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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill (PG-13) Salvage Run 4:Lor/Serenity's Arrival

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Kairi nodded, turning to the Helashio. ~Hello... My name is Kairi... I want to, er...~ She wracked her brain for the word... ~...Helping you?~
Serenity peered over her shoulder at the sound of a female voice, shaking still. She seemed scared of her a little, but the look had a effect on her to calm down.

After a moment she rolled all the way over. Luckily for Toshiro, her forearms were crossed across her chest and covering the more racy parts of her chest, and her legs crossed to cover up down there. It was a few more moments before her gaze settled on the food.
Toshiro, still blushing slightly, set the food down beside her, trying to smile...He didn't know this woman, but felt sorry for her...she wasn't too dissimilar from the Neko, custom-built to serve...he felt that as Captain, it was his job to be strong for those his vessel rescued, especially beings as scared and confused as this woman seemed to be...

~Eat please. Stronger it make.~
Slowly Serenity sniffed the food set by her. She let her pet test it first, his little tounge darting out and lapping up a little bit of the food. His tail began to wag and after a few more licks, Serenity picked up the food herself. After a lick off the spoon, she began to eat as well. To do this though she had to sit up and use her arms which left her yet again, uncovered.
Toshiro quickly turned his head, his face darkening a bit again...

"I am glad she has her appetite back..."
Kairi smiled at the Helashio. ~Good, eating is good. Please, don't stop.~ She turned to Toshiro. "How much exactly do we know? I can try to sit with her for a while and get some info..."
Toshiro sighed, worried for the girl...

"Not much...but she was on a ship with her mistress, it seems...she's from a race of slaves, genetically engineered for the service of the Lorath...and she'll be staying here. It's either that or they erase all of her memories upon her reintroduction to Lorath society..."

He thought for a moment, knuckle on his chin, before speaking again.

"Kairi, given when you've been through, I don't think coming to the planet with us and seeing a race of enslaved people will be good for you...and she needs someone to watch and talk to her as she can't leave the ship once we land. The best thing I can think of is for you to stay with her and talk with her while we're planet-side...it could also be good training for you to deal with issues across cultures. It isn't an order, though, merely a request....what do you say?"
Kairi's face hardened at the thought of a race of geneslaves... She was a neko, on some level the same, but the thought of a race expressly meant for being thrown about at the owner's whim was unsettling.
"Hai, Toshi-kun, I'll do it..." She remained stony-faced for a moment, then: "Pick me up something nice down there, will you?"
Turning to the Helashio with a warm expression on her face, Kairi said, ~What's your name? Like I said, I'm Kairi.~
~Serenity.~ The girl said between mouthfuls of the gruel. She didn't seem to mind the taste, she almost liked it as she took another bite. She had been watching the two speak, seeming to cheer up a little as she got the bit of praise from Kairi for eating. Her ears were perked up a little as she watched Kairi, seemingly looking for more praise as she downed the last bit of the gruel.
Kairi smiled. ~It's nice to meet you, Serenity. When you're ready, we can, uh... getting you some better food, and some clothes.~ She always did have trouble with Lorath syntax.
Serenity nodded a little and held out her bowl. She gave Kairi a little pleading look before she said ~"Mistress please?"~ She knew key words, and a few more, but not enough to make coherent sentences.
Shaun scrolled his hands across the console putting in several commands. "Eve?"

Eve immediatly responded "Yes Shaun?"

Shaun was now scrolling through a list on the screen. "I think its been a week since we last visited the guys that created you. Think the Captain would let us borrow a shuttle so they can get their data? I don't like the idea of a big arms company thinking I stole from them."

Eve was quiet for a moment "Yes...hold on Shaun. I'll ask the Captain."

After a moment Eve's voice came in through the com system where the Captain and the others were. "Pardon me Captain. It appears to be getting close to the due date of my return to the company for data transfer. I know Shaun is an important member of this crew and so I'd like the borrow the android body you have so I may give them the data myself."
Toshiro blinked, thinking about what Serenity was trying to say at the moment...Was she asking for her Mistress, or did she want KAIRI to be her Mistress? He heard Eve contact him, and took a moment to think before responding to Eve...

"You know...that body is in storage at Midori no Umi...I'd let you and Shaun take a shuttle, but it'll be a while, maybe days if not over a week...how long do you have before you have to be at Nepleslia?"
Eve reponded "Whenever we can get around to to it. I'm sure the company wont mind waiting"
Toshiro nodded, still keeping an eye on Serenity and Kairi...

"I understand. You can send a communication to them if needed of our status. I am also considering giving rescue aid to Gemini Star Fortress on the way back, though I don't expect you or Shaun to participate in that. Securing transport should be possible if you want there, or you can wait for the Yggdrasill to head to Nepleslia. Either way, we're willing to pick you up."
Kairi's face softened. She slowly moved closer to Serenity, making sure not to look threatening. ~You did a good job eating that food.... I'm sorry, though, but your mistress is gone. I wish I could bring her back to you, but I can't.... The only thing I can do is help you move on.~ She moved to pick up Reis' clothes, offering them warmly to Serenity. ~Would you like me to help you put these on?~ She thought for a moment. ~Or maybe more food?~
Serenity tilted her head a little, blinking slight as she poked Kairi right btween her breasts. ~"Mistress"~ It didn't seem that she knew exactly where her hand was. After a moment, she looked to Toshiro and pointed again. ~"Master"~

She had gotten over that quickly enough...When the mention of food was made she nodded her head again. She really didn't know what clothing was.
Toshiro blinked, surprised, when he understood what Serenity meant...she saw them as her new Master and Mistress...he wondered how to correct that idea, but it involved breaking down every bit of indoctrination the girl had...reverse-engineering her beliefs of society and building a new one for her.

