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RP [Open RP] Welcome to The Kikyo Sector, Part 2 - Love Day YE 43

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RP Date
14D 2M YE 43
RP Location
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kyoto, Yamatai
14D 2M YE 43

Crowded streets looked like rivers of people in the streets of Yamatai's largest city, the capital of Kyoto, where residents, workers, tourists, visitors, and soldiers mingled in a unique space that was new, yet historic, traditional yet advanced, and perhaps populated but lonely for some. For it was the case that Yamatai had a cultural concern with people being so busy living their lives and maintaining their own careers that they sometimes didn't stop to meet other people, to fall in love, to start families. With this in mind, a few years ago senator Hanako had introduced a proposal in the senate that created Love Day, a day for all things love-related. It was a day people were encouraged to go out and meet someone. It was a good of a day as any to find companionship. And where better than Kyoto, the city of love, to do it?

Down below the tall skyscrapers and micro-apartments and hotels was a dimly-lit, fragrant bar called The Chrome Catgirl. It wall were covered in ornate inlaid wood patterns, paintings of famous battles, and old military gear in display cases. It had a large bar and tables generous leather booth seats along the walls, many of which were currently filled with couples on dates.

Into the bar walked some Star Army soldiers, mostly single women, looking to meet someone to share the holiday with...
Standing like an upright boulder, Eldon stood still amidst the rivers of people in the streets of Kyoto. Everyone around him seemed to have somewhere else to be, but Eldon stared up at the pattern of the sky he could see above him between the skyscrapers. He saw it as the peeled skin of some huge fruit and imagined what shape it would make as he carefully folded it back together in his mind. As he stood there, he was motionless except for a wooden toothpick that he chewed idly as he daydreamed.

Several minutes later, he blinked and seemed to come to his senses. He looked down at the people bustling around him and wondered for some time if there was somewhere he needed to be. When he decided that there wasn't, he figured he might as well grab a pint and maybe rustle up some grub. He looked around at the nearby signs, and though he couldn't read Yamataigo, in which many of the signs were written, he had a rough idea of which ones were places he could get a drink. When he saw the sign for The Chrome Catgirl, he couldn't help but smile. He wasn't sure exactly what he would find inside, but he had a hunch that he'd have a good time.

Finally, the boulder in the middle of the river shifted. Eldon lifted his feet and walked towards the bar. The people walking by hardly noticed as they simply flowed around him. He reached the entrance to the establishment, pushed the door open, and took a long look at the occupants and décor while he stood illuminated dramatically from behind. After a moment, he stepped inside and closed the door behind himself. He pulled off the beaten-up bomber jacket to reveal that he was wearing a plain green button-up shirt underneath. He brushed the fine layer of snow off before hanging it up by the door. Then he brushed off his jeans, careful to avoid jostling the Judge that was slung low in a holster on his leg, before sauntering over to the bar. As he walked, he gave everyone who looked his way a warm smile and a nod.

When he reached the bar, he took out a 10KS bill and laid it down on the countertop before adopting a mighty lean. With fascination, he started eyeing the military equipment in nearby display cases while he waited for the bartender.
A synthwave-techno bassline thumped in the background of the noisy chatter of the crowded bar and the scent of char-grilled steak and booze filled the air in the Chrome Catgirl. There were a lot of military types in this place and indeed that seemed to be their demographic. Some displays near Eldon included a mannequin in a Type 22 Bodysuit with white boots, belt, and gloves, and a collection of model ships from the Star Army's early history like the Yui-class Scout, Ayame-class cruiser, Irim-class Gunship, and Ender-Class Gunship. There were also gun displays, hat collections, and a lot of paintings of battles and famous soldiers like Ketsurui Yui. There was a lot of Star Army lore and culture here.

The bartender, Kasandra, was a cute Elysian Plebeian with a round face, light brown bob cut hair, sky blue eyes, and tiny pink wings. She was dressed in a red crop-top sweater, red thigh-high stockings, and very short white skirt. She spoke a little loudly to be heard over the background noise. "Welcome to the Chrome Catgirl! It hasn't been this busy since the Victory Day celebration! What can I get you?"

Among others, near him at the bar he could see two redheads that kind of stood out, one with spiky hair, and one with long hair.
Eldon didn't notice Kasandra approach as he was trying to get a good look at the Yui-class scout without actually moving closer to the model. When she spoke, he turned to her and smiled as he pulled himself up out of his lean.

