Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Hidden Sun Clan Paws reaching out across the stars


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Location: Unknown system

Dominant Species: Various

The Gulvi-ka Mui dropped out of the tunnel well into the star system. The Emissary sat in her chair upon the bridge. The Tin-Ta’a of the ship looked around. “Secure the Tinvyma Movidoanor. Power up the Tinvymai Tyokame but keep them on standby. Commence charging of the Anoka Wotanu'pa and Anoka Udano.”

Saflea turned to Kohaku, “So what now Vonai-Rya'ka? Shall I send for tea for you while we wait?” She asked with a small smile.

Kohaku shook her head, “No tea, we could be sitting here for a while.” She turned to the communications operator. “Commence transmitting interlingua code on the specified frequencies. Set it to repeat every two hours.” The operator responded to her command by activating the system with a series of quick command strokes.

“Now we wait.” Kohaku said to Saflea who had walked over to stand beside her. “The interlingua has not been used since before the Norka. I’m surprised that there was a copy of it still available.”

“It was difficult to find, I had spoken with many of the Ryauos'te from before the Norka. And they all had mentioned it. It was a matter of finding where the data was stored. Fortunately the Kyn Lumu'ai Jael keeps excellent records. Unfortunately many of the inventory records from that time were never digitized. We will not need it for contacting some species, but this group has no contact with the others. So we have to return to the old ways. Patience is now the order.” Kohaku said as she stood up. “I will be in my cabin; it will be awhile before we see any kind of response from them in the form of physical. Communications will take even longer. Join me when you have turned over the bridge to the Tin-To’a.”

Kohaku then exited the bridge and made her way to her cabin. Once there she removed the extra garments of her station. She turned on some music to relax to and got comfortable in one of the Buvoli Vakame. She shifted her weight and let the chair move to a reclined position that she preferred. She looked at the table next to the chair and smiled. Geiars her attendant was as efficient as ever. There were two glasses on the table and a bottle of Voltam Tyo'te. She poured herself a glass and lit it. She watched the flames dance on the surface and the color of liquid began to change.
Location: Bai'yusaenahe'mah Star System, system edge

Located in orbit around one of the systems planets was a rather large circular looking station with two 'bulb' like objects that protruded downward and upward, with a central - more rounded section - in the center. Several arms extended out of this section that looked to be docking arms, one of them had a ship attached to it while the rest remained vacant. Located along the top of this station were numerous antenna's and dish's, the dish's slowly rotated on their axis as they scanned the space around them.

A small pulsating light could be seen along the stations outer hull, a person in a spacesuit was presently performing repairs on one of the stations many sensor panels. "How is that?" the person called into their mic.

"~Damn it, still not working, check the radial connections, maybe they got loose?~"

The person sighed and moved slowly across the hull to a panel that had a handle on it, pulling the handle back to reveal a set of cables beneath it. They ran their gloved hand over the cables for a few moments before running onto one that was partially disconnected from its housing, they pulled it out entirely and checked the small metallic pinholes that made up the connector and then reconnected it. "Now?"

"~Excellent, its working again, go ahead and---~" the line went silent for several moments, causing the person to instinctively look toward the stations command center.


"~Commander wants you back~"

A frown crept across this person's face as they closed up the panel, turned the handle once to lock it in place, and then moved toward the stations airlock. Once inside of the station they slide out of the space suit to reveal a Laibe that looked to be in their late thirties or early forties; the mans face was a wreak - one eye missing and a large scar across the bottom lip. "I'm in," he called out; this was followed by a loud hissing sound as the airlock cycled; large metallic clangs could be heard as the rear airlock door was sealed and locked. Then the door leading into the station hissed open, revealing the stations cramped and white interior.

Walking through the threshold and into the station, the man saw that there was a bit of a flurry of activity - but not by people - rather there were monitors on the walls that showed that something was going on.

"Commander?" the man spoke as he walked into the stations command center.

"Jui'sye, welcome back inside, get to your station; we are receiving... something..." the commander - a Daur in their early twenties - stood by a holographic tank that showed a series of holographic arrows pointing outward from the system along with a pulsating message that said; 'unknown signal detected'.

Jui'sye walked over and jumepd to his station, where he sat down and began to process the incoming signal. "Ger'eale, re-purpose antenna's two, sixteen, and forty one please. Realign the number eight and twenty satellite dishes. Bring the computers primary analyzing system online and begin analyzing the transmission."

"On it," Ger'eale, a My'leke, said. Their tail was plugged into a socket in the wall and they laid down next to a wall, their head resting on their paws - but it was pretty obvious they were hard at work given the holographic monitors that popped up around them.

"Can we trace the signal?" asked the commander, as they walked over to the My'leke and grabbed one of the holographic monitors and turned it around.

Jui'sye leaned back in his seat and glanced up toward the ceiling, then back at their monitor. "Negative, we can't isolate it; we'd need to wait until we get more information."

The commander glanced toward his two other crewmen. "Can we determine what the signal is?"

