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RP [Open RP] Flyboy takes Shore Leave

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RP Date
RP Location
Random Park

Having completed Yamataian flight school, Menelaos had been given shore leave as he waited for his first set of orders to come through and send him back into space. He may not be the first Separa'Shan to complete Yamataian flight school, but he was definitely near the top of the list. His determination to qualify with Star Army Starfighters had been apparent to both his instructors and fellow classmates.

Today, however, was a day of relaxation. Which was why Mene, or Copperhead to his classmates, was seated on a bench along one of the many paths in this park, his tail lightly coiled around one set of the metal feet of the bench, his head tilted up to the sun, his eyelids closed. next to him was a flight manual for the Mozu, as if he got the slot he was hoping for it meant that he would be one of the selected Separa to be test pilots for the new iteration of the Mozu built for Separa and two person crews. Honestly, if he thought he had time he would have taken a shuttle home to Ssinisa to see his family, before shipping off to who knew where.

Along with the flight manual there was both some fruit, a piece of a cow and a couple of drinks in a cooler next to his tail. Menelaos was wearing his SAoY uniform which had been modified for Separa to wear.

(To help out any who join this Open RP, this is Menelaos: Menelaos Thalassophis on Star Army Space Roleplay )
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Lynira strolled through the park casually enjoying the day off in a dark purple sundress. There were few occasions that she got to relax these days and after unpacking at Saleloria she figured it was time to stretch her legs. A bit off into the distance she noticed a Separa'shan that appeared to be sleeping, in uniform. Her head tilted to the side curiously and figured perhaps this was an accident or something was wrong. Footsteps carried her closer to the male figure and she carefully sat down next to him. She leaned over in front of him to see if he was in fact asleep or just closing his eyes, her aqua hair falling over her shoulder as she did so. "Excuse me, are you okay?" she asked calmly so as not to startle the male next to her.
Random Park

Some distance behind Menelaos and Lynira was a massive, outdoor aerial football pitch—a game played by Nekovalkyrja and Minkan who were capable of self-powered flight via organic inertia controllers. There were 11 players on each team, for a total of 22 players in play at any given time. All the while, a few players and observers watched from the sidelines, some cheering and shouting at periodic intervals. However, it went without saying that the game was being played with the intensity of a spontaneous pick-up, rather than a sanctioned league event.

However, for her part, Araya Mikasa didn’t treat it like one.

Mikasa was fast with her inertia controllers, more so than anyone else on the field. As the play transitioned from defense to offense, the blonde-haired Nekovalkyrja flew along the touchline at close to 80 miles per hour. Seeing that she was already ahead of the opposing defenders, who were scrambling to keep up, a blue-haired midfielder passed the ball towards her, which Mikasa quickly received by bouncing it off her bosom. Immediately, the short-statured Nekovalkryja turned inward to initiate a charge towards the goal, her speed slightly slowing as she dribbled the ball, but by then, it was too late for the defense.

The fate of the play now rested in the hands of the goalie.

Mikasa shifted her upper body towards the left, presenting a feint which suggested that she was preparing to jink towards the left. However, at the very last moment the blonde-haired Nekovalkyrja let gravity take command of her body, carrying her beneath the goalie as he dived in her wake. Then, Mikasa willed her inertia controllers to carry her form back up as she adjusted her body for a shot towards the open, undefended goal.

The spectators rose to their feet, some already cheering as Mikasa kicked the ball, intent upon scoring…

Only for the ball to sail wide, almost embarrassingly far off the mark. A miss.
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Hearing first the footsteps, then the slight shifting of the bench as the Norian sat down and finally the voice asking if he was okay. Slowly and somewhat lazily Menelaos opened one of his eyes to look at the Norian looking back at him. "What? Oh, yes, nothing to worry about here. I was just closing my eyes, enjoying the feel of the sun upon my face. While I was training, I didn't get many chances to do this, Yamataia is nothing like Ssinisa." With that, he closed his eyes once more. It wasn't that he didn't have other things to do, like the acquisition of civilian clothing. He was just enjoying his first day after graduation by getting some sun in the park, something he hadn't be able to do much while going through flight school. It wasn't that they didn't have accommodations for a Separa'Shan, but Yamataia just didn't offer the same things that Separa'Shan planets did.

