instructors will lead you in small teams through the post-training validation scenarios that Winters-Buchō has prepared to test your comprehension."
Rie nodded towards the bluenette administrator attaché and took a few paces forward towards the Yugumo personnel. "The normal effective range of the Bushi when chambered with the 10 mike mike is 450 meters. But I imagine with the training round it would be closer to half that. Something to keep in mind in possible future field exercises. Boarding actions tend to be very close quarters unless the two sides meet up in an open bay half a kilometer across." she said, the middle part seeming more meant for the gather Black Crane Security personnel than to the Yugumo staff.

"But as she said, this exercise will focus more on close protection where you will be focused more on defensive close quarters to keep your clients safe and disrupt the goals of the attackers. Once you have reduced their numbers, you may have enough to shift a number of guards from defensive to offensive." she continued before she moved over to a case one of the Ashigaru had on their back.

Putting it down on the ground, she opened it to reveal the smaller cases within. Picking one up, she then opened it to reveal an old-fashioned manual and a data shard. "We have prepared augmented reality tutorial tools to use with each of my Ashigaru's instructions." she said as she displayed it to the Yugumo staff.

"For those that make use of a digital mind operating system, simply slot the data shard and download the contents. The manual is a backup and for those that lack the ability to directly use the data shard. We have also supplied a Megumi Training Jumpsuit that will approximate both the inner and outer layer of the Paradin jumpsuits. Each has a thicker reactive nanocompsite layer that can function as muscle. They, along with the plate carriers will be monitored by both your personal Kaimon AI and the external Ship AI linked to them. Not only will you feel the effects of being shot, but you will also lose function if it is deemed that area has taken enough damage. So do not plan on doing any unnecessary heroics unless needed." She then looked over towards the "ID-Sol".

"Ashigaru Cox, you are up." The man nodded and walked forward towards the Yugumo personnel.

"I am Hugh Thunder Cox, but only my friends and family may use the Thunder. I will be instructing Squad A1." he said before projecting from his hand a volumetric display with a list of names. Mac as among the names.

"If your name is here, fall out and form up to your left and my right. We will first assign you your equipment and then training will commence immediately. As we are not the Star Army of Yamatai, we cannot rely on outnumbering and using brute force of those numbers to subdue those that threaten us and our clients. We depend on a high degree of teamwork, sharing of intelligence, use of technology, and adapting the changing environment to the best of our ability."
Some of the representatives of Yugumo's security forces hesitated just a moment before beginning to move. The bluenette in uniform looked back at Cecily for just a moment before clearing her throat loudly, despite a lack of the organs and tissues that would lead to a throat needing to be cleared. "The names are up," she said firmly, "start moving!" It was a large noise from such a small, demure little source,

At this insistence, everyone began filing to where they needed to go, queueing to receive their issue then falling in beside their designated Ashigaru. Mishitari smiled at Cecily in deep satisfaction at her uncharacteristically assertive behavior. "We're going to be on a team, Buchō!" Executives and their staff, of course, were receiving training with a somewhat different focus. The gynoid clasped her hands together in front of her chest and the satisfied smile melted into a dreamy grin, "Mishitari is proud to serve!" She snapped out of her reverie and came to attention, saluting.

The lines of officers began to filter and sort into their teams. One who was with Mac, the leader of a different security section, turned to him and held up the Yuuki-type helmet. "Looks kind of like one of those beetles with the big nose horn, right?"
Mac looked to the helmet and shrugged "I mean yeah I can see the resemblance, But if I had to wager a guess as to why it's there I'd say it helps with communications....mabie." Mac would head to the locker rooms with the others putting on his equipment. Pulling on the skinsuit he was thankful he kept up his workout regiment if he didn't he feels like this skin suit would be tighter than it already is. as he began putting on the armored jumpsuit he would listen to the other members of his team ramble on about how they were going to beat the other team causing Mac to sigh knowing he had a few Neps on his team. "Keep a level head and yeah we will." He plainly added having no need to warn about reckless bravado given everyone here wasn't a green recruit.

after some time getting his plate carrier vest and helmet on he would rejoin the others for the shooting practice and wait his turn.
meanwhile, Mac's squad would take their turns in showing their skills when it came to Mac he was starting to slowly realize that he was most likely put into a squad of Neps due to the instructor's most likely thinking he was a mutant nep. "OI eyes on the targets and not on the android ass." Mac said with a raised voice to the squad mate in front of him. before he would take his turn passing his shooting requirement.


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Hugh walked up behind the pair upon hearing the comparisons of the Yuuki Combat Helmet. "We actually call it the Oni Horn for it contains the Video Synthetic Aperture Radar. But we will get more into that later."