"Well met, my fuchsia-feathered feminine friend." He spoke somewhat slowly, drawing out the vowels likely because of some accent or idiolect. He also seemed to be doing his best to talk over the music, but his voice was still rather quiet. "Your establishment does seem to be positively stirring, but the streets outside were similarly populous which led me to believe this was a typical occurrence. Your statement to the contrary surprises me somewhat, being as it is that I have very few points of reference in these parts. You see, plain as it might be or similarly surprised as you may find yourself, I'm not exactly local to the area."

With his left hand, Eldon started rubbing his beard as he looked at the bottles behind the bar. His eyes flitted from one to the next with no indication of recognition lighting up his face.

"In fact, I'm not even very familiar with your spirits. Whether that's on account of my being somewhat alien or if'n it's just a case of this place being a hefty bit fancier than the sort of shindig in which I usually find myself, I simply cannot say." He gave an embarrassed smile and leaned forward a little against the counter. "If you could bless me with the kindness of making a recommendation for a modest and simple fermented libation, it surely would stir up an infinite well of gratitude within me."

With that request made, he turned his body half away from her and turned his head to make a sweeping scan of the cultural artefacts before he made eye contact with her again.

"It is the case that I could never perpetrate a falsehood, whether by deliberate machinations or by forgetful omission," he lied. "I am obliged to mention that this veritable museum of Yamataian erudition sets itself somewhat apart from what I saw in my mind's eye as I read the name «Chrome Catgirl.»"
"It's love day," Kasandra explained. "Everyone is out on the town celebrating and either on a date or trying to meet someone they like. It's a holiday and a mission from the government for all the singles out there to stop thinking about work for a day and think about relationships instead. Or to put it another way, more babies are concieved today than any other holiday in Yamatai, with the possible exception of victory day this year...time will tell the statistics. Why don't you start with a nice Nepleslian whiskey?" the Elysian woman asked, producing a bottle from her shelf and holding it so he could see the label. "This is Dreadnaught City's finest, brewed in the fuel tanks of the crashed spaceship at the center of the old Nepleslian city named after it."
"Love day? That name you speak sound so sweet but fails to light up many of my neurons. I s'pect it's a case of never having been on Yamatai on the right day before. Considerin' how little time I spend anywhere in particular, I reckon it adds up."

Eldon tried to take a casual peek at the groups of women in Star Army uniforms gathered around the room.

"Maybe I'm alone in this, but try as I might I find it devilishly difficult to imagine Yamataian women have any trouble finding genetic donors to perpetuate their citizenry. But I s'pose it could be a side-effect of engineering a race of ultimate warrior women that I merely hadn't worked out on account of how little time I spend thinkin' about it."

At the mention of Victory Day, he smiled and looked away as he seemed to remember something fondly.

"Ah, Victory Day. I found myself up in a little village in the Ice Queen Mountains when news came. Was all set to join in on the revelry, but then I ran into a little old lady who ran the local sake brewery. You may be surprised to hear that we had a prolonged exchange of words, possibly due to my habit of flappin' my gums every chance I get. Anywho, turns out she's just in town to drop off some early-morning deliveries and had plans to go back and get everything done at the brewery on her own, since she'd given everyone the day off. I offered to help, so she tossed some coins my way for an honest day's work. I don't think I did half the work she did, but at least she didn't have to do it alone."

When she pulled out the bottle of Dreadnaught City whiskey, his eyes lit up.

"Nepleslian whiskey, you say? I expect you got the aerial football in the net with one try, darlin'. Much like this fine beverage, Nepleslia is my birthplace and I'm pinin' to be back. It's been some time now that most of the action seems to be going on in Yamatai. If I can't be in Nepleslia, then surely the next-best thing is drinking Nep whiskey."
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Entering through the front door, a young red haired man stepped in. On him was a Technician Red Type 35 Star Army Uniform, Type 22 Cargo Pants, Type 35 Belt, Type 31 Work Gloves, and Type 31 Works Boots. The young Technician removing his cap as he entered into the bar. His heterochromia eyes glancing over the room as his enormous white Elysian wings fluttered before resting behind him. Adjusting his glasses, he sheepishly greeted everyone, "Kon'nichiwa!" Before quickly making his way from the door way.

