Star Army

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RP [Open RP] Seizing The Opportunity (Kuvexian War Final Battle/Battle of Glimmergold)

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RP Date
1月 YE 43
RP Location
Scrapyard System
OOC Mood Music: Attack on Glimmergold Intro By Wes

Scrapyyard System


It was the first month of YE 43 when all of the extensive planning and tense debates, and international military coordination was coming to fruition. United in their resolve to end the threat of Kuvexian Invasions in the Kikyo Sector, a massive task force began to assemble on the outskirts of the Scrapyard Star System (UX-12). First, the Star Army's First Fleet arrived in a teal shimmer of hyperspace folds that would make a fireworks display operator jealous, led by the immense Izanagi-class flagship YSS Battle of Yamatai, a hulking mega-dreadnaught larger than even the Star Army's Star Fortresses. With it were dozens of sister dreadnaughts, thousands of battleships and tens of thousands of heavy cruisers, gunships, and whatever the Star Army could spare, including numerous smaller task forces, ships they'd just purchased from Origin Industries and other builders, old ships dragged out of mothballs, and even some volunteer ships from the security forces of major Yamataian Corporations. Next, more fleets began to arrive, including the second, third, and seventh fleets. It was one of the largest Star Army operations ever undertaken, and involved a larger portion of the Star Army's ships than any operation since the Battle of Tau Ceti.

A shadow passed over the Star Army fleets as two huge machine planets appeared out of the darkness of space and joined the formation. Each of them were primarily dark gray, had a large and obvious circular weapon system at their polar regions, and were some 300 kilometers in diameter.

Standing at the center of the Battle of Yamatai's spacious bridge, Taisho Ketsurui Yui watched the screens as ship counts rose and international allies began to arrive.

"Set readiness condition two throughout the fleets. All hands to battle stations," Yui ordered. "Please ask all allies to report in," she told her communications officers, who went to work.

"All Star Army Fleets and international forces please report readiness status," the Battle of Yamatai transmitted.

- - -


Among the massive combined fleet, there was an old Kyoto-class starship, built in the early 20s, discarded, and then restored for the Kuvexian War in YE 39 from the very scrapyard for which this system was named. It had been pulled from the Nataria Fleet Depot, having been one of the less than 10% of ships that had survived the Third Battle of Nataria. Basically, this old ship had been through a lot, and now it as in the hands of the future crew of the YSS Resurgence, which the Star Army had grabbed and placed on the old ship because the Resurgence was still under construction. Fancy new Fuji-class gunships were in demand following the success of the YSS Kaiyo II but there simply wasn't enough to go around so there was a backlog of orders for them. Gabriela Lively, a starship operator used to moving uncrewed ships around for the Star Army, had successfully brought the ship solo to Ketsurui Star Fortress, where Ikigai and her crew boarded.

Shosa Ikigai Majime assembled the brand-new crew in the massive power armor bay, standing in front of them on the platform level of a Type 42 Step Ladder. "Ahem! This is not the way I envisioned getting to know my crew for my first command. Welcome the 'YSS...Presurgence,' she told them, with a chuckle making up the name on the spot. "We are about to face the Kuvexian Insterstellar Navy's elite banking guard units at 2-to-1 odds against us in an old rust bucket, with a brand-new crew, on a possible suicide mission that could leave us stranded months away from home. It's probably going to either go unexpectedly smoothly and the giant dreadnaughts are going to do all the work for us, or it is going to get really hairy and we need to be prepared. This ship has a huge number of LAMIA M1 power armors, fighters, and other weapons aboard so we're not helpless. Start waking up and cloning the mini-nekos. We have weapons, we have shields, and we have each other. So let's be ready. What are your questions?"
Scrapyyard System

The glittering, otherworldly blues perceptible during hyperspace transit intensified to a brilliant cyan on the YSS Musashi's main viewscreen before climaxing in a bright flash that bathed the entire bridge in white light. It faded only a little less quickly than it'd come when the Essai's twin machine planets bled into resolution on the ship's multitude of volumetric displays. Shocked murmurs could be heard from every level of the mighty Chiharu-class's bridge, from the pit all the way up to the fleet command deck. Taisho Hokusai Akiyo, too, stepped back at the sight as if the constructs were a couple of Crab-Type Mishhuvurthyar who'd just breached her ship's hull. She'd been briefed on the mission details, of course, but seeing the alien machine behemoths was truly staggering as her glorious flagship and its swarm of battleships, cruisers, gunships, and destroyers in escort twinkled into real space under their imposing shadow.