"It might be...." Ger'eale started and opened their eyes, looking toward one of the monitors. "It appears, although I can't be certain, to be equations.. mathematics maybe, or something else; we'd have to wait until we get more of the signal before I can determine that."

"Sir? Do you want me to send a burst message to the homeworld to let them know?" asked Jui'sye, who was already typing up a message.

"Write out the message, but hold off on sending it out; lets be absolutely certain about what we have, this could just be some Kit playing tricks on us again.. after all that's what happened to the number eighty one sensor post back in the home system a few seasons ago," the commander gave off an audible growl as they turned the monitor back toward the My'leke and walked over to their command chair and took a seat. "Boost power to the sensor array, and bring the secondary generator online along with the secondary computer systems, we'll need them to determine what this is."
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Gulvi-ka Mui

Emissary's Cabin

Saflea entered the cabin that she shared with Kohaku. She took off both of her Lapurnium and placed her blades on the table by the door. She walked over to Kohaku who stood up to greet her. Saflea pressed the left side of her face to Kohaku's and wrapped her arms around her imatloi. After a moment she slowly slid her face until her cheek was nestled into Kohaku's neck and rubbed it back and forth. "Sorry to have kept you waiting. As always when I was about to leave, a number of things came up." she said after pulling out of their embrace.

"That's okay, it gave me time to catch up on my messages. Besides there is plenty more Voltam Tyo'te to share. Anything important?" she said taking her seat again and pouring two glasses and lit them.

"We received word from the support group via subspace. They are positioned 1 LY out and at our signal they will open a Movidoano for us to depart through should the locals attack. The opening will be 1 light second behind us. So that gives us a clear way to disengage without having to activate weapons." she said taking the chair next to Kohaku. "This is all very new to me and the crew. Definitely different that the contact that was made with Amatay. We had the benefit of them having one of our people and years of observing them, and your own experiences. Our surveys of this region detected these aliens only a shot number of years ago. Strictly monitoring only, no contact on their worlds or ships."

Kohaku nodded as she listened to Saflea. "Well at this point its a waiting game."

"I would feel better if we activated the Anoka Degon'te. Sitting here in the open makes me nervous. It goes against years of training and experience. But then the past two years have been been about going against the old ways." she looked at her glass and saw that the flames had died out. She picked it up and took a sip of the warmed liquid.

Kohaku picked up her glass as well and took a sip.
Location: Bai'yusaenahe'mah Star System, system edge

Some time passed as the crew went about trying to decipher the message. "Anything?" the commander would ask.

"Still recording the entire message, what I can say," Jui'sye started and turned in his seat toward the commander. "Itis an equation, mathematical to be exact. However, I wont' be able to really decipher it much due to the lack of the proper onboard systems, we'd have better luck contacting the science station on the surface and requesting that they use their equipment for the job."

The commander rubbed his chin at this, staring straight at Jui'sye in thought. "They are already busy with their own experiments, but then again, they do have the equipment that we lack." In saying this the commander opened up a holographic display and tapped it a few times, bringing up a message dialogue that had the word 'connecting' flashing across it.

After several seconds the screen faded before the picture of a Laibe appeared. "~Good day A'Fuereb, what can I do for you?~"

"We are picking up a strange transmission being sent into the system, at first we thought it might've been just some prank, but considering the information we receiving it is starting to look like it is not. We lack the proper equipment to perform a detailed analyzes of the information and would like to request that you take on the task of doing this for us," the commander asked, shifting in their seat and placing one leg over the other.

"~Mmm, a transmission you say, and you've verified that it isn't coming from one of our own?~"

"Thus far, it seems the transmission is from the outside of the system, there is no evidence that it is being sent from within."

"~Then we'll go ahead and give you a hand. Besides, my colleagues here are getting restless since we've run into a roadblock in our own projects, who knows, perhaps doing this will help bring them some inspiration.~"

The commander nodded and turned toward Ger'eale. "Create a secured line to the science base, then begin streaming the data to them, I want that data on a class one protection, continuous scans of the area."

"On it sir," Ger'eale replied, the My'leke lifted their head for only a moment to look at one of the data windows before laying it back down.

As the data began to stream into the lab, the commander would notice that the head scientist was glancing off the screen and nodding his head. "~Very interesting, mathematical equations, but.. hmm.... I think this is not so much mathematics but rather a language of some sort.~"

"Hidden as math?" asked the commander with the gesture of the hand.

"~Well, if you wanted to contact an alien species, the best way to do so would be to use something that *might* be more universal, as words typically are completely different between races.~"

"That's *if* this is from an alien species, again, it could just be a trick," the commander iterated, leaning back in their chair and collapsing their hand in their lap.

"~Commander, your job to monitor deep space, mine is to analyze the data you bring to us. While you and others like you enjoy thinking that we are the only people in this grand universe, my colleagues and I choose to believe that we are in fact not the only ones around.~"

The commander's back fur bristled slightly. "I'll have you know that our ancestors found *nothing* in their corner of the universe."

