Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP [Origin] OIF Reaper; Genesis

Raffaele simply watched as Ventriss dodged the small rock before she started speaking to him, he wasn't expecting her to try and get him moving again however, he thought she'd probably rub it in his face that she won and would be getting his cut as well. "What do you gain having me stick around huh? Gonna throw all that crap back in my face when we're done and wave me goodbye on a shuttle?" The nepleslian man had started moving again however albeit quite slowly.

Raff didn't really want to leave and he knew it was just his temper talking but the amount of effort to go against your own anger is a lot and he usually just let it play out, they were however in a dangerous asteroid belt and could get smacked at any time if they weren't careful, something anger usually doesn't take into consideration. The man took a deep breath and floated motionless for what seemed like an eternity, the generator would be gaining on them considerably now and their window of opportunity was closing fast.

A few more breaths, in and out, another big sigh. "You would be more annoyed if I stayed than if I left." He said simply before heading a full speed towards their target once more.
Ventriss was slightly confused as she built up momentum once more, shooting forward until she brought her feet up to cease momentum with a clang against the ship's hull, "Throw what crap in your face? Seriously - lighten up or I might start not wanting you around, an extra set of hands is always helpful so either grow a spine and stop taking everything to heart or throw me your pack so I can get shit done." There was a certain playfulness at the start but by the end of the little speel Ventriss was dead-serious and almost a little bit pissed off, regardless she began hooking up her suit's pack to cycle the power and crack this lady wide open.
Raffaele said nothing and connected his own pack to get ready to open up the bay for the generator which was no doubt minutes away from smashing into them if one thing was out of place, especially these asteroids. Although from Treys voice it sounded like he already had a countermeasure for the rouge rocks, perhaps the generator was shielded? Either that or it was strong enough to just smash through any obstacles in its path.

The short man reminded himself that after this job he'd need to explain to his companion just how much shit he hadn't taken to heart in his life compared to the amount that really pissed him off, there was accidents and friendly jokes, then there was unnecessary repetitiveness of certain terms, like kid. Of course he was over reacting to it but everywhere he'd been it was always the same so he was most definitely justified in snapping at people who already knew he disliked the term.

"Sure, let's just get this done, I hate all these rocks flying around."
As Ventriss plugged into the ship, she would find the door itself powering on, but nothing beyond that. It seemed that the door had its own separate circuits for this sort of thing. Ventriss would also note, though it was less important, that next to the IHVC plug she was using, there was a much smaller plug hole the perfect size for a KZ BR-28 type battery to be used for the same function. Regardless, an access panel for the door powered on, and the door mechanisms made a small amount of vibrations as they energized- But the door didn't open.

The control panel flashed, demanding a password from the Minkan woman.
Ventriss' red eyebrows furrowed a bit beneath her helmet as she stared down the panel, considering trying to crack the password for a moment before she remembered there were two fusion generators barreling toward the ship - so instead the armoured Minkan tried to see if her fingers could find enough of a surface to pry off the panel's front plate and hopefully find some wires to cross and get this lady to open up wide.

"Raff, if you've stopped bitching then see if you can get the other one open."
"I'll never stop bitching so long as I'm breathing, and I'm already working on it but I have a feeling I'll get the same message though any ideas?" The nepplesian asked while he was busy plugging in his own equipment to see if the door he was working on was also locked. Knowing how ships usually worked he was assuming he'd run into the same problem and was already checking for ways he might be able to bypass it.
Giada, the lean foxgirl rocketed towards the others from behind, having taken the time to silently kick and punch some asteroids out of the path of the valuable cargo.

"Heya sweeties, sorry mom was hanging back a little." The Kitsune's aloof yet layered tone rumbled over the comms, the brown-tailed woman as she landed on the doors with a 'thunk'.

Reaching behind her as she crouched, Giada grabbed something and plonked it into the center of the two doors. It looked like some sort of pry just in case. "Any of you guys work on a Star Army ship before?"
"Nawww, look who finally decided to bring their shapely little butt over here - good to see you made it without too much difficulty," the redhead happily piped up at the crew's Kitsune companion as she very intentionally ignored Raff's voice, the little shit could figure it out for himself - she had a tailed cutie to talk to and a temper to keep in check.

