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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill (PG-13) Salvage Run 4:Lor/Serenity's Arrival

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"It is being done as we speak captain Toshiro." The Lorath nodded lightly and slowly made a round about the device, taking in the details as he transmitted it back to the ship via optic cybernetics. With a small sigh, he nodded before he looked back to Toshiro.

"It will be picked up immediately. A formal message has been sent to the Stay Army, saying that we have taken the device, and are asking for either directions on where to take it, or a request for it to be picked up. Thank you very much Captain Toshiro." The Occhestan bowed his head again and smiled. "We will take it now, a armor will pick it up as I return to my ship."

Again the man bowed. "I thank you for your help captain. Please feel free to contact Kathra station if you wish planetside time. There are plenty of things to do, including many tourists spots, great medical facilities, and plenty of tours. I hear the queen is infact entertaining guests from the....Sakura? Yes I believe that is the ship..."

With that last little bit of info, the captain nodded his head before stepping out of the cargo bay. The orders were sent, and a moment later there were two power armors again at the back of the ship, waiting for the device as the captain crossed back to his ship.
The Interdiction device was turned over as Toshiro hailed the ship once again, asking a question...

"Captain, I was told the Helashio can not return to Lor...can she land with us under the condition she stays on the ship with one of my crew? I don't have any place to put her, and I don't want to leave the Yggdrasill in orbit with valuables aboard if it can be avoided."
"So long as she does not step foot on Lor, or interact with anyone on Lor yes. The Fyunnen tend to get a little possessive from time to time..."

The captain left off the last little bit for Toshiro to think over and nodded.

"Should our paths cross again Captain Toshiro planet side, I would not object to having a drink. It would be my treat. If you ever go to the royal palace, just ask for Captain Searcher. Good day Captain Toshiro."
Toshiro smiled. He didn't drink, but it WAS a kind gesture...

"Understood. It was nice meeting you, Captain, and thank you for the assistance. Yggdrasill out."

With that he began to send a message, informing that the Interdiction Device was no longer on board, to the SA...
Ken sniggered at that. Capt'n? Drinking? He couldn't see it. "So. everything good to go for planet side landing?" he asked. He was silent during the visitation as he had nothing to say. All he had done during the last situation was pilot his best. He HAD nothing to say. Like gunwork, be it shooting or smithing, it came naturally to pilot and not have to think about it.

((Will be edited later....I hope.))

Shaun leaned back in the small chair with his hands rested behind his head. With Eve watching over the weapon systems he finally had some peace and quiet. He was for the most part alone other then the girl laying on the medical bed nearby.

The Lorath ship soon disconnected from the Yggdrasill and turned away from it, pulling away from the ship and moving towards the Kathra station.

Toshiro re-emerged onto the bridge, reassuming command... "Thanks, Ken. I'll relieve you now...Toshiro to Med Bay One, what's the status of our patient?"

Shaun leaned forward in the chair pressing his right hand to his ear "She's stable, Captain. Nothing new to report at the moment."

Toshiro nodded. "Understood...Toshiro out."

Hmm...Kairi thought quickly and likely saved that woman's life...her actions were exemplary...Shaun managed to get over his racism and help the Neko woman with no hesitation, and Ken managed to remain at his post through it all, even though it was the least interesting job...They may ALL be command-level material...

Kairi walked into the medbay, addressing Shaun. "How's she?"

The doctor seemed to be resting peacefully; blissfully unaware of her surroundings.

Shaun looked up as Kairi walked into the room. "So far she's just sleeping. I'm guessing she will probably stay that way until her body repairs itself."

Serenity had long ago left the medbay and returned to the kitchen. Everything was back up then and cooking, a pot bubbling up around the edges now as she turned down that burner, then moved over to the bit of solid food in a pan. Adding in a little bit of seasoning as well as some sauce, whatever she was making looked really good.

Kairi nodded, pulling up a chair. "I'll sit in with her if you want to go get some food, or something. Serenity's cooking something last I checked, and I think we have some snack cakes or something."