"~So far as the recovered and reconstructed archives indicate yes,~" the scientist looked off screen again, taking a seat in a chair that hadn't been there a second earlier - and then began to type away on a keyboard. "~However, that doesn't mean that there aren't races out there - our home galaxy might've just been devoid of other sentient species.~"

"Well, if this is another alien race, why would they send a message to us? Why not just send a ship to make contact?"

The scientist stopped what they were doing and glanced up at the screen. "~Now there's a question I wouldn't expect an officer in the Navy to ask.. ahh but then considering how you got this station...~"

The commander scowled, causing the scientist to sigh. "~To answer your question, they might 'have' a ship out there that is transmitting this message, but they might be under orders not to enter the system - maybe out of concern that we might attack them after all, they might not know how we'd respond to a completely unknown vessel just suddenly appearing on our doorstep. And given that this system is classified in our records, the Navy would respond pretty quickly if a vessel of unknown markings was to just appear. Now, if these are aliens, would they know that? Probably not, doubtful even, but if I were their commander I'd take every precaution imaginable to try and limit the potential damage to my ship and my crewmates.~" The scientist stopped to take a brief, and leaned over their chair and shouted at someone off screen, a Daur soon came into the picture wearing a white lab coat and for a moment said a few words that weren't being transmitted, then nodded; bowed, and walked out of frame. "~Anyway, once we have the entire transmission it should only take us an hour - maybe two - to completely analyze it, if it 'is' a language then our linguists might be able to find common themes in it and then start to piece it together. Once we are certain of that, then I'll send a message to the diplomatic corps.~"

"Very well, keep us appraised please," the commander said and cut the link. "Continue to monitor the system, I want to know of any FTL jumps in and out."

"Lets just hope that if it is aliens," Ger'eale said. "That they are friendly...."
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Gulvi-ka Mui


The Tin-To'a sat the Overwatch station. He had it configured to show the area around the ship as seen by the sensors, and it showed the transmission being sent by the Communications station. It was nearing the end of the current broadcast. He had been watching it as it was broadcasted several times during his watch. The fact that it was a teaching signal was interesting to him. It started broadcasting a very simple data stream. This was to establish some parameters. Then the next packet used those parameters to establish more complex ones. This process was repeated until there was sufficient information in the last stream to give a functional codex of their language. It included sound files for each of the phonems. While the interlingua would not make them fluent in Takavonai, it would give them enough of a grasp for conversation to begin.

It was good that Poku'vonai were patient by nature. Because this was a slow process, one that he Emissary assured him had worked in the past. He noted that the last portion of the broadcast had completed.

The Communications operator turned to him. "Sar, interlingua broadcast is complete. Switching to reception mode. Shall I notify the Tin-Ta'a and the Emissary?"

"Send a notification, but send it via the brain. No need to wake them if they are sleeping." he replied. "Then contact the Support group and notify them of our status."

He then picked up his datapad and opened up an electronic book that he was reading. At the rate things were proceeding, he would make some progress on catching up on his reading.
Bai'yusaenahe'mah Star System, system edge

It wasn't easy waiting around for an analyze to finish, and Fui'keshe understood that quite well. The My'leke Scientist was laying down on a bed with his tail plugged into a socket, from there he was easily reading the information being passed from system to system - the scientific computers were hard at work analyzing every bit of the transmission: each new piece of the puzzle that was being transmitted from the orbiting sensor outpost was bringing them one step closer to solving what those on the outpost thought was a puzzle. But, he and his fellow scientists had already broken that puzzle and all they had needed were a few of the pieces.

"A language, how interesting," Fui'keshe smiled as his eyes opened, he stood up and stretched his front paws and let out a yawn before sitting down on his rear and glancing upward toward the ceiling. "It was obvious that someone is trying to communicate with us, but instead of just coming into the system and making contact they would send a transmission with their language. Smart, I'll have to keep a record of this and suggest it to the exploratory division, maybe it'll help us out if we ever run into another species."

"~That is, of course, if this 'is' a sentient species that sent the message~" a voice spoke in the My'leke's head. It was commonplace for two My'leke to communicate utilizing a communications system, when their tails were plugged into a computer, voice communications could be sent easily to the person and it was an ability only the My'leke had - some referred to it as an electronic telepathy but the My'leke didn't view it like that.

"Can you really say it isn't?" Fui'keshe looked off to his side, he knew where the other My'leke was just by tracing the communications packets. Basement level ten, room nine.. analytical department.. "Besides, you're the one analyzing the data, doesn't it speak to you?"

"~It does, that's why the more we break it apart the more I am convinced that my original theory of us being alone in this universe was - in fact - quite wrong.~"

Fui'keshe stood up and walked a bit from his bed - not far though since he didn't go far with his tail being used for something. "How much of the data has been analyzed?"

"~Oh we've already finished the analyze, now we are just putting it all together. We've compiled a language of sorts, a combination of letters and numbers - and are presently analyzing the words being formed to match them to our own, it'll make it easier for us to compile a sentence using the computer if/when we make contact and for the computer itself to translate any incoming communications.~"

Fui'keshe blinked, and looked down at the floor. "We can do?" he asked.

