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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia

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(PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia

Toshiro followed Serenity to the Medbay, worried about Remi's actions...she seemed a bit angry...then distant. He made a made dash, now CERTAIN something was wrong...

Serenity pressed up against Remi's leg, pouting a little as she saw how Remi was acting.

Remi just tapped at the side of her temple, a somewhat moody piece of classical piano music coming from her laptop softly. She didn't so much as twitch, let alone answer the Helashio as she asked what was wrong, or was now pressed up against her leg.

Toshiro now entered the room, looking onto the scene...he gave a sigh and walked up to the doctor...he sat down on a table, looking at her...he sent a telepathic message... I'm beginning to think we need to talk...there's something wrong, isn't there?

"Why do you not speak verbally?" Remi asked the captain after receiving his telepathic response.

"The music...and I was worried about getting you more seem upset."

Remi still tapped at her temple a little, the music wasn't all that loud, save for the crescendo. "Upset, somewhat, but I am more disappointed then anything."

Toshiro blinked... "Why? I don't understand..."

Remi looked down at Serenity, then to Toshiro, eyebrow arched as if it were quiet obvious.

Toshiro's head tilted, still unaware of what was wrong...

"What did Serenity say while we were in the galley." Remi asked wondering if he was truly naive or somewhat of a fool.

"She said she'd visit me again tonight..." He scratched his head...

"It does not take a genius to know what that means. "Remi responded her voice a little dry.

" there something wrong with that?" He asked, confused...

"Obviously you are not as naive as I had thought." Remi surmised.

Serenity looked back and forth between the two, wondering just what in the world the two were talking about. The tones and looks she heard and saw did scare her a little.

"Well, when I started getting crew, they started telling me about things...I only started learning about it a little while ago, really...I still don't understand everything, but...when I woke up and Serenity was doing that...I figured letting her feel good might get her mind off of the bad things that had just happened to her...and I heard that it's okay when Nekos do that sort of sex wrong for Yamataians or something?"

Remi crinkled her nose slightly in disgust, but thankfully had turned her head about so neither could see. "Not all of my kind think about sex all the time, or like to have it all the time." She replied a little icily. "Besides, there are other ways to take ones mind off of 'bad things' besides sex." She replied her tone keeping it's icy edge Every where she went, it was all about sex, onboard Star Army, ships, sex, star fortresses, sex, and now quiet possibly here to. "When you wake up, and someone is doing that sort of thing to you, it is called rape without consent, but you let it happen. So therefore it is not rape." She muttered the last under her breath still looking away. Naive indeed, he seemed to be taking the situation somewhat nonchalantly.

"...So...that's rape? But...she didn't seem like a monster or anything when she was doing it...she wasn't mean or anything..." He seemed surprised, and confused...
"No, it is not rape, you let it happen." Remi corrected.

"...So...what was the problem then? That I let it happen? That she did it? I'm sorry, but...I'm just not getting it..." He said...

"If it was your first time, it is supposed to be special, and if it was, she took it without asking." Remi explained.

"...It was...but...what do you mean special...I think you're going to have to explain some things. Looks like I have quite a few gaps in my comprehension of all this.." He said, apologetic in tone...

Remi just shook her head. "You were a virgin, your first time is supposed to be special. How else can I explain it? It is so simple."

"I...I'm sorry...I didn't know..."

"To give your first time to the one you care about is a deep, and special thing, to just throw it away is foolish beyond reasoning." Remi said as she muted the music.

"I see...did...Serenity know it was wrong?" He asked, looking at the Helashio...

"I have not asked her." Remi replied waving a hand dismissively.

"I don't think she did...I'm...I'm sorry Remi. I didn't mean to do something wrong...but how do I know when it's right and...not right?"

"You are no longer a virgin so why should it matter?" Remi replied coolly. "You can give yourself to whom ever you please now."

Toshiro seemed honestly upset... "Am I...what'd they call them...a whore?"

Oh for the love of the emperor... Remi thought to herself at the question. "No, you are not a whore." She sighed.


"Pardon me for interupting " Came Eve's voice in the medical bay com system.

"there was something I really to ask the doctor.....if she's not busy that is."

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"Dude, she CARES about you. She is in LOVE with you. And to be frankly honest, I doubt the Capt'n will let us put an antimatter mine launcher on the ship, let alone salvage them." Ken replied.

Kurio nodded. "Their dangerous enough with out being in our hold."


Eve was suddenly quiet. In fact the normal active noise from the earpiece went silent all together. Shaun did as well. He simply sat there in his chair for a moment before standing up and walking out of the room.

He headed past the kitchen and for the men's bunk room without saying a single word. He simply climbed into his bed and closed the hatch. As he did Eve spoke very quietly "are you me..."

Shaun just closed his eyes before he responded "No Eve....I'm just worn down lately. Going to grab a little sleep before we land."

The two remained silent there. Not another word spoken between them.


Shinji sat in his seat next to Ken, quite lost about what was happening. He had absolutely no clue what was going on, And, despite his curiosity, decided to remain that way.

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"Capt'n. We're approaching Nep space now." Kenji said over the comn. "Would you like me to get landing clearance as soon as possible?"


As the Yggdrasill approached Nepleslia they would come within range of the automated communication system that was broadcasting a warning message over a variety of communications channels including hyperwave and subspace radio, the two most likely to be picked up by a ship traveling at FTL speeds. The message broadcast was at first in Nepleslian,

Attention all ships, the area one light-year around Nepleslia, Nepleslia Prime, RokVeru, Kennewes and New Kohana has been declared a Free Fire Zone. All ships seeking passage to Nepleslia should do so through the Delsauria gate due to the recent security concerns.

The message then repeated continuously in a variety of languages, cycleing through all languages known by the Nepleslian Empire.

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Kenji nodded, listening to the warning. "Yggdrasil, please adjust course as mentioned by our dear friendly army."


Shaun sat up slowly stretching. He climbed out of the bed and went about changing his clothing. He stopped for a moment and looked at himself. "Well....I guess we should get ready to go see those scientists again....."

"Doesn't it worry you at all Shaun" Eve asked. "What? Its not like they are going to kill us or something. Just want to collect data." He said as he grabbed his jacket and walked out of the bunk room and headed out into the hall to wait.


(...Is Remi going to respond to Eve at all? Also, given that no one wants to SP that medbay scene, should be just push it off for after Nepleslia?)


Remi sat wearing a small frown as Eve's voice drifted over the internal comm system. With a little sigh she looked up to one.

"No Eve, I am not busy, what do you need?"


"My apologies for disturbing you doctor. However according to recent data I have recieved after setting up the appointment of Shaun, it seems I may recieve a frame of my own. Or a body if you would rather use this term."

Eve was silent for a moment before speaking again "I have yet to inform Shaun of this, as its not for certin. However if I do obtain a form of my own. I was curious if you would be willing to inspect it for me on my return?"


Remi folded her arms for a moment before placing her fingertips on the laptop's keyboard typing again.

"No, I do not mind, if you do obtain a form, I will inspect it for you Eve."


Eve replied to her before going silent "That would be most appreciated. Thank you for your time." With that the com went silent.

Shaun now stood at the back of the ship waiting for them to land. Now that he was back, he really wanted to get this meeting over with. "Is everything prepared for our visit Eve?" He asked.

"Yes Shaun. They are expecting us shortly. We should be able to enter the building and move directly to the elevator."

He nodded to himself "Well, its definitly going to be an interesting conversation I think."


Melchoir Vel Steyr exited from his personal laboratory while discarding a pair of bloodstained gloves into a conveniently installed wall min-incinerator deep within the bowels of NAM. He was still nowhere closer to the breakthrough he needed for the project, but he tried not to let that bother him or else his blood pressure is going to act up again. Further down the white walled corridor was a concerned looking woman in a green dress. Mel nodded to her before she passed him a datapad.

The Vel Steyr's eyes lit up from the report, he knew that the Savtech JANE was in beta-testing long before he joined NAM, a test he had no power over and only came to know about only long after it had concluded. The scientist that was in charge of it was long gone thus having no other place to go, Eve's request was forwarded to Elise, who then brought it to Melchoir's attention.

A specimen that has exceeded the scope of the experiment, a reactive variable that is no longer controlled. How very exciting! Mel handed the datapad back to Elise. "So, what do you think of this?"

"Eve is one of my oldest daughters. We have so much to talk about." Elise replied while walking alongside her Master.

"Then make the necessary arrangements to make sure this... Yggdrasill and our Shaun Phillps arrives here uneventfully." Melchoir requested.

"Yes." Elise acknowledged, in the instant the necessary paperwork was processed by the massive company servers and submitted to every organization the Yggdrasill would encounter along the way. A docking spot was reserved at Starbase Ayenee and the Vampire variant was positively identified as a friendly on the numerous S1-Hray patrollers that had the ship on their sensors. "I have also told her beforehand to come right up to the office."

"Excellent." Melchoir responded, he then was about to ask her for the time but found it rather silly to ask a supercomputer something as trivial as the time. Rolling up his sleeves, Melchoir glanced at his watch and then thought for a while. "I think I'll pay the Aerotech guys a visit in the meantime."

"Yes." Elise nodded her head gently to dismiss herself before walking back to the elevators, she still had Elsa to attend to.

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"This is the SSRS Yggdrasill, requesting landing vectors and location." Kenji said over the communications relay, pulling into a safe orbit.


"Landing vectors are set Shaun. Are you ready for whatever might happen in there?" Eve asked

Shaun sighed and stretched his arms out behind him. "Well I guess I'm as ready as I can be. These people were pretty friendly last time. I doubt it will be much different."

"I guess your right...." Eve said with a sigh of relief.


Shinji was staring out at Nepleslia, seeing it for the first time with his own eyes. Having only been on Yamataian planets before, he was amazed at the differences. "This place looks like fun." The Yamataian commented to no one in particular.


A control tower technician on the Ayenee pulled himself away from directing a group of five DD4s to respond to the incomming request. A second window on his console made his life easier by automatically displaying the Yggdrasill's credentials and paperwork. The starbase was busier than usual thanks to incomming and outgoing military ships from the Kennewes invasion in addition to their usual clientel.

"This the Ayenee control tower to SRSS Yggdrasill, you are cleared for dock five. Traffic is heavy so come in exacly according to the vectors given. Welcome to Nepleslia!."


The Yggdrasill turned away from the planet itself, and headed for Ayenee...without any input from Ken. Toshiro saw the planet Nepleslia thought the window and rose, with a sigh...

"I'm sorry, Miyoshi-hakase...We'll...have to discuss this later. I think I'm needed on the bridge..."

He left for the bridge, concerned about what Remi thought of him now, though he tried to mask it as he soon took his place in the Captain's chair. The e-mail came up on his console, as well as a status update by the Yggdrasill...he idly realized it was nice to have a sentient AI which could predict his needs.

"I'm reading...about two minutes to Ayenee. Can you confirm that please Ken?"

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"Two minutes is confirmed Capt'n. Didn't know we were docking on the station." Ken replied, putting some readings out of the way.


Shaun was leaning against the wall as the ship turned and began heading for the station. "Whats up Eve? Why are we changing course?"

Eve quickly responded "Its alright Shaun. There have been a few changes while we were gone. I'll lead you to the required location once we land."

He sighed "And here I said I didn't like surprises. Ah well....nothing wrong with it I guess. I just hope the Captain and the others don't get into any trouble while here. People are bound to get jumpy..."

"I'm sure they will avoid any confrontation." Eve replied

Shaun looked up and shrugged "Yeah...I guess I just worry too much."


The Yggdrasill soon docked with Ayenee, the emerald green vessel being quickly and efficiently secured to the large station. Toshiro flipped a switch on his left arm console and began to speak.

"Ayenee, this is the SRSS Yggdrasil, Captain Yuki Toshiro speaking. We've docked as requested. Do we have clearance to disembark?"


"This is Ayenee to SRSS Yggdrasil. You are cleared to disembark. Please talk to our dockyard personnel if you need your ship serviced."

A number of refulling tubes and walkways linked up with their respective ports and airlocks on the Vampire Variant with a hiss. The large interior of the dockyard housed many other ships from the basic Equinine to the large Red Hill. Mantainence crew were running all over the place while large cargo containers were transported by the rails overhead. But the most important detail was the few Nekos that were walking around, they were not allowed to set foot on Nepleslia thus the Ayenee Starbase, formerly SAoY property, was designated as an area to accomodate them.

An announcement rang overhead amidst the noise.
Free shuttles planetside bound are departing every fifteen minutes at Dock Six. Please check the terminals for seat availability, thank you.

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Kenji scratched an ear. "Mrr...more space stations. I wouldn't mind getting back on solid ground for a bit." he said. He wasn't going to hit the shuttles down though, if only because he would rather be closer to the ship.

Kurio followed him out. "That would be nice, but first things first."


Shaun climbed out of the ship and stepped foot into the star base. "Well Eve. heres hoping to a fairly uneventful trip." With that he headed off in the direction of the shuttle bay. with a wave over his shoulder towards the ship. As he spoke to himself "take care guys."


Toshiro looked to Shinji, and pulled out some papers from a folder he had brought back with him earlier.

"Shinji, I think this is a good time to see that you are signed've already told me your desired position and had your physical, so I only have a few more questions: Have you ever engaged in military service for an organization, and if so, what rank were you when you left the service?"


Shinji looked at Toshiro "Me? I was in the Star Army of Yamatai for about a week before I quit, something about not letting me be a demo expert cuz i'd blown myself up once..." He trailed of into a mumble, then finished with "Wasn't in there long enough to GET a rank."


"...Ah. Well...You'll be obligated to follow safety procedures here, such as plainly labeling your explosives, storing them in containment, and keeping MSDS sheets on file, so there'll be a bit of paperwork...use of explosives will require approval by me or the commanding officer on duty. Had you attained rank in the Army, you'd be able to start on a higher pay level and ranking, but as you lacked higher rank, you'll start as a Junior have three choices for your pay. Do you want 75 KS a week with 2 items per salvage run, or 100 KS a week with 1 item per salvage run?"

Toshiro said, filling out some paperwork...

(OOC: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) sheets are real and can be searched for on Google to learn what they are.)


"I'm good with safety, I really don't feel like being blown up again" Shinji chuckled. He sat and thought about the pay for a bit, and deciding, said "I'll take 75 KS and 2 items, I bet that'll pay off in the long run"


Toshiro nodded, writing that down.

"That's the normal rate...I askk because my own take is dwindling with more crew. I really need to rebuild the Alucard soon, so I have two ships earning me some profit..."

He smiled, taking out a pin and a communicator. The communicator was the three quadrillateral triangle, with the top quadrilateral having a synthetic jewel in it, showing his rank...

"Welcome to the Yggdrasill's crew, Shinji."


Shinji laughed as Toshiro talked of his dwindling take, then recieved the pin and communicator. He put the pin on his shirt and pocketed the communicator and replied to the captain "Thank you, it'll be a pleasure."


Toshiro nodded, and looked out the hatch...

"Well, I'm going to have a look around this place...I wonder what sorts of things I can buy here! Maybe a discount shipyard can be found around here..."


Shaun arrived uneventfully at the room where passengers for the shuttles were being processed. There were Elysians and Yamataians in the room, but they were vastly outnumbered by the muscular Nepleslian men and Cyborgs wanting to go home. Seven counters with long lines were at the start of the room, goverment officers with computers checked the papers and identities of the people passing through.

There were a few inconspicous cameras and a few guards with Peackeeper rifles taking care of things here. The serious expressions on their faces were sharply contrasted by the high energy advertisments being projected onto the walls next to them. The spot that was currently playing was for the Anti-Matter-O breakfast cereal.

Further down the path diverged into three large tunnels with a walkway and coils for walls. There were locked doors between the walls of each tunnel that could lead to a monitoring or machinery room of sorts. The passengers were then made to walk through tunnel but the purpose of this was made clear by the large volumetric sign displayed prominently in the air.

Meanwhile, back at the docks.

As soon as Toshiro poked his head out of the hatch, he was greeted by a perky underage looking technician standing further down the catwalk. "Welcome to Nepleslia, Sir! Though this is a Yamataian built space station and all. Do you need your ship attended too?"


Toshiro blinked.

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt. We bore witness to a bit of a scuffle at Lor recently. How much will it cost?"

The technician didn't look very different in age from was then that the ship spoke.

"As long as he doesn't tinker with my weapons, computers, or paint job, I'm fine with it."

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Kenji chuckled. "You heard the ship. and unless it was already at factory settings, don't put it back."


Shinji Walked off the ship and stared around. He wandered away from the Yggdrasill, noting where it was, and walked down a corridor, taking in the station.


Shaun went about the process of passing through the security. The only thing he even had on that was metal was his belt buckle and Eve. He watched the guards as he passed through the scanner. "Definitly getting tighter security" he said to himself.

After passing through he headed for whatever shuttle that was landing closer to the building he needed to reach.


Shaun was the last person to board the shuttle to east Funky City where the NAM HQ was located, the vidscreens were showing the fifty odd passengers on the shuttle the proceduers to perform should there be an emergency. A little later the screens returned to an Aethersperm concert and the shuttle disembarked from the station, plunging bellyfirst into the atomosphere above the Nepleslian ecumenopolis, the bright lights from the city more numerous than the stars above.

The techie was a little suprised from Yggdrasill's reply, taking up his datapad containing scans of the ships superstructure he whistled in admiration. "Awesome modding work, sir. Vampires are not in production anymore here on Nepleslia, but with the fight going on outside, it wont be difficult to locate spare parts for your ship."

The boy had red hightlights in his hair, which he then ran a hand through while looking at the side with a dissapointed face. "Now if I had a bit of money, I'did fix a ship of my own up from my uncle's scrapyard, but nooo." He then tumbed a red button on his datapad to call for rest of the group, his cheerful disposition returning as he returned to face the captain with a thumbs up sign. "Dont worry sir! We'll have your ship fixed up cheaper than you can believe in no time!"


Toshiro smiled as the Yggdrasill deployed its grappler arms. The electrodes on the ends of the grappler digits began to weld their own armor independently, assisting the repairmen...

"I see! That sounds nice! Hey, did you say something about a scrapyard with ships? I've been looking for a place with cheap project ships to work on and modify!"


During his wanderings, Shinji came across what appeared to be a shopping area. He walked inside and looked around, hoping to find something useful.

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"Hey, you don't mind if I stay behind to watch, would you? I'm...not exactly comfortable on spacestations." Kenji asked, looking at the techie.


Shaun climbed off the shuttle as it docked. He headed away from the docking station with a sigh as he looked up at the sky. "Hello again home....can't really say I'm glad to be back....."

He took the shortest route he knew of to the building where he was expected and as he walked in the doors he simply waved to whoever was behind the desk and went straight for the elevator as told. "Honey I'm home!" he called out half jokingly as he stepped in.


As Gotsin walked towards the Yggdrassil, he looked one last time at his surroundings. Thank God, finally out of this miserable place. He came up to the ship and beeped the comm system, and lay down to await a reply or another crew member.


The reply was swift...fortunately the ships Captain was still aboard.

"This is Yuki Toshiro, owner and Captain...who am I speaking with and how can I help you?"


Aendri started. He hadn't expected such a quick reply. "I'm Aendri, I applied for a job recently."