Of course, Menelaos had no idea that an errant aerial football was about to make contact with the back of his head. What should have been a semi-light doink to the back of his head became more of a solid thunk as the ball had been traveling a good 15 mph. The impact knocked him off the bench, which caused him to flail as his face and torso landed half on the walkway and half on the sod. "Ow.........." It took Menelaos a few moments to get his bearings back as the muscles in his tail helped him back into a standing position, this was the point where he began looking around for what hit him and to check if the young lady who had spoken to him was alright.
Lynira's head tilted to the side curiously. Well no duh he was sunning, but in uniform? She smiled sweetly, " I do not recall you being able to tell me not to worry, but good to know. It's just this is the first time I have seen a Separa'shan partaking of the sun in uniform," she paused watching his mannerisms. "Well do not let me interrupt, if you are in need of civilian clothing there is plenty of places around here. Enjoy the warmth" she darted back out of his way when she saw the object speeding towards them. There was a resounding thud as she saw him fall off the bench.

It had all happened so fast she just saw that he was still alive and popped up off the bench to retrieve the football. She walked back over caressing it and looked at him, "Well glad to see you are still alive." she greeted him as he looked around. "Looks like you got taken out by this," she held it up a bit for him to see. "If you want to move to a safer place to enjoy the sun I will return this to its owner" she offered. Her pitch black orbs flicked up from his attractive features to look for the source of the ball's origin.
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Random Park

Mikasa blinked, then frowned.

The pilot turned to float away from the goal as the blue-haired Neko who had passed the ball to her placed a hand on her shoulder in gentle reassurance. //It’s only a pick-up game, Mikasa. Plus, that was some really good dribbling back there. You’ll make the shot next time.// She quickly transmitted to her, a soft smile on her features as she did. Even so, the midfielder’s words were only the equivalent of a small bandage on a gaping emotional wound, causing Mikasa’s features to shift to a frustrated pout, her lips curled in annoyance. However, it was only then that her ears registered a distinct bonk from behind, compelling the blonde-haired Neko to turn back towards its source—the football and a reeling Separa’Shan.

//I’ll be back!// Mikasa frantically transmitted to the blue-haired midfielder, before quickly floating down towards the scene! Her eyes immediately registered an aqua-haired Norian standing over the stricken Separa’Shan, her expression seemingly laced with worry.

Before long, Mikasa touched down at the bench area. Clad in her Type 40 Exercise Uniform with form-fitting volleyball shorts and a white cotton ringer T-shirt, customized with mismatched socks (pink and white, respectively) to cover her shin guards, the blonde-haired Neko wasn’t easy to miss. In turn, her gaze widened as she took in the two innocent park goers who she had made victim to her bad kicking, her digital mind swiftly measuring their aspects in the process.

Was that who she thought he was?

“Oh Chiharu, I’m so, so, so sorry!” Mikasa belted out as she ran the rest of the way to the Separa’Shan’s side, before accepting the ball from the Norian’s hands. “Are you two okay?” She continued, before looking down at the Separa’Shan, her gaze briefly glancing over to the flight manual for the Mozu on the bench before turning back to the two park goers. “The ball is heavy. It must have hit him really hard…” She added, a frown coming over her features as she did.

As if her day couldn’t get any worse!
It took Menelaos a few moments to respond after the Norian showed him what had collided with his head, an aerial football, I mean that made sense, though it had to have been a powerful to kick to make it all the way over to the benches by the walkway. "Hmmmmm, I wonder if whoever kicked this made the goal or if the kick went wide." Separa'Shan weren't exactly built for Aerial Football, at least not without anti-grav or some other form of assistance. It wasn't a hobby that Mene had ever considered. Being that he was one of the only if not the only Separa'Shan who completed the SAoY Flight School, he had always been busy studying with the occasional trip to the gym to lift weights or practice with blades.

