Star Army

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RP [Open RP] Welcome To The Kikyo Sector

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Sanda stared at Kwabba in confusion, then she smiled. Her smile turned into a chuckle, then a proper laugh and continued to grow until tears were coming down her cheeks. "Haha, oh I'm so sorry." Sanda stammered, trying to ketch her breath. "I don't know why that made me laugh so hard. You are a very funny person Kwabba-san. Cheers!" Sanda raised her glass to the musician before draining her glass. She momentarily eyed the bottle then decided against another. She had already had 2 and she really didn't want a ride the train latter with a hangover.

Sanda looked over at Kozakura. Another Academy graduate? Gees, seemed everyone but her had been to a big Academy. But Sanda didn't hold that against them, not for very long anyway. She liked who she was and wouldn't change anything about her life so far... Although a man might not be amiss... She raised her tattoo covered eyebrow again and looked at Kozakura with new interest. "A movie star you say? Didn't realize I was sharing a table with the rich and famous." She began to laugh again, struggling to get the words out before she completely lost it. "And now your a journalist in the Star Army? Are you your own paparazzi?"
Delmira walks with Kinie will watch as Thia goes down. she activated a emergency sub program she made and the world briefly spun as she quickly sobered up and became alert. She will pull Kinie to her and at the same time she took a kick at the man but missed barely giving Cassie and opening. She will look at Thia as she twists her ankle and stumbles back into another Neko.

Delmira switched vision modes to observe him through the curtain. Her tail swayed behind her in annoyance, she was quite irritated one of her friends had been injured. The sound of Irachet pulled her out of her attack mode and she will look over at Thia while her ears swiveled around scanning for anyone else to cause trouble while kept ahold of Kinie.
"Fiamma pooehncer, came 'ere fahr a "mandatahry" vacation ahn ahrder o' me bahss. Was 'ahpin to visit de 'ahtsprengs fahr joehst a day, ahr two. I wahrk ahn a shep everyday, so bein lan- 'yack!" She began before just barely catching Thia as the woman fell against her. It was also then that the request of a drone got her attention as well. Seemed like it was not grumpy kitten's night for any peaceful drinking.

The feline woman lifted Thia as those of her compatriots rushed over, carrying and moving her as the medic soon needed. "Are you alright dear? You took one 'ell o' a fall dere.", She asked the injured girl now in her arms.

Only giving him a quick look at first, Steiner would receive what sounded like her voice as digital audio. "Sir, i can send you directions to me shep, tell de capt'n pooehncer sent ya. 'e'll take you wherever ya need." This was heard with no lip movement from her, but clearly her own words with the mentioned file attached.

"Apahlogies, wasn't expectin all dis.", Was all she could really say to Adler other then adding "Never caoehght yooehr name good fellow?"
Thia felt a pleasantly soft impact as she collided with the fiery-haired cat anthro and was relieved when she felt her descent towards the bar's dirty floor cut short. Her first thought was of her immaculate black outfit and how dusty it would have gotten.

"No, I'm alright. Nothing hurts." she quickly replied, her body tense as she looked around frantically, trying to take stock and think through everything that had just happened. As the violet-haired Star Army member put the washcloth-enrobed ice to her ankle, she gave a small yelp, but she quickly relaxed and sank deeper into Fiamma's arms.

"Oh, that feels good, actually," she said with surprise. "Keep doing that, sugar plum."

Thia turned to finally look at the one who had caught her. Not one to take a passive role in anything, she tried to put her arms around the cat anthro's neck and take some of the weight off of her arms.

"Good catch, firecracker," she said with a laugh. "Call me Thia."
The answer to Kwabba-an's initial question was easy, "Anything in my core studies really... so mainly anything to do with acting." As she spoke there was a big smile upon her face, though it quickly changed to a smaller more practiced smile when the woman asked if she was the movie star. She chuckled lightly and added, "Star is high praise that I don't deserve. I was simply fortunate to reprise my role as the spirit residing with the sword of the dragon queen for the Servants of Swords movie." Of course if either of them had seen, or knew anything about the movie they'd know that she was she was essentially a co-star just in a supporting role. So in effect she was being humble and downplaying her importance.

Though at Sanda's laughter she couldn't help but laugh a little bit herself, "I suppose I am, but I didn't join the Star Army for publicity. I just wanted to make a difference."
Kwabba-an looked pleased and bowed her head to Sanda as the tattooed woman laughed and raised her glass. The ant anthro raised her own glass, but not in any meaningful way, she just took a drink of her water normally before she replied.