Toshiro went to his quarters and placed the diamond he'd obtained in his drawer, locked it, and returned to the bridge... "Alright...once our patient is aware and brought up to speed, we'll head planet-side..."

Shaun leaned back against the wall as Kairi sat down. "I'll be alright, besides I at least want to stick around until she wakes up. I certainly don't mind the company though. It was getting a bit quiet in here"

The machine monitoring Remi's vitals peeped slightly. It seemed the machine was picking up an increase of activity. Sure enough, beneath the jacket; one of her hands twitched a little.

Shaun looked over as the machine picked up higher vitals. "Well damn...that was quick..."

Kairi grinned. "Amazing what a neko body can do, huh?"

Shaun shrugged. "Yeah...I knew your bodies healed quick, but damn."

The doctor's hand weakly clutched at the jacket a little. It seemed like she was dreaming, or waking up.

It turned out she was just dreaming.

Shaun stood up, pushing the chair against the wall before walking over to the machine and checking it. He looked back and forth between it and the patient. "I'd say she can go without the mask. Her breathing should be fine on its own now."

Serenity began to hum a small song, smiling as she added the noodles to the sauce, some broccoli falling in with it as well as she began to stir it all up. The meat within the sauce turned out to be chicken in actuality. As she made sure the noodles got mixed up well enough before she added in a few more spices. As she stirred in the spices she doled out a two servings, leaving the rest of the rather large pot on the stove at a very small flame. She made her way out of the room and down to the medbay with the two plates.

Kairi looked up as Serenity made her way in. ~Serenity, that smells wonderful!~

Shaun stopped turning as Serenity entered. "I smell something good..."

Serenity's smile went wide again as she held the two plates out, her tail wagging again.

Shaun took a plate and grinned. "Hey, thanks. This looks great." He walked back over to his chair and sat down, putting the plate in his lap before he started eating it.

Kairi translated for Shaun as she took a plate as well. ~This is one of my favorites, how'd you know?~

Serenity shrugged. ~"I make what had..~"

The doctor's eyes slitted open just barely. Not noticeable to anyone unless they were paying very close attention.

Shaun stopped eating for a moment as he looked over at the doctor. He didn't notice anything and just shrugged off the weird feeling he had before going back to the food in front of him.

Her eyes opened a little more now. All she could really see was light, and blurry images.

There was a small groan soon following.

Shaun stopped eating and looked over with the spoon still in his mouth.

Kairi looked up from her food. "She's waking up," she stated. Moving over to the patient, she looked softly at her. "Good morning."

Serenity looked over and blinked, before she tapped Kairi. ~"Others tell ready food yes?"~ Before she disappeared out of the medbay. She went back to the kitchen to get more food for the woman on the bed.

Shaun put his plate down and walked around to the other side of the her. He grabbed what looked like a small flashlight and slowly flashed it back and forth over her. "Are you able to follow the light?"

Her eyes followed the light very slowly, but it was a start, at least.

Shaun turned off the light and put it away. He leaned forward and spoke softly "Are you in pain?"

She had her eyes on him. While she didn't speak verbally she did so telepathically. It feels as if an SMX flash missile went off in my skull, Came the weak yet curt reply.

Kairi spoke up. "Welcome to the SRSS Yggdrasill. I'm the one that pulled you from that trashed Tripster... Might I ask your name?"

After a moment her eyes moved over to Kairi. Remi...

Shaun could never seem to get use to hearing voices in his head, but that was an issue for another day. Shaun walked away from the table for a moment before returning with a small bottle. He opened it and dropped a single pill into his hand. "This is a light pain killer. This should help some, but I'm only going to allow you to take one as your still not one hundred percent."

Kairi gave a soft smile. "It's nice to meet you, Remi. I'm Kairi."

Remi slowly opened her mouth.

Serenity returned a short while later with another steaming plate of the food, her tail slowed in it's wagging but still was.

Shaun slid the pill into her mouth. "Try and swallow it without chewing."