Shaun had managed to walk through the front gate scanners, dozens of armed guards and at least four Power Armors standing guard at the foyer of the building without a hitch. His extremely brazen entry into the NAM headquaters was largely tolerated as he was expected. Glowing red eyes from the ELEMENTS watched him stride across the marbled floors and modern architecture to step into a repulsorlif elevator car that was idling at the ground floor. The transparent walls of the lift provided a view of the large 3 KM squared Administrative and R&D complex as it raced to the top of the building.

"There are more major scrapyards than you count around here. My uncle owns one on the outer orbit. I could put a word in for you if you wanna go there." The techie then spotted something being done somewhere further down the Yggdrasill. "Hey hey, its not done like that!" He shouted and ran towards a confused collegue trying to make a head or tail out of a mass of scorched hull intergrated wires.


Toshiro nodded to the technician before replying to Aendri.

"I see...well, step inside and we can talk...don't mind the ship if it says 'hi'. We have a sentient intelligence loaded into the Yggdrasill."

He stepped aside, to let the man inside...


Aendri nodded. "Thank you." He then stepped inside the ship, returned the ships greeting, and followed Toshiro.

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Kenji chuckled. "Maybe we should try hiring this techie to be our own personal guy. He seems to know what he's doing."

Kurio nodded. "I like him. Oh, did I hear someone new is coming aboard?"


Toshiro lead him to the Captain's Quarters, which doubled as his office, and pulled out a file.

"I have several general questions first...What role do you wish to fill on the ship, have you ever been involved in any branch of the military, and what rank were you upon departing? Also, we are a culturally tolerant vessel, so I must ask if you have any problem dealing with other races and cultures."


Aendri stood by the door. "Let's see. I am a pilot, however, I have the skills to serve as either a combat person or a field medic if needed. Yes, I was in the SAoY; however, I never received a posting, so I am unsure if that applies. If it does, I was a Nit Heisho working as a pilot. And no, I do not have any problems with other cultures, though Neplesians have rubbed me wrong fairly often. I can deal with anyone though."


Toshiro nodded, writing this data down...

"I see...I guess you'd have no problem working with a Neko doctor in the medbay as a SAoY trainee...and it is too low of a rank to gain a new payscale. We sometimes are involved with rescue operations, so training as a field medic is a large benefit...You have a choice of 75 KS a week with 2 items per run, or 100 KS a week with 1 item per run for your pay, with a starting level as a Junior Crewman."


"I think I will go with 75 Ks/week. The items might be better. And no, I won't have any problems."


" more thing..."

Toshiro looked a bit embarrassed...

"Recently we saved a Helashio slave, and she wound up staying here...she thinks I'm her master and that the doctor is her mistress...but the point is that she hates clothing, and in spite of our best efforts, prefers to be...nude. Do you have a problem with that sort of thing?"


"Not really. There was a nudist colony near where I grew up." Aendri smiled. "There won't be any problem."


The shopping district Shinji found himself in was a wide, single street that looped around itself as it made its way across the circumference of the starbase. Shops up three stories tall ranging from small mom and pop establishments to corporate chains were located on either side of the street. There were no cars, but a five meter wide conveyor belt spaced by five meter walkways in the middle provided transportation.

The section Shinji wound up in was suprisingly tranquil. Because this place was the closest to the Yamataian reserved docks, the shops were mostly Japanese themed. Sake bars, bathouses, fasion outlets and stores selling items imported from Geshrintall itself made out most of tenants here with the occasional Nepleslian heavy rock record store sticking up like a sore thumb.

A few Nepleslian marines on shore leave were making sexually explicit guestures at a group of Nekos outside a store while they were passing by on the belt. But neither party took any physical action by the virtue of a Peacekeepr-equipped guard nearby. A voulmetric sign floating above indicated where the soldiers were possibly heading, the Nepleslian section was much further down the road just after the relatively small Elysian section.


Toshiro nodded, giving him a folder with the ship's custom modifications, a map to the mens' bunk room and other locations, and other useful well as a Junior Crewman rank pin. The pin was that of the Yggdrasill's symbol, which was also Toshiro's family totem, with one synthetic green gem in the top quadrilateral of the three quadrilateral-based pyramid.

"Alright, welcome aboard. Don't be surprised if our ship's doctor calls you for a physical at any time, alright?"


Shinji walked towards the conveyoer belt, and stepped on, he decided to go to the Nepleslian section. The Yamataian figured there would be more explosive type weapons around there.


"Alright, no problem. When do you need me to report for duty?"


"Well...technically, you already have, but we'll be waiting around for Shaun to finish his business..then I'm going to see a man about a ship."

He smiled, handing him a communicator...

"All personnel have these, so that we can get a hold of each other. That way, we all know when it's time to go. Until then, have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do."


Aendri raised his eyebrows. "Alright. I'll most likely be in my room if you need me." With that, he left the office and started out for the cabins.


Shaun stood with his arms crossed leaning against the wall of the elevator as it shot up. The thoughts of what could go one when those doors opened raced quickly through his mind. He knew he had made it through the security without even being stopped, but he didn't know if that was really good or bad.

something wrong Shaun? asked Eve. You have been really quiet since the elevator started moving. He unfolded his arms and walked forward towards the doors and pressed his hands against them. I dunno Eve....just seems kinda weird being back here and getting in so easily. I mean hell...getting paid REALLY good for this, but what worries me is what happens when its over?

Well....I guess I take my new body and we go back and keep working with the others. She replied. body? He scratched his forehead they are giving you a body now? he said confused. What kind of body?

Eve was silent for a moment before she actually decided to answer. Well lets see....I've decided on fairly long blond hair and blue eyes, and of course racial coloring would be white like you.

He leaned back and waved his hands in front of him whoa whoa whoa. your getting a freaking android body? blond and blue eyes? geez....thats like...the standard for old fashioned blond jokes.

Well I've already decided on what body I want. So your just gona have to get use to me makin my own choices mister

hey come on now....when have I actually been able to STOP you? He said with a laugh. anything else you want to mention? he asked. do you feel about watermelons? She asked lightly

Shaun just shruged as the elevator stopped and the doors opened I like watermelons just fine...what do you as.. was all he said before the doors opened all the way and he stopped talking before walking out.

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Kurio smirked a penguin smirk. "I should go say hi to the new guy." he said, waddling over to the men's room. "Hi there."

Kenji just smirked. "Oh boy."


The elevator was suddenly dark as it entered a closed shaft, small lights at the top automatically activated to shroud the car in a dim glow. Shaun didnt have to stand in the dark for long however, as the doors opened to reveal a large white walled room. Completely devoid of furniture except for a single table and two chairs facing each other in the middle, one of which a man in a white labcoat sat, waiting...

Shaun closed his eyes as he passed through the dark tunnel. As the doors opened, so did his eyes. He stepped out of the elevator and into the white room. As he did Eve remained strangely silent. Walking across the room he stopped in front of the chair and placing a hand on top of it he spoke "sorry about the wait.....we kinda ran into some issues in getting back on time." Pulling the chair back he sat down.

The man facing Shaun had medium length salt and pepper hair which was pulled back to form a ponytail. Although he had a much smaller frame than the half-ID Sol, Melchoir Vel Steyr was not intimidated at all, but rather was leaning a little forward with both hands propping his head via his chin and most of all, a sly grin on his face. "Were you scared?" He inquired.

Shaun sat forward rubbing his goatee for a moment. Afterwards he lifted his right hand up and tap'd the small device on his ear "I figure you guys have likely been listening in most of the time." He said with a small smirk "So tell me. should I be?" Eve continued to remain silent. Shaun who had been waiting for her to say something finally spoke up himself. "Come on Eve its okay. I mean if you really were telling these guys was your job after all"

Melchoir looked to the side and snickered, then unable to help it lowered his head close to the table and started giggling. Recovering a little, he held out his hand to Shaun. "No, you shouldn't be, you have done very well Mr. Phillips. Although I have not really gone into the details yet, I am particularly proud of what you two have become. Melchoir Vel Steyr here, CEO of NAM."

Shaun reached forward and took his hand in a shake. In his ear he picked up a small sigh of relief from Eve. As Melchoir finished speaking and released his hand he sat back in his chair. "Well I'm glad that we didn't mess this test of yours up, but what do you mean by what we have become? I knew Eve here changed a good deal since I was last here, but I didn't think anything huge had happened."

"Not to you perhaps. What you were experiencing was gradual, possibly a little difficult to notice." Melchoir leaned back on his chair. "But from what I have last heard of the both of you, much has happened. You have that job on the ship, Eve here has become much less noisier and you both are getting along pretty well."

"Yeah....that is true. Of course we have gone through plenty of strange things with having such a simple sounding job. aliens...planet attacks..." He stopped himself there and reached up taking the piece off his ear with a small wince. "gah....forgot how long she was on there." He said rubbing his ear. He held up the small device containing Eve "Since we and Eve here have gone through many. do you guys go about getting this data anyway?"

Melchoir warily eyed Shaun's hand that was holding the Savtech. "I'm afraid we have to relieve her from you for a while to do that... It won't hurt a bit." The Vel Steyr then also slowly reached out for the AI's housing.

As the man reached forward Shaun's hand suddenly clenched shut with Eve inside it. His other hand snapped out grabbing the man by the wrist and as he did he leaned forward. "I know I submitted for this, but let me make something clear to you. This building might be surrounded by all sorts of security that could get to this room in an instant, but if you do ANYTHING to hurt Eve. I swear on what little soul I have left that I will make you regret it." while still holding his wrist he gently placed the device in Melchoir's open hand before letting go

"Ah!" Melchoir cried out when Shaun grabbed his wrist, which cause a few panels to shift in the room for reasons unknown but these returned back to their positions when he was let go. "Ahh..." He mumbled while rubbing the area where he was held. "This is what I get for trying to make it painless for the all of us..."

After confirming that the damage was not permanent, Melchoir placed Eve's card shaped housing on the far side of the desk. The panels that made up the surface slid to the side and the card slowly descended through the hole before the panels closed again. "I'm sending her downstairs to be processed, I don't have the facilities to do that in this simulation room."

Shaun gripped the part of the desk in front of him and sat back. He sighed and leaned back in the chair and let go of the desk. Crossing his arms again he opened his eyes and looked across the desk. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but stopped realizing Eve wasn't attached to his ear anymore to speak to. He pressed his hands on the table and asked "Tell me something. Why is it you people took such care in getting us past all the security without a hitch. If you've been keeping track of how Eve has changed and the fact I actually care. What exactly are you people getting out of the things we've done?"

"Good question." Melchoir tapped on a specific location on the table to bring out a datapad. He then stared at the screen for a moment, trying to concentrate and focus his thoughts before he looked back up to continue. "The original test had concluded pretty much a long time ago, when you did not show up to return her on the specified date."

"For the record, the company does not care about this test anymore. To correct your question, it is not 'you people' now but just 'you'." Melchoir then straightened up his back and glasses. "The Savtechs were my first creations, I love them dearly. What I am doing now is to tie up the loose ends, disabling the NAM backdoor channels so that you two would be free of any interference on our part."

Shaun was silent for a moment. His fists tightened for a moment, but taking a deep breath he calmed himself and sat back. "So....your doing this all yourself? Must be many of love for your creations. Putting yourself at risk, and possibly going behind this company's back." He folded his arms and sighed "jeez Eve....looks like we are always causing trouble." he mumbled quietly to himself as he looked up at the ceiling.

He lowered his head and pressed his elbows to the table and rested his chin on his hands. "Though I still wonder something. How is it you managed to set up this meeting of ours without it going unnoticed? I know you've got to have one hell of a brain in that skull of yours to be working here, but this is something I figure would be pretty easy to catch on to." Shaun was now unknowingly tapping the table with his free hand. In the back of his mind he was wondering what Eve was currently doing.

Melchoir felt a little pissed, perhaps this Mr. Phillips guy had been away from Nepleslia for a little too long. "Well excuse me, I dont merely work here. I'm in charge of the entire company and I do what I like with it." The Vel Steyr then leaned very far back on his chair. "Besides, I have Elise handling all that arrangements."

"So tell me Mr. Phillips, tell me your story from after you picked up Eve."

Shaun rubbed his chin as he sat eyeing him trying to remember the face. He sighed "eh....its fairly long. I mean I got a job on a salvage ship. I figured I could do a couple quick jobs and return home pretty quick, but things went nuts after what was suppose to be our first salvage. We were attacked by space pirates, rescued a survivor from a ship crash. We ran into an alien species, landed on a planet that ended up under full scale attack soon after we arrived. Hell we even tried to chase down a ghost.....not really sure how that one went. I was busy at the time, but it seems the moment me and Eve became like a damn action movie or something." He leaned back and took a breath "and really....through all of that. Me and Eve have yet to be apart from each other......

Melchoir wanted to raise a finger up to say something smart, but was prevented from doing so by the sheer intensity of Shaun's adventures. "Ahh right." He commented, not really knowing if all that was true. A small screen popping out from his side of the table passed him a message. "It looks like everything is done, she'll be here in a few seconds."

"Ahem." A soft motherly voice rang out from behind the room, Melchoir tilted his head to the side to see past Shaun to look at the new arivee. It was a tall woman with gold hair and green eyes, she was dressed in an elegant green dress and was in the middle of a curtsey now that she has gotten their attention.

Shaun turned his head and blinked. He stood up and took a few steps forward. He turned his head to the side for a moment and asked in a somewhat startled voice. "Eve!?"

"Silly boy, no." Elise responded with a smile as she stood up straight again. "My name is Elise, and you better teach my daughter a little decency because I'm not around to look after her." She then averted her eyes to look to the side. "Two watermelons." She said under her breath.

He straightened himself back up. He held out his right hand "my apologies miss Elise..." the fact she called Eve her daughter pretty much blew him out of the water. He wanted to question what exactly this meant, but decided for his own sanity that it would be better to not poke. He didn't really catch what she muttered under her breath, but judging by what she had just said he knew something was up. "Did....Eve do something?"

"Nothing her mother didnt catch in time." She nodded, and then clapped her hands twice as though signaling something. "Now without further ado, I present to you, Miss Eve!" Elise then took a step to the side to reveal another figure coming out of the elevator.

Out from the shadows of the elevator walked a young woman. Her hands were folded in front of her pressed against the pink and blue dress she had on. Her long blond hair was untied and hung loose behind her. As she looked up to smile her baby blue eyes seemed to gleam when she spotted Shaun. For a moment she showed an air of grace and elegance, which was quickly shattered with a scream of delight "SHAUN!!!!!" she yelled as she flew past her mother tackling him to the floor with a hug. All he saw before hitting the floor was a pair of large breasts slamming him down"

"WHAT THE F-" was all Shaun managed to blurt out as he almost smothered by Eve's chest. Taking a moment to gather himself he managed to lifted her off himself. Climbing to his feet and dusting himself off he looked up at her. "EVE!?" He said with a mixture of agitation and shock. She merely learned forward with a smile and tapped him on the nose "yup~" Shaun straightened himself up and looked at her from head to feet. "Eve...your....." He said before he was stopped by her cupping her chest. "are these alright Shaun? The files and pictures I looked at seemed to show that men liked this large....they were gona be bigger but they said I'd hurt myself if they were." At this Shaun placed a palm over his face and then looked at Elise "I think I know what she did to make you mad........."

A few more beeping red lights on the table indicated that the Vel Steyr's responsibilities were catching up to him. Melchoir stood up from the table and offered his hand again to Shaun. "Well then, it was nice talking to you Mr. Phillips, I hope you pay me a visit sometimes." He said as Elise moved to his side.

Shaun shook his hand still in a small level of shock. "Take care of yourself....and thanks. I'll do everything I can to keep her safe." Eve walked over to Elise and grabbed her in a hug. "It was nice being able to meet you in this way mom!" Shaun looked over at Eve and just gave a sigh before managing to smile. "Well....I'm gona have to get use to you not being attached to the side of my head." he said jokingly. Eve just grinned "oh I wouldn't get too comfortable with being alone mister." Shaun blinked in confusion before turning his attention back to Melchoir "So I guess we pretty much just go out the way we came?" He looked towards the elevator for a moment before turning back around "Also yeah, I'll try and keep in touch, just hoping I don't end up on too many more crazy ass adventures"

"Heh, and if you do. I want to hear all about them." Melchoir nodded, answering Shaun's question. Elise held her daughter for a moment before letting go and giving some motherly advice. "And you don't get into any more trouble now."

Shaun nodded "definitely, and knowing the people I work with on that ship....yeah...I can see more happening." Eve crosses her hands behind her back and leaned forward and pouted "aww.....but thats the fun part...." Shaun reached over and ruffled her hair a bit "oh stop it you. that trick isn't fooling anyone." Eve just stuck her tongue out at Shaun before pointed a finger at him. "You'll get yours mister, mark my words" she said with a devilish grin. Shaun simply sighed and looked at the two in front of him. "Well...thanks for everything, and like I said. We'll keep in touch."

Melchoir and Elise merely smiled and waved as the elevator doors closed on the duo. A short moment of silence followed before Elise commented. "You should have seen the size of them before shrunk them." Melchoir shook his head and brought up the datapad. "So is this their story so far?" He asked, pointing at the screen. "Everything my daughter has seen." Elise responded.

"Hmm." Melchoir wondered curiously as he flipped the pages.


As hinted by the two marines earlier, and by the last remaining Nekos and Yamtaians getting off at the fenced border, the Nepleslian section of the station was in a mess. Many marines wandered around in a drunken stupor under the multitude of Neon lights and small puddles of puke was made faster than the cleaner droids could handle them.

Sandwiched betwen the bars and strip clubs was an old looking gunshop with its window shutters down but door unlocked. A group of punks were buying the more common and widely used weapons conviniently placed in vending machines outside the shop, but the store looks partly deserted inside.


Shinji glanced around, keeping a grimace in check. He walked up to the gun store and looked in. "Hello? Anyone home? he called.

Last edited by kai on Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total


After getting to his room, Aendri looked around. Not big, but more than enough space for me. After this, he set his stuff up, as well as taking out the sword, and belting it around his waist. It was comforting to have it on. Then he headed out, requesting permission from the ship to exit, heading out to pick up some last minute items.


From the transparent panel of the door, Shinji could see racks upon racks of weaponry new and old lining the walls and in display cases in the middle of the room, additionally was an enclosed firing range at the back but the cashier counter could not be seen. Flashes of light was comming from the corner closer to the door but stopped when the Yamataian called out. A brief moment later a small speaker on the side of the door crackled to life, projecting a gruff voice. "Come in kid, the doors unlocked."


Shaun and Eve made their way to the streets outside the large building. Knowing how quickly things could turn ugly with Eve walking around with him the way she was, Shaun had her standing literally pressing against his back as he called for a taxi. Although she didn't seem to mind the proximity to him.

As the taxi drove up they both climbed inside. Shaun leaned back sighing heavily as he did with a quick glance over to Eve. She seemed quite content in sitting there looking at her hands. I already like this she said happily to herself.

The trip to the shuttle port and even the ride back up to the station was fairly uneventful. Other than a few stares and crude remarks made by people walking by and even on the shuttle itself. After arriving back on the station the two made their way through security and were heading back towards the ship. I really hope your going to be able to take care of that body really did go overboard this time. Shaun finally said in aggitation. Eve stopped in her tracks and Shaun only managed a few more steps before stopping himself and looking back. What?