Hugh then waited for the Yugumo specialists to be fully issued their equipment. He recognized the jealous looks from before and the child-like excitement of opening new presents. Many were excited to be finally getting it.

"Now that you have been issued your gear, we will commence the boring instructions on how to don and use it. It is not the most complicated system out there, but there are a lot of moving pieces and abilities to fully use." Hugh said to the assembled Squad A1.

"Load up your augmented reality tutor or open up your manual and we will begin. The Paradin was designed as Black Crane Securities' answer to providing max protection of operatives without frying our clients with CFS and without the expense of power armor." he continued.

"It consists of three main components: the Megumi undersuit, the Ketsugi Plate Vest, and the Yuuki helmet. All are dyed with Omnihue, which unlocks a very unique ability for those with the authorization. Will talk more about that later."

"The first step to don the undersuit. Some of you opted to use the light variant with the Environmental Skinsuit, others the stand alone heavy variant. Both can be rather skintight if you choose them to be."

"After donning the undersuit, you then slide your legs into the lower supplement armor kit leggings and attach additional armor before sliding the vest over your head and securing the sides of the vest together.

Last, the Yuuki is the last to be put on and secured on your undersuit's neck. It can feel initially claustrophobic as it will be pitch black before seeing the boot sequence and the camera feed of the omnihue fed to the internal volumetric display.

Now go into the locker rooms and next portion of training will commence."

Executive Locker Room

"Buchō! I think this one is yours!" Mishitari held up the issued Megumi Environmental Skinsuit, staring at the open panel in the rear. "Do your tails go through this?" Sometimes, the growing sentience inside the gynoid seemed childlike. Fortunately, the pair were already in the locker room, on the executive side away from the others. She lay it flat on the bench, along side the bulkier Megumi Combat Suit worn instead of it for heavier armor. The smaller pair were for her, and she was already out of her uniform, had it neatly hung from the hook in her locker, and was down to her Yugumo-purple sports bra and bloomers, exposing the power-link port at the bottom of her spine. "I can help you get into yours, Shishiri-senpai!"

@ShadowWalker @demibear

The Troop Lockers

"Ah, sensors," replied the Nepleslian squad leader who was the team with Hugh and Mac, "That 'splains it." He followed the sequence, along with the others, for getting everything on and ready. More than a few of the security officers did, indeed, begin to lose their composure in the total darkness of the pre-boot Yuuki helmet, but fortunately it was short lived. The Nepleslian was, to his credit, not among them. Instead, "Woaaah," as the visuals and sensor fusion overlay filled his vision. "Yeah, let's get started!"

The Firing Range

Although most of them weren't frontline infantry, the security forces were at least veterans of their respective militaries, Yamataian and Nepleslian mostly, or law enforcement officers, or both. None of them are particularly bad- their fundamentals are solid and they take direction well. Even the ones that spend a little too much time looking at the pretty Consort gynoids that are assisting with administrative and logistical duties.

Executive Locker Room

"That's exactly it, dear,"
behind closed doors, Ms. Winters lacks much of the bite she tends to show in public settings. Especially when she's with her family. Mishitari counts as family, as far as she's concerned. And here, they're alone. Just the two of them, preparing for the training sessions. "There's a distinct lack of proper envirosuits and armor for tailed species like myself... and it's further exacerbated by just how much tail I happen to have." She's not just talking about her posterior, either, but those nine fluffy appendages that she ever so carefully threads through the gap in the suit. She's already prepped and in her own black smallclothes, snug and simple. It's a training exercise, after all. No need for the lacy underthings she'd wear at her desk.

A soft sigh escapes her as she gets herself situated, "I'm not in the business of designing armor though. Some genius in R&D is going to earn a king's ransom when they come up with a solution for something like this..." She gives Mishi a lopsided smile, "This is why I don't do EVA ops. Not without a full suit of power armor. I can at least fit my fluffy butt in that." Such candor from the VP! If anyone else in the company had heard her, they'd probably be scandalized. So straight laced and hard nosed Cecily is, that one couldn't even imagine her acting so casually and she's even laughing! Public behavior ill-fitting the rank of Buchō. Good thing she's not in public.
Mac would lean against a nearby wall as his group would each take their time with the firing range. "I feel like im babysitting meatheads." he says under his breath as he would stand off to the side to light a smoke. keeping at least some semblence of awareness about him as he remained in earshot of those that make up his team listening to the casual banter from the neps over their shooting skills and how fighting with their fist would be a better test.