She had a little trouble at first, but eventually the pill went down.

How long was I out? Remi queried.

Shaun nodded "Alright, that should help with your head. I'd say you're well enough to be moved to a real bed. Even with your ability to regenerate you are in serious need of rest..."


KAIRI-EDIT: Fixed grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Remi compressed her lips a little. Grunting a little; the doctor rather weakly managed to make herself sit up right. The jacket fell to her lap and exposed her chest. The doctor weakly ran her fingers through her hair trying to get it a little organized; panting a little from the exertion of sitting up. Slowly she began to button the top of her dress; her hair hung over one emerald eye obscuring it.

"Unless that's a nutritional supply pack you have me hooked up to. I'll require nutrients to help build my strength and replenish what was used."

Indicating the I.V in her arm. Her voice for the most part wasn't raspy, but it was a little weak.

"That and I'm famished." She said a little sheepishly; her face tinged a little pink at her stomach rumbling.
Shaun shook his head "No that IV is for simple fluids." He turned towards Serenity motioning for her to bring the plate of food she came into the room with. "It seems Serenity already thought of that."

Shaun unhooked the IV from her arm and threw the now empty pack away. As he did Eve spoke up. "Shaun I think you should come back the console." She sounded worried. Shaun pressed his hand to his ear "Alright. I'll be right there"

Shaun turned around to face Kairi "I'm sure you can handle things from here. I'm going to head back to my station" With that Shaun left the medical bay heading for the control room.
Ken nodded. "Let me know when we are ready to go planet side, and keep me up to date on the situation of our new passengers, please captain. I need sleep." he said, having stood, done a minor salute, and headed for the bunk room.
Toshiro nodded, and started looking at possible approach vectors to Kathra Station...normally leaving the bridge unoccupied in this instance wouldn't be a sin, but they lacked an AI to pilot the vessel in their absence, and this area was semi cut-off in the Taiie attack...if they were attacked by Mishhu, he wouldn't be caught without an officer on the bridge.
Serenity smiled, her tail wagging as she heard her name and what she saw as praise. She felt good that she had done right, or thought ahead and pleased her new owners. As she watched Shaun walk out, she waved to him and sat down in one of the chairs, her tail in her lap as she placed her hands over her tail.
Lain settled back to the shared room, chewing thoughtfully on something bland, eyes glazed and distant in that way they got when he had music on the mind and was probably teetering on the brink of another depressive spell. Reis sat up, glancing at him, then yawned dramatically.

He set himself lightly at the bedside, laid a hand to her hair, gave a slight smile. "...we should be able to land, soon. Get a moment off the boat, at least. I've a few ideas for Cough Syrup, love. I'll leave them on the bedside for you."

He then let her drift back to sleep, scribbling lightly in the tattered scarlet notebook that held his soul.

That finished, Lain excused himself, leaving her to sleep. Before leaving the quarters, he spared a moment to dig through the disorganized pile of clothing that was his, found the bathrobe he had promised to Toshiro, and headed off to the bridge on jaunty steps.
Kairi smiled and handed the dish Serenity had brought to Remi. "I hope you like fettuccini..." She was quiet, typing a message to Ken, for a moment at least, before inquiring: "So how'd you end up on that Tripster--and how'd it get trashed? I had to grab you with a Kylie before the DRIP drive blew."
She had taken the plate and proceeded to start to eat in a rather polite fashion. As Kairi talked, she listened silently nodding. But, as the other neko got to the part about the DRIP drive blowing, Remi dropped the fork onto the plate. The doctor seemed to be taking the shuttle blowing up a little hard.

My medical equipment, and my supplies were all on that shuttle. She thought to herself a slightly crestfallen expression crossing her face. With a small sigh Remi composed herself.

"I was on a freighter bound for Lor, and the captain decided to try his hand at salvaging. I was in the shuttle bay at the time prepping my shuttle to land, and well, the man strayed to close to an anti-matter mine. Flame roared into the shuttle bay; I had to close the shuttle's hatch unless I wanted to be burned alive."

