Star Army

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RP [Open RP] Welcome to the Kikyo Sector - Part 6 (Late YE 46)


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RP Date
YE 46.8
RP Location
Ternifac, Yamatai
Ternifac, Planet Yamatai
YE 46.8

SCREECH! The packed train, painted in matte weathered Star Army Cadet Blue and bearing an older version of the Star Army's hinomaru emblem--a soldier in a "Mindy" power armor suit, in the middle of a maroon circle with a thick white border--marked the heavily-used locomotive, which hauled dozens of passenger cars with both military and civilian colors. Ternifac was an unusual city. Geographically situated in the deadly Jhuniata desert within the borders of the somewhat mysterious elf republic of Xiuluria, it was the only city on the planet without a regional police force assigned to it, and its unregulated skyscrapers built on top of each other in the enclave gave it a distinctly cyberpunk look of a "concrete jungle wrapped in lights" as a popular song about the city described, as well as the lyrics "where the blues and reds meet, where the yakuza rule the street, where's there's love hotels above the bars, and life's as cheap as meat." But its shady, messy nature in the middle of a planet otherwise known for cleanliness and order only added to its mystique and made it a popular stop on Yamatai's main East-West rail line.

THE THIRST TRAP was a bar immediately across from the station, basking in the glow of colorful neon lights and volumetric logos, positioned next to a popular ramen shop, a sushi bar, and a tunnel that led down into the city's red-light district. Above it, small windows of a love hotels and ugly micro-apartments looked out at the passing trains as soldiers, visitors, and workers poured out of the crowded trains and into the city. There were humans, androids, aliens, and anthros all mingled together. Inside the bar, new patrons began to arrive....

At the counter was a busty green-skinned, red-eyed woman pouring drinks and asking for good stories.
OOC Notes
All characters, approved for not, are welcome. Risk level: Low
"Civilization, planet-bound civilization, after so long. Feels like a dream. Whether its a good one or a bad one remains to be seen"

In came through the bar's main entrance a total stranger clad in an orange lineless coat. It was almost as if the man's physical characteristics were in a constant battle with his garments to point out to anyone who cared enough to look just how out of place he was.

He stood around for a bit, taking in his surroundings, not that different from back in Nepleslia but different enough to keep things interesting. His face was, just like the rest of him, was a light shade of brown, a testament to the eclectic mix of ethnicities he had in his blood. The bags he once sported under his eyes were mostly gone, replaced with faints black marks that were difficult to see if someone wasn't looking too closely.

Eventually, he decided he had seen everything he needed to see and sat down at a stool right by the bar. "Greetings" is the only thing that came out of his mouth.
After a long night of doing heaven knows what in the red-light district a short Nepleslian woman named Anna Kaine exited the tunnel. She was immediately basked in an onslaught of neon lights, which made her pull the hood of her black jacket a little further over her face. The train's screech mere background noise while her thoughts drowned everything else out.

She stepped over the threshold into the Thirst Trap, her hands dropping the hood of her jacket back to reveal her pale facial features framed by a black forward angled bob. Her green eyes lasered in on the bar, a path her combat boot clad feed swiftly carried her. With a soft "hup" she hopped into a stool just one seat over from the stranger in an orange coat. "Ugh" she groaned quietly in exhaustion, her face sank into her hands before combing back through her hair, partially revealing a neck tattoo.

This moment was interrupted by what she thought was someone addressing her by saying, "Greetings." Regretfully she cast a curt side glance towards the man, not out of any rudeness towards him, Anna was just absolutely exhausted. "Huh?" she half mumbled.
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Inside the bar scooting around making sure to deliver drinks to the correct people, was a new temporary addition to the bar, small and quite the creature scooted around placing drinks and taking orders to the bar only to return a few moments later with a freshly poured or mixed drink, many didn't notice the small creature till it was taking their order, as it was in fact a D3! doing what any D3 did helping out. They had arrived to see the place at a time where it had a lot of customers and was short staffed and so being a D3 they naturally asked to help, that had been a few days ago and now here she was serving drinks and taking orders.

Scooting by two new arrivals the small D3 looked to them and waved before delivering the drinks they were carrying to their respective customers and then scooting off to quickly clean a spill before getting back behind the bar, having to stand on a step stool to be seen over the bar counter, she was one of the bartenders on duty today, more a part time hire on then a full fledged member of staff, but she was already well versed in the simpler drinks the place offered so she could handle them.

Her work of course drew her to the two that were sitting at the bar at the moment and She picked up a data pad and typed on it before turning it to the two of them the data pad reading "Welcome! what can I get for you?".


Milsha had just made it to planet not to long ago, and she carefully made her way through the crowd, though her size and appearance helped in making a path through, she was told she was likely going to find a place to spend the night in this area, though she had a clear Idea as to why but a room was a room and she would need one to rest in hopefully for a decent price as well.

Taking great care to go around a group that clearly had started their celebrations early, she found her way to a bar with a place to sleep above it, and best of all the door was wide enough to allow her to enter the building, if only barely and with a bit of wriggling. And so she did so, opening then door and working her way carefully through it and towards a table off to the side for the time being, wanting to get a feel for the place before she went and started asking things up front of course.
There wasn't an obvious need for a destination to the white haired woman that walked into the quippy named bar. She looked around as if deciding whether to linger, one foot out the door on the streets of Ternifac and one in. She was dressed for the colder fall weather in nice boots, tight jeans, and soft sweater with a brown and dusty gold scarf peeking out of its collar. The exorbitant fabric of the scarf made the shape of her body top-heavy and obfuscated much of her chin and mouth, but the edges of her wavering smile peeked through as she looked around with bright purple eyes. Something caught her eye and she walked with a determined gate to sit at the bar, waiting for the green-skinned bartender's gaze before she spoke.

"Is that what I think it is?" Koizumi Aratani asked, pointing to a bottle on a high shelf behind the woman as Aratani's face rose in a look of excitement her tall scarf couldn't hide. "I won't be having it, of course, but you have quite the selection if you have that! I will be having two shots of that Nepleslian whiskey one shelf down, if that's alright with you."