"Send our confirmation," Hokusai-taisho ordered with a nod when the Battle of Yamatai's message came through. "Third Fleet is ready to deploy."

Kyoto-class Carrier "YSS Presurgence"

Majime's first officer, Taii Hōjō Kagura, stood to the right of the Shosa's makeshift podium, already making mental notes as to the crew's upcoming tasks once the captain had answered any of their questions. The sudden assignment to this old workhorse of a ship had surprised her immensely — as had her assignment to the Resurgence itself, still under construction at Ketsurui Star Fortress. That they were already being sent off to battle without a new ship gave her butterflies, but what particulars she'd been told about the mission so far steeled those nerves for the coming fight. Today would be a monumental day for the Star Army and the Kikyo Sector, that much was sure to her.
Scrapyard System

The YSS Tokyo and her battlegroup emerged from hyperspace at the designated staging area. The mighty Izanagi-Class and her swarm of Fuji-class gunships and fast-moving Chiaki-Class Escorts were poised and ready for the mission at hand. A year of designing, proving, and testing the new First Expeditionary Fleet had produced a predatory fold that was hungry for battle and the minor skirmish they had just dealt with in the Tange System was a test that had given then palette a taste of it. Katsuko stood next to the command chair, her hands folded behind her back as she watched the main projection and had a cloud of accessory feeds in position around it. "This has been some time coming...I hope you're ready. Remember we defend those machine worlds, at all costs, " she said as she looked towards Shosho Motoyooshi Eri, her fiancee, and the first officer of the Tokyo. The fleet that had been manned through surges of cadets from Fort Tokyo just a year before due to shortages, had come a long way. When the message from the YSS Battle of Yamatai came in, the First Expeditionary Fleet was already at Condition Two. "The First Expeditionary Fleet is at the ready, for the Victory of Yamatai," Katsuko replied on the channel to Yui.

Katsuko had the YSS Mazu, an old Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command Cruiser that had survived the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet repaired and given refit, the old ship joined the battlegroup under the command of her daughter, Taisa Motoyoshi Kaoru. It was there as a symbol and reminder for the clan of their recent unification and resolutions. All in all, about forty percent of the fleet's strength had shown, the rest remained behind in the Yugumo Cluster ready to defend the homestead worlds that relied upon them incase the Kuvexians tried to take advantage of so much of Yamatai's strength being absent.
Scrapyard System

The Seventh Fleet arrived in its entirety. There were the two immense Izanagi-class ships, YSS Battle of Essia and YSS Battle of the Binary Stars. However, joining them were both of the Star Fortresses, Hotaru and Himitsu. With them was a huge cloud of ships forming up into squadrons and formations. Nearby, the Interstellar Patrol fleet from Essia was also forming up in their own formations. On the Flag Bridge of the YSS Dansu things were a buzz of activity. Fletcher stood in the middle, hovering over the plot that tracked every one of the tens of thousands of ships preparing for the battle. "Status report." He asked.

"Seijou Division is reporting in. Namida squadron has arrived and is forming up. Their formation is complete." "Chikara reporting in, two squadrons haven't arrived, but are inbound. All others in formation." "White Hammer reporting in, all ships are in formation." Three nekos reported to him.

"Advise me when they arrive," Fletcher said, brown eyes piercing. Two squadrons were not significant in this operation even if they didn't show up. Regardless, they would be joining before the wormhole opened if the plot was correct.

"We're receiving a message from the Battle of Yamatai, requesting readiness status."

Fletcher took a look at the plot one last time, ensuring he could back up his words. "Seventh Fleet is ready." He reported as the last two squadrons slid into place.

Kyoto-class Carrier "YSS Presurgence"

This was certainly a way to spend your 99th day alive, participating in one of the largest operations of the Kuvexian war. Cheilith Unknifto was excited, this was exactly the sort of thing she had been made for. She nudged the person next to her, "So, you want to blast them in fighters or powered armor?" She asked with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm.
Kyoto-class Carrier "YSS Presurgence"

The fate of Hero

Russ had just barely made it to the briefing in time. Being a late arrival from Nataria before shipping out he didn't have much time to settle into the temp ship. For the pilot the last while had been a blur, from serving on the Sakura II to being the sole survivor of one of the aerial battles of Nataria, to here for hopefully the final battle of the war. To think already in his short service he had seen so much and was about to bare witness to untold destruction not scene on such a scale would be a thing for the history books if he lived.

As he listened to the briefing from his new commanding officer he saw it seemed they justifiable seemed abit nervous. When he heard the odds though it didn't seem so bad compared to what he saw on Nataria though he was unsure how his new crewmates might fair.