"For a bit, apparently - can't say I remember the specifics but I feel familiar enough to open the sweet girl up," Ventriss spoke back to Giadia as she reached one hand out toward the pry bar, closing and opening her fingers a few times. "Hey Gi, you mind tossing me your mighty rod? I reckon I could put it to good use on this panel and save those pretty arms of yours - I promise I'll give it back though."
"Or you could just ask me for the password instead of breaking the ship even more..." Trey's voice mentioned over the radio "And Giada, I need you to get back to the generator, please, I can't handle both at once!" He was indeed coming in fairly close, with Giada's reactor floating along behind him. it was currently heading on a straight course, but, unattended, was drifting uncomfortably close to the paths of some of the smaller space rocks that were floating around.

"We've had the password simplified to make it easier to remember, though I'm not sure who actually decided on what it is..." Trey mentioned, before telling Ventriss and Raffaele what it was "Just type in 'STARARMYROCKSMYSOCKS' as one word, in all caps and it should let you in" with that, the Master Sergeant made a couple of corrections to the trajectory of the generator he was minding, before disengaging and jetting back to Giada's trying to adjust its course as well "Giada, just grab my generator when you get back, we'll have you head in first and land it around the middle of the hangar."
Raff sighed to himself, working with these two just didn't seem like it would ever go well at the moment, they were destined to swoon over each other at the first chance it seemed so he instead just jotted in the code and began opening his own set of doors, hopefully he still had enough time to avoid being squished by the generators. "Doors open Trey, how much time we got?"
As Raffaele opened the door, he would let himself into what appeared to be a cavernous hanger bay, or cargo hold of some sort. inside were a coulde of small craft, visibly damaged, including a Kawarime and a couple of scimitar fighters- the Kawarime had obvious signs of battle damage with several chunks blasted out of it, the scimitars looked more like that had been damaged during the impact with the asteroid, as both still had their wings folded, but one was laying on its side, and the other, much more crumpled, had been thrown upside-down. However, there still appeared more than plenty of room for the two generators to be placed inside, though who knew what those fighters might do once the ship was moving again.

Raffaele would realize quickly, however, that the second set of doors he needed to help open, were on the opposite side of this large hangar, and by the looks of it, would require at least two people to open, as, once again, without ship power it would need power from their suits, and there appeared to be auxiliary controls on both sides (The panels looked to have been accessed and were lying open, but appeared to be fully intact and operational.)

As the minuscule Nepleslian took in this sight, his question was answered by the Master Sergeant coming in from behind. "I'd say you've got about six minutes before the first generator gets there, and then another three before the second. once they arrive it should only take a minute or two to reposition them to load inside, but if the doors not open in time we'll miss that window and then I'll have to stop the generators completely, head back to the reaper, and get more fuel for the thrusters"
As the news that their glorious benefactor had passwords for the doors graced the redheaded Minkan's knife-like ears she couldn't help but let out a small sound of disappointment, she retracted the hand that reached toward Giadia's prybar and despite wearing a helmet you could almost feel her blue eyes roll.

"Well that would've been a nice thing to tell us prior, dontchya think?" Ventriss asked quite rhetorically, brushing off the incident with a brief chuckle - shit happened and nobody had gotten hurt yet. "Six minutes, right - stay safe Gi," the armoured redhead continued as she entered the cargo bay and fired up the mobility pack once more - the job had been easy enough so far and she only hoped it stayed that way.

"So boss, you have any more door codes?" Ventriss queried, plugging into the right side of these new doors as she awaited a response - still ignoring the dwarf a bit.
Raff moved to the left side of the doors and plugged in once again, since Ventriss had already asked he simply waited for the same answer. He didn't mind not being spoken to for the time being although they'd need to communicate once they got inside and since it seemed like she had no desire to start it he'd indulge her and do it himself.