"~As of ten minutes ago yes, if you'd asked me that question yesterday I'd have said no. However, it is amazing what something new and intriguing can do to a programmer and how quickly they can work.~"

Although Fui'keshe couldn't see it, he could imagine the smile on his companions face. Fui'keshe accessed the shared network that housed the current transmission that the analysts were working on, he could digitally see them putting the pieces together - this was a kind of view that no other race in the Neshaten would be able to see, at least not yet.

"Its beautiful," Fui'keshe said to his companion. "I just wish our Duar and Laibe scientists on the base could see this."

"~Only through special goggles can they view this, but it is a major strain on their eyes...~"

"Well, how much longer do you suppose it'll be before the compiling is completed?"

"~A few hours at most, maybe a bit longer since my fellow analysts and I want to make double sure that we don't miss anything - after all - it would be a very bad thing to mis-translate something and not realize the mistake until later.~"

"So true," Fui'keshe walked back over and laid down on his bed where he closed his eyes,
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Gulvi'ka Mui


Saflea was back on the bridge. She was looking at a datapad showing the latest status reports from the various sections of the ship. She was pleased that all was well. She picked up her cup of Kadamui; savored the aroma. After a moment she took a long sip from the cup. After placing the cup safely down; she pulled up the main screen. She expanded the view so that the distant stellar object was much larger. This was the longest that she had been sitting in a star system, immoble and not hidden.

She resisted the impulse to ask the communications tech if they had a response yet. She knew that as soon as any sort of message started she would be told. Asking would only imply that they were not doing their duty.

Emissary suite

Kohaku looked at the screen before her. It showed images of the species that they were waiting to hear from. Her curiosity had been piqued by the variation. Where they natural; did they represent different stages of their life cycle, or were they the result of genetic modifications. She was curious as to why the Mui and the Tonai had decided to make contact here, rather than with one of the other species they knew of closer to World Station and their territory. But her's was not to question, but to do her best to succeed.
Bai'yusaenahe'mah Star System, system edge

There was a yawn from Fui'keshe as he watched the pieces come together in digital space, it may have been awe-inspiring, but right now it was just dreadfully boring. His eyes were heavy from being awake for so long working on the project, he'd wished he could take steroids to stay awake but the natural biomes that lived in his body would see to it that the chemicals of a steroid would have zero effect - in fact - there was a chance that instead of being kept awake and lucid he'd die... not exactly something any My'leke would risk.

A few hours would eventually pass, just staring at the reconstruction; until finally its surfaces glittered and shined - it was completed. This woke the man up and he stared at it rather curiously before a voice spoke in his head - forcing him out of the digitalscape.

"~Its done!~" shouted the voice, Fui'keshe could easily tell that his companion was very excited. This was followed a few minutes later by a facility wide announcement for everyone to gather on the sub-level eight.

Fui'keshe glanced at his tail, the prehensile tendrils that made the end began to unwrap themselves from around the socket until they were completed free then he simply pulled his tail out and heard a 'clank' as a safety box sprang down over the socket. He stretched his legs out and flexed his paws a moment before he hurriedly exited his office and joined several of his colleagues as they boarded the elevator to take them down a few levels.

Everyone was quiet though, no one had said a word in the elevator as it moved down to sublevel 8, when the doors opened they all excited out and into a very large greenery that made up the facilities main living area; plants, trees, it was like a piece of paradise for these scientists who lived underground on a planet whose surfaces were a hellish landscape.

More scientists had arrived, even some of the facilities support staff - including members of the facilities local military branch tasked with protecting it from any plausible intrusion. Once everyone had gathered, a Daur approached the group. "We've been successful i decoding a transmission that our sensor station received hours ago, it took some time, but it was well worth the effort."

The Daur stepped aside as a holographic representation of the transmission appeared. "Originally we all thought this might've been a transmission from one of our own ships, or even an errant communications satellite that we'd sent out hundreds of years ago. However, we all managed to find 'links' within this transmission that helped us understand its true nature. It wasn't just some random act by the universe, but rather, a deliberate one from another source... and that source is another species - some other nation."

"The transmission is a language, a unique pattern to send it by, but a language none the less. Thanks to the efforts of our analysts we have pieced it all together and now have a completed language pattern, its a rather interesting language, poetic in many cases, complex in others. Our linguist is currently memorizing the language as we speak but we have sent word to the Monarchy about this discovery, as we all know, the Division of Diplomacy was created forty years ago but was placed on hold until evidence surfaced that another sentient race might exist, well this confirms it.. we can expect this division to be activated in a few hours time."

This was greeted by applause, some nods of the head; although the military soldiers in the room were notably concerned about the prospects of another sentient species.