Seeing it was question time he raised his hand. Given a nod "Two quick questions ma'am!" he shouted to make sure he was heard. "First during the operation what would you like the few pilots directives being during this?". Pausing before asking the question he slightly dreaded to know "Do we have a estimated total of civilian causalities due to our allies WMDs?"

Though he didn't like the operation for that he couldn't pass up a chance to fight against the Kuvvies. One last chance to avenge the fallen at Nataria even if it might cost him his soul.
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When Shosa Ikigai Majime uttered the phrase "suicide mission," Kwabba-an started to shake. She tried to listen to the rest of the speech, but she found herself completely unable. She hoped she hadn't missed anything important. Fear was familiar to her. It was something she felt when she found herself in most social situations. But the fear of imminent death was new to her. She vaguely understood that there were ways of taking a backup of herself and being restored in case she died, but she also vaguely understood that her current body would experience death. Would that be her that woke up in the new body? Or a copy of her? Regardless, she found herself afraid of ever having to find out.

A nudge in her side snapped Kwabba-an's attention back to her current surroundings and she turned to look at the woman next to her.

"So, you want to blast them in fighters or powered armor?"

"Ah," she began. She could feel that she was still quivering, which would normally be due to the sudden unplanned social interaction, but she realized that existential terror made a very good treatment for social anxiety. "I'm afraid they only built a custom suit of power armour for me."

The ant anthro looked down at her four hands as they continued to tremble.

"So I suppose that is what I want to use," she continued, and looked up at the brown-haired and gold-eyed woman. Kwabba-an's eyes narrowed. There was something polite to do now, she thought. What was it? Oh! "And what about you?"
Scrapyard System

Compared to the mighty fleets of the Yamatai Star Empire and its partners in this mission, one could not be blamed for not noticing the ensemble of 8 Plumeria 2E/R Gunships and their 12 Chiki Destroyer Escorts towards the rear of the 7th Fleet. They began to assemble into their wolfpack formations with a Plumeria leading a pair of Destroyers. Two of the Plumerias, the YSS Yukikaze and the YSS Noshiro, came up to the rear of a trio of packs. All were keeping their emissions of radiation at a minimum.

YSS Yukikaze Bridge
"Hyperspace transit complete, Taisa Sato is reporting all ships are present and ready." a man looked over towards a raven-haired woman sitting in the center chair of the bridge.

"Thank you, Mister Guthrie. Report back to Sato-Taisa the YSS Yukikkaze is mission ready."

"Yes, Sakurai-shosa." Itto-hei Guthrie said before looking back over to his console. Sakurai Mizuki then looked over towards the tall Minkan standing next to her wearing a black Type 41 Hard Suit and his helmet under his left arm.

"Harris-Chui, I trust your Century is ready for the bloodbath that is about to occur? I know you are trained for the task and I know the Giretsu are trained to be tough. But this is a suicide mission if I have ever seen one."

Mikael just looked down at her. "They'd make it through by being aggressive as a Giretsu Century and they will make it through as SOFT if they were paying attention to the training I was providing. I had a feeling they would organize them this way."

"I'll do my best to make sure they and the rest of the SOFTs get to their destinations" Mizuki said, smiling a bit.

Kyoto-class Carrier "YSS Presurgence"

Newly Itto-hei Kurita Tomomi just audibly gulped when she received the orders to report to the junk heap of a ship. But the more she walked in the corridors of the heap, the more it was starting to grow on her. It kept her from thinking about her future in the Star Army of Yamatai now that they were changing requirements to be a Starship Operator. Judging the fact she was put into the path for officerdom, she could only guess she was returning to IT Specialist duty.

Later on, gathered with the rest of the crew of the Resurgence, she just listened to the mission briefing.
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Nepleslian 2nd Assault Fleet
NSS Episcopus

This time aboard the command group's flagship, Violetta De Luca spoke to her bridge staff in a grim tone. "Faster than light travel's never had such a long line in front of it," referring to the tens of thousands of ships that were around.

When prompted by the other nation, she gave a terse nod to her communications operator, who jetted out their readiness condition to the Yamataian Taisho.

"Prepare for defensive positions once we are through, Santeria," Violetta spoke into fleet comms to the second battle group, then to the first group, "Be at the ready to give the old ball and chain, as well, Cross."

She breathed slowly, knowing any more preamble was unnecessary before such a journey. Her fleet knew why they were here and what to avoid. The answer to both was death.