Eve stood there looking like she wanted to cry. don't it? she whimpered. Shaun just sighed Eve....I really wish you would think about yo- was all he managed before a gruff voice blurted in Well we like it girly.... Shaun and Eve turned at almost the same time in the direction of the voice. Behind Eve was a group of three Nepleslian men. The one in front without even a word of warning reached out and grabbed Eve's chest O DAAAAAMN these are nice! He said. Eve seemed in a state of shock by the mans actions. She raised a finger and spoke in a polite tone um....excuse me.....wha-

Eve's question was cut short as the man suddenly lurched forward letting go of her, foam running down from his mouth. Eve looked down to see Shaun with his right elbow pressing into the mans gut. Her eyes had caught the subtle movements as he passed her without warning and struck. Shaun took a step back and the man toppled forward onto the floor. Shaun's expression had suddenly turned much darker than normal. there was a sharpness in his gaze that seemed to almost call for blood. Shaun lifted his hands ready to fight, but as he did he felt something push past him and over his shoulders. Eve hand planted off Shaun's shoulders landing a heel into the chests of the large men. Despite her fairly small size the two men hit the floor and skid back holding their chests in pain.

As she landed Shaun quickly grabbed her by the arm and ran with her we need to get the hell out of here before anyone else comes looking for a fight! Shaun and Eve managed to make it back to the Yggdrasill without anymore problems. As they climbed inside Shaun took a moment to lean against the wall and catch his breath. Eve on the otherhand seemed unphased by what had just happened. She walked around in the hall for a moment hopping a few times before waving up towards the ceiling Hi Yggdrasill!!! she said loudly in her normal girlish tone.

Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:35 pm

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Kenji looked over at the voice and almost lost his jaw." that you Eve?" he asked, blinking a few times.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:54 pm

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Shinji pushed on the door, which squeaked a bit, and walked inside "Hello there" He greeted the gruff sounding man, then asked "Got any guns that shoot explodey bullets?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:27 pm

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Yggdrasill replied to Eve after a pause...

"Fascinating...a full-fledged construct...perhaos I will have to obtain something along those lines one Avatar, perhaps."

Toshiro poked his head out of his quarters, trying to see what all the hubbub was about...

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:04 pm

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Aendri headed down the strip, looking for a sword shop in the Yamatai section. After locating one, he went in,and started searching for a good whetstone.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:17 pm

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Eve smiled and ran forward grabbing Ken in a hug. "HI KEN!!!!" she said excitedly. However as she was hugging him she whispered in his ear "hee...I think shaun likes this body."

releasing Ken from her grasp she turned looking down the hall towards the captain who was poking his head out. "Captain!!!" she shouted as she ran towards him only to smash into Shaun sending them both skidding down the hall.

Shaun lay there under her looking up at the ceiling iritated " gona be a loooooong day....." he said in an aggitated tone.

Eve just lay there rubbing the back of her head embarrased "ehehehe....sorry...."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:22 pm

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Ken was hugged, whispered too, and left in a whirlwind of activity. "Zaa?" he said, taking some time to process everything.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:12 am

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Toshiro blinked, standing out in the hall now...

"...I see Eve has gotten a new body...this IS Eve, right?" He said, sounded like her, certainly, but was still a bit hard to believe...

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:25 am

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The owner of the store Shinji walked into was a large, bald and mustached man with a beer gut. The entire store and the man especially reeked of phosphorus and smoke. Transparent containers of various gunpowders and various empty shells were lying on the other side of the counter with residual fumes still reeking out of a testing pot.

He listened to Shinji's request intently while wiping his hands on a rag. When the Yamataian was done, he put a heavy (But thankfully now clean) hand on Shinji's shoulders, a gleam creeping into his eye. "My boy, you have come to the right place at the right time." He then reached under the counter to bring out two boxes, one containing a black coloured handgun and the other a large silverish revolver.

"These fancy things just came out of NAM." The owner explained, he first removed the handgun out of the box. "This is the RPB, fires explosive tipped rockets, its like a personal launcher. Here." He then placed the gun on the table close to Shinji's left side. "The SAoN has ordered a load of it."

"And this." He then took the large revolver out of the box, spinning it once and placing it on Shinji's right side. "Is a genuine HHG. Mass Driver rounds, make sure you can hold your guns, kid."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:15 pm

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Shinji took in all the beautiful sights and smells of the gun shop, it was just the kind of place he had been looking for. His eyes hung on the RPB gun for quite a bit, and he listened intently to the nepleslian man. "How much is that RPB?" He asked.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:34 pm

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"Got it off the military surplus." The shopkeeper said, walking to the side to get a few boxes of ammunition from a cabinet. "Gun itself is 800 DA. Bullets are sold in boxes of 100 with two extra clips 15DA for the regular, and 30DA for the HE variety." He then stood upright with his hands in his apron. "So whats it gonna be, boy?"

Eve stood up and folded her hands down near her thighs and gave a small bow. As she did Shaun was pulling himself to his feet. dusting himself off he pointed a thumb at her. "Yeah this is Eve in the.....flesh"

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Eve playing with her chest. "DAMN IT EVE STOP THAT!!!" He shouted. Eve just blinked at him confused. "but.....its new and I'm trying to get use to it....."

Shaun growled rubbing his forehead "If you REALLY need to do that sort of thing....could you at least do it somewhere private?"

Eve tilted her head to the side " doesn't seem to be bothering anyone other than you Shaun."


The Yamataian man though for a moment, then answered "I'll take it, with 2 boxes of the regular rounds and one box of the HE rounds"


Aendri headed back to the ship. Having bought what he needed, he was ready to leave, and he thought he had seen and heard a penguin as he was on his way out.

Kylen Phylar

"Dude. After all I've seen on this ship, a girl messing with her own body doesn't even TOUCH my top ten oddities." Kenji commented, smirking. I think she's right about him liking it. he thought to him self.


Toshiro merely blinked, watching Eve...

"...Those are larger than my sister's are. Why'd you make them so large? Any particular reason?"


"That it'll be... 860 DA." The jolly Nepleslian keyed in the amount in the cash register and a Debit/Credit Card swiper appeared at Shinji's side. "The exchange rate is 1KS to 2.03 DA, just you know." He then packed the gun into a small cushioned case and placed both it and the bullets into a plastic bag. "Anything else I can do for you, boy?"


"Uhh, yeah, got any plastic explosives or the like?" Shinji asked, pulling out his KS card, ready to pay.


"C4?" The shopkeeper's eyes widened, he then looked to the left and the right as though he was about to reveal state secrets. After making sure that there was nobody else in the store, the mustached man bent down to Shinji's level to ask in a very soft voice. "You sure you dont want something stronger?"


Arin Berelai stood outside the walkway leading up to the Yggdrasil with a bag over her back, suitcase on her left side and trusty datapad on her right hand. This was the Vampire Variant that was indicated by the Savtech, it matches the data given to her by NAM headquaters exacly, but yet Arin was hesitant to walk right up to the airlock and knock. Something felt strange about this ship and the grey haired Nepleslian isnt certain that she can fix it, if it even needs fixing at all.

She felt that someone was staring at her, looking up, she noticed a teenage dock techie leaning on a gravitron gun looking confused. Perhaps the both of them could benefit from an exchange of words.

"Uhm, hey." Arin started. "Is this the SRSS Yggdrasill, is the captain in?"

"Yup! I didnt see the captain leave, the guy is probably still inside." The techie replied energetically, before leaning forward a little. Arin realized something, that the pubecent techie was staring at her chest... Or a lack of it.

"Are you a boy?" The techie asked, scratching a side of his head with a spanner.

"Eh eh ehe, no actually." Arin replied, a small blush creeping into her cheeks while it became her turn to scratch the back of her head as a displacement activity. "NAM Standard Issue Emyrs Body Armor." She explained, pointing at a greyish layer between her NAM Shortcoat and white shirt, the 2 cm layer flattened her upper body curves but protected her from harm. "The guys are quite hesitant to touch you if they arent too sure."

"Can I touch you then?" The boy asked, wide eyed. Arin simply ignored him and picked up her suitcase to march up to the airlock. Creeps, all of them. Even the young ones. With the help of her datapad, she located the button that served as the starship equavelent of a doorbell and pressed it and then adjusted her uniform and tie one more time before whoever came out to answer her.


"So long as it'll blow up in a vacuum I'll take it" Shinji replied "I might need it to do demolitions in space" He continued. "Watcha got along those lines?" He asked of the Nepleslian.


Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:05 pm

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She was promptly met with a reply from the ship's intelligence...

"Hello....who might you be, and what do you need? I'm Yggdrasill, by the way."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:25 pm

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Eve simply grinned at the captain's response to her choice in body structure. Shaun lifted his hand to grab Toshiro's attention. "If we could turn the conversation away from her chest for a moment. I'm more concerned with what she can actually do now that she has a body. I mean before she didn't take up any space, but now?"

Shaun was going to continue but he was stopped could by Eve shouting "SO I CAN DO THIS!!!" As she grabbed Shaun and yanking his head directly between her chest. Despite his best effort to fight, Eve's hold on him was far too strong to escape.

Eve turned her head and smiled at the captain "I figured he would like them and this makes it easy to shut him up."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:47 pm

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The shopkeeper reached down under the counter. "I have just what you need." He then produced a solid grey brick sized block encased in self-polarizing glass. "Octanitrocubane, one of the strongest conventional explosive ever. Even the Elysians use them." Opening a panel on the glass, he removed the block and set it down hard on the table that would have scared novice bombmakers who didnt know what the explosive's actual properties were.

"An explosive velocity of 12,000 m/s, stable, non-toxic, combusts without oxygen and only in high temperatures." He then motioned at Shinji. "I'm sorry that we cant test it out here, but touch it if you like."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:50 pm

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Shinji began stroking the brick, imagining what he could do with it, then he thought about what he'd probably do with it. Both ways, the outcome was an explosion, so he was satisfied and asked "An' how much'll this set me back?" with a sly grin on his face.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:09 am

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"Hi, Yggdrasill. It is nice to meet you." Arin greeted with a nod and a small smile, assuming that the ship had cameras pointed at her. Computers, unlike the typical Nepleslian guy was something Arin could handle. I would like to speak to the captain for a position onboard. Please, can he be contacted, is he busy?

The shopkeepr was pleased that his Yamataian customer was more appreciative of 'Octy' than most of his Nepleslian ones who took guns and bombs for granted. "A 2.5KG brick like that is going to cost you 50 DA. Though I can bring it down to 40 DA if you buy the pack of four, a connoisseur like you is hard to find."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:16 am

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"I believe you jut made yourself a deal, I'll take the four" the enthusiastic Shinji replied, Waiting for the shopkeep to finalize his purchases. He figured he should be heading back to the Yggdrasill soon. Although he was shure that as soon as he got to the ship, Toshiro would make him safely store the explosives rather than try some out. Better than blowing myself up again the Yamataian reasoned.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:29 am

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"That'll be 160 DA." The shopkeeper punched in a few more keys on the cashier to bring the total up to 1020 DA. He then wrapped a total of 10KG of explosives in plastic and placed them in a stiff cardboard box. Opening a drawer under lock and key, he took out a luminicent stamp and stuck it on the upper right hand corner. "Station regulations, the transponder will fizz out when you leave Ayenee."

The man then stepped back to view Shinji's purchases on the counter. "Bring 'em back if you get any troubles with it. I'll fix it up for you free of charge, Mr. Pintz gives his word." 'Mr. Pintz' then wiped his hands with the cloth again. "Anything else, my boy?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:58 am

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Shinji picked up his box of explosives and his new gun then replied "I think that'll do for now, i'll be sure to come back if I need more stuff though" With that the yamataian walked out of the shop and back towards the Yggdrasill.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:44 am

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The Yggdrasill opened the hatch, revealing the Captain gaping in surprise as a girl held a man's head firmly in her clevage...

"...Well, that WILL keep him quiet...but you might want to let him breathe." Toshiro said, before noticing the hatch open...

"Father, this person has requested an audience with you..." The computer said. Toshiro nodded, and looked to the newcomer...

"Alright. I am Captain Yuki Toshiro. What can I do for you? And don't mind...well...that. It's actually pretty normal for this place."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:29 am

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Kenji couldn't stop laughing, holding his side as he almost fell over. "Oh....oh gods....Okay...I'm good." he said, straightening.

One of the punks looked at Shinji wide eyed as the Yamataian left Pintz's shop. He turned around to talk to his mohawk friend. "Pintz didnt blow this guy up. Ee must have learned how to be nice." The guy in the mohawk responded. "Dis is what five 'ears in jail does to you. 'accidental explosion' indeed."

They then continued smoking their cheap ciggarettes, unaware that a waif of flammable gaseous methane from Pintz's latest project has escaped a vent and is being blown downstream to them...

"Ah, hi! Erk...!?" Arin originally thought that someone opened the door on the other side for her, but she was turned speechless from the sight that greeted her. The YORNA...! Its...! Other thoughts like why the Ygg is calling the Captain 'Father' (Though not so unusual, since most JANEs call Elise 'Mother') were running through her head but she snapped back into reality when Toshiro addressed her.

"Sir! NAM Representative Arin Berelai requesting a position on the Yggdrasill, sir!" The light grey eyed girl saluted, this was pretty much her first time on a ship outside the influence of NAM, which was one of the reasons she was sent here for. She then produced her Datapad containing a message to the captain from NAM for Toshiro to see.


Toshiro blinked, looking at the datapad....he then smiled, and shook the hand of the woman.

"I understand...welcome aboard, we're glad to have you. I trust you'll help Eve keep healthy?"

Kylen Phylar

Kenji smirked. "Welcome aboard Arin. I'm Senior Pilot and Gunarm Kenji Miller." he said, reaching out to shake the girl's hand. "So many new people, it's great. Just watch out for the penguin."

As if on cue, Kurio waddled out and look up. "Hello there. Are you new here?"


"Eve's varranty is still valid. Of course I will!" Arin quipped. Her primary job already entails taking care of NAM products and property. Taking back the datapad from the Captain, the representative turned to the senior pilot.

"Thank you, Mr. Miller." She shook his hand and managed to ask "Whats with the penguin?" before the bird waddled up.

"Oh you talk!" Arin leaned down with one hand propped on his knee. A comminicative pet! What a novelty! "Yes I'm new here, what about you?"

Kylen Phylar

"Not so much, but I'm still fairly new." Kurio replied, adjusting it's beanie.

Kenji chuckled. "Yep. That's Kurio for you. A talking penguin. Of course, so far that runs the norm around here."


Eve finally let go of Shaun after hearing her name. "Oh why hello there miss Arin" Eve said with a bow. Shaun on the other hand had just pulled himself free. "damn it Eve! stop freaking messing with me!" He said in anger before noticing Arin. "Oh hey. Welcome aboard." After he spoke Eve went back to poking him in the shoulder. He just growled and looked at her causing her to laugh.


Toshiro scratches his head, laughing a bit...

"Anyway, Arin-san...what position were you looking to fill on the ship? Communications? Engineering?"


An interesting couple, no wonder headquaters put me here. Arin responded to Eve's bow with an apriciative nod. "You must be Eve." She then turned to Shaun. "And you must be Mr. Phillps." Arin then looked at their general direction and gave a friendly wave. "Pleased to meet you both, don't think of me as an interloper of sorts and go about your normal businesses." Although she was trying very hard to act like a normal person, old corporate upbringing died hard.

"I'm quite competent with Nepleslian technology, please put me where you see fit. Captain." She answered Toshiro's question. In truth, Arin couldn't really decide where she wanted to be placed at all... Except maybe not comminications but she didnt want to come across as fussy.


Aendri returned to the ship. "Yggdrasil, is there in fact a penguin aboard?" Aendri inquired. "I thought one was entering the bunk room as I was on my way out."


Shinji just ignored the punks outside the shop, he was too happy with his purchases. Absent-mindedly, the Yamataian wandered in the direction of the Yggdrasill.


"Yes, a penguin capable of sapient and sentient thought, as well as speech, is aboard. His name is Kurio, and he is Ken's pet." The Yggdrasill replied to Aendri...

Toshiro nodded. "Alright, you can be an Engineer then. Of course, I can also expose you to other sorts of positions on the ship. If you have medical training, that'll be a LARGE plus, too. We sometimes perform rescued, and medical training is always excellent."


Remi arrived a short while later, her hands in the long white labcoat that was customary to her now. The doctor noticed the small grouping of people and waved lazily to them.

"Ah...I see some new faces. I assume they are new crewmembers?"


"Thank you. Could you tell me where he is?" Aendri responded.


As Remi turned the corner and spoke. Eve almost immediatly sprung into action. she lept forward grabbing Remi in a hug "Doctor!!" she cheered in excitement.

Shaun just looked over at Arin "your a techy eh? Maybe you could do something about miss touch many over here." He said pointing towards Eve.


"Ah. Allright Captain. I'll do my best!" Arin saluted, then flashed a look at her NAM uniform. Will have to change into shorter sleeves later. She then observed Toshiro for a moment or two. Looks like a pretty nice guy, that's superior Yamataian engineering for you.

"Oh hi, I'm Arin Berelai." The representative greeted the doctor, she was just about to ask 'and you are?' before Eve decided to get physical. Perhaps we'll talk later.

Lastly she looked at Shaun, one of the persons she was told to pay particular attention to in the ship. At his question she decided to deliver the answer in a straightforward manner with a straight face as to not influence the response. "I can switch her into contract mode if you want to."


Yggdrasill replied...

"Currently outside the Captain's quarters, with everyone else. It seems Eve has obtained a new body, and we've obtained a new crewman."

Toshiro, smiling, pulled out another Junior Crewman pin, and handed it to was the Yggdrasill symbol, his family totem, with one green synthetic gem in one of the three quadrilaterals...

"Welcome aboard."


Aendri moved through the ship to the hallway out side of the captains quarters. He promptly did a double take when he saw the motley group gathered there. However he still went up to the group. "Hello Captain. Hello Kurio, sorry I missed you earlier." turning to the others, " Hello, I'm Aendri Shasos, I'm new here."


Arin accepted the pin from Toshiro. "Thank you, sir." She then attached the pin on the top left side of her vest, the green colour of the badge stuck out like a sore thumb from the orange backing. As for the other newcomer that had just joined the group, Arin gave a wave. "Arin here."

Although she was officially incorporated into the crew and given her assignment, Arin did not immediately move to her post, but rather stayed behind because the small talk wasnt quite over yet. She picked up her bags and moved them to the side of the room as not to obstruct the door she came in from.


Remi blinked as she was suddenly wrapped up in a hug by the odd woman. Although the voice did sound very familiar. Deciding to take somewhat of a chance she looked at the other woman's face.

"Eve?" Was all she asked as Arin introduced herself to the doctor. Remi gave the woman a small nod, and apologetic look indicating Eve.

" your body I see."


Eve let go of the doctor and stepped back holding her arms out and spinning around a bit for her to see. "yep! its brand new and I'm already having lots of fun with it."

Shaun turned looking over at Remi "Yeah sorry about that doc. she was a bit wired to begin with. Being able to move around on her own has got her bouncing off walls" he said ending the statement with a sigh. He looked back to Arin and shook his head "No I guess not. hopefully she'll just wear herself out and calm down on her own."


A few minutes after Shinji had left the gun shop he arrived back at the Yggdrasill. As he walked inside he was greeted by a very unexpected sight: There were two extra girls on board. All the Yamataian could think to do was say "Captain, where do I put this?" Indicating the box of explosives.