"Vuire'ashe, is the linguist that is presently memorizing the language and inserting it into a universal translator for us to use. I want you all to give her any assists she requires, in a few hours time; we'll most likely get word from the Monarchy. Now, let's all get back to what we were doing, we aren't entirely done with this transmission - as our analysts will still be picking it over just in case we missed anything..." The Duar let out a sigh and then smiled at his colleagues. "Lets go people." With that the group all dispersed. Now it was all a waiting game, to see what the Monarchy would say.
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Emissary Lounge

Kohaku sat at the end of the large wooden conference table. Her mate Saflea was seated at her right. Geiars her personal attendant sat to her left. Above the table floated a images of what appeared to be three different species, but with some similarities between two. Kohaku took a sip of her spiced tea and looked at the Qakla who stood waiting.

Songo Aawid stood midway along the left side of the table. He was wearing the standard uniform of the WAP. He was here in the capacity of Intelligence operative. "Our earlier surveys of this region identified these three species. At first the teams thought there were three different species scattered on multiple worlds. Later surveys however soon determined that these three are all part of the same government. We do not know if there is a caste or hierarchy between the species. Long range recon has however seen indications of some sort of internal strife, source and reason obviously unknown."

He tapped his datapad and the image changed to a star map. "We have identified a number of systems having signs of their presence. One of their systems is extremely hazardous for tunnel drive. Spatial anomalies were detected by recon probes. It is our consensus that system may be their home world, and that their spreading out is in part do to the hazards of the system. Of course this is just supposition, since we have not sent a large survey team into the system due to the presence of ships and such." He paused again.

"They obviously have FTL, our long range sensors have detected sufficient traces to confirm that. We have not yet identified the origin of their energy sources. But whatever source they are using it is sufficient for FTL and therefor combat capable craft are presumed."

Saflea looked from Songo to Kohaku, "So what exactly are our mission parameters? What is the Mui and Tonai hoping to come of this mission?"

Kohaku put her cup of tea down. "Our primary goal is to initiate contact, and start the ground work for discussions. Ideally an alliance from a race this far removed from the others in this region is a valuable thing. Basically establishing trade and commerce would be good. But we first must see if they can decipher our message if not. We head back to World Station.,"
Bai'yusaenahe'mah Star System, system edge

Space tore apart as tendrils of electrical energy began to appear from the fabric of space, these tendrils at first slowly wiped around in space before a fold began to appear with a ship coming out of it - this sihp was initially in siolette only, with only its leading edges being apparent, but after a few seconds the rest of the ship would come into existence, revealing itself to be a Ehe'sii'ne Class vessel.

The vessel hung around in space as the tendrils slowly receded into the rear section of the ship, this was followed a few seconds later by ten other fold events comprised of much smaller vessels - transports, passenger liners, a science vessel, and even a wing of starfighters - all of which made their way toward the planets surface.

Aboard the Ehe'sii'ne, the brifge was a flurry of activity as the crew rushed to confirm their coordinates. "Right on time," one aviator shouted as she brought the ships fold-drives into a standby position. "We have arrived at our designated coordinates."

"Contacting planetary research outpost now sah!" shouted the ships communications officer. "Sensor outpost has pinged us, they are verifying our identity."

"Send the counter sign," ordered the Shipmaster, who was presently looking over the shoulders of another crewmen.

The comm's officer nodded, sending the counter sign and then waited a few seconds for a response. "We've been cleared sah. Communications have been established with outpost, incoming transmission."

"Holo-tank please."

The holotank, located in the center of the bridge, brightened into a warm blue before fading into a dull green as the image of a Laibe appeared on the tank. "The Queen got your message, we've been sent to initiate first contact."

~"The Ehe'sii'ne is onboard?"~

"She is," the Captain looked toward the bridge door, and then ordered one of his men to get her.

~"Very well, we are in the final stages of completion and will be sending you the full translation fill, algorym, and program in just a few minutra's."~

"Good, send it to my comm's officer and we'll get it ready before our departure. Any idea where it was broadcast from?"

~"We do, the sensor outpost was able to trace the source to a small area of space just beyond the borders of the system. We can't give you an exact location since we only have 'one' outpost here, but they were able to narrow it down. *IF* these people are truly interested in initiating communications, then they are probably not going to hide themselves if they pick up on your approach."~

"I see, very well we shall do that."

~"Is it just your ship and the support vessels that accompanied you?"~

"Yes, the Navy has assigned a rapid response force to back us up in case this is a trap, hopefully they won't be needed."

~"Agree'd, we should be done in a few, I'll contact you when we are finished. Outpost out."~ with that the holotank flickered off and the shipmaster let out a sigh of relief. The man ran a hand through his hair, and then glanced toward the bridges entrance, waiting to see when the Emissary would arrive.
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Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

78th hour of transmission.

The Gulvi-ka Mui was still motionless in space. The orange running lights blinked as they would in a friendly system. The only activity was the occasional activation of the maneuvering thrusters. They cycled to maintain the ship's position. Two Kyntaqo held position six light minutes ahead of the ship at 30 degrees to port and starboard. They were operating Imaging Sensors and Emission Sensors. They sent burst data transfers to the ship by Meson communications.