[Edit: Kaiyo has no reason to start anything yet since we're nearby. We'll join once these forces are in Glimmergold.]
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Nepleslian 2nd Assault Fleet
NSS Episcopus

Egwene was onboard the ship as an auxiliary combat engineer. After Nataria, she felt that there had been enough war in her life, but couldn't deny the call for aid, so came aboard when they had asked. She was sat in the storage bay with the rest of the mechanics, doing last minute work in her Ursarus. If they were deployed to a ship, it's bulk and high powered weaponry would be great for holding positions against enemy ingress and pushing back against bulwarks.

"I should look into secondary power supply systems and some sort of energy shield. You staying alive keeps me alive" Egwene muttered, waiting for the call to action.
YSS Tokyo - Bridge

The long breath that hissed from her nose belied the woman's actual mental state. Eri stood to the other side of the chair from Katsuko, focused on the screens that her fiance had looked at moments ago. She heard the words that came from her love, she knew they were ready... The fleet had been deadly, efficient and downright blood thirsty in the Tange system, like sharks to an injured fish... But this was different. This was a full scale battle, one not a mop up but full force brought to bear against full force. She fidgeted her fingers against the arm of the chair she stood beside as again and again she ran through the fleet's preparedness. She yearned for her carrier, for her old crew, but she knew those of the YSS Tokyo were just as smart, just as efficient and just as reliable. But familiarity and all that always reared it's head in situations like this.

Finally her eyes flicked over to Katsuko as she stood there and heard the words for what they were finally. She forced a smile for a moment before she hardened again and looked to a map of the fleet arraignments they had found themselves in with the Nepleslians to their aid as well.

"This will certainly be interesting won't it?" She asked.

YSS Tokyo - Power Armor Bay

The scene in the power armor bay was a far different cry from that of the bridge. Decked in her Mindy, minus the helmet, Datenshi was a blur of activity. Usually one to screw around, joke about, screw off or whatever she could (Which was probably why she never made a full officer...) the redhead for once was a being of full activity. Sure, this was going to be a massive full scale ship-to-ship battle, but she was a veteran of both Mishhu wars, she knew what happened during these kinds of battles. Just as often a Mindy squadron could make the difference, could take down a ship on their own to help out, or defend their ship from the enemy boarders. For that reason, Datenshi was hard at work. Load outs, last minute checks or fixes, making sure everyone knew what their job and responsibility was, Datenshi was in her element and the confusion was evident on the higher ups that were in the bay.

Of course she had her music on, the heavy thump of the bass drums, the loud screech of a lead guitar, some female vocalist that screamed out lyrics about battle and coming home with a few heads or marks, or a glorious death in an explosion of aether and metal... It had an effect on those in the bay as they began to get swept up in the music. Datenshi knew most of her commanding officers had made officer in this war, at least those down in the bay who outranked her, but she knew what it took in these massive battles. She had been to the scrapyard once already this war, with the YSS Sakura II, and it had been their convincing of Yui that had allowed them to keep the Scrapyard from Kuvexian hands. Hell she had even negotiated the surrender of a Kuvexian war ship in that battle...

For now though, it was time to focus on this battle. She smacked the side of a helmet as the locks were secured and grinned before she gave the neko inside a playful wink, then turned back to the others as they began to mill about. She could see a bit of hesitancy in the other leaders, so the redhead let out a little breath and lowered the music so she could be heard. With numerous heads all looking around confused, Datenshi hopped up onto a crate with her helmet under her arm.

"Oi! Listen up shits. Things are gonna get nuts out there, shit is gonna get big. I know a lot of you are fresh outta Ready, a year or so out since we got out on the road with this fuckin flying planet of a ship we call home but listen... This ain't like the Tange. This isn't gonna be mop ups and over powered fights... This is gonna be a brawl. A fuckin slugfest..." She stopped to give the room a quick look around. She could see the helmets of at least a century's worth of Power armor, but unaware that someone had taken it to other bays within the ship.

"We aren't all coming back, every suit that leaves won't touch back down. I'm not gonna put that fairy tale bull shit in your heads, I refused to. I've seen my fair share of the tank, waking up with no memory of how I got there, but just remember that we will be back, each and every one of you will return to this ship one way or another... And that means one thing. You can fight with every last drop of blood in your body..." Pearly whites shone out as the caramel colored lips twisted into an evil grin.

"Show them the mistake they made today, the mistake they made in daring to fight the mighty Yamataian Empire! Make them regret it, make them wonder why they are still here. These people are nothing more than corporate dogs that are here cause they think there is a quick credit to make. How in the actual fuck they made it this far I don't know, but who cares. Make them regret it, make them fear us. Yamatai should be a horror story they tell their children... Nekovalkyrja should be the monsters that hide under their bed, we should be the noise in the closet at night, the ghost that shows in their mirrors when they shut their door..." The grin grew wider as she looked around at those in front of her.