Kyle then made his way over to an open seat as the bar as he spotted an opening next to the larger Nepleslian man. Keeping his gaze to himself as he said, "Happy Love Day-" Laughing nervously as he was not entirely used to being out in public. "May I please have some Pop?" The young Kyle requested formally to the Elysian bar tender before fixing his poster. His slim, athletic figure comfortably sat on the stool at the counter, although he appeared to have quite the amount of nervous energy.
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The amber whiskey rolled around and danced in a short, fat glass of thick glass as Kasandra poured Eldon's portion in front of him. The slender Elysian's sky blue eyes looked up at the newcomer and tilted her head at him. "Did you...just call me...Pop? I know I'm flat and not a young teenager anymore but that's pretty rude to misgender me. Unless...you were asking this man for some of his whiskey? In which case, I'm going to be really surprised if he wants to share a glass with you. That's like kissing...I mean, unless you're into that..."
Eldon turned his head to look at the redheaded man in Star Army uniform who sat down next to him.

"Happy Love Day to you too, friend," he replied jovially.

After the elysian poured his glass of whiskey, he picked it up and was just about ready to start an anecdote about getting thrown out of an airlock that ended with him sharing a bottle of Nepleslian whiskey with a kodian. Then, he heard what the bartender was saying and recalled that the red-haired man had said something else, but he had assumed it was directed at the bartender. His eyes jumped back and forth between the bartender and the other man.

"If'n that's the case, that's by far the subtlest I've ever been propositioned. Though there was this one time a wolf anthro asked me to fluff him, and I misunderstood and grabbed a blow-dryer. Anyway, let me get on this first and you can have a taste afterwards."

He brought the drink to his mouth and took a small sip, before holding out the still mostly-full glass to the redhead.

"I love the taste of Nepleslian whiskey. That distinct flavour...tastes like gunpowder and fuel tanks. Tastes like...freedom."
Sitting in absolute silence as the two completely misunderstood what he had just stated, Kyle's expression was painted with an awkward smirk. His left cybernetic eye would adjust to a smaller pupil as he abruptly cleared his throat. Turning his attention slightly towards the larger Nepleslian, "N-no thank you... I was only asking for soda... guess ya'll h-haven't heard of it being called 'Pop' before..." The young man laughed nervously as his posture slowly diminished till his forehead hit the bar. "May I please have a soda?" He asked again, this time more uncomfortable than the last. Taking a deep breath before he slowly pulled himself back up stating, "I think my social skills are still in need of an update..."

Kyle then returned his attention back to the Elysian, "
Sorry if I offended, I've been away for quite some time. Forgot that Yamatai doesn't have the same language as the N- Other places..." Correcting himself as he apologized to her. Already feeling self-conscious about the situation he found himself in. Even still, he kept a smile on his face as he was looking forward to his few days of leave he had been saving. "P-Please let me restart. How are you all doing?" Kyle asked as he cleared his throat again. Addressing the two of them respectfully, yet quite nervous and reserved.
A pale yet attractive neko with a deep and dark blue hair entered as well. She seemed tired and perhaps just a bit grumpy too. With a sigh, Kyoko Itatski brushed back on her ears before walking further in. The woman dressed in her black star army issued overcoat, pulled up a stool by everyone else.

"'tender, I'll take a double of whatever the strongest you have is please.", Kyoko requested as she sat her own duty cap on the counter.
The Norians of Yamatai had their ways of blending, commonly mistaken for Xiuluria's elven population: they had been there since the days of the Chaos Hive War, many of them were refugees from the war which ravaged their home universe. Sworn to secrecy about their origins as trans-universal travel was still highly classified to the Star Army only. Aiura had made the rare journey to Kyoto to experience one of Yamatai's traditions; Love Day. Her lithe feminine form lean and athletic, a perfect fit for the silvery blue short-skirt one-piece dress with spaghetti-straps she had chosen for her night out on the town. Her platinum icy blonde hair had been done up in a loose bun, with a few well-placed dangling curls, one of which dipped down just below the single-pointed tip of her ears. The three upwards-facing crescents of her Eitan Ysi genetic tattoo on her right shoulder were visible and hued a light blue with natural bioluminescence within the dimly lit interior of the establishment.

She walked gracefully to the bar after a brief stop to admire one of the chrome statues; she popped up onto one of the stools with a cheerful smile; her entrapping crystalline blue eyes caught the light majestically, which added to the exotic beauty of the woman; "I will have a sake, whatever your best is; my thanks," as she spoke her right hand moved in a graceful, almost wavelike pattern near to her chest as she struggled with the vastly unexpressive simplicity of the trade language in contrast to her own native Nira'las.
"Oh, a soda! Simple enough," Kasandra said, quickly pouring Kyle a Cannon Cola in a glass of ice.