Kohaku was seated on the bridge. Their Kyntago had detected a number of hyperspace events in system. The main screen showed ten hyperspace events near the same point. She held a cup of Kadamui as she watched the plot. She took a sip of the aromatic beverage and savored the caffeine as it entered her system. "Why do things always happen in the middle of ones sleep interval." she said to Saflea.

The gray furred Qaktoro turned from her screen to face Kohaku. "Because the universe has a peculiar sense of humor, at least that is what my apoloi used to tell me." she replied. "We are picking up chatter from in system, but nothing that is directed to us. It would seem it was between the arriving vessels and the facility that we monitored sending a signal."

Kohaku smiled at Saflea's comment. Over the years listening to her tales about her family. Growing up in such an environment was something that her mate took pride in. She had a better understanding of such a life after years of living among the Pokuvonai. Further her time visiting with the Ryauos'te helped her gain a deeper appreciation. Her adoptive people cherished their children and their families. Both of which considered essential for their continuation.

"Emissary, should we deploy another pair of Kyntago to give us a wider spread?" came from the tactical station.

Kohaku took another sip of her Kadamui and thought for a moment. "Negative, two probes to let us know they are approaching should be sufficient. Remember to recall them at low energy once we have confirmation of approach. If they detect them and see them returning to us, they will surmise they are sensor probes. Two they probably will not get overly concerned. But if they see four or more they may take it as spying." she replied.
Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

SNV - Light of Guidance

Cui'she'yee Laase'ye stood upon the bridge, her eyes looking over the rails and at the crew that were presently at work below. The My'leke, who was wearing a flowing silk robe that covered her almost from the top of her head to the back of her tail, was the ships Ehe'sii'ne, or Emissary; the same name as the class of ship she was presently on.

"Transfer is completed mah," the Captain said and walked up beside her. "We have a completed translation of this species language, and our scientists have been able to pull out some words that might give us a clue as to whom they are."

Cui'she'yee nodded although her head remained lowered, her eyes still focused on the crew. "That so, and what have they?"

"We believe they go by the name of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo, although we don't have a proper translation of that word just yet; what it means could vary," The captain handed the My'leke a log.

Cui'she'yee turned her tail around, wrapping the log with the tails tendrils and then drew it toward her, she looked it with a nod of the head. "What about the origin of the transmission?"

"Its been narrowed down to only two locations, but one of them is further away than the other - and would've been just outside of our ability to detect the transmission."

"Then why was it initially chosen?"

"My guess? Residual background noise, which is why its already been ruled out."

Cui'she'yee sighed and lifted her head, she handed the pad back to the captain and walked over toward a chair fit for a My'leke, she hoped up onto it and laid down. "Let's go then, her Majesty is eager to see what comes of this contact."

"Yes Mah," the captain turned his crew. "You heard the Ehe'sii'ne, recall our escort squadrons and make ready for jump. Aviator, you have the coordiantes in your logs, please set them."

"Sah!" a Daur shouted from a station just a few feet from the captain. "Coordinates set."

"Squadron's are landing down, ETA one minute," announced a flight officer. "Correction, thirty seconds."

"Weapon systems are cold, shall I keep them offline even upon arrival?" asked the ships weapons officer.

The captain, for a moment, turned toward the Ehe'sii'ne who nodded her head. "Yes, if there is someone there waiting we don't want to potentially scare them off."

"Have our escorts be ready to sorty just in case, but keep them landed upon arrival," the Ehe'sii'ne said.

The flight officer nodded and relayed the new orders, as the last of the ships escorts landed the officer gave a thumbs up to the captain. The ships internal lights dimmed slightly as the FTL drive core came online, there was a hum that reverberated throughout teh ship as tendrils of electrical energy started to dance off the ships hull; with seconds the ship vanished into fold-space.
Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

Gulvi-ka Mui Bridge

Semta watched his tactical console. "Emissary Sar, we have an outbound FTL event. Looks like they are coming." He put the plot on the main screen in a sub window. It basically provided an ETA for the vessel.

Kohaku looked at the ship's clock and then to Saflea. "Well, at least now things should get interesting. I am ready to finally get to do our job. The bridge is yours Tin-Ta'a. I am going to dress for the occassion."

She stood up and walked to the rear of the bridge. She stepped out into the hallways. "Ida ibâka takavonai." she said as the doors closed
Saflea took the command station, and turned to face the screen.

"Take our status to Awareness." she called out calmly.

A shrill beeping sounded six times, stopped and repeated two more times. The status lamps on the bridge switched to amber. Subtle changes started taking place throughout the vessel. Tactical generators started coming online. Atmospheric containment shields started switching on in the various corridors of the ship.

The Tin-To'a spoke from his station. "Sar, are you going to remain on the bridge or transfer to the Daho'ka Ruo'sa?"

Saflea turned to face the brown furred Qaktoro. "Normally I would, but this is supposed to be a peaceful event. I'll stay here."