"It is quite alright Shaun. Getting a new body can be a joyful experience, even for us Nekovalkyrja. Although, I intend to get as much milage out of mine as possible before I transfer." She replied observing Eve's body, intrigued.

"Eve, do you still wish me to examine it for you? I have a little free time before I need to get back to work, with new crew members, means more physicals."


Toshiro looked to Shinji, eyes widening ever-so-slightly at the explosives...

"...Well, we can' just keep it in the cargo hold with the salvage. I feel like we should store it in my filing cabinet under electronic lock in its own drawer, actually."

(I assume everyone is back on the ship. If you aren't, then let me know.)


"hey more power to yea. I put many of work into this carcass of mine so I can definitly respect sticking with it." Shaun said as he looked between her and Eve who kept poking and proding herself in various spots.

Eve stopped for a moment before answer the doctor "Yes miss Remi I'd very much like that." At that Eve started pulling her dress down. As she got it down to the point where he chest popped out Shaun started frantically waving his arms at her "NOnononon!!! EVE PUT IT BACK ON!!!" He said quickly causing her to stop and stare at him confused. He pulled his hand over his eyes and spoke "damn it Eve! have enough decency to wait till your in the medical area. "

Eve sighed and pulled her dress back up "oh..... your no fun......"

Kylen Phylar

Kenji chuckled. "Oh come on Shaun. It's not like we don't already have a free spirit on board who doesn't care for clothes." he said, mentioning a certian ex-slave.


Toshiro blinked, face slightly red, seeing this...

"I see...Eve is anatomically correct...that's interesting."

He scratched his head, finding the situation awkward...


Remi just smiled faintly as Eve began to shed her clothing, and then put it back on at Shaun's insistence. The doctor suppressed a small chuckle, her hands now back in her coat pockets.

"Well, from first glance, you do seem to have a lovely body Eve. Now, if you'll follow me to the medical bay, I can perform the examination, that is without these shy boys about."Remi teased the men before holding an arm out for Eve.


A glimmer of joy could be seen easily in Eve's eyes as Remi complimented her new body. Eve was of course smiling as she took the doctors arm. She turned and looked directly at Shaun "Coming with us Shauny?"

Shaun's first reaction was to shake his head until he realized what she said "Shauny!? what the h-" stopping himself mid-sentance he just waved her off. "No you go ahead and get your physical. I'll be on the bridge if you need me."

Shaun started to walk off before Eve without missing a beat replied "Well thats all fine and dandy mister man! Iiiiiif! somebody had actually had his physical done already!"

Shaun stopped with a groan "Eve.....I can get that taken care of at any time. I'm pretty sure the captain needs me on the bridge for when we take off."

Eve still holding onto Remi's arm stuck her tongue out at him. "well fine! Maybe I don't want you watching anyway!"


Toshiro, after a shrug to Arin, headed for the bridge, and opened a channel to the techie from before...

" said your uncle owned a shipyard...does he have any cargo ships with decent speed capacity at all?"

Kylen Phylar

Kenji smirked at the shy comment. "Never been accused of that. However, as Senior pilot, I need to be at the controls come lift off, so I can't have my full physical done yet either." he said, before laughing at the nickname. "Shauny eh?"

Jo Midori

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:03 am

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Serenity would still be curled up in the Medbay where the others had left her a while ago. With a small yawn she would stretch a little, her fingers clawing out a little as she snuggled against the arm of the table that stretched to the floor. Shivering a little she curled around her berog who had been lost in the ship for some time now.

She would never notice the others coming into the medbay.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:24 am

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Arin sighed in response to Toshiro and at the commotion around Eve. Well, I think I know now what kind of people designed her. She then listened to both Shaun and Kenji talking about the lift off. Oh dear they are departing already! I have to move, get changed and get to work! She quickly grabbed her luggage and with an "Excuse me." Scooted off to the crew quaters.

The boy techie and a bunch of his friends were rappling down the hull of the newly repaired Yggdrasil with a can of green paint when his datapad rang. "I think he picked up a Soujorner recently, check out his InterNEP site. Tell him Nick sent you." He then forwarded a NEP adress to the Yggdrasill and continued his decent, ignoring the jeers of his pals for being the last to touch down.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:11 pm

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"All right, that way it'll be easier to keep track of" Shinji replied to the captain, and made his way towards Toshiro's office. Too happy with his purchases, Shinji wasn't paying much attention to the ruckus in the hallway, and missed most of it. Once he got near enough to Toshiro the Yamataian asked "Who're the new chicks?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:17 pm

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Remi led Eve into the medical bay, and directed the SAVTECH Jane turned human to a examination bed. The doctor went to a little closet, brought a blanket out, and laid it over the somewhat shivering Serenity before going back over to Eve.

"Alright now Eve, are you experiencing any aches, pains, strange sensations, anything at all that you are un-familiar with?" She asked as she went to a cupboard to retrieve what she needed.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:37 pm

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"Hey, captain, where do you want me?" Aendri asked in anticipation of the imminent launch.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:50 pm

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Toshiro looked to Shinji and Aendri...

"Well, Aendri can take the pilot's seat for now, just so we can see his skills...and Shinji can take the Communications station, perhaps?"

As he decided this, he got on the InterNEP and accessed the site specified...

Hello. I am a captain with an ever-expanding enterprise, and seek a cargo ship with moderate FTL capacity. A technition named Nick, to whom you are related, refered me, saying you had a Sojourner. I am able to pay up front if needed if a decent ship is found at a fair price.

Yuki Toshiro, Captain and Owner
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-000)

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:01 pm

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"All right, Captain." Shinji responded. "I'll just drop these in your office for now" And he placed the box of explosives next to Toshiro's desk. Once he had accomplished that, He went to the comms station and awaited further orders.

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:31 pm

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"Aye Capt'n. I'll let him pilot...if only because you're my boss and it's your ship." Kenji replied to Toshiro, looking at Aendri. "I hope you know how to pilot a Vampire class ship. It ain't no walk in the park."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:10 am

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Eve quietly made her way across the room and sat down on the table. She sat there for a moment thinking about the question Remi had asked her. "Everything I feel is rather new honestly. Its confusing, but prehaps the feeling I have on the portion of my chest where I was grasped would be called pain? "

Pulling the dress down to her stomach she pointed out the marks where one of the men from earlier had grabbed and put enough pressure to leave marks.

"And another strange sensation. When I detect levels of stress from Shaun. I can feel the muscle system in my abdomen tightening. Prehaps this is some strange form of defense system?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:46 am

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Toshiro seemed to note a bit of...hostility toward the new pilot...he'd heard of Pilots' Pride, but didn't think it would be this bad...

"Well, we have to see how he does, Ken. Don't rip him a new one or anything, and don't make him nervous..."


Hmm, that brat has been paying close attention to my stock. Very well, the Sojourner had just came in from a previous owner. The ship's systems are in a repairable condition but the furnishings are stripped. You interested? If you want it immediately I'll sell it to you for 80,000 DA, otherwise give us half a day and we'll get it flying for you for an extra 4,000 DA.

Barham Rafe, Dealer
Uncle Rafe's Secondhand and Scrapyard -

Arin had just changed into shorter sleeves and was walking towards the engine block with tools in one hand and datapad in the other when she heard Eve talking through the medibay doors. Stopping and standing very still just outside the doors but out of sight, the woman listened intently into the conversation.

Kylen Phylar

"I know I know. I need a drink. And some sleep. Maybe for the better." Kenji said, headed for the men's bunk.


Toshiro smiled, replying to the communication.
You have a deal. I will pay 84,000 DA(42,000 KS) for a functional Sojourner. I am also interested in Forin Shuttles, Power Armors, and weapons like GP-12A Rifles.

Yuki Toshiro, Captain and Owner
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-000)

After this was complete, he sent another communication to a party only known to him...
Initiate sale of excess items, save important items as well as those belonging to the crew. Complete projects and prepare for rendvous upon my order.

Yuki Toshiro, Captain and Owner
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-000)


Remi made her way back to Eve smiling faintly as the girl spoke. Setting her equipment aside, she looked Eve over once again.

"Your chest," She pointed to it, then hers. "Is a sensitive area, when it is squeezed it can hurt, but if done so the right way it can be pleasurable. As for the tightening of the abdomen...that would be emotions Eve. Concern, and worry I would imagine."


Eve sighed and looked down at herself. "Everything I've managed to do with this body has been as you would say....a reflex?" She lifted her legs off the floor and finished removing the dress. She neatly folded the dress and sat it on the table next to her.

"I spoke to mister Ken and his pet about bodies as well as searching numerous databanks listing average male tastes for woman. I wanted this body because I like Shaun and I didn't want to just be a voice to him....." Eve sank forward almost looking as if she wanted to cry "but he doesn't seem to like it at all! were my calculations incorrect? Did I choose a form unattractive to men!?"

ELSEWHERE: On the bridge

Shaun sat down at his station and without thinking spoke "alright Eve start i...." He sat there staring at his control panel for a moment before reaching up and rubbing the sore spot on his ear where Eve use to be. He groaned and activated the panel himself and mumbled to himself "like a damn phantom limb...keep forgetting she's not on there anymore."


I have a Forin or two lying around. Most of the Power Armors I have are of the Demon series. Look elsewhere if you want the ELEMENTALs, they arent available to the general public but it isnt illegal to own one, your best bet is picking damaged ones off wrecks. As for the GPs, I have a lot of Bs and B1s and only three As I'm afraid. Enclosed in this message is the list of my stock if something catches your eye.

Come over to my place at 1800 NEP Time. We'll finalize the deal then.

Barham Rafe, Dealer
Uncle Rafe's Secondhand and Scrapyard -

Yo Mister! I know you are in a hurry to leave and all but the repairs on your ship is done. Me and my buddies think about 1,000 DA should be enough to cover the parts and paintjob.

Nicholas Westly, Techie
Ayenee Starbase -


"okay, and don't worry about me. I've been piloting different ships for a while. I won't choke." Aendri smiled, and moved off towards the cockpit.


Remi shook her head, and began to monitor Eve's heart rate.

"No...your form would definately attract men. I find you attractive, and I am sure Shaun does too. But remember Eve, a woman does not shed her clothing like what you did in the hall. It's called modesty, now that you're human, you've got a lot to learn about human customs, and behavoiral patterns."

She sighed a little as Eve sank forward, and took the girl into her arms, and thusly into a hug; now patting her gently on the back.

"I think if you work hard at it, you will be a wonderful human Eve."


Eve certinly needed the hug. "I'm sorry miss Remi....." she said softly "Its different now....before I had emotions, but even those changed with this body. I feel I am burdening you in some way with this."

Eve rested her head against the doctors shoulder for a moment. "Thank you....I'll do my best to learn the proper behavior Prehaps then I'll stop upsetting Shaun and the others."


Understood. 1000 DA transfer included in this communication...and thanks for the tip about your uncle!

Yuki Toshiro, Captain and Owner
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-000)

I am interested in at least one Forin, and perhaps a few Demons. I also wish to purchase all three GP-12As.

Yuki Toshiro, Captain and Owner
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-000)


"You will do fine Eve." Remi assured her, patting the woman's back gently. She released the hug, and took Eve by the shoulders and backed up a little bit to take the newly made human in.

"Now, how about a smile? After all, today is the begining of your new life."


Eve's face brightened as the doctor spoke and she smiled "Thank you miss Remi. I'll do my best!"


Aendri arrived in the cockpit, sat down, and began familiarizing himself with the control systems. this may be harder than I imagined he thought. Then he settled in to await the Captain's order to start the liftoff sequence.


Arin thought Eve's last line was a signal to make herself scarce. Years of lab classes taught her as the observer not to interfere with the experiment, which includes not being seen. Ignoring the pain from her fingers from holding the heavy toolbox for so long, she quietly stepped past the medical room to get to the engines.

Obviously a free JANE learns faster than one in contract mode, but now unencumbered by her previous housing, what is keeping her from being completely independent from her master? The Nepleslian woman shook her head, she would not try to induce an answer to her question, but as per her orders and as an observer will merely wait for the results to come in due time.

Kylen Phylar

Kenji, in the mean time, was doing as the doctor previously ordered, and was sound asleep, with a gun under his pillow. There was also an empty shot glass on the table next to him.


Remi ruffled Eve's hair a little and performed her examination. Afterwards she put her equipment into a small carrying case.

"You're quite healthy Eve, now I expect Shaun will want to know how your examination went. And don't forget to put your dress back on." She said holding the case as she neared the med bay's exit. "If you'll excuse me, I have a few other new crew members to checkout."

The doctor waved to Eve, and disappeared down a the hall.


Eve smiled to herself as she put her dress back on. She felt much better after the conversation and had a new air of confidence in herself. She left the medical bay and practically skipped down the hall.

She quickly arrived outside the control room and instead of walking in and interupting anything. She decided to be sly and poke her head just in the door to see what the others were up to.


Yumi felt very exposed. She had never been to Ayenee before. She had a vague recollection of being brutalized last time she was offworld from Yamatai, and it was a recollection she did not particularly enjoy, even fuzzy and inconsistent as it was. It really didn't help that she was, in her eyes, dangerously close to Nepleslia. She was having some definite trust issues with Nepleslians as a whole right now...

Still, according to the PANTHEON, this was where the SRSS Yggdrasill was docked. Yumi only hoped she hadnt missed it, the money she had managed to transfer away from her father's account wouldnt go far if she didnt find a reasonably permanent accomodation to go with it. Regret passed her mind. She was leaving behind the completion of her education (at least temporarily). She was leaving behind Tetsukana, whom she still considered far too innocent to ever hurt her.

Yes, Yumi was naive.

And a little bit clueless about the real world (universe?).

And right now a little bit terrified. She had asked for directions four times, and now, she could only hope she was coming on where the Yggdrasill was docked. Though it struck her, even if she was, what would she say? "Hi, Im Yumi! I want to pay for passage on your ship because daddy made me a sex slave for Nepleslian businessmen!"? Or maybe the ever-popular "Hi, Im Yumi! Ive had sex with more people than I realized! Can I go on your ship?"

...the latter might actually have been a good selling point, now that she thought about it.

And, it struck her suddenly, there was the ship she was looking for. Yumi broke into a run for it, though that was probably just angst and early-twenties-theatrical-melodrama. And she stopped several meters off. It occurred to her she had no idea how to approach this thing. Being a sheltered rich girl was not paying off right now.


Suddenly, the ship...SPOKE to her...

"You seem unusually interested in this ship..I am the SRSS Yggdrasill's computer system. Are you also answering the PANTHEON advertisement for crew members?"

The Yggdrasill had gotten three new crew recently, and there was no reason a fourth would not appear...the Yggdrasill stopped its launch sequence, explaining the situation to the bridge crew...


Yumi had lived a sheltered life of extreme luxury. Inanimate objects talking to her was scarcely anything new. Still, it took her off guard at first when the ship announced itself to her. And she had to swallow a few times, and think over what it had asked, before she was capable of crafting a response. Internally, she cursed herself. Way to think on your fucking feet, Yumi. She did, however, manage to speak after only a momentary amount of flustering.

"I... I'm here in response to the advertisement... but I was looking for passage, not work... I dont have relevant skills, but I can pay my way." She swallowed slowly, glanced over her shoulder. "Could I possibly speak to the Captain about this?" She was used to discussions with inanimate objects, but she always felt more comfortable with people. People she could read, she could understand. She could look at them and see at least a glimpse of what they felt and how they reacted.

Sentient computers? They were hundreds of thousands, even millions, of lines of code which expertly recreated human personae without that cumbersome thing called personability.


"Father, someone is asking to see you..." The Yggdrasill announced...

Toshiro blinked, seemed like everyone was arriving in a wave...he went to the hatch and opened it, looking at the woman...

"I am Yuki Toshiro, Captain and Owner of this can I help you?"


"Captain Yuki, I... I am Takehara Yumi. My reasons are my own, but I have a need for passage, at least for awhile. I was wondering... if you would be willing to take on a civilian?" He was very tall. That was the first thing Yumi noticed. Very, very tall. He also had rather brilliant and captivating green eyes. Yumi pushed it out of her mind. "I can pay, and... if there are any logistics or problems to consider, I'm willing to work out whatever I have to. I just want to get away from here."

There was a certain kindness to Toshiro's voice, though not one she would have mistaken for weakness. She just hoped he would hear her plea.


Toshiro thought a moment, looking surprised, but nodded...

"Alright...I only have to ask that you aren't wanted for any sort of capital offense like sounds silly, but it's something I have to be careful with...also, I have a multi-cultural racism is out."


"I..." She trailed off. There was no need to mention how uneasy she felt about Nepleslians right now. Some might construe it as racist. She had a perfectly viable reason, of course, but she wasn't ready to talk about it. Not until she had a better grasp of what had really happened on the luxury cruiser... "I wouldn't even know which end of a knife to hold if I didn't spend so much time cooking. I'm just looking for passage, I've done nothing criminal. I'm sure Yggdrasill can verify that for you... very quickly..."

She felt edgy, but visually, she maintained her calm impressively well.


"What the...!?" Aendri said, noting takeoff procedures had been canceled. "Yggdrasil, how long will it be before takeoff procedures can begin anew?"

Kylen Phylar

Kenji mumbled in his sleep, turning over JUST enough to fall out of his bunk, which was on top. People outside the room, unless it's sound proof would hear a quick "sonofabitch" before a nice solid THUD.

"Oohhh....stupid bed." Kenji said, flat on his back, on the floor, uninjured, but feeling a little hung over thanks to the nice head bang.


Remi found one of the new crew near the engines, and knocked politely on the bulkhead. Medical bag in one hand, her free hand now in her pocket.

"I do not know if doctor's on Nepleslia make house calls still, but I do I am afraid." She explained to the back of Arin as she stood there patiently.


Yggdrasill replied, in both places, simultaneously.

"It will hake a matter of minutes to complete proceedure, plus the time Father spends speaking to yet another passenger who has arrived."

"Confirmed, no illegal activity attached to Yumi-san's identity."

Toshiro thought for a moment, before nodding. "Alright, you can wouldn't be the first passenger we've ever had, after all."


Yumi's face lit up gleefully.

"R-really? You mean it? How much do you want for passage? I have money... I guess Im not rich anymore, but I have some money..." She trailed off. "I can cook, a little, but I dont think I can do anything else that would be useful on a ship..."

Her face fell, though she still looked a good deal happier than when she had arrived. Of course, she had looked stressed out and slightly terrified when she arrived, so that didnt say a whole lot. Naivete could be a killer, it really could. So right now, she was slightly distraught, but well-kept and dressed quite presentably.

Fasinating combinations!


"Alright, inform me when I can restart launch procedures Yggdrasil."


Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:48 pm

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Toshiro thought, his hand to his chin...the gesture didn't really fit with his youthful face...

"Cooking will work, if you don't mind cooking with a nude alien girl...long story. Let's just say things are weird on this ship...we also need a more permanent communications for pay, that's certainly negotiable. The last pair of people paid 50 KS weekly for the both of 25 KS is the rate which we have started. Less, free, or even PAID if you do work."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:02 am

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Arin's hair stood on and end when she heard the doctor's voice behind her. I have been noticed?! She had read much about the enhanced senses of Nekos, but without practical experience to back it up, it was more than likely her attempt at being sneaky was detected.