"Fight till your last breath, fight with a roar in your throat, with anger in your hearts! Become the story they tell at Ready to teach the new ones, to show how to fight! And let's give these bastards a hell of a show!" She thrust her fist into the air as she exclaimed the last bit, and had to admit she was a little shocked to see the others follow suit with a roar of approval before they began their final suit preps for the battle ahead, ready to fight for brothers, sisters, and home alike.
YSS Tokyo, Bridge

Tokyo Himawari, with a symbolic sunflower, tucked in the black strands of her hair, manned the centralized lower platform console of Mission Command, which she had pretty much adopted as her Operations Control. The avatar of the massive and powerful Izanagi, reported to Katsuko, "I'm ready, Taisho. Motoyoshi-Asano Namika-Taii confirms all launch facilities are on hot standby, we are ready to launch fighters, bombers, and power armors on arrival on the other side of the wormhole." The avatar double-checked the preparations of tactical which was manned by one of her junior sprites, Tokyo Violet. The YSS Tokyo was ready for a fight, all they had to do was make it through the wormhole.

The bridge was alive with the chatter of officers, the confirming of diagnostics, and the checklists for battle readiness as they waited for the order to proceed. Staff from the onboard Kikyo Pie Company had been vetted ahead of time and had a delivery of individual portions to the bridge which included a slice, and a drink in a sealed tumbler glass designed for the YSS Tokyo as a special gift from the command team.

"Thank you, Tokyo-Chusa," Katsuko acknowledged Himawari. She looked to Eri then, and responded, "Be ready for anything. I don't like the lack of information on what waits for us. Take Communications, I want you to be able to relay to other fleets and keep us in touch with those Machine Worlds we will be protecting," she ordered and pointed to the communications console.

They had very little idea as to what was going to be waiting for them on the other side of the wormhole and there was only so much they could do to prepare. Katsuko's SPINE interface with the ship and the cloud of volumetric in front of her was in a constant update in preparation for their transit and arrival at Glimmergold.

YSS Tokyo, Power Armor Bay

Namika had been on deck long enough to hear Datenshi's speech. She had just finished her own in Hangar Bay One for her team of technicians that would provide support for the 17th Dragons during their mission rights. Brief Theatres were closing, as Squadron and Wing leaders prepped and encouraged their crew. "Good to see you ready," Namika said to Datenshi, "Remember if you or your team need to come back into repair, try and give us a heads up. We can swap pilots out of badly damaged armors with our reserve stock to make things go quicker at least earlier on. If things get tight I will let you know," the Deck Boss updated her. "I will circulate between the Hangars and the Armor Bays but I will be monitoring all communications traffic in our groups."
YSS Yukikaze

Hiroki ran checks on his Mindy 4 power armor multiple times. He was not afraid. It was the opposite. There was a sense of excitement within him as he knew that he was going to take part in what may very well be his biggest battle to date. It was time to make the Kuvexians pay for every Yamataian soul that they had taken in their lust for conquest and control.

The theatrics were going to be wild, and if the battle of Glimmergold was to be a movie, it would most likely top the charts for months. He would be one of the fighters behind the pyrotechnics. One more check on his power armor was finished before he counted off what weaponry he would bring to the major battle. Considering the strategic value of Glimmergold to the Kuvexians, Hiroki figured that there would be armored units in defensive positions. This led him to equip his Mindy with a shoulder-mounted 20mm Gauss Cannon. His handheld firearm would be a PAAR-40 with armor-piercing rounds for enemy infantry and lighter targets.

He also had a few frag grenades on him to utilize against any well entrenched positions that his team may come upon. All in all he was ready. Ready to fight for the Yamatai Empire and the galaxy as a whole.
Kyoto-class Carrier "YSS Presurgence"
Seeing it was question time he raised his hand. Given a nod "Two quick questions ma'am!" he shouted to make sure he was heard. "First during the operation what would you like the few pilots directives being during this?". Pausing before asking the question he slightly dreaded to know "Do we have a estimated total of civilian causalities due to our allies WMDs?"
Shosa Ikigai Majime, "The Kuvexians are really into using large amounts of starfighters and trying to pick off our space infantry out there in Mindy armors. You'll be able to go after them and keep them off our soldiers as we get into close combat. I think that you'll have all the targets you could ever hope for out there. As far as civilians, it's hard to get a straight answer about this and I don't think the Essai have told us or that SAINT knows, but the Kuvexians are a finance-heavy civilization that is very old, so I expect the civilian numbers are...not minimal. That said, feel free to leave the dirty deeds to the Essai and concentrate on saving infantry lives out there on the battlefield. Our primary target remains the Kuvexian Interstellar Navy forces, not those planets."

