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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia

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"No Eve, that is called crying it is perfectly normal." Remi replied as she checked the monitors again. She looked down and sighed. The doctor slipped a hand into her pocket pulling out a syringe, and a bottle. Her scans had shown he was ill, one that was well, out of the ordinary to say the least. Sticking the syringe into the bottle, she began to pull the plunger up.

"This is a more aggressive anti-biotic, but a subtle one too. No side-effects so far from all the testing that was done on it. It'll attack the illness and get rid of it hopefully. This is my only bottle too considering it was a little hard to produce." She tapped the needle, and then slipped it inside of the I.V, injecting it into the hose. Once done, she went to a cabinet and began to rummage around.
Serenity, the long since absent Helashio had finally reappeared. She came into the medbay, sniffing around a little as she made her way over to the bed where the others were, watching them carefully. Seemed that the others were surrounding a bed, watching the man that usually sat at the board with pretty lights on it.

"Why watch man? Man hurt?" Serenity asked in rather broken English, tilting her head a little as she swished her tail back and forth, watching the others. Scratching at her uncovered stomach, she wondered why the man wasn't waking either.
Toshiro looked to Serenity, answering her question...

"He's very tired...He's so tired he fell asleep and got sick. He's going to sleep for a while before he wakes up...and I need to pick a new Sojourner CO if he doesn't recover.."
After determining that Shaun was comatose and would be indefinitely out of action, Toshiro returned to the bridge and seated himself. Eve sat down in Shaun's chair, albeit hesitantly, still a bit wet around the eyes...

"...Ken, Kurio, please report to Alucard and prepare for salvage operations. Aendri report to the helm. Currently Sojourner assigned personnel are instructed to remain on Yggdrasill until an alternate Commanding Officer can be found for Sojourner...

In addition, due to the activation of the Alucard, I now officially control two ships in active operation. Due to this, I am exercising my right to advance my own rank to that of Commodore."

After placing a new pin on his chest, one with more striped behind the Yggdrasill totem, Yaichiro sent a communication out, advertising for the CO and some additional crew...

Due to a critical illness of the planned CO, openings have opened on a Sojourner-class vessel, which is one of the ships under my command. The ship is as of yet unnamed and unfurnished, though I do possess funds to refurnish the vessel.

The following are requested for service aboard the unnamed Sojourner, though some may also be hired for service aboard my main ship, the SRSS Yggdrasill.

Commanding Officer:
Previous Command Experience Required. Former Military Service a plus (Yamataian, Nepleslian, or Elysian. Honorable Discharge, Officer standing prefered.)

First Officer:
Previous Command Experience Preferred. Former Military Service a plus (Yamataian, Nepleslian, or Elysian. Honorable Discharge, Officer or Higher Soldier standing prefered.)

Engineers can have varying fields of training and expertise, will be considered by submission. Starship Engineers will have a basic grasp of STL and FTL propulsion, Power Systems, System Control, Sensor Repair, etc. Salvage Engineers can be as various, though military service and/or formal education are always pluses. Knowledge of multiple races' technology is a major plus.

Medics must be able to act quickly to heal the injured we sometimes rescue on our salvage runs. Must be trained in a variety of medical equipment and procedures, as well as in on-site First Aid. The more races one can treat, the better.

Power Armor Pilots:
Power Armor Pilots are needed to gather and inspect salvage before it is brought on the ship, recover fragile items, and even defend the ship from hostiles. Weapons Knowledge a plus. Former military training a plus.

Pay is weekly with opportunities for advancement, as well as pay in salvage. Generous bonuses in starting wages for former Military personnel.


Yuki Toshiro, Commodore
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-001)
SRSS Alucard (SRSS-001)
Kenji nodded, and walked with Kurio to the smaller ship, and squeezed into it. "We're in the ship. Give me a second or three to get to the cockpit and squeeze in."
Aendri cocked his head and listened. "Great, I wonder what happened now..." He then headed off through the ship, going to the bridge, muttering under his breath the whole way.
"Right...As soon as Alucard signals readiness, I want us to go into the salvage area. Now Ken, remember that the Alucard is nowhere near as swift as the Yggdrasill. You'll have to make use of the Dynamic Thruster Drive even more than usual, and don't hesitate to pulse your Faster-Than-Light systems if you have no alternative. Just don't go into Nepleslia's atmosphere with them."

Toshiro then toggled communications...

"Arin-san, please be ready to assist in salvage analysis--you're our resident NAM expert, after all."
"Rodger that. Alucard is ready for salvage." Kenji said as he sat down at the controls. "All lights are green. Manipulator arm is at full function."
Shinji looked up at all the action that suddenly began. His hopes rising form something exciting. When Toshiro finished talking, Shinji shouted a loud "Yahoo! let's get salvaging!"
(Yggdrasill can hold 30 items, Alucard 60. The Forin that Alucard has on its QuickDock can hold ten. This time, we're going for a total of 100 items.)