It was about this time when he noticed the tiny Neko who had flown over to them, to ensure that they were alright. Mene was certain he would feel this later, and likely have a sizable bump where it impacted. He looked from the Neko, to the aerial football and then to the field and the numbers were already crunching in his head. There were only three courses he had scored better than his "rival" in and those were: Critical Thinking, Math and Science.
"I'm fine, judging by the distance I would say by the time the football hit me, I would guess it was traveling between 13-15 mph." He ran his fingers through his hair. "I should be okay; I just hope if I do need medical, it won't keep me from my duty station."

He looked to the Norian, "I guess taking a break here for the sun, was a bad idea. I should have kept going to see about picking up a few sets of civilian clothing, since the box I had shipped from Ssinisa hasn't arrived yet, and I can't keep wearing my Star Army uniforms." He twisted his neck popping a couple of neck bones. "Also, where are my manners, Nito Hei Menelaos Thassalophis, recent graduate of the Star Army Flight School."
Lynira tilted her head watching Menelaos with curiosity and shrugged at his statement. "Whatever it was, I am almost certain it was an accident. If not, that is an entirely different matter." she said cautiously. Her void-like orbs flitted up and she saw the blonde haired neko travel towards the pair and offered a friendly wave. The Norian offered a kind smile while offering the player her ball back, "I am okay, are you alright? Were you playing some kind of game with that?" she asked Araya gesturing politely towards the football before looking to Mene. Her eyes blinked a few times slightly distracted by the motion of his hands in his hair but she shook it off and looked back to Araya. "I think he will be alright, I had just asked if he wanted to move a safer place to enjoy the sun. Do you know of any places? If he is open to suggestion that is." Hopefully her prior distractedness passed off as something else entirely or things could be awkward.

Slender pointed ears twitched as he talked about math, which did not make much sense to her. Though she could tell by the way he talked about it that it was likely a passion of his. It did not appear that he would need too much medical attention as he was responding pretty well and exhibiting no outward signs of a traumatic brain injury. "If you do not mind my asking, where are you stationed?" she paused as she processed his next words. "That is why I had suggested somewhere else, but I apologize if it came off rude. I am sure there has got to be somewhere around here where you can get something. Perhaps if we cannot figure out where to get you some civilian clothes, I might have someone who can help us track down that shipment if you want?" Her eyes opened wide a bit at the sound of his neck popping. She shook off the reaction and directed her response to both people present. "It is a pleasure to meet you Menelaos. I am Lynira Aucari, I work as a civilian diplomat for the Tsenlan State Quorum. Although off duty most people just call me Lyn" her gaze flicked to the neko, "What is your name hon?" It appeared that the woman had been playing some sort of sports, but what she had been playing Lynira was not sure of.
Random Park

"I guess taking a break here for the sun, was a bad idea. I should have kept going to see about picking up a few sets of civilian clothing, since the box I had shipped from Ssinisa hasn't arrived yet, and I can't keep wearing my Star Army uniforms."

“No, no, no, it wasn’t your fault.” Mikasa said apologetically. “I just made a really awful kick, is all.” She continued, as the frustrated pout returned to her features, nostrils twitching with annoyance at her own stupid mistake. The blonde-haired Neko was clearly more angry at herself than she was towards anyone else.

Nevertheless, the diminutive pilot gave a deep sigh as she turned to propel the ball back to her teammates, before approaching the Separa’Shan to look over the bump on his head.

“I’m so sorry, I’lll be right back, Lynira and Menelaos-san! I am Araya Mikasa, by the way!” Mikasa quickly belted out, before suddenly flying off in a blur of motion, accelerating to her maximum flight speed within such a short timeframe that she kicked up no small amount of air and dust in her wake! Fortunately, by the time the blonde-haired Neko returned a few moments later, she had her sports bag in hand, along with a small first-aid kit.