"Very well Sar. Tactical systems online, the ship is at Awareness and stands ready to respond to your commands." he said.
Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

SNV - Light of Guidance

Cui'she'yee tail moved slowly back and forth, not out of boredom or frustration but rather out of anticipation, her eyes had been closed throughout the majority of the FTL jump; it wasn't like they would arrive seconds after jumping - although it wouldn't take as long as it used to years back. She knew they were close though when she heard the hum of the FTL drive-core begin to whine down, her eyes opened and she stared at the counter: 1 minute before arrival.

She stood up and got down from her seat and walked toward the captain and then sat right back down on her rear and watched the counter: 50 seconds, then 45, 40,35,30..., when the counter dropped to 25 the Shipmaster began to bark orders as a group of soldiers ran to an area beneath the bridge that housed the ships weapons control centers.

"Weapons on standy," she heard someone from below shout.

"Keep them on standby," the Shipmaster shouted as the counter reached zero. The ship suddenly lurched backwards as the viewscreen turned into static; outside several kilometers away from the Gulki-ka Mui, electrical tendrils burst forth from subspace as the ship began to materalize into normal space, its leading edges appeared first and slowly crept up along its side before reaching the farside - all of which took no more than a couple seconds before the entirety of the ship was out of subspace and into normal space. The ship drifted for moment, its nose staring straight toward the alien vessel that lay before it.

The shipmaster was quite obviously astonished at what he was seeing. "Incredible, so there 'was' another ship out here..." he remarked and took his hat off and held it in his hand. "Begin scanning please."

Cui'she'yee raised an eye-brow and quickly interjected. "No Shipmaster, scanning them could make them nervous, instead we should just wait and observe while we compile a message to send out."
Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

Gulvi-ka Mui Bridge

The bridge was silent as the alien craft re-entered normal space.

Saflea turned to Kohaku. She was understandably nervous. They were sitting in front of an alien species with their shields lowered. "That is certainly an interesting arrival from FTL. If that is typical, then I would have to say a bit more showy than the fold used by the Clan Yamatai."

She gave a glance at the status screen. "All sections still report Awareness. You orders Vonai-Rya'ka?"

Kohaku looked at the image on the screen. Even without an active scan, that ship looked rather large for a diplomatic vessel. 'Well, we called out to them, so now the question is who speaks first. ' she thought.

"Discontinue the interlingua broadcast. Leave communications open for broadcast. If they have deciphered the broadcast they should be able to contact us." she said looking at the communications station.

"Interlingua discontinued. All detected frequencies being monitored. Sar." came the communications operator.

She then crossed over to Saflea. "Helm, using gean vymasa only slowly rotate the bow to port. Hold when we are at 45 degrees off their bow."

"As you command Sar. Rotating to port on main center point. Minimal thrust." the pilot replied.

Kohaku watched the pilot maneuver the ship, but the image of the alien craft remained on the main screen as the sensors adjusted.

"Now let us see what they learned." Kohaku said to Saflea.
Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

SNV - Light of Guidance

Cui'she'yee watched, her breath steady as she peered at teh viewscreen - which showed the alien vessel slowly rotating.

"What are they doing?" she heard someone say with a nervous tone.

To her, she had a feeling she knew. "Probably to show that they mean us no harm, any evidence of a threat?"

"Negative mah, in fact, just based off the initial scans we got after we arrived; their shields are lowered and I didn't pick up on any weapons signatures," the ships weapons officer said, turning in their chair and looking toward the screen. "I'm no Emissary mah, but maybe this is their way of showing no threat?"

While Cui'she'yee agreed that the soldier certainly wasn't an Emissary, she knew that the soldier was probably correct and this caused her to sit straight up and turn toward the captain. "Then lets test that thoery out, Shipmaster, please lower our shields, take weapon systems offline."

To this the Shipmaster raised a curious eye-brow. "Are you nuts mah? What if they are just waiting for us to do just that and attack?!"

"If they attack, we call in for reinforcements, they are already nearby. However, we must show that we to mean them no harm - our ship IS bigger than theirs afterall and just our size alone might make them nervous, if we lower the shields and disable our weapons it might give them some ease," Cui'she'yee didn't like how Shipmaster responded, although it wasn't a surprising one given that the man was responsible for the safety of the ship and its crew.

The shipmaster grumbled and then let out a sigh. "Thats only 'if' they are nervous about our size, but I guess you have point. Weapons, lower our shields and disable our weapon systems, inform our squadrons however to remain on standby. Provided that is ok with our Emissary."

Cui'she'yee smiled. "How's the translation upload going?"

"Done mah."

"Good, open a channel," Cui'she'yee cleared her throat, when the communications officer gave her the thumbs up she took in a slow breath and spoke. "This is Ehe'sii'ne Cui'she'yee Laase'ye of the Kingdom of Neshaten, we have received your transmission and decyphered it, I am speaking to you in your language and wish to open a dialogue." Now was the waiting game....
Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

Gulvi-ka Mui Bridge

Kohaku smiled when they received a message that was in their language.

Saflea looked around. "Well that is fortuitous. Glad they worked out communications."

