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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia

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"There are ways to bypass the hemosynthisis." Remi's voice called from over at her desk as she relaxed. Her ears had been twitching from hearing the conversation.
The repairs to the Alucard had recently been completed, and a junk of junked parts from the ship were now in the Sojourner's cargo bay...as Toshiro returned to the bridge after having removed the Ironman Custom.

"...Hey Shaun...you asleep on the job?"

Irritated that the highest ranking person not away or participating in a surgery was asleep, and had not answered his communication, he put his hand on the man's shoulder from behind the chair...he did not wake. it was now he noticed a VERY concerned Eve holding his torso, very tightly.

"He....He won't wake up..."

Toshiro was in action within moments. A gurney used for rescue victims was used to wheel Shaun toward the Medbay.

Miyoshi-hakase, something has happened to Shaun. Prepare for an emergency scan!
Remi perked up as Toshiro's voice came to her mind, and she got to her feet. Looking to Shinji, and Ken the doctor moved over to the examination table, and began to set everything up for the scan. "You two, if you're done in here I have an emergency on my hands."

The doctor then went back to her work. Anything particular wrong with him, visible signs, symptoms, has he been acting oddly, anything at all? She asked.
He has lost consciousness entirely. There's some mild perspiration. Eve has been unable to revive him.

Toshiro telepathically issued, just before Eve and Toshiro entered the Medbay with the gurney.

"I don't know what's wrong, but something bad is obviously wrong. Shaun does NOT lose consciousness at his post."
Lyshana notices the emergency. She enters the medbay following after the gurney. She doesn't even ask permission, just walks over to the downed man, and begins pulling stuff out of her med-kit, running scans with her own, primitive, equipment. She's silent, and serious, and doesn't seem inclined to discuss with the others.

This, by the way, is a major breach of med-bay etiquette.

(OOC:she hasn't gotten on the other ship yet, I think)
"special Ink, huh?" Shinji managed to say before being pulled out of the way by Ken, watching as Shaun was pulled past on the gurney very quickly "The hell?" he said, before a tiny winged person jumped into the Med bay after the gurney. There was a look of shock on Shinji's face as this unfolded in a matter of seconds before him.
"Yeah. I'll tell you soon. Right now, I need you to go the the bridge and wait there, alright? I'll be up in a second." Kenji told Shinji, looking at him gently.
Shinji nodded to Ken, eyes still agape, but he was calming down by now. Everything had gotten so serious all of a sudden, and he didn't like it. he wanted to do something to lighten the mood, but he just couldn't. So instead he walked to the bridge glumly and sat down in his chair, and stared blankly at the console.
"Excuse me." Remi said in a rather clipped tone upon seeing the Elysian hovering over her patient and performing scans. "But who in the sweet love of Chiharu are you, and what in the hell are you doing in my medbay with Shaun!" She growled, moving over to him, and wheeling the gurney away from Lyshana.

The doctor tsked, and lifted Shaun easily up, and put him on an examination bed. "We'll start with a scan of his brainwave and nervous system. Also, I will check his temperature. If he lost consciousness like this, there'd be a reason for it. Anything from tumors, to stress, to a comatose state and more besides."

Remi turned to Toshiro and Eve now. "Does he have any implants I should know of?"
Lyshana blinked, looking around for the first time since entering the medbay. "I am Lyshana. I'm a doctor... You are too, sorry. I saw someone hurt, and my training kicked in. May I assist? I do need to learn how to work with modern tools."

Without waiting for confirmation she got back to probing with her tools, non noninvasive probing at least, and comparing their readings to the ones on the monitors. She was careful, though, to stay out of Remi's way, but she seemed to be... judging Remi now, not ignoring her, but watching her carefuly, like an examiner in a med-school or something
Toshiro thought for a moment before replying...

"No. No I do not believe so. He is one-half ID-SOL, though, if that matters...."

Lyshana would find signs of exhaustion and possibly illness...he would be able to recover, but would need extensive bed rest...
"ID-SOl." Remi muttered under her breath. " They have greater stamina then the average human, and if Shaun is half, he would have some of that." The doctor then began performing brainwave, and nervous systems scans before putting him on an I.V to keep him hydrated. "I think just for safety's sake we should inject him with a dose of broad spectrum anti-biotics, and a vitamin suppliment."

Remi was muttering under her breath as she began preparing them, and keeping one eye on the monitors every so often as she worked.
Lyshana blinked "ID-sol?" she asked.

Without getting permission, or an answer, upon hearing Remi's muttering, she clipped a small lock of shaun's hair off, and scrapes some dead skin particles putting it in a container, and sealing it. The container disappeared into her satchel. It was obvious that she was taking a genetic sample.

"You are clearly overworking this man" Lyshana concluded, vocally "There are high levels of fatigue toxins in his system. He is probably physically and mentally exhausted. I'm just an ignorant frontier girl, and I don't know what you mean by ID-sol, but this man needs rest. Lots of rest."
Shaun unknowingly groaned slightly with the shot, as Toshiro nodded...

"We can put him in his stasis bed...it'll keep his body from deteriorating while he rests...opinions, Miyoshi-hakase?"
"If you put him in stasis that wouldn't solve the problem." Remi said as she checked the monitors again after injecting Shaun with the anti-biotics, and vitamin supplements.

"Stasis will dramatically slow any deterioration yes, but it will also drastically slow his recovery as well. It is a double edged sword." The doctor sighed, and rubbed the bridge of her nose, clearly frustrated.
"If I had time" Lyshana said "I might be able to design enzymes to break down the fatigue toxins... But not only would that not necessarily solve the problems, but it WOULD take a LOT of time. And it would require me to have acess to his full genetic profile..." She sighed "It's not really an optimal solution."
"Well...perhaps we should just let him rest then and keep an eye on him...but who knows how long he'll be out..."

(He might be comatose or something...just sleeps for a long time.)
Kenji listened for a while, sighed, then walked to the bridge. "Shinji, all I gotta say is remember to eat and sleep every so often." he said before sitting down in one of the chairs.
After a time, the issue, fatigue, was nailed down...however, the fatigue had allowed an odd illness to slip in. The doctors would be able to treat this illness, but it would keep Shaun comatose for an unspecified length of time...they could only keep him fed and watered through a gastro-tube or a blood stream nutrient flow, and hope for the best...

"...w...Water's flowing down my face...am I damaged?" Eve asked, between sobs...
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