Perhaps is is just a coincidence? The representative turned around slowly to face Remi. "Aah, they still do actually, under armed guard." Arin waved her Datapad and smiled nervously, in addition to being anxious for reasons stated above, she was still shy at meeting people outside of conducting business.

The Berelai assumed that the doctor was refering to a physical examination similar to what was done on Eve. "The ship is departing and I need to be at my post. Besides, the company gave me a check-up just before I left. Perhaps we can do this later, miss...?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:20 am

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Remi just smiled a smile that didn't speak a wit of what she was thinking as she stood there. One of her fingers tapped the medical bag idly, as she listenend to the Nepleslian woman. Her smile actually broadend at the girl's nervousness, not to mention her saying she needed to be at her post.

"Remi, no miss please, I am not that old. And you could've gotten this over with sooner. That is if you'd come with me and Eve when I gave her her's. And I am afraid it is policy for new crew to receive one." She said rather jovially before clearing her throat. She didn't seem to be telling her, merely explaining, though with a few years of command experience under Remi's belt, she couldn't help but add just that touch of a subtle command in her tone.

"Yggdrasill dear, would you be so kind as to monitor the engine's for our new crewmember here until her physical is done, and inform us the moment any abnormalities, or fluctuations occur?" The doctor asked the now seemingly sentient vessel. To be honest, it reminded her of Maras, even though she had known the gunship for a short time, she rather liked it.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:24 pm

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Eve snuck up behind Shaun's chair as he stared at his monitor while typing. It took him a few minutes to even realize she was standing there . "Did you get your examination done Eve?" He said as he spun the chair around to face her.

Eve nodded with a smile "Yes Shaun. I'm in good condition." He nodded as he turned back around. "Good. I didn't think there would be any problems, but its always good to check."

As he started to go back to what he was doing, Eve suddenly reached down and grabbed his right arm. Wincing a little he looked back "What now?"

Eve reached down poking him on the nose "You really need to get that looked at. You shouldn't have tensed your shoulder so tight" She said with a sigh.

Shaun put his free hand on top of the her hand which was still gripping him. "No its fine. I didn't expect the vault is all. You just worry too much." Letting go of him Eve frowned. "Why must you be so difficult?"

Shaun couldn't help but smile "Just in my nature I guess."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:48 pm

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Shinji had been looking over the ygg's comms for some time now, trying to figure them out, as he had only barely passed to communications class in his two weeks at basic. He looked up as one of the 'new' girls came into the room. Listening in on the conversation a bit, he said to himself "Wait a minute, That's eve? I thought she was a computer" The Yamataian shook his head "Need to pay more attention"

Last edited by kai on Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:45 pm

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Kenji walked onto the bridge, still rubbing his head. "Stupid bunk...I see we haven't taken off...more people show up?" he asked, yawning a bit.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:28 am

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"Yeah, Yggdrasil says we have another person on board now, so I'm waiting for the captain to give the go ahead." Aendri said, looking over at Kenji. "Have a nice nap?"

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:07 am

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"Except how my wake up call was falling out of bed, yeah I did." Kenji said.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:15 am

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"Policy..." Arin had probably heard that word a million times now, but however this time the person delivering it wasn't a cold corporate but a friendly doctor. Although she was more used to the former, Remi's delivery eased her tensions a little. "I guess I can't go against policy." Arin sighed.

The representative was also used to having AI systems respond to commands and requests. "Yggdrasill?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:32 pm

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"Ouch. Thats rough. Sorry about that. It kinda jolted me too." Aendri said, a slight smile on his face now.


Yggdrasill replied to Arin...

"Yes, I will do so...Are you male or female? I can't fully tell."

Toshiro arrives on the bridge, smiling, after giving the newest person a "Resident/Honorary Crewman" rank pin.

"Alright...we'll be going to these coordinates to look at a new ship to operate as a Mobile Base. We're due there at 1800."

He sent coordinates to the pilot's station, which were nearby in Nepleslian orbit...


"I suppose I could... work in the kitchen with a nude female. I have nothing against that really..." Yumi definitely looked a bit shifty a the thought, though. She didnt need to make any confessions, it was more than obvious she had some little issues with random nudity. They were probably understandable, in context of recent history, but there weren't a whole lot of people who would have grasped that.

"In... in any case, for now I'll pay the... the 25 KS, and we can work out if Im qualified to help elsewhere later. I... for now, it is just good to know that I've found a way out. Thank you, Captain."

She smiled, and gave a somewhat awkward salute.


"Copy that Captain. Starting launch procedures now in that case." Withbthis, Aendri restarted launch procedures, and warned everybody on the bridge of imminent takeoff.


Toshiro nodded, giving Yumi a map of the ship, which had the girls' bunkroom marked...

"We'll be off to purchase a ship soon, at 1800 hours by the Nepleslian clock...unlike us, they have 24 hours in their translates to bout 1200 hours in Yamataian time. Because of that there may be some bustle aboard, people leaving and arriving, et cetera."


"Thank you Yggdrasill." Remi replied kindly as she stared at Arin now, emerald eyes analyzing her it seemed.

"Would you prefer to conduct the physical here I have the tools to do so, or would you prefer the medical area." She asked, now tapping away at her bag with a finger as she waited patiently.

Kylen Phylar

Kenji looked up. "Oooh. Base ship. Me likey." He said, smiling widely. "Even if it's a junker, it's gonna have that new ship smell to me."


Arin tried not to look at the doctor directly in the eyes and scanned the area around her: Control panels, machinery and wiring. The representative thought it was odd of Remi to offer to perform the physical away from the specialized tools of the Medibay, but she then realized that it might be so that she wouldnt need to leave her post. How considerate of her!

"Um, Medibay please. Since the Yggdrasill can look after things in the meantime." Not that Arin was more comfortable there, but she appreciated the doctor's good intentions.

Also, Arin was suprised that the AI did not dig up her datafile to reference. Back at NAM, the Savtechs only asked if the answers they needed were not digitally stored somewhere. For the benefit of warding off any unwanted attention, the Nepleslian woman prefered to keep her gender in doubt but now being a crewmember on the ship, they'll find out sooner or later anyway. "Female, Yggdrasill." She answered the AI with a hint of dissapointment in her voice.


"This way please." Remi replied as she began to walk. The doctor hummed to herself out of mild boredom as she led the young Nepleslian woman from the bowels of the ship,and off towards the medical bay.

"So, enjoy your work?" She asked, trying to make small talk as she turned down a different hall, nearing the medical area now.


"Purchase a ship..."

Yumi simply echoed, noting the time somewhere in the back of her mind, since it honestly didn't concern her all that much. She accepted the map, giving a nod of thanks, then drifted off through the ship, locating the bunk she had been assigned to. Her possessions were fairly scant, really. A bag. Some clothing - very little clothing, really, but some. The articles of makeup she couldn't bear to part with. A datapad with her complete writing on it. A couple notebooks that she liked to scribble in.

It was going to be a long, dark tea time of the soul. Yumi had never in her life lived outside the lap of luxury. She just hoped there would be privacy if she was required to undergo a physical examination.

Setting on the bunk, she studied the map of Yggdrasill intently. It was probably best to know the ship she was on, even if it did seem fairly small and maybe a little bit overcrowded...


The ship moved toward the meeting point for the shipyard, roughly halfway to the site...

"I've already told an old friend to move the salvage that can be transfered, and the funds for those which can't, to the new ship once we're ready...all of your guys' salvage will be brought back. It's not my place to sell that."

Jo Midori

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:50 am

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A small thump could be heard as the two came closer to the medbay, a whimper followed shortly after.

Serenity was in the medbay still, petting a whimpering berog on the floor. It seemed to have fallen or hurt itself, but nothing serious. Frowning a little Serenity looked around the medbay for something to help the poor little fluff ball with.

~Serenity sorry! Serenity not mean hurt!"~ Pouting now Serenity continued to pet the poor little animal, snuggling up aside it.

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:47 am

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Lyshana looked at the large vessel, out the automated shuttle's few veiwscreens, for when it did carry passengers. Few had been wiling to hire her, and the constant racism was getting to her. She wasn't like the other, asshole, Elysians, but no one seemed to believe that. Few legitimate ship's captains were willing to hire her, or transport her, and most that were wanted.... something... on the side.
She had heard that this ship was up for purchase with a potential buyer, and she saw it as a way out. She had paid a hefty bribe to get taken in with the cargo, and was getting ready to stow away. She knew little about ships, but also knew that this class was just about perfect to sneak around on. Maybe I could even set up her gear, and start a make-shift, mobile lab... Probably not, too likely to be detected.
She stepped off of the supply shuttle into the large cargo-hauler, rather gracefully for her disproportionately large wings. As the automated shuttle unloaded supplies. She quickly disappeared into the cavernous cargo bays, and warren like tunnels. With luck, she wouldn't be noticed till next land-fall, when she would sneak out, hopefully on a more.... sympathetic planet.
She patted the lump of fuzz, her most recent creation, a pet, and her first attempt at growing life from scratch, on her shoulder. It purred sleepily. Then she started looking around for a good hiding place. An air-duct caught her eyes, but she wondered if her wings could fit.... Only one way to find out. One way or another, she had to find a hiding place.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:45 pm

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It did not take long for them to arrive at the shipyards, Toshiro's eyes scanning the shipyard's contents...Equines, Oberons, and Sojourners of varying condition culd be seen, among other things such as shuttles and Demon-type Power Armor...

"This is Captain Yuki Toshiro of the SRSS Yggdrasill, coming in regard to the vessel you have for sale."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:53 am

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Aendri slowed their approach, awaiting permission to head in. "Wow, they really do have a fair bit of variety don't they?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:10 pm

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"Hmm." Arin followed a few feet behind the doctor. "I need to get some work done first before I answer that question..."

The Shipyards was composed of three drydocks connected to a drab metal main structure about half a kilometer long. Space debris and broken ship superstructures towed in from salvage sites formed a metal cloud around the mini station. A few kilometer long steel grid away from the main structure stored the secondhand ships and large containers of scrap metal, ready to be taken to the smelters.

Small lights from the wielding torches and suit beacons indicated that Uncle Rafe has a sizable workforce. The workers were all over the place, cutting up metal, sorting scrap and patching up ships. The Yggdrasill's arrival was largely ignored by these men, except for those manning armed turrets littered around the area to keep out potential thieves.

Yggdrasil would receive a clearance to land on one of the external docks on the station from the control tower situated near a large Neon sign that said "UNCLE RAFE's".

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:57 pm

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Once clearance was obtained, Toshiro directed that the Yggdrasill be set down where indicated. Once this was done, the airlock tube was connected to the station...

"Yggdrasill has docked...I would like to see the ship I am purchasing, if now is a good time."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:36 pm

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(Brief JP with Fian)

A thirty-something man dressed in a formal shirt and pants carrying a datapad appeared on the screen. "Due to some pressing concerns Mr. Rafe is not available at the moment." He said, sheepishly. "Meet me outside the airlock, your ship will be done in a few moments."
Toshiro nods, replying promptly.

"Understood...I'll meet you in a minute. Yggdrasill out."

Toshiro glanced to Shaun, pointing to him. "You're in command until I'm back. Miyoshi-hakase is your second, Ken is your third. I'll be back soon..."

With that, Toshiro headed to the airlock, checking his weapons...they would merely cause trouble...

The person was waiting right outside the airlock. He had a nametag on that said 'Quadling'. "Mr. Toshiro Yuki I presume." He said, giving his datapad a glance. "No doubt you want to see the ship before you buy it. Right this way." He continued without waiting for a reply, turning around and going down the corridor.

Toshiro followed, chalking up the lack of small talk to a busy schedule...

"Do you know anything about the ship's history? Any name or registry? If not, I'll give it my own designations..."

"The ship made a fair number of profitable runs, very unusual." Quadling said while leading the Yamataian through the workmen infested coridoors who payed them no heed. "So profitable, that its owner simply sold it off at the smallest battle damage. Not like he didn't finish that last run." They then reached a larger than normal airlock, sized enough to allow heavy machinery through. "It used to be called the NSS Intrepid, but we can write over the name if needed."

"Intrepid...hmm...I will think on that one, though it would be an SRSS rather than an NSS...Intrepid is a very common name, though."

He stated, following the businessman toward the airlock...

"I understand the FTL system has been upgraded? To about 0.1 LY/M? If so, I am interested in obtaining faster Equine Engines as well...500c will not cut it."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:37 pm

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Shaun just watched over things while the captain was gone. After a while Eve made her way around the ship checking on things before returning to the control room.

Eve walked over to where Shaun had been sitting and seated herself across his lap. "Eve......" he said in an obviously annoyed tone. She just smiled and ruffled his hair. "Mind if I watch your station for a while?" Shaun just sighed and stood up as Eve slid off him into the chair. "You've poked around in there long enough to get a feel for it. So go ahead and go for it Eve."

Eve spun around in the chair and began checking on the weapon systems. Shaun simply walked around and leaned against the back of the chair.

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:10 am

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Lyshana was amazed with how many nooks and crannies this ship had. She was fairly certain that it was a smuggler, in addition to whatever else it normally carried. She carefully folded her wings, a very painful thing to do, and, wincing, hid in one of the better, smaller, hiding spots. It would be very cramped, but she would rather not be caught by the voices approaching.... good thing they seemed to still be outside the airlock.

As she cowers in the small space, she suddenly notices that Fuzzball wasn't on her shoulder any more. It must have gone exploring. That little nuisance is gonna give me away!

Last edited by Le Blue Dude on Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:07 pm

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Kenji nodded, sitting back in a side chair. "Take your time Capt'n."


"The upgrades were from the previous owner." Quadling explained. "As for faster Equines Engines, stock is very very limited, I have reservations for the next half year." The salesman palmed the airlock open to reveal an umbellical link to the Sojourner. From its windows, Toshiro could see scorch marks and new unpainted segments on its hull, the ship could be easily mistaken as a third hand.

It was worse inside. When Barham Rafe said it was stripped of its furnishings, he meant it. The walls and floorings had been stripped bare even down to the ligthing. The main coridoor was dimly illuminated solely by portable lamps hung over doorless doorways. The rooms echo from their footsteps, there were no other workmen around. There was absolutely nothing other than the things needed to fly the ship.

At least it didnt smell, the surfaces also looked clean as though it was washed yesterday (And it was). Quadling snickered. "You should have been here before we tidied the place up." He pressed a button on a console nearby and the ventilation activated, its low hum and cool breeze
removed the stilness of the air.


"Well then, let me re-phrase the question, do you enjoy working with machinery, and you hands etc etc?" The doctor asked as she entered the medical bay. She went over to a bed, and patted it, indicating Arin to sit there when she caught movement in the corner of her eye.

~"Serenty, what is wrong?"~ She asked as she began to take her tools out of her bag, placing them back onto a nearby tray to be sterilized. She went and fetched a second set, and came back to the bed. Awaiting an answer from the Helashio, and for Arin to sit.


Toshiro saw the stark vessel, and smiled...

"Prime refit material...I approve...can I see the cargo bays? I want to get an idea of her capacity."

He said, checking general online schematics using telepathic PANTHEON access through his datapad...


Shinji hadn't really noticed the captain leaving, as he had been half asleep in the communications chair, a match hanging limply from his lips. His situation had only deepend, and he was now sound asleep, head down on his chest, snoring softly. The match had by now fallen to his lap.


Quadling led the Yamataian captain through the elevators to to the cargo bays to reveal... Absolutely nothing. It was as empty as a cargo bay can get, although featureless, a grand total of 150 cubic feet of plain emptiness is a sight to behold. The salesperson tapped away on his Datapad while waiting on Toshiro.

"Oh yes, computers too! They are much easier to work with than real people." Arin replied as she sat on the bed. Her eyes widened and she froze up when she saw the other figure in the medibay. Its not wearing anything! She looked at the doctor who seemed to only give the Helasio a passing glance.

Jo Midori

Serenity was nearly in tears as the Berog continued to call out softly in pain, obviously it wasn't serious, more then likely just a twisted ankle or something.

~"Serenity hurt bero! Bero crying..."~ Serenity said with a pout as she looked up to Remi, her eyes watery. ~"Serenity no mean hurt Bero...Just playing and hurt."~

The poor girl seemed scared of being hit now, punished for hurting her pet.

Le Blue Dude

Lyshana watched them entering the cargo-bays from her hiding spot in the vents... Then she saw something that almost made her heart stop... Fuzzball dropped from the cealing right between the two who were discussing. Shit! Now they're gonna know I'm here!

Fuzzball, durable little thing it was, hit the ground with a splat noise, and it's fur parted to reveal a pair of eyes. They shimmered with possibly unshed tears. "Chur?" it asks, mournfuly. Fuzzball was begging.

Lyshana groaned at fuzzball's antics


She gave Arin an apologetic look before walking over to the Helashio. Kneeling down, Remi fished in one of her labcoat pockets for a handkerchief holding it out to Serenity.

~"Here dry your eyes, and let me see him."~ The doctor replied holding the handkerchief out of the woman, and her other hand for the Berog. ~"I will try to help make him better."~


Yumi, having commited Toshiro's map of the ship to memory, decided it was high time she met the others onboard. Sure, she had only been on the Yggdrasill for a matter of less than an hour, but she was a socialite. Life without near-constant communication with others was agonizing and difficult for her. Truly, my darling readers, imagine the pain she already endured with her alienating herself from everything she knows in Kyoto, and her agonizing journey through the station...

She made her way to the kitchen, first. It was remarkably empty. It was also rather spartan, as compared to what Yumi was used to, but she figured she would need to get used to spartan. This wasn't daddy's dream manor in Kyoto anymore. This was the real world, where life wasnt always comfortably cushioned for her viewing pleasure.

Though perhaps it would be comfortably numb?

Pondering, she decided her next stop would be the medical bay... and away she went.

Jo Midori

Serenity nodded a little, letting Remi take the berog as she rubbed her eyes, not quiet sure what to do with the square of fabric. Pouting a little she kept stealing glances over at the new person.

~"Is new mistress?"~ She asked Remi, nodding her head lightly over to Arin.


~"She is here to take care of the Yggdrasill, to fix it if it breaks down."~ Remi explained in Lorath as she placed the Berog on a nearby counter, examining it for any injures very carefully.

"I am sorry about this, but being the only doctor on board can be a little bit of a hassle sometimes." The doctor said in way of apology to Arin as she examined the little creature further.


Toshiro was about to reply when his watch beeped...he glanced at it, and smiled...

"Happy New Year..."

It was then that the little creature fell down with a small splat....when he saw the cute thing's eyes, he knelt down looking at it...

"This is a cute little thing, isn't it? Was the ship infested with an alien version of a mouse or something at one time?"

Toshiro asked the man, curious as to if this ship had some secrets he wasn't being told...


Quadling looked down at the thing with disgust, but he reverted back to his usual expression before meeting Toshiro's eye again. "Not that we know of, damm, I thought they bioscanned the place already!" The salesman scratched the back of his head. "I guess we'll have to run another scan on the ship and purge whatever other critters onboard before we sell it to you." He then raised his boot and started to bring it down hard on the Fuzzball...

Arin nodded with a thousand yard stare. "I understand." She continued observing the Helasio warily from the corner of her eye.


Toshiro quickly grabbed the creature, saving it from death...though he got some shoe treads on his hand on the process. He carefully wiped his hand on his jeans, not saying did hurt a little, though.

"...It almost looks like a pet or something...there's no need to kill it like that, though. Funny...I've never seen a creature like this...kind of cute, actually..."