Kohaku turned to the Communications operator. "Open a channel audio only for now."

"Yes, Sar." he entered a series of commands into the sytem.

"Channel open Vonai-Rya'ka."

"To Ehe'sii'ne Cui'she'yee Laase'ye and the people of Kingdom of Neshaten. I am the Kohaku Syali the Vonai-Rya'ka, for the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. On the behalf of our Mui and the people of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. I greet you. We welcome the opportunity to enter into dialog that will benefit both of our people." Kohaku said using her Emissary voice.
Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

SNV - Light of Guidance

Cui'she'yee listened to the response; her tail went still for a few minutes as she thought about a response - it was the first ever first contact scenario, despite what they'd been taught, this was a nervous ordeal and she didn't want to risk saying anything that could cause a war. Words and actions had to be chosen carefully, so as not to spark anything. Looking toward the communications officer, she nodded her head and then spoke. "It was great to meet you Kohaku Syali the Vonai-Rya'ka, it is a bit informal for us to speak via comm's, would you be interested instead with meeting on neutral ground upon the surface of a world? From there we can speak more formally, can look upon one another, and our people can hopefully meet and better understand another."

As she awaited a response, she turned toward the Shipmaster. "I do feel that we have anything to worry with these people, so if you will, please inform the Navy to pull back the majority of their ships and to leave a small group behind."

"I can request that, but that doesn't mean they'll do it," the Shipmaster responded as he had comm's send out the message.

"Mah, why do you want to land on another planet to talk?" Asked one of the bridges crewmen.

Lowering her head a tad, Cui'she'yee looked at the crewmen out of the corner of her eye. "Because it is easier to get a better feel for another individual when you can speak to them face to face, speaking through communications is nice for the initial contact but beyond that what I suggested is better; plus if they accept the offer then it'll give me a better idea of their stance." She lifted her head back up, still awaiting the response. If they say no, then it'll show that they are cautious, which is not something I can hold against them.
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Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

Gulvi-Ka Mui


Kohaku listened to the incoming message; it was at least promising potential. She rose from her chair and stood next to Saflea. Then she turned to Songo and Lajeq Poppur the ship's Tin-To'a. "Okay, they are willing to talk. It seems they want to do it in person. Which is how I would prefer it. So what obstacles do we have to their proposal."

Lajeq spoke first, "Well we are in a system that belongs to them. So technically none of them would be Neutral. Then there is the matter of navigation. We know they use a system some what similar to the Yamatai. Even though their tech is similar we do not know their method of charting systems. So we could not be certain of going to the right system. And then there is the time factor. It would be about impossible to time the arrivals. I propose we meet on one of the uninhabited worlds."

Songo added, "I agree that traveling out of system causes too many variables. How do we ascertain that the system is empty, etc. We are here, a show of trust would probably be better."

Kohaku nodded and weighed what each of them proposed. "I concur, I think if we want this to go well, we need to show trust. Our tradition for contact is to allow the contact to host the first meeting."

"Communications, open the channel." Saflea called out. "Channel open," replied the tech.

Kohaku turned to the pickups. "Ehe'sii'ne Cui'she'yee Laase'ye, Kohaku Syali speaking, a neutral planet would be hard to find in a system your people own. Going to another star system I feel would not only represent a lack of trust. But it would so present a number of technical challenges that in so early a stage of contact could end poorly.

So I propose that we remain in this system. As none of the nearest planets are habitable, meeting in survival gear would be cumbersome. It our tradition when initiating dialog that we allow the people we are contacting to host the first meeting. To that end, I and my entourage would be willing to meet with you aboard your vessel. I presume your vessel has the ability to dock with other ships so we can use that as the method of transfer. Is this an acceptable proposition?"
Bai'yusaenahe'mah System

SNV - Light of Guidance

It was an interesting proposition, Cui'she'yee hadn't expected it and this made her pause for a moment. "The size of their ship, would they be able to dock with us?"

"Yes mah," said the Shipmaster. "Our airlock is more than capable of handling a ship of that size."

"Good," Cui'she'yee took in a breath before replying to Kohaku. "It would be acceptable yes, please dock at the starboard airlock," as she was saying this, lights flickered into existence on the ships starboard side - nearest the airlock, a none-standard piece of equipment that was only unique aboard this kind of a vessel. "We'll await you there," she picked up a handset and clipped it to her head and then slaved the communications channel to it. Once the message had been sent, she turned toward the Shipmaster. "Ensure that this area of space remains safe, maintain continious scans of the region please."

"You think the Netrunu'marol might make an appearance mah?" asked the Shipmaster, who had since taken a seat in his chair.

"That is certainly a possibility, but I'd be happier if they had taken a sick day instead, less of a headache for us and our guests," Cui'she'yee head turned as she looked toward the Bridges exit, there were five people standing by the door wearing clothing similiar to her's but of a slightly different style and colouration. "Let's go," she said to them and exited the bridge.

The shipmaster watched and sighed, and looked toward his crews. "You heard her, let's keep a vigil."