Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP [Open RP] Exams for Justice!

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The gathered ashigaru try to hide their collective relief that they did not have work under Winters. When they messed up at the Mizumitsu Complex during their initial training, they often had to carry logs specially designed to stress NH series lifeforms through the Yumi Jungles of Yamatai. Only the most stubborn had to go through the experience more than twice. And those individuals usually washed out for not being a psychological fit to the samurai. Rie, on the other hand, seemed rather interested in how this was going to turn out.

She looked over at Winters and sent a point to point message. "I'm just a guest here, but being a little hard on him don't you think?" Rie said without any indication on her face to her true feelings. She then looked over at Cox.

"You should join him, he is your responsibility after all." Rie said, crossing her arms and smirking at the half ID-SOL. There was a very audible groan from the man. He then walked up and past Rie.

"Don't forget to put on all your gear, supplemental armor kit included."
Mishitari, the blue-haired android assistant, herself in her tactical suit with her carbine hanging by a strap, stood by, watching the fiasco transpire between the boss and the securtiy officer. With her helmet's visor up the concern in her face was obvious. The source of that concern was not only about smoking onboard a life-support-dependent space station, nor merely about the conflict between the two, nor even just Cecily's suggestion for remedial training. What really seemed worry Mishi was Team One's reaction to the announcement. While Team Two calmly set their sidearms to "stun" for the capture, Team One were laughing and jeering and checking the status of their primary weapons, gathering fresh magazines from their time off the range, and taking bets on who was going to (virtually) eliminate the target first. Their enthusiasm, perhaps a bit excessive, gave Mishi reason wonder about their hiring practices.

@ShadowWalker @demibear @Yuuki

"You're not running yet, but it does look like you're eager for the chase. Gear up, and then ask your team if they have any tips on evasion and extraction--you're going to need them," Cecily says, arms folded. "And be thankful it's not me doing the chasing." She shakes her head, squinting at Mac, following and falling into step until she can curl her fingers around his forearm and stop him. "'Large Fox is not an appropriate way to speak to me. You will address me as Buchō, Miss Winters, or Madame Vice President." The fox uses her command voice again, staring at him over the top edge of her glasses. "Unless you would like to find yourself transferred to the Kurita Survey Program?"

She lets that sink in before turning to return to Mishi's side, flashing her a glance as she shakes her head. "I will brook no disrespect around here. Not from anyone. This isn't the Star Army of Yamatai, and I would expect them to be better disciplined as well." Her volume drops down enough to focus primarily on Mishitari, though she does send a narrow band message back to Rie in response. [It's good training. And a good lesson. If he wants to smoke, he can buy his own hardsuit and oxygen supply and smoke out in space and off of company time.]
Mac would look down at the hand gripping his arm before looking back to Cecily. "My apologies Buchō, I'll see to it doesn't happen again." He says with a flat voice no longer filled with emotion as if the stress of the situation has caused him to regress back to a wartime mentality. Plus, side is at least this side of him is more respectful. Mac would then return to the group as he would get his gear on.

Moving to cox he would bow his head slightly. "I need pointers evasion strategy and ways to exploit or goad the Nepleslian troops into disarray to get to me. as well as any tips you have on evasion...I intend to do my punishment alone there's no reason to drag you all down with me." after getting what he could in info from Mr. Thunder Cox he would make his way to Mishitari, "If you can spare the time, I wouldn't mind getting tips on extracting and any tips for this sort of combat scenario."
Hugh, still focused on the firing range despite what is going on, he thinks about why he is glad he had overcome his smoking habit. Though the taste of the ol' Nepleslian Big Tim's cigarettes made his mouth water a bit. He then focused on Mac when his question was asked. He just frowned a bit.

"I am a yojimbo, my specialization requires me to operate near the client and making sure any leaks in our forward teams' actions do not harm them. Yokota-san here should be able to help you." he said before looking over towards a short raven haired woman sitting on the empty cases. She popped off the cases and walked over towards the two.

"Evasion and extraction... on a ship... I am going to be entirely honest, you should have overcome that habit awhile ago." she said before a grin developed on her face. "But I like lost causes, how I ended up with him." she said before nodding her head towards Hugh. "If you have a digital mind OS, we can link up virtually and share what I know. Otherwise, I'll start.

Your first step is to gather a very detailed understanding on the environment you are going to operate in. For you, even a basic understanding of the ship layout will work. It will help you determine the next following questions:
  1. What are ideal routes I can move quickly?
  2. What are the most likely routes my pursuers are going to use?
  3. Where can I hide when all routes are restricted?
I wouldn't attempt trying to engage them or wear down your opponents. That will just give your position away and allow them to tighten the noose around you more effectively. Misdirection only works when you have a very deep understanding of the environment and had plenty of time to set up."
She then looked over at the groups of individuals and back to Mac. "Let's go over this in details over there and let the others continue with their training as intended..."
Mishitari's eyes widened as she was approached by the other android and she hugged her clipboard tightly to her front. The fox-like ears installed on her head folded back and her tail drooped- both of them modifications to allow her to effectively communicate in Tinacen. "I'm sorry," she shot an anxious glance over towards Cecily before finishing, "I really don't have any particular insights. I am not an instructor, just the coordinator."
Mac nodded satisfide with the explanation. "yeah I agree i should have quite the habbit awhile ago....well nothing like a little exercise to get your mind off the cravings then huh?" He said before looking around. "Yokota-san, do you think you can send me the ships layout to my digital mind OS like you said having a basic understanding would boost my chances a bit." thinking for a moment he got a somewhat stupid idea. looking at his pack of smokes that got him in this in the first place. "plus i got a idea for mis direction."
After some time of range qualification and practice, and basic drills, some more Yugumo personnel entered the area and spoke with Mishitari for a moment. Mishitari then joined the group and they approached Cecily when she was off to the side, away from others.

"Buchō," one of the assistants announced to Cecily in hushed tones as Mishitari bounced behind her in excitement, "Seafood Buffet is ready to serve."
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