“If you will allow me to, I’d like to treat the injury I inflicted on you, Menelaos-san.” The blonde-haired Neko offered as she opened up her first aid kit, her wide-eyed gaze meeting the Separa’Shan’s icy blue, slitted eyes. Knowing who he was, Mikasa just had to make it up to him, even if he might not let her!
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Random Park

He thought about the question, regarding his duty station. "Well, I am slotted to be a test pilot for the 2nd Expeditionary. Haven't recieved my orders yet, which is why I was given some R&R."

This was becoming an interesting turn of events, what had started as a very lazy day for Menelaos, had now turned into an eventful day. First, with Lyn interrupting his short nap and then with Araya missing the goal a good 100 ft on the Aerial Football field and getting him in the back of his head with the ball. He could see the annoyance on Araya's face before she left to get her stuff it seemed.

He looked to Lyn. "Perhaps, you could help me find appropriate clothing?" He turned to Araya as she returned. "Perhaps, you both could."

He looked from Araya to the first aid kit and back to Araya. "Well, it's more of a goose egg, but if it will alleviate your stress levels, I will allow it." He would take a seat back on the bench.
Random Park

Mikasa gave a relieved sigh when Menelaos accepted her aid. The blonde-haired Neko immediately floated down to the Separa’Shan’s level and began to attend to the bump on his forehead, starting by gently cleaning the affected area with antiseptic wipes. At the very least, she was glad that he was still capable of talking coherently, but with her limited first aid training she knew that concussion symptoms often didn’t manifest until later. Nevertheless, Mikasa’s surprise was quite easily registered when Separa’Shan said that he had been assigned to the 2nd Expeditionary Fleet, which immediately manifested a physical response when her eyes suddenly lit up with shock!

“2nd Expeditionary Fleet?!” Mikasa repeated in an astonished tone, though she knew that her ears had not lied to her. “If you don't mind me asking, what squadron are you assigned to? I’ve been marked for the 52nd.”

"That is why I had suggested somewhere else, but I apologize if it came off rude. I am sure there has got to be somewhere around here where you can get something. Perhaps if we cannot figure out where to get you some civilian clothes, I might have someone who can help us track down that shipment if you want?"

He looked to Lyn. "Perhaps, you could help me find appropriate clothing?" He turned to Araya as she returned. "Perhaps, you both could."

A shopping trip with strangers?

Mikasa looked towards Lynira, uncertainty briefly evident in her gaze. Regardless, the Neko spoke less than a moment later, albeit on a whim.

Lynira watched the exchange between Araya and Mene with mild amusement. From the statements of the adorably pouting woman, it was quite clearly not a purposeful attack. This realization made her sigh quietly with relief as she waved to the Neko and watched her float away to retrieve the medical kit. She smiled and looked to Mene, "I am glad you are letting her have a look at your injuries," she said peeking around to see the goose egg on his noggin. Her nose wrinkled, "Oooo that is quite awful are you sure you are going to be alright?" He probably could not tell, but her void-like orbs were filled with concern. What initially appeared to have been nothing seemed to have actually been a good sized little nob. Well at the very least he was still conscious, so there was that.

Instead of sitting back down when the Separa'shan did, she remained standing to keep an eye out for any further incoming projectiles. Afterall, Araya would likely need the seat to care for his wounds when she returned. "Welcome back!" Lynira greeted Araya cheerfully upon her return. She then turned back to Mene, "I would not mind helping you shop," her eyes flicked back to the helpful Neko. The Norian's head tilted slightly as she registered Araya's uncertain look with a raised eyebrow of her own. Her expression returned to normal when the joint invitation was accepted, however she would keep an eye on the new companion in case she expressed any other signs of uncertainty or discomfort. "Group event it is!" she cheered happily.
Random Park

Menelaos was a tough cookie to crack, I mean yes it hurt, but nothing like the multiple G's from piloting a fighter in training. "I've had worse dings in training to be honest, but trust me, if it hits me hard, I will be seeking medical, Lynira." He didn't feel right calling Lynira, Lyn, just yet, especially because they had only just met, though there was something nagging him about her in the back of his mind.