"If you say so," the Elysian bartender raised an eyebrow to Kyoko Itatski, "Strong it is," she said, pouring a double of some black drink called Deep Abyss 165. It has a twisted neck with suction cups on it and a prominent warning label on the front and a blacklight glow coming from its contents. "I hope you have a designated driver," she said. When the bottle opened, tentacles of black mist rose from the bottle. She poured it into a flute glass.

For Aiura, Kasandra poured a glass of Ice Queen sake. "Yamatai's finest," she smiled.
Yue stepped off the transport that took her from the Motoyoshi sector and hurried through the crowd, dodging through when there was an opening, though wincing a little at the contact as she got through. Her blue head turned as she looked in the direction she needed to go before she continued on her journey. “The Chrome Cat, yeah, I think that’s the place.” She said to herself, and calmly she walked through the doors, her eyes glancing at the new environment, as her ears picked up on the sounds.

“Alright, dancing and drinks.. hmm drinks first, yeah.” Yue made her way to the bar, her eyes took in the area once more, including the people, dressed people. I’m the least dressed here, oops ah well.. hopefully, it’s ok. She thought as she made her way to the bar stood there. “hey there, can I please get a virgin apple margarita?” She asked the cute-looking bartender.
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Eldon shrugged and took another sip of his whiskey.

"I'm practically asleep on my feet. I'da saved my stamina if I'd known it was Love Day. See, I spent all day cleaning dishes at this club named the Furious Sound, though it seemed like everyone called it the Airlock. I 'spect that's on account of the big door sealing it off from the rest of the world. Looked like it was taken off a derelict space ship. I reckon it was from a Geshrinari ship now that I think back on it. Love them Geshrinari freighters, always saw myself in a Ge-F6-1A. Classic. Not nearly as fast as most ships these days, but I ain't in a hurry to be nowhere. See, I mostly just wander around and pick up work as I go. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, in the end I figured out their dishwasher weren't even broke. Someone just tried to wash these and they got stuck in the drain. No idea what they are, but they're quite clean now."

The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of featureless metal spheres approximately 2 inches in diameter.

"Anyway, I'm ramblin' on. How are you, friend? Name's Eldon, by the way."

Eldon's attention began to wander as more people entered the bar. He gave a smile to each in turn. First, there was the pale, blue-haired neko with cute cat ears. Then there was an elf with captivating blue eyes. Then a naked, blue-skinned, red-haired neko with a cat tail. At least he thought she was a neko. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen a blue-skinned neko before. She stood at the bar as he did, and he gave her a curt nod of approval.

He began to open his mouth to talk again, then noticed the black drink in front of the pale neko and the warning labels on the bottle it came from.

"Friend, I'm not one to tell you your business, but I get the distinct impression that the liquid in that bottle ain't meant to be consumed by the living, if'n they want to continue being counted among the living."
Watching the bar gain more partisans, Kyle forced himself to take a deep breath before taking a long swig from his glass of Cannon Cola. Setting the container back onto the bar counter before stating, "Thank you Ma'am, may I please have a refill?" His shallow accented voice asked politely. Returning his attention to the larger Nepleslian who had just introduced himself, he smiled and remarked, "Dee, Kyle Dee. Pleasure to meet you." The young man introduced himself timidly. However seeing the man's attention turn elsewhere, Kyle returned to himself. Both of his hands holding onto his glass. His eyes wandered as he watched the others enter, most of them being women.

Not having enough experience to know what to do, Kyle decided to keep to himself and hope to blend into the bar. However, there was only so much a human with Elysian wings could do to 'blend in'. Retrieving a telecommunications device from his pocket before starting to check his messages and emails. Obviously having none of either, only doing so to keep his hands occupied. "Let's see where today goes." Kyle told himself, a mixture of excitement and anxiety filling his voice.
There was a obnoxious shriek of "HARO EYVERY NYAN!~" before a cartoon character flitted into existence, flying to avoid even trying to walk on their cumbersome white heels, leaving behind them a fog of artifacts in the air, as if an escaped element from a distinctly obsolete data medium. At least the vaporwave music matched them pretty well. Eguchi Eisei was small even for a Nekovalkyrja, but viciously barbed with oversized fangs and nails. Shocking eyes and a mane of purple/pink hair complimented a distinctly toy-like pink plastic collar and belt, and a glossy red sort of PVC cocktail dress.

They were familiar to the barmaids of the chrome catgirl at this point, of course; The intense and overly-vibrant woman had been a Yonto Hei in the SAOY for years, but seemed to be just spending way too much time hanging around random clubs and eateries at the minute. Nobody was exactly sure what they did as a job anymore.