Remi spoke as she twirled the fork expertly in the fettuccine, after a moment she popped it into her mouth and chewed. The woman sighed contently and cleared her throat.

"The whole front section of the ship had been ripped apart, and I happened to be in the rear. The ships anti-matter reactor became unstable, and I activated the Tripster's shield systems and rammed my way out of the shuttle bay. The shields were pushed near the edge already; the freighter blew and I caught the tail end of another anti-matter explosion.

This one happened to be bigger, and it threw a few sizeable chunks of debris at me. Shields failed, and the hull took a severe beating; I did my best to keep it in one piece and survive." Though she didn't seem to happy about the fact.

"The oxygen supply began to steadily decrease and I seemed to have suffered from the onset of Asphyxia...erm, suffocation." By now the plate was well, empty. "...My livelihood was on that shuttle... my medical equipment and supplies, and now its just radioactive particles and debris." Her shoulders slumped a little.

"I suppose I should just be thankful to be alive. I can always start over." Remi mulled her words over for a moment, and sighed. Now she seemed to be appraising Kairi. "So, you're a power armor pilot then?"
"Well," Kairi replied, "I can move the thing around, but I've had no formal training... I really want to learn, though. Power armors are fascinating... As a matter of fact, I'm designing one now," she said, turning the viewscreen to Remi and revealing a rough sketch of the armor that she was in the process of refining.

((OoC: Armor found here - ... highlight= ))
Toshiro turned his head to see Lain...

"Oh, nice! A bathrobe....and it looks soft, too! Next opportunity I'll show it to Reis still asleep? If she can sleep through a thermonuclear explosion...well, I'd be impressed at the very least."
"No formal training?" Remi cocked her head to the side; eyeing Kairi a look of concern on her face. "And you're piloting a Kylie?" The woman seemed slightly taken aback, or more than likely amazed.

Remi took several deep breaths. "Power armors require a certain kind of...finesse to pilot and other requirements. I mean no disrespect, but quite frankly I am amazed you are still in one piece. They can be extremely dangerous," The doctor tried to say it as kindly, and un offensively as possible. As she said this the neko was also looking at the viewscreen. "Hmmm, by the looks of it, I assume it will be a salvage armor?" She queried tapping her chin with the tip of a finger thoughtfully.
Kairi nodded, slightly confused with the new knowledge that she should be hamburger. "Y-yeah, it's a salvage armor. I made it to be cheap enough for the Ygg to produce, but strong enough to tear through the salvage fields to get important items back to the ship..." She paused for a moment. "I, uh.. I don't know, the Kairi seems easy enough to me to maneuver, but I haven't really done anything with the weapons systems. I don't like the thought of aether ripping up everything in sight."
Remi compressed her lips a little. Her facial features softened a little.

"I'm sorry if I upset you...I suppose I was a little shocked by it is all."

Remi apologized. She tried to lean forward to pat the girl on the shoulder, but failed ultimately. The doctor huffed a little at this.

"Well, I could help you to learn, but right now..." She used her arms to emphasize her current condition. "But, I can give you a little piece of advice. Don't think of it as a power armor. But as an extension of yourself, and your will."

She smiled faintly, and shook her head a little amused.

"I dare say this talk of power armors is rekindling my desire to pilot again." She closed her eyes tightly silently cursing herself for blurting it out.
"...well, with thermonuclear explosions, you usually do sleep through them. Since they kill you before you wake up. No, she's awake." Lain grinned, passing over the bathrobe. "Will we be landing anytime soon? Now that the business with large detonations is through? I'm looking forward to seeing what Lor can offer."

Though part of him, in fact, wasn't. The concept of creating intelligence in order to enslave it... disturbed him on a rather profound level. And somewhere in the back of his mind, he added Helashio to his list of 'things to campaign for'. Along with Geshrin. With Nekovalkyrja. With, perhaps uselessly, Nepleslian females.

...not that there were very many of that last category to 'free' anyway...
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