"Understood, commence operation. Let me know if you find anything interesting, anyone! Remember that it's illegal to throw something away once you've made proximity contact."

The Alucard and Yggdrasill began to salvage, and both soon managed to find something interesting. Alucard soon found a busted up and very headless WATER 2a drifting in space.

Yggdrasill, meanwhile, had found a blob of antimatter, and Yaichiro was pondering what to do about it...

"Aendri, you're about to learn one of the responsibilities of salvage--cleaning up the environment we make our money from. Since we're obligated to salvage what we find, we have to clean this up. Now, Yggdrasill is actually fairly well equipped to deal with this.

What I want you do to is to have one of the Cargo Bay Internal Grapplers to reach into engineering, and pull out an Antimatter Containment Canister. Have them pass it off to one of the grapplers, and use the other grappler's pulser to CAREFULLY propel the antimatter into the container...this is very dangerous, so be EXTRA careful..."
Kurio sang a little ditty while keeping track of what was found, while Kenji ran everything else. "We found a headless WATER 2a suit. No helmet to be seen at the moment." the little penguin reported, and he wrote it down. The Armor was brought in and stored on the Forin shuttle.

"We'll check it out in the Yggdrasil's cargo bay. I'm not squeezing back there to look at it." Kenji said almost instantly.
Aendri raised his eyebrows, then turned to the console. "Roger that. Be extra careful." With this, he began to work, first getting the container, holding it very carefully, and passing it off to the grappler carefully. He then activated the pulsar, and slowly started moving the anti-matter into the Canister.
Aendri succeeded, and the grappler closed the container, taking it back to the airlock for storage, purification, and later use...

"Alright, we can use it for fuel--you have a hit! Over...here, in 128 mark 17..."

Upon approach, it could be seen that a few Elemental Armor parts, specifically a P/P System for an AIR2 and a Laser Array, appeared on the viewscreen.

"Aendri, bag it and tag it."
"Alright. Kurio, I need you to hop into the cargo bay and into the shuttle and examine the catch of the day, alright?" Kenji asked, as he took a short break to stretch.

The small penguin nodded, and scurried into the shuttle.

A few moments later, he came back, visibly shaken. "We have a dead body in that armor..."
Arin was in the cargo bay of the Yiggdrasill going through the initial scans of the M2. By the looks of it, it is going to need the Assembler treatment before we can get it running again. Among the damage readouts, the loss of the head unit provoked a thought within the representative. The MEC had activated... Something terrible must have happened here.

She then subconciously twirled a lock of hair near her temples. This must be life out here in space, not knowing when you'll just suddenly kneel over, like that Shaun guy... I wonder what is Eve feeling. Putting her trusty datapad aside, Arin walked over to one of the built in consoles to establish contact with the bridge. She adjusted her tie while she was waiting for the commlink to establish "Captain, I'll be needing your signature on a few Company related documents at the end of day now that NAM Military hardware has been found. In the meantime I request permission to head over to the Forin to further examine the M2."
"Granted." Came Toshiro's reply.

"We're about to bring in two parts from what appears to be the remnants of the AIR2 here, as well. You can inspect whatever you wish, and take a shuttle from our shuttlebay if you choose, or use an Iron Man."
Aendri simply nodded, a bit shaky from moving the dangerous anti-matter. "Should I bring them in separately, or together Captain?" Waiting for an answer, he moved the grapplers out towards the materials, but waited for a response.
"Arin, your gonna have to hurry. I'm not exactly going to stop salvaging for one body. Luckly, it's the last thing in the shuttle, so it should be relatively easy to get to." Kenji said over the comn link.
I can do this! Arin reassured herself. Taking some time to put on her Ironman suit as this was only her second time, she compensated for the time loss by jetting out of the airlock towards the Forin at top speed. A slight miscalculation together with barely passing grade Power Armor skills caused the representative to activate the reverse thrusters a little too little and a little too late. The occupants of the shuttle would hear a dull 'thud' as she hit the sides of the ship very ungently. "*Kshhhhh* Kenji, this is Arin. I've got a handhold, you may proceed as normal."
"Both at the same time." Toshiro said, before wincing at a video feed of Arin's...less-than-delicate interception...

"Good thing we haven't detailed the Forin just yet...are you alright, Arin-san? And...what's that looped on your arm?"

If Arin would look down, she'd see that a loop of wire had helped to throw her off course...on the end of the loop was a starship's Black Box...
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