As he thought this, he quickly went to the kitchen and got more food, though a bit more normal this time...a salad with tomatoes in it. He didn't know what kinds of things her people ate, but vegetables were a solid guess. He returned and gave the food to Serenity.

~Serenity...Wish to stay...with us do you?~
ON: Yggdrasill

Serenity nodded slightly to Toshiro, and again repeated both the words and the movements.

Kairi blinked. "I, uh..." She turned to Toshiro. "How exactly are we going to explain this to her?"

Toshiro shrugged. "I'm not sure...we'd have to essentially reprogram her concept of social hierarchy and materialism...I guess we just have to expose her to new things over time...she'll be here a while...it's her home now."

Kairi turned back to Serenity. ~This is your home now... You can call us Mistress and Master, but you don't have to do what we say.~

Serenity tilted her head a little and blinked, not understanding the concept really

Kairi sighed, thinking for a moment. ~Did you ever want to... not do something that your old mistress told you to?~

Serenity quickly shook her head, as if it was not even a thought.

Toshiro smiled, and assisted Kairi. ~That right! You own Mistress if want. Do what want to! We equal if want. Serve no more if no want to.~

Kairi looked a bit tired. ~You can serve whoever you want now, Serenity, and it will be good.~

Serenity blinked again then wrapped her arms around Kairi, hugging her tightly. ~"Mistress!"~

Kairi sighed again and returned the hug. ~Alright, that's good for now. We can teach you later.~ She grinned a little. ~Let's get you some clothes before Toshiro passes out.~

Toshiro scratched his head, trying to think of what else to do... "...This...will take some work...and yes, please...I'm not used to seeing...such things."

Kairi's grin widened. "Toshi-kun, you're so naive."

Serenity again tilted her head, confused from the idea of clothing.

Kairi picked up the clothing that Reis had delivered, and unfolded a shirt. ~See how this is shaped?~ she inquired of Serenity.

Toshiro handed her the bundle of cloth. He carefully took off his jacket, showed her the similar shape, and put it back on.

She nodded a little, still seemingly confused.

Kairi sighed. "Toshi-kun, you may want to turn around..." She turned to Serenity and said, ~I'm not going to hurt you, but I need you to relax and lift your arms.~

Toshiro turned around, and closed his eyes.

Serenity nodded again and lifted her arms, a little worried about what was going to happen to her.

Kairi rumpled the shirt up so that one arm was completely unfolded, but the rest of the shirt was unobtrusive, and placed Serenity's corresponding arm in. ~We're a part of the way there... This isn't so bad, right?~

Toshiro's eyes were still closed... "How is she doing?"

Kairi smiled gently. "Seems to be alright..." She unfolded the other sleeve and gently put it on Serenity's other arm. ~Now, we have to put your head through this part, but it won't hurt...~

Serenity squirmed a little in the shirt and murphed once or twice, before she frowned. She didn't look like she really enjoyed the feeling of the clothing.

Toshiro continued to wait, eyes closed.

Kairi smiled. ~We're not quite done...~ She carefully slipped Serenity's head through the neck of the shirt, and straightened it over her body... it was a bit long. ~Here we go, you did a good job, Serenity.~

Serenity began to squirm even more then, rubbing and scratching at the outfit as she tried to get used to it. She began to whimper a little as she tried to take it off.

"....Is something wrong?" Toshiro asked...

Kairi looked a bit concerned. "I don't think she's ever worn clothes... she doesn't like them very much."

She began to whimper even more, getting a little frantic with trying to get the clothing off, nails digging into the clothing.

Kairi rubbed Serenity's back. ~Shh, shh, it's alright... It's not going to hurt you, and it will make Master happy if you wear it.~

"Those are Reis' clothes. Don't let her harm them..." He continued to sit there... ~She's right...clothes are good...~

Serenity let out another long groan, staring at Toshiro with pleading eyes. She tried to sit there, her hands at her sides, but she was fidgeting to much. With another whimper the poor girl couldn't take it. The shirt was on the floor after another moment, small holes from her sharp nails around the neck.

"...Did she take it off?"

Kairi made an affirmative sound. "Toshi-kun, don't we have some bed sheets?"

"She's lying on some." He replied... â€
Lain emerged from those quarters, having set Reis to rest, a small bundle of bras and panties clutched in hand. He looked entirely blank of expression, his eyes almost glassy, his hair rather clearly not tended to in some time. Which would surprise few people who knew him (not that many did), especially considering how silent he had been these past days.

"...set Reis to bed. Lord knows she needs it, tending to me... anyway. You wanted underwear for our newcomer, Toshiro?" He blinked several times to clear the filmy sensation from his eyes, looking over the sheet-clad Helashio a bit curiously, catching sight of the torn shirt. "...I have a couple bathrobes she could have... if that would help..."

After a moment's pause... "When you get the chance, Toshiro, I'd like to speak about our arrangements. Insofar it has been quite unfair to you..."
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