What they were doing right this second was scoping out the other humanoids in attendance, trying to find somebody who looked both 'fun' and not a 'scary neckbeard clod with no cash'.

"Oh wow, that stuff be lookin' like 'ill murda ya!" Getting right into Itatski's personal space, they practically stuck their face into the black swirling mist, before looking up at the cute wingy person on the other side of the counter. "Can I have one too?"
As was perpetually the case, Eldon was preparing to say something else when the NMX-type neko burst in and caught his attention. Far from making him speechless, he began uttering a stream of words in absolute shock.

"The undeniable evidence before me overwhelmingly suggests that I am suffering from some kind of hallucination. There is no worldly explanation for a creature of such outlandish features to strike a chord of simultaneous fear and wonder in my heart. I am now wholly convinced that this must be the result of a fever dream, or possibly an outstandingly strong reaction to the fermented and distilled alcohol of my homeland. Being as it is that the distortion of reality seems to be entirely localized to some small portion of the space in this direction, I will elect to turn my attention elsewhere and carry out this sanity-preserving manoeuvre forthwith."

With that, he turned and found himself looking at the redheaded man again.

"Kyle, was it? Your appearance seems grounded in a reality that I am keen to embrace. Though I don't recall you having answered my outstanding query about your current state. I admit, I was momentarily distracted by a succession of increasingly unlikely appearances, but I am very well-known in select circles of society for my ability to carry on a conversation while my attention is otherwise diverted as it comes in rather handy under certain circumstances. That said, I detect by your apparent intention to fold yourself into your telecom device that you may be somewhat overwhelmed by the stimuli that are assaulting your senses on this most auspicious occasion in this lavishly lively locale. By which I mean: cat got your tongue?

"In fact, that reminds me of a night very much like this one. I was in Jiyuu at a nightclub not nearly as notable or as nice as this'n, when I encountered this naughty neko and initiate nibblin' on her nozzle. One thing led to another and suddenly I found myself missing part of my tongue. Thankfully, there was plenty of ice nearby, so we were able to finish what we started and get me to a doctor in plenty of time to get everything fixed up. Point is: sometimes you gotta jump right in and see what happens. So, I ask, how are you, friend?"
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Kyle See, Kyle, Dee.......where had she read that name before? It sounded familiar, very familiar as if read some where important. "It's fine, I'm sure the bartender would not serve poison...would be rather bad for business.", Kyoko said to both the Nepleslia, then turned to the NMX neko. "I'm sure we can share a bottle, I probably won't drink the whole thing myself anyways."

She seemed rather unphased by the woman in her face, only really raising an eyebrow in curiosity. The woman sitting nearby nude did however, add perhaps a pigment more of color to her face. Though a small smile was placed on her face at the concern shown towards her. "Thank you for the worry by the way sir, very touching of you. Means a lot as I actually got back from being a POW just before the war ended."

A pink haired Nepleslia woman in tank top, half leather jacket, leather pants, and boots walked in. Vivian Crossroads took a seat where one to either side was empty before calling to the bartender, "Whiskey for two please."
As the young Motoyoshi waited for the bartender. The young Motoyoshi glanced around first to Eldon, who nodded to her, and she smiled in reply. It almost tempted her to twirl around so that he got an excellent view of all of her, but she chose not to do. Yue instead turned her attention to Kyle, who seemed like he might be afraid or something.

Unfortunately, Yue didn’t know what she could do to help him, so she thought it best to stay put. It was a wise choice because she got distracted by the newcomer and her eyes blinked. Eldon’s words were noticed, though saddened that he hadn’t considered speaking to her, because of the skin color she chose not to comment.

Vivi was noticed, but she had this distinct feeling that she was very familiar: she couldn’t place it, but she thought maybe it’s best not to flirt.

Sachiko felt pleased that she got to spend her first love day with someone she can call a girlfriend. Unfortunately, she had nothing to wear since she didn’t want to wear her uniform. When Vivi mentioned they’d be going to the Chrome Cat in Kyoto, she was very pleased because nudity was legal.

She grabbed a new piece of technology she worked on and made her way to the Bar, where she spotted Vivi immediately. Her beautiful girlfriend’s hair was pink, which seemed like it was a beacon for her. “Hey, sweetie!” She said as she approached her girlfriend, then set her new tech down and sat on it. “Comfy excellent” she commented before placing her attention on her girlfriend. “Like my outfit, it’s in season in Yamatai!” She said with a mischievous grin.
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