"I am glad to have returned the pleasure you gave me," she said to the ranger.

When Kozakura replied, the musician noticed the smaller smile. Her eyes narrowed, and she plucked more hesitantly, but she continued.

"I distinctly remember how the other students described your features. They made you sound so exotic." Kwabba dragged out the sound of this last word, as though she liked the feeling it made when she made its shape with her mouth. "This appeals to me now as it did then."

"Servants of Swords?" The musician repeated, again trying to mimic the way in which the dragon woman said it. "I went to see a movie that you were in. I wanted to see for myself the person whom the others whispered about. Perhaps that was the one I saw? I do not remember much of the movie, except that I enjoyed the music."

"Is that bad?" Kwabba-an frowned. "I wish I could say that I remember you. That would please you, I think."

Kwabba-an's fingers flew frantically over the strings of her instrument, and she looked away.

"I-" she stammered again. "I lack appreciation for the visual arts. Please do not take it as a slight against your past self."

Kwabba-an continued to frown and almost seemed to be scrambling to play something soothing for herself. When her many hands converged on a single rhythm again, she looked to Kozakura hesitantly.

"I enjoy the pleasure given to me by the company of your present self."
"Nice fight there! I like a girl who is willing to get scrappy. Hey, can I buy you a drink or even take you somewhere more...horizontal?" Hayden asked Cassie, leaning in close to him. "We got to be on that train and my big black clock is ticking. I may not have long but I am long. You have the juiciest roundest bell shape and I need to ring it. If I tick your tock let's make the most of the time."

"I'm not like other girls," Cassie told horny Hayden. "You're not the only one with a timepiece. Does your hour hand want to dance with something minute? Does your pendulum swing both ways?"

"What the actual fuck?" Giada Nuñez, the Latina anthro foxgirl nearby, interrupted Cassie after overhearing the conversation. "First of all, STOP talking like that. Second, literally get a room you two."

Hayden looked around at all the women and looked back at Cassie. His time was limited, and a sure thing was better than taking his chances. "Yeah, okay." He grabbed Cassie's hand and they went out of the bar to the hotel, stopping to grab Cassie's luggage and duffel bag from Euikoshi by the door.

"Thank the stars," Giada sighed.

Meanwhile, the medic with purple hair introduced herself to Thia. "I'm Eileen. I was just passing thorugh getting a drink when I saw you fall."

Pidole scratched her red-haired head and kind of stared at the situation as the first-sized blue beetle crawled around on her shoulders.

Meanwhile Euikoshi waved at Kinie to get her attention.

"I think my sister's waiting on us!" Kinie told Delmira.
'Digital transmission.' Stiner noted, and gave his thanks. Not too common, but not unheard of for those with the necessary implants. Though there were risks, given that such implants were usually second hand or of poor quality. Usually those involved potential interception or the implants straight up blowing and causing all kinds of other problems. He uploaded the file to his black box, and began to go over its contents while keeping an eye on the drone's feed; The disturbance involving the lout and the Star Army soldiers had not gone unnoticed-he detested such individuals. "That man..." He noted aloud, floating over to the bunch, "Not the most pleasant sort, is he?"

He chuckled as he watched the beetle further harass the man as he slinked off. It felt good to be in a bar again, even if just through the optics of a drone.
Erinthel looked to Fiamma once more. Assisting her in catching the young woman who was pushed against his companion. His eyebrow twitched as his eye locked on the man. The implant zooming in before returning to normal." I usually go by Ghost, i don't usually sit around for long hence the nickname. Also bodies tend to pile up when I stay too long. I'd let people know to leave right now. And get a shuttle ready." With that said, Erinthel slipped through the crowd. Making his way to the back door. His patch retracting into his cheek, as the Low class gods eye prepared to activate." Which one of you interrupted my drink?" He asked the two men behind the curtain.
Steiner spotted trouble. A man had made his way towards the back door, and looked to be getting ready to possibly start a brawl. Perhaps a disgruntled customer who had been caught in it by mistake? Or someone that the lout had angered. 'Great.' He floated over, 'Another fool looking for a fight.'

"Excuse me, might I trouble you for a moment?" He inquired, the drone slowly circling to the side of him.
Erinthel stopped his eye covered again by the patch. Stopping at the entry way." Speak quickly little bot, i don't have the damned patience to sit around. And quite frankly I'm pissed. What is it you need?"
"Patience is a virtue well learned young man." He replied, moving to hover in front of him, "So is discipline." The camera panned up and down over him-the man looked furious, and while normally he wouldn't care if a pair of drunken idiots wanted to fight it out, it could very well spill over into the bar.