Presurgence Bridge

"It feels like the Battle of Nataria all over again but with the roles reversed," Gabriela Lively commented. "This ship is old but she's built tough as Zesuaium nails. She'll protect us well," she told Tomomi.

OOC: @demibear @SchererSoban
YSS Tokyo

Eri watched the employees from the Kikyo Pie Company bring onto the bridge some food and looked to Katsuko for a moment before she just laughed softly and shook her head. Leave it to Katsuko to buy them pizza and drinks in the minutes that lead to one of the largest battles in her life...

"You never cease to amaze me you know that? Pizza?" Eri chided playfully, but nodded all the same and took herself to the seat that had been indicated. Her pizza safe in her lap and her drink in a holder to the side of the seat, she settled back and connected to the SPINE system and let out a deep breath as she felt herself sync to the ship and pull up what she needed. In an instant she had direct lines ready to be activated but not yet called to each of the Taisho of the different fleets, as well as communication to all the more important officers of their fleet. She also had lines of communication to anyone of import down on the Machine worlds to make sure she kept in constant contact with them. Small screens to use to bring up wing leaders, flight leaders, and anyone else that would launch from the YSS Tokyo in terms of bombers or power armor pilots... It seemed like Eri fell into the role of communications smoothly and it felt so good to be where she felt comfortable.

YSS Tokyo
Power Armor Bay

Red tipped ears twitched as she heard Namika speaking to her. Datenshi nodded a little as she looked to her wing, black eyes scanning the group as she let out a breath. "I got their suit diagnostics linked to my suit, so I'll keep an eye on them and make sure to send them back when they need repairs. When they do, I'll make sure I send you a heads up." One of the redhead's legs began to twitch as she stood there and she peered down to it before she simply shook her head.

"Fuckin fourteen years old... Two major wars... I've been through this shit time and time again and yet I still get nervous." She smirked as she looked up to Namika and gave a haphazard shrug before her mouth got the better of her. "How about a kiss for good luck? You know to make sure I come back and get another?" She said fairly offhandedly as she watched Namika. There seemed to be no shame or embarrassment, but she did kick herself a few times mentally as the words slipped free.

LSDF Trishka

It was silent on the bridge of the Trishka, a long since ceremonial ship used as decoration, the ship to explore the north, the ship that carried the princess of the Fyunnen, the ship that returned the lost daughter of the stars... The LSDF Trishka was a long well known ship, and it was for that reason that it was the focal point of the fleet the Lorath had brought. They were there as an additional force added to the Nepleslian forces, something the bolster the SMDIoN forces that would fight in the battle, though it was easy to see the discomfort of the woman who led the ship from the bridge.

Back straight, eyes focused forward and locked on what screens she could see, she knew the communications officer would keep a steady stream of information coming to her, and she would make sure her people helped where they could. She had her mind elsewhere for the moment, but for now, she knew soon enough it would return to the battle before her.
Glimmergold System

Every Yui 7 scout that Star Army Intelligence could pull from its duties on the Kuvexian front had been routed to Glimmergold in support of Yui's latest gambit. Nearly 100 of the wicked Zesuaium needles hung like shadows on the outskirts of the system, already beginning their work to disrupt the Interstellar Kingdom's communications into, out of, and in Glimmergold. It was nothing overly severe yet, and the army of SAINT electronic warfare specialists made every effort to keep their vessels secret as they escalated their attacks. To the Kuvexians, comfortable aboard their space stations and listening posts, all of it was intended to seem like little more than a nasty moment of stellar phenomena.

More direct actions were occurring, too. SOFT teams from the Special Deployment Force were already making their moves to infiltrate outlying installations that had been cut off from their central commands as Yui 7s across the sub-sector ambushed unsuspecting patrols racing back to Glimmergold from their assignments abroad. With any luck, the system would be as primed as possible for the coming storm that was soon to be unleashed by Yamatai and their Essai friends.

And deep within the system, a lone operative's work was nearing its end.

Planet Glimmergold II
Tertiary Banking District, 96th Processing and Exchange Hub

If she searched for long enough, the Kuvexian known as Baroness Gehtrood Wschbab could remember her old Nepleslian name. Forgetting such things was an artform, though, and essential for the task at hand. Her time spent living in this kidnapped Kuvexian identity, the body perfectly replicated and its persona meticulously researched, demanded that the SAINT operative inside keep everything she once held wrapped up and stored tidily away in the darkest reaches of her mind. However, for all of her clandestine efforts and commitment to the mission, she had not been able to provide much in the way of useful intelligence and had been asked to undertake even less.