Back in the bridge, Shinji was still fast asleep, not knowing what day or time it was, being unconcious and all. He had also forgotten about a few little things in his pockets he had made for new years. They went off with pops and bangs, burning holes in his pockets and lighting his pants on fire. He awoke with a start, jumping out of his chair and attempting to stop the small fires by beating his pants and yelling "AAHH!". Once he had accomplished putting out the fires, he looked about the bridge and gave an embarrassed chuckle, saying "Eheh... uhh... Happy new year?"

Le Blue Dude

As the foot fell Lashana impulsively dove out of the airvents like a falcon at the man who had tried to squish Fuzzy. She was attempting to hit his chest and knock him down. "Leave Fuzzy alone!" She shouted as the dove.

(Note: She's 4ft tall, with wings that are somewhere around 15-20ft in span)


Quadling didn't see the Elysian coming, thus was he was caught off balance and was knocked down real hard the moment just after his foot connected. He landed shoulder first and rolled over twice before stopping, the datapad in his hand dropped to the floor with the sound of broken glass. "AHRG F**K MY ARM!" He groaned, holding said arm and squirming in pain.

Le Blue Dude

The screams of pain startled Lyshana, at first. She scowled, and started inspecting the arm in question, reaching into her satchel for some of the very primitive medical equipment from the planet she grew up on. She checked for injury, if there was any bleeding she bandaged it, after applying anti-spetics. if the arm seemed broken she set it, and put it in a primitive (for star army era) cast. "Do no harm" she muttered, disgustedly.


The six foot Yamataian blinked at the four foot Elysian girl, still holding the little dust bunny-thing...

"...Who are you, exactly?"

The young Captain asked the girl...


(<.< Where does the impression of Elysia as very primitive come from? Have you even read any of the technology it has..? Realize that Soul Transfers are an Elysian invention. Theres a huge class divide, but primitive is hardly accurate.)

Yumi picked her way on to the medical bay, whistling to herself. There didn't seem to be any unclothed alien slave girls in the kitchen at the moment, which of course made it significantly less interesting than it might otherwise have been, as though she find the idea slightly difficult, Yumi couldn't deny curiosity over such a phenomenon. Maybe curiosity was a bad thing, though - it killed the cat, you know! That bastard! Anyone killing cats would need to answer to Yumi...

She realized her internal monologue had rambled away. She also realized she was at her intended destination. The medical bay. Pondering, Yumi wrinkled her nose, then made her grand entrance to discover...

Unclothed alien slave girl, girl she didn't know, girl who might be called a doctor, and a strange little creature quite unlike any Yumi had seen before on the counter.

"Ahhn... am I interrupting anything..?" Perplexion!

Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:58 pm

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(Just 'cause she's an elysian does NOT mean she was raised on Elysia, silly. In fact, she wasn't even raised in Elysian space, but rather in a somewhat primitive (compared to Yamata, Nepleslia and Elysia) colony world in the middle of nowhere)

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Jo Midori

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:23 pm

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Serenity shook her head but was startled as she heard the new person. She hopped up and over the table quickly to hide on the other side, giving the girl a easy flash of her rear and privates, before a furry tail flashed to cover it up again.

~"Serenity not know what wrong, Bero start limp after yelp."~ Serenity replied in a scared tone, watching the newcomer closely.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:49 pm

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Remi just ho-hummed when she heard the new voice, her ears twitched a little before she found the sprain on one of the Berog's small legs. She opened a drawer close by, reached in and pulled out what she needed. She cut the elastic bandage into a smaller strip, and slowly, and meticulously wrapped the leg snuggly. Finally she put a little clasp on it, holding the end of the bandage in place.

"Oh you're not interrupting, just a sprain her Berog has." The doctor pointed to where Serenity had been a little while ago before she picked the little animal up, and blinked, slightly puzzled as Serenity had suddenly changed spots.

~"Bero will be fine now, just make sure Bero does not walk too much on his wrapped leg for awhile okay?"~ She explained as she walked over to the Helashio, and handed her the Berog.

Once done, Remi turned to the new person, hands in labcoat pockets, regarding her for a brief moment before going back to Arin. "So, what can I do for you today, Miss?" She asked, both asking for her name, and her purpose here. The doctor took an old fashioned Nepleslian Stethoscope out.

"Before we begin Arin, do you have any cybernetics?"

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Jo Midori

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:09 pm

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Serenity graciously accepted back Bero, clinging the poor animal to herself as she watched the others closely. Her tail was waving back and forth slowly in caution.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:28 am

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"Stay away from me!" Quadling pushed the Elysian aside before she could touch him. He then stood up while backing away a few steps, letting his bruised arm hang loose while the other pressed his collar pin which was an intercom of some sort. "Security, we have a stowaway on board. Ex-Dock seven."

"No, no I dont." Arin replied, shaking her head. She then looked down at the stethoscope for a moment before a thought hit her. "Ah, oops, sorry. Still have my armor on." The representative then removed her sash and shortcoat to reveal a thin but tightly strapped Emyrs body armor over her dress shirt. She undid the buckles that held the bulletproof material together and removed the vest, setting down all three items next to her.

She then gave the new arrivee a small wave and smile in greeting.

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:44 pm

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"Fuck" Lyshana said. Her medical training allowed her to nots the lack of severity of the injury. "Good luck finding me then, on THIS old ex-smugler, I am not going back to that racist shit-hole Nepleslia."

She swiped Fuzzball from Toshrio, and launched herself up, and into, the airducts with a powerful beat of her wings

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:35 pm

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Toshiro blinked, looking up where the girl had gone...

" much for your bio-scans...HEY!"

Toshiro yelled out after her.

"You MIGHT consider this a lucky day! I run a pretty broad mix of races in my crew! You seem to have some sort of medical skill! Want to come along?"

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:45 pm

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Her voice echos through the vents "There is a reason I'm hitchhiking... I don't know why, but no neps want an Elysian for a medical officer. Shit, I wasn't even RAISED in Elysia, but I got wings, so they hate me. Bah."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:52 pm

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"I don't care about race on my ship! I have Yamataians, Nepleslians, ID-SOLs, Nekos, a Helashio, and a talking Penguin! Tolerance is the policy of the ship, unless one's a xenocidal tentacle monster..."

Toshiro said, in response...

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:37 pm

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"Well, I'd rather work my way then stow-away, but this is probably an innapropriate time for contract discussions seeing as how I'm probably about to be brought up on assult charges"

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:38 pm

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He blinked, looking to the man...

"Will you forgive her actions? I think she was just defending her pet..."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:35 am

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Kenji, after a few minutes of pacing, hit the comn. "Hey Capt'n. Hows it going with the buy?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:46 am

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The Airlock behind Quadling opened and a man in a Demon suit appeared. Upon hearing Toshiro the salesman signalled the security guard to stop, and then relieved the man of a spare datapad. A few clicks and tabs later, the screen changed to the document of sale which only needed Toshiro's signature.

"We'll take action against her if this was our ship, but what if it was yours?" He said, his face was tense with the pain but there was a small evil curve at the corner of his mouth.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:39 am

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Remi nodded, and watched the woman undo her bodyarmor before putting the stethoscope's ear plugs into her ears, and held it to her back. She placed the other hand on her back as well, her hearing straining.

"Now, please take several deep breaths, and slowly exhale them for me."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:31 pm

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Smiling back, Toshiro took the pad and signed it, agreeing to purchase the vessel for 42,000 KS. His hand seemed to have a little more damage than he thought when he signed it, but he would fortunately heal within a few hours, but if anything was broken, he'd need it set before the accelerated healing process began...

"Done and Done...Do you need your injuries looked at? There is a skilled Star Army trained doctor on my vessel..."

A nozzle on the bridge, designed to put out combat and electrical fires, sprayed an expanding, non-toxic foam all over Shinji's body...

"...I suggest against doing that again, Shinji-san..." Yggdrasill stated.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:54 pm

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The Yggdrasill received a YEPCS transmission, low priority, audio-only.
A female voice sounded on the bridge:
"Helloooo, Toshi-kun!! I'm en route with the items you told me not to sell, and I've got some new toys, too! Requesting permission to dock and unload--and happy new year!"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:04 pm

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Very promptly, a very androgynous voice replied...

"This is the SRSS Yggdrasill's AI...Ah, I see you now. You're Tohoe Kairi-san, Senior Crewman...and the Alucard is the only vessel in my database with YEPCS capability. I remember you vaguely from my pre-sentient runtime...Welcome Back."

The Yggdrasill already was using the standard hatch in the front to dock to the station, so the docking system at the rear had to be allocated for the Alucard...

"We are currently docked with a shipyard. Transmitting explanation of your approach and docking to shipyard....done. As for Father, he is on the station, securing yet another vessel."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:17 pm

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Kairi faltered for a moment.

"Wow, that was an AI? I thought it was just a nice upgrade..."
She transmitted: "Right then, I'm on my way--should be there in about forty-five minutes. Switching to a different communications format and dropping out of FTL...

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:58 pm

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"Welcome back Kairi. We missed you." Kenji said over the comn system. "Can't wait to see the new toys."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:17 am

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Yumi watched in relative fascination as the doctor went about her work, feeling content for now to be nothing more than an observer. Yumi was a student of the human animal, after all, an actress. She could certainly tolerate observing and trying to understand the people around her, until it was a more prudent time for introductions. Like over dinner, that was usually a prudent time for introductions. It occurred to her. Did they have a regular dinner on the Yggdrasill? She couldn't imagine not having a regular dinner, but then these were uncivilized, brutal people living on the edge of space, raping and killing their way to glory and power...

Yumi smiled slightly at her train of thought. She would have to work that into a play sometime...

Right. She watched. Medicine was fascinating, really. She just didn't understand it.
Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:34 am

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Lyshana dropped out of the airvents "I'm a trained medic" She said, professionally "The arm's only bruised. Mind, give me enough time, and a vat of protean jelly, and I can fix your arm up so it won't bruise without several tons of suddenly applied force. There are disadvantages to that modification, though." She walked over to, then looked up at Toshiro "So I suppose you're hireing me? I need to get out of Nepleslia. 'cause I got wings on my back everyone thinks I'm a stuck up Elysian, won't give me work." She profs a hand "My name is Lyshana Seran. I'm a trained medic/psycologist. I'm also a biological engineer. I'm trained in the use of both advanced, and primitive, medical equipment. Here's my resume..." She pulled out her personal computer/laptop "Do you have a data-pad I can transmit it to?"

Fuzzball, sitting on her shoulder, got bored during her speach, and jumped off then bounced off the ground, ricocheting around like a deranged superball. Lyshana did not seem to notice, except to put a hand out, and grab it, the next time it bounced close to her.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 12:17 pm

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Eve tapped the side of her head and looked over at Shaun somewhat worried at first. He returned the gaze and walked over to her and leaned down to speak. "Whats up Eve? "

She shook her head and waved it off. "oh its nothing. I thought the captain may have been in trouble for a moment." He stared for a few seconds before replying "Oh, I didn't realize you were keeping track of him." nodded she said in a matter of fact tone "I'm trying to keep at least some level of eye on everyone. Never know what might happen."

Shaun just shook his head and tapped her on the nose softly "careful with that. People don't like being watched."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:05 pm

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Arin inhaled and exhaled as per the doctor's instructions. She tried to avoid looking at the doctor directly in the eye but found herself looking at the other people in the room. When did it suddenly get so crowded in here!?

Quadling seemed extremly pissed at Lyshana for her audacity. He ignored Toshiro's offer and shoved the Datapad into the hands of the man in the Demon Armor. "You handle it!" Before he walked out through the airlock rubbing his wound.

The guy in the Demon looked at the Datapad for a moment looking a bit clueless, and then at the captain. "Errr... Anything else?" He asked, his voice filtered through the helmet and intercom.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:02 pm

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Toshiro sighed, snd shook his head to the man in the Power Armor, before turning to the Elysian girl, shaking her hand.

"We can always use another Medic...the Yggdrasill is a salvage and rescue vessel, and sometimes we have unexpected wounded to assist...psychology would also be a big plus. We'll certainly get you off Nepleslia, and the going rate is 75KS a week, and two items a run...that's about 37.5 DA or 400 AE, in Nepleslian and Elysian currency you want to go to the ship? I'm going to sort out who is going to serve on what, then we can go. I own this ship now."

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:19 pm

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"done deal, then. Your hand!" She took his injured hand, and inspected it carefuly "So you're a Yamataian? You sure are tall. I've heard some.... interesting things about Yamatians and sex.... Are you really that promiscuous? I might spend most on my time hiding in the air ducts to get away if the answer is yes...."

She fidgeted like a high-strung falcon, her fingers and toes flexing nervously.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:25 pm

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Toshiro's face turned bright red at this question...

"...Um...some are...I only started learning about that recently...H-Hey, that's pretty personal!"

He said, surprised...

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:32 pm

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"Your hand's bruised, not broken. I could enhance your hands, you know, more sensitivity, better dextarity..." She said, after she finishes the inspection of the hand. She notices his face "Oh, good, I guess I don't have to worry about you sexually assaulting me. Good. You won't belive how many captins wanted 'favorers' for taking me. How about you're crew? Am I safe from them, or should I find a nice spot in the ducts to hide?"

her whole body moved and danced in place. She spoke a mile a minute too....

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:35 pm

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"Um...Yamataian and Neko hands are about ad advanced as our genome allows them to be...and you'll be safe, I think...just be careful of our Helashio. She's...playful, and doesn't like clothing. She's a bit like a half person, half pet, thinking she's our slave..."

He said, giving fair warning...

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:39 pm

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"Pfue on genes" She responded "Those build whole persons, so inefficient for a single, optimized part. Or for ajusting a part to elsewhere along the curve." Her grin was probably frightening. "I'm trying to build a biological spaceship." she told him "I build organisims from scratch, for fun. Fuzzball there was one of my first. Horible failure, but I keep it anyway."

Fuzzball chured, as if on cue.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:14 pm

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His eyes visibly widened, but returned to normal just as quickly...something about 'biological spaceship' had an effect...but he hid it as soon as it appeared.

"Very lofty goal...but such a ship may have its own wishes and needs...and I'd rather avoid modification beyond that tested by my might not be best for me, and my current body is quite nice..."
Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:28 pm

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"I'm working on it. I think I can manage dog-level intelligence.... and loyalty. I'm building other things in the meantime. Man, no one wants to volunteer for my experiments..."

She sighs, somewhat petulently. "Well, should I stay here, and set up shop, or do you want to take me to the other ship?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:49 pm

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"Hey, Captain, how did the purchase go?" Aendri inquired with the comm system. "We have a new ship?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:18 am

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After getting doused, shinji plopped down on the ground, wiping the foamy substance off. "Thanks, Ygg, I'll try to remember not to blow my pants up next time" He chuckled a bit, then looked up in suprise as he listened to the comms transmission "Who's Kairi, And why's we welcoming her back?" he asked Ken, rubbing the back of his head in mild confusion.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:18 am

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Toshiro smiled at the small woman...

"Well, I think it best that you meet everyone...then we'll divvy up the new crew from our current ranks."

Just then his communicator went off, Aendri's voice flowing through it. He picked it up and keyed the microphone in reply.

"Yes, and yet another crew member... It seems like we'll have enough people to fly her AND the Yggdrasill out of here, given how the crew size has almost doubled lately."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:32 am

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"Well, that makes life a bit easier. Oh, and in case you didn't hear, someone named Kairi is almost back" Aendri said, sitting back in his seat.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:26 pm

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Remi moved away, and now held the stheoscope in a hand as she moved to stand in front of Arin. "Breathing is normal, now...erm." She pointed to Arin's chest. "I must check your heartbeat, if you have no objections?" The docor asked, not making a move other then simply standing there.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:54 pm

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"Kairi is back? That was quicker than I'd planned, it works great though! We'll start loading the Sojourner with the Alucard's contents right away!"

Toshiro beamed, hearing Kairi had returned...he turned back to the Elysian.

"One more person for you to meet!"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:24 pm

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Aendri chuckled, slightly bemused at the captain's reaction. "Well, it all works out well."

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:55 pm

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"Well, I'm ready to meet everyone." Lyshana says, after some frantic work preening her wings.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:03 pm

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He nodded and began to lead Lyshana back to the ship, eager to interduce her, and meet Kairi again...
Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:19 pm

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Lyshana looks around the Yggdrasil. "Not many hiding places" she comments "I take it smuggling is not your buisness?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:29 pm

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The Alucard was on-scene now, and Kairi jostled the controls angrily.
"Activate the airlock controls, you kuso yarou!" she swore. "Yggdrasill, be advised, I'm going to have to manually clamp the airlocks on this junkheap to the other side, expect out-of-shuttle operations."

Within a minute of this announcement, a strange, ivory-white power armor unlike any before it jetted out of the airlock of the Alucard, wrestling the airlock back shut.
It was a ponderous machine, with a massive head and a clunky, cumbersome design. One of its 'hands' was a formidable-looking industrial grasper, which it used to clamp on to one of the handholds along the Alucard's hull.
Surprisingly, this single power armor, primitive-looking as it was, began to quickly tow the Alucard towards the Yggdrasill.

Her voice raspy from the pure oxygen feed in the armor, Kairi stated, "I'm going to manually attach the latches now, Yggdrasill. Confirm docking, please."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:49 pm

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Kenji sighed. "Kairi, when you get in, remind me to teach you how to make that thing work. It may be a temperamental junk pile, but it's reliable." he said, looking over the stats on it. "Got me through a year or so before getting on the Yggdrasil."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:37 pm

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Aendri sat back up in his seat, and opened the comm channel. "Docking confirmed ma'am, welcome back."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:17 pm

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The strange armor disappeared back into the Alucard, and within a few moments it cycled through the airlock onto the Ygg.

A loudspeaker on its 'face' crackled in Kairi's slightly distorted voice: "Well, what do you think I was doing for all that time on Yamatai? I had to fix this rustbucket up before I could move the stuff to be sold or transported here!"

The ponderous arms of the machine, which had "IRONMAN" engraved on one shoulder cover, moved up and pulled off the helmet with a pressurized hiss, slowly lifting it off and revealing a fiery-haired Nekovalkyrja with orange eyes.


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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:36 pm

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Arin was puzzled by the doctor's request. Were they not both of the same gender? Why the aprehension? Perhaps she was refering to something else? The reprisentative scanned the occupants of the room one more time before she leaned towards the doctor to whisper. "Do you need me to take off my shirt or something?"

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:38 pm

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Kenji grinned, looking at her. "No matter what you do, that ship will still be a temermental old bitch." he said, looking over the PA. "Very nice. Guess I can sell that generator now."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:59 pm

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"I can do so with your shirt on. It will muffle your heartbeat however." Remi whispered back. Truth be told she was simply being polite about the whole thing, and did not want to upset Arin.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:38 pm

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The hatch to the Yggdrasill opened, and Toshiro stepped in, hoping the halls wouldn't hinder his new crewmember...she had to have a fifteen to twenty foot Wingspan...

"Well, here we are...everyone, meet Lyshana. She's going to be joining her crew as another medic...the woman who just arrived is first-generation Yggdrasill crew, Senior Crewman Kairi Tohoe. Also, I'm asking for volunteers to man the new I have any takers?"

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:15 pm

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Lyshana grins, looking around the ship. "Fancy ship... I like the sojourner though. Lots of places to curl up and hide in when I'm feeling down. This ship is a lot tighter" she tells Toshi, with a "Hello" to anyone who notices their entrance.


Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:20 pm

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Kairi clomped towards Toshiro, looking down at him from her elevated position in the armor.

"Hey, Toshi-kun! I'd give you a hug, but I think the MASC circuitry would cause me to crush your body...

"I made five IronMan armors, along with enough parts for them to last about ten years without running out of parts. The parts apt to break many are stock parts that can be replaced by other companies."

She looked at Lyshana. "Uh, hi. So what brings you to the Ygg?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:11 pm

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Shaun looked up as Toshiro entered the room with a new crew member. Eve stood up and gave a small bow to her while Shaun just gave a small wave "Yo"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:43 pm

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"The shirt on please." Arin said as she warily eyed the other people in the Medibay. Won't affect the outcome much, I 'think' there is nothing wrong with me. When she finished her piece, she leaned back on the chair.

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:31 pm

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Lyshana looked at Kairi "Well, I wanted to go exploring, and unfortunately bought a ticket to Nepleslia. Bad move, they seem to hate anything with wings there. I was looking for a way to get off planet, since no captain would hire me, and tried to stow aboard. Surprisingly Mr. Yuki here hired me. I'm a medic."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:00 pm

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Kairi nodded absently. "'Zat so...? Well, Remi's here, but we could always use more support crew..."

The armor beeped insistently and vented some steam.

"Well, now, I should've charged the capacitors more before pulling this thing out to dock. Toshi-kun, I'll be in the women's quarters--I'll give you a yell if I need help with this thing."

She clomped heavily off, bumping her head lightly on the bulkhead.


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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:51 am

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Remi put on a small smile, as if reading Arin's mind. "I am sure you are fine, this is all a mere formality." She replied, putting the stethoscope up to Arin's chest, and began to concentrate. The doctor's ears twitched a little as she listed to the steady 'thump thump', 'thump thump' rhythmic beating of the Nepleslian woman's heart.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:13 pm

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Toshiro watched as Kairi left, before speaking to the crew...

"In light of Eve's...well...enhancement, she can be given a rank of Senior Crewman if she wants it, with the same pay and item scale as Shaun...assuming she is interested in working for me. Otherwise, she can become a passenger, like Yumi-san.

Again, I seek volunteers to serve on the Sojourner as its crew...there'll be promotions, trial periods, and new Captains as well...Do I have any volunteers?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:56 pm

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Oh oh! can I Shaun!? Eve asked grabbing his shoulders and bouncing around like a little kid.

"Whoa whoa calm down there turbo!." Shaun said reaching back and grabbing her arms to try and calm her down. "Why are you asking me? Its your choice, not mine."

Eve turned to Toshiro and nodded trying to speak in a serious tone. "I'd be honored to join the crew sir." Hearing this Shaun couldn't help but to burst out laughing. Eve turned and held her hands against her chin at Shaun "oooh your so mean!" Shaun on the other hand couldn't reply as he was trying not to die from laughing.

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:37 pm

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"I spent time on that ship learning the hiding spots, and you seem to already have a medic here. Further I expect my experiments would work better on a ship like that" Lyshana says. "If you fund my experiments, I will let you decide my priorities. And you can have the results free. Or you can just hire me as a medic, and make me pay myself for my experiments, in which case I will charge you for implementation."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:27 am

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Shinji raised his hand. "Cap'n, if I go to the sojourner, can I still blow shit up?" he asked, genuine concern on his face, even though he looked rather comical, with his burnt pants and soot covered body.

Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:25 pm

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"I'd love to go over...but the news that the Alucard is all but fixed kinda has me wondering." Kenji said, leaning on the wall.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:09 pm

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Toshiro sighs...

"...I had hoped that the Alucard would have been fully repaired in its conversion...I guess I'll buy some parts from this place to fix it then...and Lyshana, I will fund your experiments, but you have to get approval from me for each, okay? And I'll approve your transfer...And yours too, Shinji...assuming you don't blow up my ship or its already seem to have blown up your pants."

He looked to Eve, smiling. "Alright...First promotion. Eve, you're now a Senior Crewman. Also...If you want to pick a surname, this might be a good time to pick one."

He handed Eve a rank pin and a communicator...

"Consider yourself an equal crewman here, Eve...and Senior Officers, I need some Commanding Officers. Those who volunteer will be able to command one of these vessels, and a promotion on the spot to Elite Crewman....and later Captain if they do well for a mission or two. This comes with raises and more item claiming rights...I'd really like Ken and Kurio on the Alucard if possible, since Ken has experience commanding her...but that's after she's fixed up."

Toshiro composed a message to the shipyard telepathically, again requesting parts...

This is Yuki Toshiro seems my Equine-class ship requires part replacement, so I am interested in getting parts for it here, as well as a Forin shuttle...Can you tell me the price for a working Forin, and Equine Power systems, Controls, Docking System, FTL, and STL systems?

Yuki Toshiro
SRSS Yggdrasill

"...Any more volunteers for Sojourner service?"

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:15 pm

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"Can I be the medical officer in charge of any medical persons on sojourner?" Lyshana asks, with a grin. "Oh, also, I'd like permission to continue my current research on a biological multi-purpose tool. Fuzzball's a failed prototype of the tool. I think the materials for research will cost about 1,000 KS and for production will cost about 25 KS each."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:03 pm

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Toshiro nods, looking to Lyshana before speaking to her again.

"Sounds doable...and I'll approve that. How many do you plan to make in your prototype batch?"

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:23 pm

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"How many do you want me to make?" She asked, cocking her head curiously to the side. "I usually only make a couple prototypes."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:37 pm

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"I'll switch to one of the other ships if Kenji wants to stay here, sir." Aendri said. "I don't mind."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:57 pm

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Yumi blinked. She didn't have much, if any, desire to be on a different ship. This one seemed perfectly reasonable. Also... she really wasn't crew. She had no skills that would be even remotely useful, unless one of the ships wanted a cook..? She could probably do that.

She brushed a hand over her lips, feeling vaguely intimidated and uncertain. She would find Toshiro later, when all the confusion was at a rest, and discuss it with him then.

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:00 am

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"Actually, I love my dear POS ship, and as much as I do love piloting this fine piece of work, I'd love to have Alucard fully fixed up and running. Maybe just a LITTLE more room for movement?" Kenji said, smiling.

Kuiro looked up. "I heard Equines are small...are they?"

"Most of the time..its a 1 person ship, 3 at the absolute most."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:22 am

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Shinji laughed at the comment about his pants a bit embarrasedly, and muttered "made those 'fore I came here, i'm more careful now" mostly to himself, but then looked happy at the prospect of still being the demo expert. He then asked "When do we get ta see this new ship an' all, cap'n?", sticking his hands into the remnants of his pockets.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:25 am

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"Well, it has been stripped of all furniture, so we'll need to get some beds inside it, among other things...I also need to find a Commanding Officer for her. If none of our Senior Crewman want a try, I'll probably advertise for a Commander position, though it'll require previous for when you can see it, I'd like to finish up my business at this shipyard first."

Toshiro said, grinning ear to ear...

"And consider this experience, Ken. You've already attained your target goal, after earn enough for a Vampire. Once you sell that pod, I mean...and Lyshana-san....hmm...maybe five to start, then we'll go from there?"

Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:24 am

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"Alright." Lyshana said "Oh, since it's sponsored research you own a share of the rights... at least according to the laws on the planet *I* grew up on. That means that I make them for you for cost, and if I sell any, you get a percentage of the net income."

She looked around at the others, perhaps glaring a little "And I don't care if you're Yamatians, and used to it. Do not... do indecent stuff in front of your medical officer. I'm the one who gets to decide if you're proscribed normal meds, or one of my experements. Be careful, I'm crazy!" She ran around, shaking hands, and exhanging greetings. Fuzzball churred in distress, trying to hang on to the girl as she moved. She was flapping her wings to speed her motions among them.

She seemed more... overconfident then crazy. Under her forwards, in fact overly forwards outside, there was shyness lurking. She was pushing herself at people by force of will, and probably was overdoing it.

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:32 am

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"Hey...would the Alucard fit in the bigger ship?" Kenji asked, looking as if he had an Idea.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:01 pm

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Toshiro shook his head...

"No, Ken...I checked. We'll still have to tow the Alucard...and I haven't found a better engine for it yet..."

He noted Lyshana's...forceful efforts, and blinked as she seemed to go hyper...

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:51 pm

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Shinji got his hand shook. "..hey..?" was all he got out before the hyper elysian girl flapped away to a new person on the ship, leaving the Yamataian confused and a bit dumbstruck. He glanced at his pants, finally seeing the fullness of their ruination, and decided to do something about it. He merely saunterd away to the quarters and rustled through his bag, searching for his spares Damn, last pair, I need more He thought idly, switching the pants quickly while everyone else was tied up with the greetings.

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:35 pm

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"Alright. Was worth a thought though." Kenji said, nodding. "You sure this guy wouldn't have anything better engine wise?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:40 pm

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Kairi wandered back in, dressed in her usual black flightsuit with the red trim.
She held up an arm, which had a high-speed computer on some sort of bracer that seemed to be wired into a port on the skintight suit.=
"The Alucard needs the following parts repaired or outright replaced: The docking clamps, the airlock cycler, and the thrust vectors, though I wouldn't worry about the latter if we're just going to be getting some new propulsion systems for it anyway--they're really basically attached to the current engines and are a bit burnt."

She turned towards Kenji and inquired, "Ken, what were you doing to that poor rustbucket? It's like it's been through a woodchipper and then torched with a flamethrower."

She then sauntered up behind Toshiro and draped her arms over his shoulders, muttering in his ear: "I missed you, Toshi-kun..."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:54 pm

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Kenji smirked. "Welll...there was the fact that it was given to me by my previous employer....and it was already in bad shape."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:28 am

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Remi finally concluded the physical, and put her tools away as she sighed. The good doctor put her hands inside of her labcoat, and gave Arin a small smile.

"Well Arin, you have a clean bill of health, though if I may make one small suggestion, it would likely be a good idea to stop wearing that armor of yours." She replied looking to it, and back to Arin.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:38 am

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"I already asked, Ken. They don't...they're uncommon, and snatched up quickly. We'll have to keepo our eyes open and just tow her until then. At least the Sojourner's enhanced engines can manage a light year every ten minutes. It's not the Yggdrasill's light year per eight, but it is easily managable."

Toshiro blushed very slightly at the unexpected physical contact on Kairi's part, unsure of how to respond for a moment...

"I missed you too, Kairi-san. I think we all did...'Welcome Home' might be an appropriate thing to say right now."

He was beaming now, glad to have the Neko back on board the ship.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:59 pm

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Kairi grinned, squeezed Toshiro a bit, then disengaged. "It's good to be back... it got really boring cleaning out the warehouse, and there were a bunch of onore at the scrapyards and markets where I tried to sell... a lot of them tried to underpay me by far, but I punched them around a bit and they gave me a better price." She grinned sheepishly.
"So, you'll have to introduce me to the new crew members... did I hear you bought another vessel?"


Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:43 pm

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Toshiro nodded. "Yeah, a Sojourner class. For the time being, we don't have to pay that 200 KS a month at Midori No Umi...And we have quite a few new faces! There's Shinji-san and Aendri-san've met Lyshana...there's a Nepleslian woman named Arin who isn't around right now--she's from NAM...and this is Eve, in her new body!"

He directed her to each person who was present when saying their name, ending with the now busty and quite humanoid Eve...

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:50 pm

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"Hello Kairi. so, we only need to crew the sojourner and Yggdrasil at the moment, right Captain?" Aendri said.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:04 am

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"Oi, 'ello there miss Kairi, it's glad to meet a seaoned member of the crew, I just hope I don't screw up..." he looked around after his little intro, searching for something to do. Maybe he would try to meet the new crew that had just gotten on.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:28 am

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Arin was in the process of fitting the armor back on herself when the doctor gave her suggestion. "Eh?". She had been wearing the NAM LWC uniform for a good two years now and she is very used to it, in fact, Arin actually felt very snug in it. The uniform represented all she had lived for up to now for the company.

We have refurbished Forins for 5,000 DA. As for the Equine parts, all the components you have requested are in stock with the price totaling up to 10,000 DA. However, Mister Rafe would like to express his sincerest apologies over the Sojourner incident by offering you a discount of 2,000 DA. Your purchase(s) will be made available within the hour upon confirmation of sale.

Thank you for choosing Uncle Rafe's.

Visha Omar
Sales Operator

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:36 pm

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Remi turned back to Arin, blinking and now holding the tray of examination tools.

" is restricting your growth..." She let her eyes trail down to Arin's chest and back up again. The doctor smiled, and turned back around to put the tools away.

"Of course it is merely a suggestion, if you do not wish for them to grow, then the armor seems to be fit for it. If you do, leave it off. Regardless, you are a healthy young woman."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:50 pm

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Toshiro shook his head, to Aendri.

"The Equine needs crewed too, it just doesn't need as many people. It can't fly itself..."

His communicator beeped, a message appearing on the screen. Toshiro quickly replied, surprised at the discount.

Agreed. I will pay a total 13,000 KS for the parts and shuttle. Let me know when they are ready for inspection.

Yuki Toshiro, Captain
SRSS Yggdrasill SRSS-000

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:38 pm

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"experiments?" Shaun muttered to himself now looking somewhat worried. Eve just smiled and rubbed his back. "I doubt you'll have to worry about that. I'm sure she was joking."

"heh....I guess" he said. "Last experiment I was involved in....well you showed up." Eve laughed "haha oh I don't think you'd have to worry about another me running around the ship."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:09 pm

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Kairi peered over Toshiro's soldier at the message.

"Ah, good! This'll be a chance to test out the IronMan in outfitting essential parts to small craft." She held out her forearm to Toshiro, the computer making a soft chiming noise when it pulled up the IronMan's modular equipment outfit. "I made some tools that can be used with a few key sockets on the IronMan. They usually are self-powering, as the IronMan's capacitors are somewhat limited, but they have a wide range of uses." She tapped an icon on the arm-computer, and a particular piece of ivory-colored equipment was displayed on the screen, slowly rotating. "This is a plasma cutting and welding torch. We can use it to remove panels not necessary for the shape of the new modules, and to emplace key parts. Also available are attachments such as a rivet gun, a screwdriver array, and a Class Eight high-RPM drill."

"Any questions?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:29 pm

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Toshiro smiled, quite was similar in intent to the Yggdrasill's grapplers, though not as simplistic...

"Very nice...just how much power can it output to a device, and what weight capacity does each tool have?"

He stared at the projection in awe, obviously glad Kairi was back.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:24 am

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"Captain if I may ask." Shaun said as he stood up. "The intent of this group is salvage right? I mean sure search and rescue is obviously thrown in there as well, but what exactly are we going to do with these extra ships?"

Eve blinked in confusion as she took Shaun's seat. "Where exactly are you going with this Shaun?" Shaun just smiled and shook his head at her "I'm just curious is all. With the stuff we get mixed up in. I just want to know how we are branching out is all."

Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:47 am

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"My best guess, speaking for myself. is so that we can start hauling in more goods before having to go sell it all off." Kenji said, leaning on the wall again.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:42 pm

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Toshiro nodded, smiling.

"Ken hit the nail on the head. The Yggdrasill alone can only carry 30 items. However, a Yggdrasill, an Equine, a Forin, and a Sojourner combined can carry 250 items. Also, the Sojourner can act as a mobile base...the first time I got a base, it was blown up with Taiie. We also lost one at Lor which we never even got to use. A base which can move is an excellent investment."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:35 pm

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Kairi peered at Shaun and Kenji as she tapped the computer again, not sure what position she'd be in to say anything.

The computer spoke in a halting yet soothing female digitized voice somewhat like Kairi's, although higher-pitched:

IronMan standard unit is equipped with a medium-to-heavy outfit of M.A.S.C(Movement Augmentation Servo Circuitry) that can amplify the user's strength proportionally to much higher levels(preliminary tests indicate a minimum of 4 times strength without increasing capacitor drain). It is also suitable for a variety of environments, including but not limited to: terrestrial land-based action, zero-gee maneuvers, and hazardous environment operation (minimum temperature -200 degrees Fahrenheit, maximum not charted). The unit is outfitted with the Module Ring, a motorized collar-like system embedded into the forearms. This ring has a maximum modular tool capacity of eight units, however the usual maximum outfit is five units and three MRCPs(Module Ring Capacitor Pak), which provide extra power for the unit so as not to drain the main systems capacitor. The Module Ring is motorized to bring any of the tools into optimal working position. When not required, the Module Ring can be outfitted with eight MRCPs, increasing the IronMan's range significantly.

Kairi smiled at the absurd image that appeared in her head at Toshiro's comment about a moving base.

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:30 pm

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Kenji shuddered. "NO thanks Kairi. I'm sure their fine...but I'm just really uneasy with the idea of PAs. I'll stick to my ships, thanks." he said, looking slightly uneased. He began to walk a bit away, limping just slightly, his leg not looking fully right. Almost bent in a way.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:52 am

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Toshiro smiled, listening to the stats, and was about to speak when he blinked, and stared at Ken for a moment before speaking...

"You never set that leg properly when you broke it before, did you? Didn't I warn you before to make sure it was correctly fixed up?"

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:36 pm

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"I know I know...I thought I did, granted it WAS a while before we got any proper medical staff." Kenji said, sitting down. "As soon as our dear doctor is finished up, I'll go ask her to take a look at it."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:47 pm

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A blush spread over Arin's face from hearing the Doctor's words. Supressing a feeling welling up inside her she grabed up the shortcoat she had not put on yet and backed out through the doorway while Remi's back is turned. She passed by Yumi without saying a word and headed to the Engineering bay as quickly as she can.

Mr Yuki, your requested part(s) and ship(s) has been deposited at Cargo Bay 3 on the Sojourner. A recipt of your purchase is attached to this message. Defective parts should be returned within seventeen(17) days for a warranty claim. Uncle Rafe's is not responsible for any damages and/or injury beyond this period.

Thank you for choosing Uncle Rafe's.

Visha Omar
Sales Operator

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:53 am

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Toshiro smiled at the communication he recieved from the shipyard, and this grew to a grin...

"Kairi-san and Arin-san, when she's available...can you two help me fix the Alucard? I purchased parts, as well as a Forin shutle to attach to the Quick Dock system. From now on it'll be the SRSS-001-1...and it can supplement the equine by acting as a surrogate bridge and storage area, though it can't hold a lot..."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:27 pm

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Kairi grinned, muttering "Excellent..." before thumbing a control on her computer, which beeped a curious beep and then appeared to go into standby.
"So, which operation will we start with? Depending on which one I may have a recommendation for the procedure we should use."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:35 pm

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*Would like to point out you called Toshiro, Yaichiro in your last post, Tosh.*

Remi's ears twitched a little as she heard the scuffle of feet. Turning about, the doctor noticed Arin had left, and frowned a little. The doctor sighed, and shook her head briefly.

"Now I wonder if I have offended her or not." She said aloud before turning back around to sterilize the tools, seeming to have forgotten Yumi was there.


Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:20 pm

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"Oh? What would that be, Kairi-san?"

Toshiro asked, wondering what it was Kairi wished to try...

"Miyoshi-Hakase. Ken is enroute. Apparently an old fracture is acting up, and has healed in a crooked position."