When Araya returned with her bag and a medical pouch, he allowed her to tend to his wounds and answered her question while he was tended to.
"At this point, I am unsure. All I know is that due to me being one of the few if not the only Separa'Shan fighter pilots in the SAoY, I was informed that my orders would be connected to the 2nd Expeditionary."

After Araya finished with tending the goose egg on the back of his head and they both agreed to help him with his shopping debacle, there was an obvious sigh of relief from Menelaos, in truth this helped him. He didn't know much about Kyoto, nor the surrounding area. If they were on Ssinissa he could be their guide, but outside of a few military bases, he was truly lost. "I appreciate this, both of you."
Random Park

In spite of her anxiety with meeting Lynira and Menelaos, especially for the latter given his acclaim as one of the few Separa’Shan to graduate from a Star Army flight school, Mikasa finished tending to the goose bump quickly. After cleaning the affected area, the blonde-haired Neko applied a dab of anesthetic before placing a cold pack on the bump and tying it in place with a gauze wrap.

“This will reduce the swelling and help with the pain.” Mikasa said, as she finished tying the gauze. “At least I hope so.” She added with a slight frown. The pilot couldn’t say that she was entirely confident in her first aid skills, but she was relieved to have at least made an effort.

With that done, Mikasa packed up her first aid kit and placed it inside her sports bag, before giving a relieved sigh. A part of her wanted to go back to her aerial football game, but she had met two potential new friends and didn’t want to end the encounter prematurely.

"At this point, I am unsure. All I know is that due to me being one of the few if not the only Separa'Shan fighter pilots in the SAoY, I was informed that my orders would be connected to the 2nd Expeditionary."

“Well, hopefully we get to fly together!” Mikasa replied with a soft smile, before turning her attention to Lynira, fully taking the measure of the Norian’s pale elfin features now that she was no longer rushed!

“I don’t know Kyoto actually…” The blonde-haired Neko continued, before briefly pausing as she downloaded a guide to the city to her computerized mind. “Well, I know it now.” She smiled. “How about we take a bus to the Old Shopping District?”
Random Park

Lynira raised an eyebrow at Menelaos' words. Worse dings in pilot training than a possible concussion? It was not her place or within her scope of knowledge to openly question him on the matter. "I certainly hope you do if it is needed Menelaos." she stated rather firmly. While Araya tended to Mene's wound she sent off a message that she would be out of the house for a bit, but to reach out her if need be. Things were rather slow of late so it was likely she would not be needed back anytime soon. What had started out as a simple walk in the park seemed to have ended up in the possibility of making two new friends.

The pale diplomat offered a friendly smile when the Neko observed her. "I can only hope that you both have an amazing time in flight. I fear the skies are not for me." she said softly. Having her feet on the ground, be it on a vessel or working in politics made her more at ease than being solely responsible for operating a craft in the sky. Each day made her familiarity with Kyoto grow, however she would welcome any information about it that the two present had to offer. "Excellent!" she chimed happily. "That sounds like a good idea to me, I will follow you. Hopefully I can keep up." Currently she was restricted to walking on her own two feet so that would leave her a bit behind if the other two traveled swiftly.
Random Park

Personally, Menelaos did feel as though the coldpack or gauze wrap holding it in place was necessary. Partially because it made him look like an idiot, but mostly because he felt it was overkill for a simple knot on the back of his head. "Who is to say, Mikasa. Seems that the likelihood of us flying together is very high. Being, that we are joining the same fleet and the modified Mozu is being sent along for what I am assuming is a test run of the new flight system." He nodded his thanks to Mikasa as he stood testing his balance as he did so, he knew from experience that if he did have a concussion that it would manifest later as opposed to immediately.