Today that would change. Her orders hadn't been direct from the Star Army by the necessity of her placement, nor was it clear what she would accomplish, but it had been made obvious that it was of the utmost importance.

The Baroness Wschbab reported to her modest office, wearing modest dark green robes befitting her job as a manager in an understaffed Processing and Exchange Hub eighty stories up — or down from the highest level, as it were — within the world's Tertiary Banking District just as she would on any other day. It was a cramped sort of place whose halls dripped with condensation despite the gems and ornate finery that decorated its walls, and was one of many on the second of six planets that her Kuvexian lords had long ago converted into massive supercomputers for the purpose of handling their vast financial empire's unfathomably complex workings.

She sat at her bronze desk, its stylized carvings scrubbed to a dull matte finish after decades of keeping any turquoise patina at bay, and opened her briefcase. A big digital storage drive lay within it today. The silver box was plain other than an input/output panel carved into its smooth casing, and its heft was necessary for the vast volume of information it contained. Its weight hanging from her hand had been the only difference in her daily routine, as well as what came next.

From her interface terminal, the Baroness pulled a glittering retractable cord and plugged it in to the heavy computer drive before pressing down on a button that appeared otherwise flush in its top left corner. Wschbab knew nothing of what it now uploaded into her terminal, but it was in fact a crucial component of the Star Army's attack. The contents of the drive were a set of AI constructs — engineered by SAINT and SARA partially using recovered Kuvexian data for compatibility — whose own mission today was equal parts offense and defense. They would try to surge through Kuvexian networks and across planet- and system-wide databases to block any of the Interstellar Kingdom's attempts to tamper with Yamataian Soul Transfer storage like the vile aliens had during the Third Battle for Nataria. Their second motive was to wreak havoc on the gargantuan Kuvexian computer-worlds themselves and strike at every angle possible in their digital battlespace.

The upload only took a few minutes. Upon completion, the drive's internals physically melted down and rendered the AI carriage completely inert. Baroness Wschbab closed her briefcase now and latched its shining gold-colored hinges back down, but left it behind when she walked out of her office.

"I will return after the lunch period," Wschbab told her young, blue-skinned assistant on the way past his tiny desk that sat outside her privacy door. On the surface, the Baroness had grown to enjoy her junior counterpart's company even if the SAINT operative buried within hated everything the Kuvexian man stood for. "Misplaced some reports due this afternoon. My forgetfulness is going to cause our bankruptcy!" she joked, before adding in all seriousness, "Make sure to deduct it from my quarterly clothing stipend. I'll have to go without a new coat this year."

With that, the fake Kuvexian Baroness departed her job for the last time with the intent to charter a shuttle off-world immediately. Other than connecting the drive to Wschbab's terminal, the operative's only other directive had been to leave the planet and standby. "You'll know what to do," she'd been told, and nothing else.
Kyoto-class Carrier "YSS Presurgence"

Russ upon hearing the words that it was an unknown amount really told him of the desperation of the mission. Though he knew how didn't know how much steel he needed around his hearts he knew he had to be a good example. Replying "Well Shosa I promise the air wing will give that cover all the while listening to the rain". He wasn't sure if they would get the term but hoped the joke might lessen some of the jitters the crew might have.
Scrapyard System

Amidst the gathering multitude of starships assembling at the outer edges of the Scrapyard System, one could have been forgiven for not noticing the arrival of two small fleets to join the throng, were it not for the energetic yellow wormholes, ranging from 500m to a kilometer and a half wide, that tore themselves open before disgorging the 160 or so ships.

The starships all bore identification codes and markings that made their origin clear to all who turned their eye towards them; they were from the nascent New Dusk Conclave. Despite being the smallest nation to participate in the operation, they had sent more than thrice over what their reserved neighbors, the Neshaten, had. Perhaps a show to prove their potential, perhaps just a mark of pride. Nevertheless, many soldiers both inside and outside of the Duskerian fleet would surely be wondering just how such a small force expected to make a difference.

NDS Vanguard

Onboard the flagship of the task force, the Albion class battle carrier NDS Vanguard, Vice-Admiral Dozier, looked back to the rear of the bridge, where an empty AMP body was being stored for the potential possession of Admiral Alice Casdan, who had been the mind behind the NDC's involvement in the operation, and while it had been decided that she would not be present in person, such was the risk involved, there was speculation that she would still direct the battle personally.