"You got a weapon with you? As much as what we were told makes sense about why this ship hasn't been looted yet it doesn't hurt to be prepared, especially opening these doors." Raffaele said easily, casting her a glance to make sure they were on the same page, although he himself didn't actually happen to have a weapon so his questioning tone was quite genuine.
Finally deciding she'd ignored the little guy for long enough Ventriss turned to face him, pointing to the modified rifle slung across the redheaded Minkan's shoulders as her hear cocked to the side slightly - honestly she'd dealt with worse than him before and it seemed he at least was trying to be decent for now.

"Buddy, it's not just for looks you know - I even did all the extra work on it m'self if you were wondering, hell if you weren't wondering then now you never will," she replied, a certain hint of fondness behind the knife-eared woman's words as she spoke about the somewhat janky rifle - military hardware she got for dirt cheap and made better.

"So don't worry, this pretty little elf will save your ass," she continued with an unseen smirk, recalling the not so warm way Raff said hello the first time they met.
Raffaele smiled slightly himself, least she still had her sense of humor. "Well assuming there's not a pile of murder bots or pirates on the other side of this door I'd be interested in seeing it a little closer up, and I already feel so much safer knowing you'll save me if there's trouble." The short nepleslian said, though not in a sarcastic tone but in a feigned damsel in distress sort of tone, as though he'd just met some kind of super hero who said they'd save him from a huge ugly monster.

"You ready then?" He asked, preparing to charge the door with his pack, looking in her direction for confirmation from his current partner in crime.
Ventriss looked down at the port she had already plugged into before deciding to eye up the fleeing form of Giada once more and then finally look back at Raff, he could almost feel the way she rolled her eyes before speaking.

"Just waiting on you, slow poke."
"I have little legs, what did you expect." He said dryly, charging up the port he'd connected to. "We're plugged in Trey, how long till you get here?"

The nepleslian glanced at their third member as she flew back the way they'd come, then directed his attention to Ventriss once more. "I used to have a small mech unit, put a lot of personal time and effort into keeping that thing going, you seem like you're pretty proud of that rifle." It was clear he wasn't one who did a lot of smalltalking but they both seemed to have a somewhat similar interest in this kind of stuff and time to kill while they waited for both Trey and the doors.
He... didn't seem like a dickhead so much in this moment, it caught Ventriss a little off guard but the redhead quickly regained her usual hint of cockiness and gave the little man's words a quick nod before speaking herself - after all waiting in silence would have just been awkward.

"It's nothing too fancy but yeah I like my gun, it is reliable and I put my mark on it so what's not to love?" Ventriss spoke lightheartedly as she shifted her legs to casually squat against the side of the hull, enjoying the feeling of her suit's interior material against all the bare skin she had on display underneath before continuing.

"And you seem kind of proud of that small mech thing you had going on, what's up with all that and why are you here instead of there?" the redhead poked and prodded for information, maybe putting a bit of friendly emphasis on the small part but curious nonetheless.
"Well, my old gang disbanded recently, our boss got nabbed by another group and we assume killed and the rest of us sort of went out own ways, some in groups and some by ourselves including me. I had the old girl for a while longer but had to sell her off just to stay alive and give myself a chance at even getting to this job." Raffaele said somewhat solemnly before shaking his head, he didn't know why he was giving this strange woman such a detailed recount of the events that lead him here but what the hell not like he could take it back now.

"I was proud of it for the same reason you are of that gun, I put a lot of time and effort into making it into what it is, or I guess was if they've melted it down by now."
As Ventriss and Raffaele waited, they would see the ports on both sides charge up, taking a bit longer than the small personnel airlocks they had gone through just before. again, it asked for passwords, and Trey, though a little late on his timing, was able to finally answer, having had to get Giada back in control of the generator she was moving before correcting the course on his own a bit. The password is the same as before, and you're looking at three minutes to arrival, so get those doors moving soon. once you put the passwords in you'll need to hold the buttons down at the same time, for whatever reason the backup motors are isolated from each other and it needs both of them to open, so, just be careful and coordinated."