"While I understand that beating the tar out of some uncouth buffoon may be cathartic, I must insist that you refrain from doing so," He indicated with the manipulator towards the crowd and towards the woman who was currently being tended to, "There is no cause for any more undue distress...well at least any more than has already happened."
"you misunderstand little bot, this is business, unless you plan on grabbing me cleaning supplies and body bags, i suggest you move." Erin's voice was low, and collected. The anger only showing in his face now. His hand moved from his concealed sidearm for but a moment. His annoyance with the not overwhelmingly so now."if you want to help, clear out the Bar, or bring me body bags. They aren't my people. You make too many assumptions."
'So that's how it is.' The movement had not gone unnoticed, but undeterred he decided to make one last attempt at reason-the damned fool was hell bent on this. "And what will you do when, not if, but when-the trouble inevitably brings the police down on you, or spills into the street." The drone leaned in close, his transmitter turned as low as he dared, "There is a time and a place for everything, and this is nether the time, nor the place-if I cannot dissuade you from doing this, I at least ask that you wait and let this business be done elsewhere, preferably where there are fewer bystanders."

He had a feeling he knew 'exactly' what kind of business he was into-and suspected these people possibly were in the same line of work-and while normally he wouldn't attempt to intervene-the fewer of these scum in the universe there were the better, there were too many individuals who could get caught in the crossfire. At the same time, he began searching for the number for the local police and emergency services, as well as prepare to get as many people out as possible if he still couldn't dissuade him. "I would also take into account the number of Star Army personnel here, if nothing else."
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"Make a difference hu? Make a difference for who?" Sanda asked, her own memories flashing through her mind. They were not all pleasant. She looked at her empty glass then, with an almost angry look, grabbed the bottle and refilled it. She brought the glass to her lips but stopped and set it down again, as if a drink was the last thing she wanted. "My parents sent me and my sister when I was 6 to Yamami to avoid the growing hostility between reds and greens, two political parties on Nepleslian. I was at least 2 feet taller than all my classmates all through school and got made fun of a lot. I also got in a lot of trouble for fighting, being the Nep girl that I am." Sanda chucked darkly and took a small sip of her drink. "Sanda means Thunder, so I guess I've always lived up to my name,"

Sanda continued to share, though she wasn't even sure why. She had just met these two and they hardly had anything in common. "I was sent from one school to another. My poor sister... She was always there for me and was a great sister but she was just 6 years older than me and it's hard to be both a parent and a sister. As soon as I turned 16 I dropped out of school and started running with a gang. Mostly other Nep kids who were just wanting to rebel against the system." She shook her head, remembering her young reckless self. "Then I met Trowa. Jôtô Heisho Yamamoto Trowa. Tried to knife him honestly but at the time he was far more skilled than I was, though I could probably beat him now. Anyway, Trowa took a liking to me, said I had a natural fighting ability and that instead of placing my loyalty with a gang who would, and did, abandon me as soon as things got rough I should enlist with a group who would never abandon me. Who would always have my back. It sounded nice."

A commotion near the door took Sanda's attention for a moment. She sat poised in her seat, ready to spring into action at the drop of a hat. Part of her was hoping something would kick off so she could stop being such a sad sap and sharing her feelings, something she very rarely ever did. But alas, no barroom braw broke out and Sanda turned back to her companions and took another sip of her drink. "Boot camp was tough, but I loved it. For the first time I felt valued. People had my back and I knew they had my back. After boot camp I had a short visit home just in time so see that Hound Trowa marry my sister!" She laughed at that. She was very happy that her sister had found someone who made her so happy. "After that I was accepted into Ranger school. Now that separates the men from the boys." Sanda felt like she was running out of steam. She hadn't talked this much to anyone since her last talk with her sister before she headed out a week ago. "Sorry, I must be boring you girls to death my story."
Kozakura smiled at Kwabba-an as the woman called her exotic and mentioned that she liked that. Her body had been her way of rebelling against the sameness of Yamatai. In a world were the average Yamataian woman was designed to fit some preconceived notion of attractiveness, her more masculine and alien appearance was meant to upset that notion. Ironically however, it had been commercialized into the world of fantasy samurai and kung fu productions. Not that she he hated such thing, it had given her a way of repaying her parents for their hard work and made a small difference on planet Yamatai through the ways she was able to aid various charities. Her lips moved to reply to Kwabba-an but it was then that Sanda spoke up.