"If this is the case, then ladies, I am in your care for this jaunt into the city. I have been coming to this park or staying in the temporary barracks I have been assigned while waiting." He placed the Mozu manual in a side pocket of the cooler and then slung the strap over his head being careful of the cold pack on his head. He stood their calmly, as waited for the Neko and Norian to join him.
Random Park

“I was ordered to get certified on the Mozu too!” Mikasa said as she strapped her sports bag over her back. “I’ll have to get very lucky to fly it, though. I don’t think they’ll be sending many of them. They’ll probably only be designated for pilots with high ratings. I’m a C.” She added with a slight frown.

"I can only hope that you both have an amazing time in flight. I fear the skies are not for me."

“There’s nothing wrong with being groundside! I had planned to train as a Medical Specialist, before deciding to become a pilot. Oh Chiharu, you won’t believe what made me change my mind!” Mikasa said, her features going flush as a giggle slipped from her lips. Void Dancer 9!” She continued. “Arcade-style space combat game. I played it a lot during my socialization.”

With that, Mikasa led the way to the nearby bus station, quickly downloading the routes to her digital mind as she did.

“I’ll pay for both of your tickets!” The blonde-haired Neko offered as the small group came up to the bus stop after a short walk. Soon, the bus pulled up and Mikasa ascended the stairs to pay for the tickets, before gesturing for Lynira and Menelaos to follow.

Void Dancer 9 - Think of SARP Universe Ace Combat!
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Lynira smiled brightly at the conversation going on between Mikasa and Menelaos. It seemed that not only were the going to possibly be friends, but they would be serving together! She was happy he would be at least in the vicinity of someone more familiar with the Star Army of Yamatai than she. "I solemnly swear to be on my best behavior while we guide you through the city. No mischief, promise," she said with a nod as she moved to stand next to him , as if signaling she was ready to join him to start the journey.

Her ears twitched with interest as she listened with intrigue about the Neko's prior interests. "Oh my goodness," she giggled a bit. "I am afraid I would not have known what that was if you had not been so kind as to explain it to me," she blushed a bit at the woman's offer. "How kind, thank you!" she said as her steps followed along all the way up into the bus stopping quickly to avoid bumping into Mikasa.

It was nice getting a chance to speak with another pilot outside of the training regiment and his former wingmates from Ssinissa. "Ah, yes the rating which SAoY uses to decide how best and what a pilot can utilize. If I remember correctly, my rating is A, I believe this is because of my prior experience with the CSP." That was an odd phrase to use, what sort of mischief did Lynira usually take part in and why did her scent seem so familiar to him. He couldn't recall, where or if they had met before. Since joining the SAoY he had met many people from a multitude of races.

He looked to Mikasa when she mentioned Void Dancer 9, he remembered playing one of the previous iterations of the game when he was a youth, it had helped to strengthen his desire to fly.
"I remember Void Dancer, Mikasa. I played 7 when I was a youth on Ssinissa."

Menelaos followed along with the other two on this excursion into the city. "Thank you, Mikasa. I owe you a drink for this." He turned to Lynira. "I owe you a drink as well, for being willing to help me."

"I'll hold you to that!" Mikasa exclaimed in response to Lynira's promise, before a sharp, cackling giggle escaped from her lips, earning her a few hard glares from the other passengers in the bus. Nevertheless, the blonde-haired Neko quickly paid for the tickets and led her two companions toward the back of the passenger area, before floating down into a seat.

Before long, the bus floated up from the ground and lurched into motion, traveling deeper into Kyoto from the city’s outskirts.

“I’ll have to play the older games at some point.” Mikasa smiled. “Maybe if I play them I’ll get an A rating like you!” The Pilot teased, as a playful grin came over her features. From there, Mikasa shifted her attention to the window, taking in the city as the bus crossed into a new district.

“Look! We’re passing through the Imperial District right now. There’s the Imperial Palace!” The blonde-haired Neko pointed to the towering structure which rose into the skyline and had a mushroom-like architecture. “It won’t be long before we get to the Old Shopping District.” She added.
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