He'd swear that if it weren't predictable it would just be sad to hear that from a Nep. Though his mind was more drawn to the sight of the Fox-y lady that explained the training. "Wha't I wouldn't give to try that." He said inhailing his smoke before being startled by one of the squadmates asking. "Try what." causing him to have a hacking fit as the smoke went down the wrong pipe.
At the Range

Mac will find he'll get a chance to 'sample' the commanding vixen far sooner than he may expect, and likely in a way he'd rather not have had to. In the duration between his coughing fit and recovering, the wide shadow of the augmented daur woman will be there before him. All five foot seven and nine tails worth of fluff, arms folded in her tactical gear. Her carbine hangs at her side by its strap but it's clear that for the moment, she only has eyes for Mac. Cold, unkind eyes. She sizes up the Minkan, whether or not she's the shorter or the taller of the two of them, and glares.

"Do, kindly, explain this to me, recruit," her hand snaps out and she snatches up the cigarette from his fingers. "Lighting up on duty? You do recall that smoking is prohibited within Yamataian space, correct? And if this is tobacco, you're facing contraband charges." Her voice is firm but she's keeping her volume reigned in. She's not making a spectacle of the man, or looking to make an example of him in front of the Ryu-Keiretsu delegation, but that depends entirely on him. She crushes the cigarette in her hand and puts it out, waiting for his response.
Mac would regain his composure as fast as he could manage answering as he would in boot. "This recruit did not recall that smoking was prohibited ma'am. this recruit is prepared to pay the contraband charges." In truth it did actually slip Macs mind about that ruling in Yamataian space. He was more used to officers he was under looking the other way during his time in their military however, Mac is currently aware that given the situation its best to be an example rather than an exception. despite what it may entail.

Slowly, as the recruit barks his response, Cecily dusts the remnants of the cigarette from her gloved hands. She tsks softly at Mac, looking him over as one would eye a piece of meat. "Tell me, recruit..." she says in a tone that borders on the sultry. "...what is your stamina like? How long and how hard can you go for?" Those purple eyes, complimenting the dress she'd been seen in earlier, fix on the man's and a predatory grin seems to form slowly on those darkly painted lips. Before he can respond, however, she turns and faces the rest of the range. Takeda Fleet, the delegation, and all of the rest. She lifts her arm and slaps Mac on the back hard enough that one could mistake her for a Nipleslian, or nearing an ID-SOL, to shove him forward.

"LISTEN UP," she barks, bringing her well-trained corporate voice to bear. "Our itinerary has changed and we will be adding a new training course for today's activities. One of our friendly recruit here has decided to personally volunteer for one of our exercises." She gestures to Mac as she continues speaking, "One team will be assigned to eliminate him before he can reach the shuttle bay on the Jaigamo-maru, our cargo vessel. The second team is to set out and capture him before he can reach the shuttle bay." Her arms fold, her ears laying flat in a show of indifference, but the way her tails are constantly swaying and twitching indicate she's rather agitated by this turn of events.

Then she focuses on Mac, "Since our recruit here has decided that his lungs are good enough to waste by smoking in the middle of Yugumo Corporate Headquarters, he will not only deal with the consequences of a contraband fine, but we will also see how well he can manage a six hundred meter sprint from one end of a Seiza-class hold to the other." Then she directs her attention to everyone gathered, her arms folded across her chestplate, "All while evading hostile fire and navigating the kill house course that I expect all of you to be very familiar with by the end of your visit here."

Her head turns and her ears pin back some as she glares at Mac over the upper edge of her glasses, "Perform well and you'll only have your pay docked to make up for the fine." That grin returns, though, and everyone can see it, very briefly showing some predatory, feral vulpine traits. "I look forward to seeing you run, little rabbit."

Mac would reach up to his collar bone and placing pressure against it he jerked his head from shoulder to shoulder getting a few cracks. before mumbling something about stamina before making his way to the starting line. letting a smirk play across the features of his ash-colored skin. "I look forward to the chase, Large Fox." The irony of size wasn't lost to Mac as he would curse himself for his vices.

*One of these days I'm going to need to go through a program to deal with that vice. * Mac thought to himself. "This recruit is ready to run on your orders Ma'am." Mac stated knowing full well his legs and lungs were going to hate him by the end of the day. taking a deep breath in he would look forward taking in ever bit of where he was to run before closing his eyes when he opened them he would be seeing in infrared vision while useing his elf style ears to listen for anyone getting close to him. "try to keep your shots above the belt." he half joked as he prepared to run. In short he was well aware no one here was green as grass butwith the two groups with their own seprate goals he figured hed use that to his advantage. instead of trying to avoid them for as long as he can as he runs. instead he plans to runs between the groups often in hopes that theyll be more focused with keeping each other from completing their objective them being able to deal with him and knowing how most of the neps are this should be interesting.
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