Red reptilian eyes moved to look Sanda in her own green eyes. They watched intently as the woman switched from questioning her motives to, perhaps drunkenly, spilling her guts. When the woman finished, Kozakura simply remained quiet for a time in thought as her eyes finally left Sanda's. She leaned back in her chair and got comfortable.

"I was always taught that the community was greater than the self, when I was little we lived in a village in the wilderness that grew its own crops. Everything we had we worked for, and everyone had to contribute." As she spoke of that time she sounded a little wistful and yet also showed a certain distance from it. She had only been a child, too young for school at the time.

"I suppose I've always kept that mentality. It's why I give back to my parents for raising me and the hard work they put in to be able to send me to a school for acting in the first place. It's why most of my royalties go to a charity that helps others become citizens of Yamatai." As she continued her voice became slightly more impassioned but she kept a lid on it, kept things calm as it were.

"When I was enlisting, I met this girl who in more vulgar terms said 'there's more to life than living on basic income while watching anime and pleasuring yourself.' You asked me for whom I want to make a difference? I could say for Yamatai as a whole but that sounds too grandiose. Really I just want others to step up and do their part to help each other, but one should lead by example right?" Kozakura simply shrugged at the end, somewhat wishing she had a drink. "So here I am, a member of the Star Army."

Her eyes returned to Kwabba-an at that point with an apologetic smile upon her face.
Kwabba-an felt some of her anxiety slip away as Sanda Hoshi began to talk and gave her something to think about other than how she might have just insulted someone who was being very kind to her. She listened keenly first to Sanda Hoshi and then to Tatsugami Kozakura's reply, all the while soundlessly plucking at her instrument in time with their speech. When they were both done, she warmly returned the dragon woman's apologetic smile then looked to the nepleslian gang member turned ranger.

"Your stories confuse me, Sanda Hoshi, but to hear you tell them is far from boring. You were alone and afraid and now you are not. That is admirable." She focused again on the woman who had been almost a movie star. "While you were among many and you received their support. Now you wish to return the support that you were given. That too is admirable."

The musician looked up into the air again, as if a particularly interesting mote of dust had demanded her attention. Her fingerpicking was hesitant.

"It is my turn to speak of my upbringing, I think," she stated as her gaze drifted down to the both of her partners in conversation. "I only knew my parents when I was growing up. I suppose I must have been abstractly aware of others aside from them, but my mother and father were the world to me. And yet, neither of them were very similar to me. When I learned of the Kyoto Academy, I was excited to think that there might be others like me."

"I dreamt of lending my voice to a chorus of others," she looked down into her lap. "Suffice it to say that was not so. No one had my back. It was far from a community working for the benefit of all."

"Or at least not for me." After a long moment, the ant woman looked up again at Sanda Hoshi and began to play more slowly. Her fingers didn't seem exactly sure what they should be playing. "I too wish to be unafraid. Perhaps I should join this group that would have my back."

"Perhaps," and she turned back to Tatsugami Kozakura. "I should seek to make a difference. You say that this Star Army offered you the chance to do so. Perhaps I should see for myself."
One of the men by the door ran to the tables in the back where various gang members were seated at their tables, mostly dressed in black leather jackets and red shirts or red business suits, and already upset because of the scuffle earlier. "Get all the women and kids out the back, there's some psychopath outside talking to a drone on wireless about bodybags. Possible active shooter situation about to happen." The gangsters rushed their scantily-clad females, and a 2-year-old kid towards the rear exit as quietly as they could. Beers and a cheesecake with birthday candles on top were abandoned on the table. "Get her to my wife," one of the men told one of the female gangsters.

A trio of guards in armored flak jackets already had their submachineguns out but held their fire trying to avoid making an incident. A fourth said loudly through the curtain. "Private function. You can't come in here. Leave now or else."
Erinthel's eyes narrowed looking at the group, his mood further soured by the time wasted. "My associates will be making a business meeting after this. You can't stay safe in Yamatai forever." After his words he turned heading back to the bar and to his newly made companion."if you'd like to leave, I'd say now is a great time. Otherwise I'll be leaving for now. That damned drone wasted my chance."
Steiner chuckled dryly inside his mecha, coming out as a rasping sound on the drone's end-situation defused, thankfully without violence. "Good day." Was all he said. Now, about this captain. Opening the directions, he set the drone to auto-pilot and after murmuring a quiet 'Excuse me.' to a pair of soldiers who entering, sent the drone off to the area listed in the file.
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