Yggdrasill notified the doctor, giving her a chance to prepare and restraints and tools necessary for the job...which could require re-breaking the limb.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:42 pm

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"If we were to install the new engine systems first, then I would recommend that we brought the IronMan armors and the Alucard into the vacuum and installed them in zero-gee. Provided we were repairing the airlock, it would only be logical to be in a one-gee or more environment with atmosphere--otherwise, of course, we'd have to decompress the ship, a dangerous and arduous process if you don't want the ship to implode like a tin can when you open the lock." She checked her computer, and then announced, "The capacitors on the IronMan armor that I used to manually connect the airlocks are fully charged as of two minutes ago. The air supply automatically refills itself when the surrounding atmosphere is breathable... The other armors are all fully charged as well. It's up to you, Toshi-kun."
She cleared her throat. "I have enough armors for the Ygg, but it appears that we're going to be increasing our little armada significantly. We should discuss this soon..."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:44 pm

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"Kairi-chan, make as many as you think we'll need, because after that I'm selling the thing. Now if you excuse me.." Kenji said, getting up and walking to the infirmary.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:44 am

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Shaun sighed looking at Eve. She was already aware of what he was likely going to say and simply nodded. "Captain. I switch over to one of the other ships if you'd like. It seems with the Yggdrasill being aware that the weapon systems likely don't really need many of watching over on this end.

Eve on the other hand was scanning data about the other vessels to memory. All the while humming playfully to herself.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:08 pm

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Kairi watched Kenji worriedly as he limped away, not saying anything but nodding at the statement about the power armor chamber.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:03 pm

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Toshiro looked to Shaun, thinking carefully for a moment.

" is likely, however, that you would be in a command role if that happened. Can you handle that? Also..."

He turned to Eve, a soft look on his face.

"Eve, you're an equal member of the crew can go with Shaun to the new ship if you want, stay here, anything you want to do, really. On this ship, you're not considered his property, and I'd consider any request you made on an equal do you want to do?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:33 pm

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"Hey, Captain. Could I take a position on the Sojourner? I could be the pilot there." Aendri said, thinking to himself.

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Le Blue Dude

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:34 am

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Lyshana had calmed after the initial introductions, and was now people watching, a studious look on her face. Her eyes watch the others as she tries to figure out how everything works here from snippets of conversations. her fingers gently stroked the churring Fuzzball. In reaction to Kairi she grinned to herself. "I could make those" she muttered softly

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:35 pm

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Shinji wandered the Ygg, searching for the new people, hoping to meet a few of them. He came upon Yumi just outside of the med bay and said "Hey there, Miss, i'm Shinji, what's your name?" and held out his hand for a greeting.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:40 pm

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Shaun rubbed his chin for a moment thinking the situation over. Eve turned around from the monitor and leaned back in the chair smiling a Shaun. "Yeah Captain. I can handle that." He said suddenly as he lowered his hand from his chin.

"I'll come too!" Eve said as she bounced out of the chair.


Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:34 pm

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Kairi peered at her wristcomp, then nodded. "Yeah, I think I can handle leading that operation--I trained with the IronMan for a couple weeks prior to heading back to you guys."

Not hearing Lyshana's offer to make more IronMan units, Kairi leaned against a wall with a pen(she seemed to have conjured it out of nowhere) in between her teeth, watching and waiting.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 1:15 pm

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"Alright, we'll transfer the items to the Sojourner, send a crew, and get the Alucard repair items to be stored on the Alucard herself, and equip the Alucard's Quick Dock with the Forin...We will do what we can in Zero G or from inside, and then look for a safe site to land and complete her repairs."

He looked to the volunteers, and nodded.

"Alright...Shaun, Ken, Kairi, and Miyoshi-Hakase are, as of this moment, Elite Crewmen. Shaun has interim command of the Alucard with Eve as his XO. Aendri will be his pilot and Lyshauna will be their resident doctor and biologist. You may have others joining you, especially if Arin-san elects to follow Eve to the new vessel.

Shinji can transfer if he elects, but his demolitions experience may be more practical on the Yggdrasill which will actually be encountering such instances more than a mobile base.

Ken and Kurio, upon their choice and the Alucard's repair, can transfer as CO and...uh...XO/Mascot?

Anyway, upon some successful runs, and the showing you can properly command a vessel, I will upgrade the deserving to Captain in rank, and increase my own rank to Commodore or Admiral, depending on how many Captains are born from this. Questions?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 4:11 pm

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"Just two. In general, what might we encounter, as your mobile base?" Aendri asked. "And what kind of time between landfalls?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:13 pm

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"One of those I could answer possibly." Remi chimed in from the medbay.

"Would likely encounter injured, damaged ships in need of assistance, salvage ops and the like. I would imagine along the same lines as the Yggdrasill all in all."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:45 pm

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Kenji sighed, leaning on the door jam. "Hello, Doc. I need my leg fixed." he said, coming in.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:58 pm

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Getting no response from the girl, shinji turned to the next person "Oh, hey Ken, how ya doin? Sumthin' wrong with ya?" He said noticing the other man as he kinda hobbled up to the door.

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:52 am

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"Old injury. Needs to be fixed before it becomes a problem." Kenji said, saying all he thought the other guy needed to know.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:45 am

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Remi blinked a little at Ken's request, but nodded as she moved over to him. The doctor took the man, and leaned him against her, walking him to a bed, and lifted him up with ease onto the bed in a seated position before she bowed in apology. "It was quicker..." She replied before clearing her throat.

"Now, you need your leg fixed?" She asked, blinking. "Don't your healing abilities help? You should be able to heal you are Yamataian, and have accelerated healing."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:34 am

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"Yes, but accelerated healing doesn't help if you didn't get it correctly aligned in the first place. All I had time to do was splint it." Kenji said, sitting down.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:32 pm

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"Also, all Elite Crewman will have the right to an additional 100 KS of pay, and at minimum an extra item. Elite Crewmen in charge of a ship will have the right to an extra 100 KS on top of that and 5 items, increasing to ten over time."

Toshiro said, smiling.

"Command has its perks, people."


Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:43 am

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"I'll stay." Arin voiced her decision from the back of the room, wiping engine oil off her hands with a rag. Her uniform, body armor and everything was back on her exacly as before. The Representative's face had a serious expression as she tried to put the doctor's advice out of her head for the moment.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:56 am

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Shinji grunted in affirmation as Ken walked by, before going back to where Toshiro was. "What's this talk of stayin' an' leavin'? I wanna check out this 'soujourner' before I make my decision" He said to Toshiro, looking at the taller man.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:40 pm

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Toshiro nodded at Shinji, understanding his sentiments.

"You're free to go over and look at it at any time, Kai...I doubt we will need your demolitions skills in the Alucard's repairs, after, should we get started? Kairi-san? Arin-san?"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:01 am

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Kairi grinned. "Suit up."
She walked a few steps towards the docking area and looked back expectantly.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:46 am

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"Well, Ken-san, I need to know more about your injury if I am to treat it properly, like what was used to fix it, or in this case jury-rig it." Remi replied as she felt along his leg experimentally. "I could do one of two things without your telling me about the injury however..."

The doctor rose to her feet, hands in her pockets, a mild expression on her face. "One, I rig it again as it was before, or two, I perform surgery to fix the problem entirely, and make your leg as good as new. I am quite proficient in surgery Ken-san, so your worries would be minimal, but tell me about your injury would help me to identify any unforseeable problems."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:52 pm

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"'s a gun wound, and all I could do at the time was splint it. It happened right before the Yggdrasil picked me up." Kenji said, sitting down. "I didn't think it was so crooked, but you're the first actual doctor I've seen in a while...and it's just started to effect my walking."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:57 am

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Remi sighed as she went to prep the surgical area. The doctor going over things rather meticulously, making sure everything was sterile, and ready for use.

"Did you at least remove the bullet?" She asked, taking a stab at it being a solid round projectile. If it had been an energy round, she'd have chalked the chances of him keeping his leg to about twenty five percent, had it not been a direct hit.

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:34 pm

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"It was a gun that the bullet went right through. So far as I know, nothing was shattered...I wouldn't have been walking if it was." Kenji said, sighing.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:42 pm

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The doctor nodded a little as she continued preping the area. Once done, she looked over to Ken, and began to button up her lab coat.

"Please, this way, there are medical gowns in the cupboard there," She pointed to one close to her, and then to a curtain. "It will be a minor surgery, and shouldn't take more then an hour or two, I will put you under so you don't feel pain. Also, by the time you wake up, your leg will have fully healed, and your injury will likely be better. If I am unable to completely heal it, I can at least make it not a hindrance for you anymore."

Remi sighed before activating the ship's internal comm. "Remi, to Toshiro, I am about to operate on Ken's leg in case you were wondering where he maybe. It is only a minor surgery and should only take an hour or two for the surgery itself, and about an hour for the anesthesia to wear off, and for his leg to heal."

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:31 pm

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Kenji nodded, walking over, getting a gown, and going to the changing area, and slipping into it. "So long as I'm not limping anymore."


Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:24 pm

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"Roger." Arin replied to the captain, tucking her trusty datapad under her arm while she walked past Kairi over to the docking area. She did not greet the neko nor looked at her direction, her mind snapped into a professional mode once she was given a job.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:22 pm

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Yaichiro followed, briskly stepping across the threshold from the Yggdrasill to the Alucard...the blue and white paint scheme was a vest improvement over the grey, he he started to get into an Ironman, still clothed, he replied to Remi.

Understood, we'll try and effect repairs while he's under to the Alucard...and in case you haven't been informed, I've promoted you to Elite Crewman, effective ten minutes ago. Ken as well. As of right now, you and Kairi share the equivalent status of co-XO.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:47 am

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Ahh, well, thank you captain. Remi replied, lowering Ken gently back, and giving him an assuring smile. She hooked him to an I.V that held a slow, and steady drip of a healing inhibitor, to prevent Ken's wound from healing over too quickly. The doctor injected him with the anesthesia, now waiting for him to go under.

"Ken, please count backward from one hundred for me." She asked him kindly as she waited, and prepared the tools.

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:50 am

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"100...99....98..." was all Kenji could say before going out. Even though he had a nap earlier, he was still very much tired.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:36 pm

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The doctor sighed silently as she went over to his leg, rolled up the gown enough to get to the area, and promptly sterilized it. Once done, she picked up a laser scalpel to begin.

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Kylen Phylar

Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:47 pm

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Luckly for her, it was his lower leg.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:31 pm

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(And for him too, probably.)

Toshiro moved around in the IronMan for a moment, trying to make sure he got used to the controls a bit. His was a Custom model with a rounder head, SLIGHTLY more anthropomorphic than the other models, as requested...

"Finally, a Power Armor big enough to hold me! great work, Kairi-san!"

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:38 pm

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Kairi grinned. "Glad you like it." Her own IronMan she was in, emblazoned with a black stripe along the green panels of the armor, was making a hydraulic psst sound as it warmed up, a low thrum of its capacitors starting.

"You'll need to place the headpiece on the collar and chin the large green button in the corner--it'll seal and won't unseal until it detects atmosphere."

She placed her own IronMan's headpiece on, and it made a strange noise not unlike opening a gigantic refrigerator, followed by a hiss.

The loudspeaker crackled and Kairi spoke: "First-time-run pointers will pop up as needed--I worked hard to make that aspect of the programming work."

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:20 pm

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As Remi worked, she took special care. Placing the laser scalpel down, the doctor then began to work on the inside of his leg, at a slow, but steady pace. She wore a frown at the job htey'd done on the leg by splinting it. "No wonder he's been having trouble." She muttered under her breath before she began to reset it.

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Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:43 am
O1 Shoi

Location: South East Asia

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Arin went into one of the general uncustomized IronMan that Kairi brought with her. As the Representative's datapad had no information regarding the Power Armor, Arin did what she could with her basic ELEMENTAL training while looking over at both Toshiro and Kairi once in a while for reference.

When it was done, Arin flexed the IronMan's arms and checked the display. Her instructors back at NAM noted her difficulty in piloting the standard M2 WATER2 Power Armor, but the simplicity and ease (If not limited) movement and mobility of the IronMan suited her just fine. She paid close attention to the pop ups that appeared on her screen while looking up once in a while to keep the Captain in her sight.


Post subject: Re: (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia
New postPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:00 am

Location: Colorado

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Aendri headed towards the airlock to the sojourner, but paused before heading through. "Captain, should those of us assigned to the Sojourner move our stuff over there now?" He awaited an answer, simply fiddling with his belt outside the airlock.

Toshiro did as Kairi indicated, and followed the prompts on the HUD. His chin easily hit the button once the helmet was on, and the Power Armor was soon ready to go.

He moved around a bit, having never used a Power Armor before...he was a complete newbie, unlike the other two, who had at least MINIMAL experience.

"No, Aendri-san. The Sojourner doesn't yet have beds in it, nor is it stocked with furniture. We'll be transferring things from the Alucard to it first, then we'll repair the Alucard. In fact...I have work for Shaun...Yggdrasill, can you please tell Shaun to go down to Nepleslia or to the Space Station and purchase bedding and basic furniture? I will grant a 5,000 KS allowance for the essentials. He can take whoever he needs to help who isn't currently busy."

Yggdrasill chimed in, carrying the message to Shaun.

"Shaun, your first function as a ship's commander is to take a shuttle to Nepleslia or Ayenee Space Station, and purchase essential furniture such as bedding and the like for your new ship. Toshiro has granted you 5,000 KS for the essentials. Take whoever you wish who is not preoccupied to assist you."
Toshiro did as Kairi indicated, and followed the prompts on the HUD. His chin easily hit the button once the helmet was on, and the Power Armor was soon ready to go.

He moved around a bit, having never used a Power Armor before...he was a complete newbie, unlike the other two, who had at least MINIMAL experience.

"No, Aendri-san. The Sojourner doesn't yet have beds in it, nor is it stocked with furniture. We'll be transferring things from the Alucard to it first, then we'll repair the Alucard. In fact...I have work for Shaun...Yggdrasill, can you please tell Shaun to go down to Nepleslia or to the Space Station and purchase bedding and basic furniture? I will grant a 5,000 KS allowance for the essentials. He can take whoever he needs to help who isn't currently busy."

Yggdrasill chimed in, carrying the message to Shaun.

"Shaun, your first function as a ship's commander is to take a shuttle to Nepleslia or Ayenee Space Station, and purchase essential furniture such as bedding and the like for your new ship. Toshiro has granted you 5,000 KS for the essentials. Take whoever you wish who is not preoccupied to assist you."
Shinji sat just outside the Med Bay, engrossed in building harmless little poppers for amusement. he was having trouble finding his little bits of rock that provided the friction to make the tiny bags of gunpowder pop. He had resorted to searching his boots, pockets, and even his burnt up old pants, as evidenced by the footwear and still slightly smoldering pants sitting in a pile near him. The Yamataian only managed to find 5 suitable rocks. He shrugged and made 5 little poppers. Obviously he would have to choose when to pop these things very carefully, but that's where the fun in it was.
The Yggdrasill, again, activated its sprinker system and doused Kai with water from the ceiling...was that a ...giggle?

Yggdrasill then spoke in a stern voice to Kai, though it was a false sternness.

"Those cause little marks wherever they're used, and I don't want them on my nice, clean floor. Please respect the 'body' I am inhabiting. Father considers me alive now."
Lyshana, uncertain of what to do, pulled out some of her tools, and started 'doodling'. Using a few simple programs to build small critters in a virtual environment on her personal computer. Mostly small insect-like creatures with beautiful markings, and large, large wings. her own wings quivered as she worked, perhaps with pride or concentration.
The sudden downpour caused Shinji to jump, Looking up at the nearest speaker, he said "Sorry Ygg, I forgot 'bout that. I won't pop these things inside you. Now that soujourner..." he trailed off, a small grin on his face. I can spook people pretty nice in there, make 'em think the ship's bout to die he chuckled a bit, his prankster side getting the better of him. He picked up his gear and walked to the bunk room, to get a dry shirt.
Not getting a reply from Shaun, Toshiro shrugged his shoulders and decided to wait until later...perhaps the suit was interfering with communications?

"Alright everyone...let's disengage the Alucard and do what we can from outside the ship, okay?"

Soon, the Alucard detached from the Yggdrasill, drifting ever-so-slightly from the main ship...
Remi went about cleaning the medical tools meticulously. Somewhat wishing the Yggdrasill had a nodal system. She sighed a little despite herself. Such little conveniences where taken for granted unfortunately by her kind. While she did not mind getting her hands dirty, having something to whisk the blood off your tools every once in a while would have been kind of nice.

She continued to clean, and placed them on a clean tray before putting them back in their proper place before going to check on Ken. The anesthesia she'd given him would be wearing off fairly soon, and she'd disconnected him from the healing inhibitor drip so that his leg would close on its own. The doctor checked it for good measure, noting it was nearly done healing. About five or ten more minutes and he'd only have a red area from where the incision was made, and a little while longer and that too would be gone, and not so much as a scar would be left behind.
Kenji did indeed begin to stir, murmuring lightly. Slowly he sat up, rubbing his head. " sleep I've gotten in a long while...maybe it's a good thing we have another pilot." he said slightly out loud, noticing the red spot. "Meh...scar would be cool, but annoying. Oh well. As long as it's all fixed up." he commented, looking over to Remi. "My thanks, Doctor."
"You are quite welcome Ken. Just try to be more careful from now on ok?" Remi asked as she began to examine the spot on which she operated. The doctor massaged it a little, squeezed, and even prodded it slightly as she felt the bone through the muscle of Ken's leg.

"Hmm, you've healed nicely. The redness will disappear in about fifteen minutes of or so."
"I had to reset the bone. In other words I had to break it, and then put it back into place, and I used several different medicines to assist in the healing process. Your leg is as good as new now. But, just for consistencies sake, do you feel any pain, discomfort, anything at all in your leg?" The doctor asked.
"During? No. I was having the best nap of my life. Before? A little. I don't feel any now, though." Kenji said as he stood up, stretching his fixed leg a little.
"Hmm, then that is good to hear. Be sure to eat something, to help in your recovery. I had to use inhibitors to stall the healing process of your leg while I operated. Meaning you used up a bit of your body's nutrients." The doctor explained and waved a hand in the air casually.

"You'll be fine though."
Toshiro contacted Remi, a bit concerned...the message's priority was manually set to low, apparently so Remi could ignore it if she was in mid-surgery.

Miyoshi-hakase, how is the surgery coming? Is Ken doing alright?
He is awake, and currently getting dressed. His surgery went well, and his leg is as good as new. Came Remi's reply upon receiving Toshiro's. The doctor sighed a moment, and sat in her chair behind her desk.
Having put on a dry shirt, Shinji noted he was running out of clean clothes. In fact, he was running out of clothes period. Crap, i shoulda bought more stuff at the starbase! he chided himself, sauntering over to the medbay, and peeking in to see that the surgery was over. Walking up next to Ken, he asked "How'd it go? feelin' all better?"
Kenji nodded, coming out and putting his shirt on. Probably the one thing Shinji would notice first would be the giant dragon on his right arm. "It was alright. Leg's all straight, and I'm not gonna be limping."
"Nice, now you won't seem like such an old man" Shinji commented with a smirk. He noticed the red dragon on his crewmate's arm "How'd you get one a those? everytime I try the hemosynthesis makes it dissapear in a coupla hours" The Yamataian said, pointing at Ken's tattoo.
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