Dozier looked to his side towards the ship's captain and instructed them to send a readiness report to the Yamataian flagship, Battle of Yamatai. After the command was relayed to the communications officer and the connection was accepted, the communications officer sent a report which boiled down to "NDC Task Force 1; reporting all ships ready." Looking back to the Vice-Admiral and the ship's captain, the officer gave an 'all good' hand signal.

Next, a channel was opened to the NDC fleet, and the Vanguard's captain handed Dozier a microphone pickup, and the Vice-Admiral began to speak. "All ships, all hands, this is TF-1 Actual. As you all know we will soon be heading towards the Glimmergold system of the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia. This foe has raided our systems over the last two years, and this is our chance to end the threat permanently. If we fail here, the great powers of the Sector will fall, and we will be next."

He took a deep breath. "We will fight, with what ships and what strength we have mustered here. We will defend our allies and their vessels, and show the Kuvexians and all those present how the Conclave's fleet fights. This will not be an easy battle, and not all of us will come back, but with all of our strength, and the strength of our allies, we will prevail."

Dozier muted the microphone for a moment, exhaling, before speaking again. "All hands, standby at your stations, and godspeed." He said, before ending the transmission.
YSS "Presurgence" Power Armor Bay

Nervous would probably best describe the normally calm Kozakura. While in her previous line of work she had performed a great deal of stunts, many of which could have resulted in serious injury she'd always faced them with a can do attitude and a dash of bravery. However something about being aboard a ship nearly as old as she was and heading into a battle where she personally would have little impact, left her feeling more than a little out of her element. However as she stood at the front of the formation in her custom built AMES she had to stand there and look strong. Besides, she'd signed the papers for a backup so what was the problem? Putting on a brave face while her EM-J5-1b drone "Maru" recorded the initial speech given by Majime-shosa, she tapped a few buttons on a device built into her suits left arm to zoom in for a close up.

Though as the speech shifted to questions and answers she wasn't sure if she should keep recording, ultimately deciding that this part needn't be preserved for the news or history. Plus it seemed like some of what was being discussed was sensitive in nature. Especially when the question of civilian casualties came up. That part made her glad that she was here to observe and record, not fight.... well hopefully at any rate. She was prepared to fight if they got boarded however. Tapping another couple of buttons sent Maru flying back over to Kozakura and into a docking and charging station that was strapped to her back.
YSS "Presurgence" Power Armor Bay

If there was one thing Sanda hated more than burning a meal she was cooking was waiting for combat to begin. Once combat started, a great joy of fighting filled her. She took great pride in her strength and skill in a fight an relished the thought of going into battle. A Nepleslian girl through and through. But the waiting before hand always drove her crazy. This also was a space fight in power armor. Not that Sanda had anything against power armor. In fact she, loved the firepower and speed her Daisy suit gave her. But being a recon specialist she preferred fighting out of armor, in something more stealthy. But she was a soldier, and any fight was a good fight.

She scanned around the Power armor bay. She hadn't had much interaction with most of her fellow crew members. Like her, most of them had been recently assigned to the YSS Resurgence, but the Resurgence wasn't finished being built yet and they needed a all the manpower they could muster. So here she was, about to head into an unknown fight with a bunch of people she hardly knew. She just hoped they were competent enough to watch her back.

Sanda pulled out her Straight Silver knife. Officially it was called a SOCK, a special operation combat knife, but she liked Straight Silver better. It had been a present from her sister and brother-in-law when she graduated from Ranger school. She loved the knife, hadn't parted with it once since she received it. The thing could cut through just about anything and was beautifully balanced. She spun the blade into the air and caught it with ease then ran through some slash and stab combinations. Again Sanda through the knife into the air, caught it in a different grip and ran through a different combo of slashes, straps and parrys. She repeated this for several more minutes before sheathing the blade. Two minutes later she growling in frustration and drew the blade again. She just had too much pint up energy.
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Presurgence Bridge

Tomomi listened to the newly promoted Shoi Starship Operator. She sort of just slumped a bit in her seat before she manually starts doing another diagnostic of the ship's sensor, communication, and electronic warfare suites. As her customized AI helpers do their job, she sits properly again.

"True, this did survive the Kuvexian push into Nataria. It is almost poetic that it will be there for our push-back on them." Tomomi said, trying to sound much more confident like a true Yamataian soldier should. Though as loyal as she was to the Empire, she was still questioning her place within it. Perhaps she should accept that job offer she received from the Ryu Keiretsu's Ryu Systems and Instruments after her tour on the Resurgence.
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