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Phods: Fluffpigs into the Future


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Update the The Phods and their homeworld Ohara because it is long overdue.


The Phods and their homeworld Ohara have not been substantially updated since the early 2010's, and in the case of the Phods themselves, not since shortly after the inception of the wiki. Although not numerous, they are a longstanding member of the Empire, and their homeworld is well within the core systems. A largely self-governing and autonomous protectorate, though they have Senate representation, the Phods had, at the time of the writing, a population of about six and a half billion by the species article, but a mere 50 million in the system article. They had a 20th Century Cold War-era technology level natively, and a similar geopolitical situation (much like the Kodians). Their first contact was with a crashed Nepleslian ship's crew, at this point going on about 175 years ago, and a religion came up around the captain's philosophies and teachings. Yamatai had given them advanced agricultural technology when they joined but strictly regulates the presence of other advanced technology, particularly weapons technology on the planet's surface, and limits contact between non-native Star Army personnel and natives, and what native personnel can talk about or take off the single base. Due to the religious status of humans among Phods, humans and human-looking species are very disruptive, drawing large and often unruly crowds.

Given that Ohara joined the Empire in the late YE20's, and we are now in the mid 40's, their technology would have advanced greatly, especially considering the Phods went from the equivalent of the early modern era to the equivalent of mid 20th century over less than a century before contact. The presence of Nepleslian technology and thought over nearly a century before that likely had significant influence on that, and even the limited advanced technology Yamatai has shared and the education to operate and maintain it would have had a profound effect over the last 18 IC years, as would the firm knowledge of the existence of examples of even more advanced tech in action, plus what inevitably slips from SAoY Phods among their families and spreads. It was mentioned that in the early 30's Ohara was exporting large amounts of food to help the effort against the Mishhuvurthyar.

Have a discussion among Yamatai FMs and interested players in the community about how the Phods would have developed on their own, culturally, politically, and technologically, and how outside events, despite how much Yamatai tries to insulate and protect thhe Phods from them, would have affected them. Do some roleplay about it. Update the wiki articles with the results for posterity. Reconcile the species and system articles. Encourage people to play Phods because they're adorable.

We need to remove relative time references like "about 60 years ago" and say something more like "about 32BYE" with a timeline link to the appropriate year (in this case, the BYE article).
Alright friends, here’s the first major update in the Phod rework project!

I used the New Species Template to standardize the layout of the Phod species page. This meant moving headers, changing their names, and creating entirely new sections. This was the template I used. https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=templates:species

You can read the WIP, which I’ll post shortly, and I’m very eager for feedback on the work so far.

Here are the four (4) major standing questions I have at this time:

#1) (Mostly answered, will check again on a final run-through) What else needs to be added to their History, if anything?

#2) (ANSWERED) What values should be used for the average natural lifespan and civilized lifespan for the species? What should be the ages of major aging landmarks for the Phods? (Needed for Life Cycle entry)

#3) (ANSWERED) Many Species pages have a section at the very bottom that says things like this:

Species Categoryalien

I somehow deleted this section from my WIP, and I have no idea how to get it back. Any ideas?

4) (Still under discussion) The population at the time the write-up was made (YE 20 in-universe years) the planet's population was:
(QUOTE): * Population: Lage – 2.5 billion, Haton – 2.1 billion, other states combined – 1.9 billion** (END QUOTE)

That's a total population of 6.5 billion fluffypigs 20 years ago.

Should it be more as of the current year (YE 46)? Note that there have been significant advancements on-planet in terms of medicine and agriculture and other technologies.

However, even without any population growth in 20 years being factored in, consider the numbers of other major worlds. 6.5 billion puts Ohara:

Above Nataria with their 6.2 billion
Above Elysia Novus with 3.1 billion
Above Gashmere's Kodian pop of 2.3 billion
Somewhat Close to the Sharie system with 10 billion
Behind the combined population of Neshaten, 10.2 billion
Still behind Yamatai with 20 billion
Dwarfed by the listed Iromakuanhe pop of 37.12 billion

Just sharing other pop numbers so you have a frame of reference. Obviously not every planet and population is comparable, but it at least gives you some numbers to compare to.

Okay, those are the big questions that need answering, aside from any other thoughts you folks have. Here’s the WIP link!


And here’s the original (current) Phod write-up for comparison.


And everything below this point in this post is NOT required reading, it’s only if you want to really dig into summaries and thoughts of some of the changes I made. I didn’t make a note about everything I reworked, but this should cover the major stuff:

I created a single-paragraph summary at the beginning of the page, stealing some minor bits of phrasing from other sections. Nearly all species have this, and the original write-up was just three bullets.

Quite a lot was written in separate subheadings about Phod diet and food choices and drinks, so that was all taken and placed in its correct slots according to the template.

I found attribution for the black and white art of the Phods that appeared on the page. The art was by yangfan. I also created artist attribution captions in text under art images for accessibility reasons. I’ve tried putting them in a table so they stay clean and concise, I think that looks nice, let me know if you think otherwise.

There was no Phod naming convention information available, so I ‘took to the streets’ to find the name of every Phod ever… named. Below are all Phod character names that I could find on a quick search.

  1. Bim Walik (From the Fort Ohara thread, named by yangfan)
  2. Odom Stockwell (a character played by yangfan)
  3. Vax Jameson (Character of yangfan)
  4. Julix (Wes’ character)
  5. Allobroxus (an NPC made by Hyralt)
  6. Alin Banebridge (NPC Seventh Fleet Command Staff)
  7. Valdosta Odum (NPC science officer on the YSS Imperturbable, named by Soban I presume)
  8. Azova Kajaal (A Phod PC name by a now-deleted forum member)
  9. Rum Taman (I think a Phod NPC made by ShotJon)
  10. Sabo Heam General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Lage
  11. Gak Teeton President of the Haton Federation
  12. Mina Ottoson High Priestess and Regent of the Free City State of Everspring
  13. Hlad Tosk General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Pinuu
  14. Geo Minimax President of the Republic of Umbia
  15. Vinu Heam General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Lagieasa
  16. Zoid Tennet Prime Minister of the Republic of Bobi
  17. Ado Black General Secretary of the People's Party of Chuno
  18. Bosest McBant Mayor of the Free City State of Klala

I stopped looking at this point, and may have missed one or two out there. From this, I arrived at the text I wrote about Names, in case you’re wondering what I based my assertions on.

I wrote the bits about Language myself. Tried to extrapolate a little from the evolutionary history of the Phods.

In Economics, the bit about cotton becoming the main source of fiber for clothing came from a line in yangfan’s original writeup. Note that quite a few things have been imported to Ohara, despite their ban.

I brought a lot of things into Culture that were spread out around the doc. Disposition, liesure activities, and other little lines that didn’t quite fit where they were originally. So it looks completely different.

The original piece had vague implications that Ohara was suffering from negative effects of climate change. This wasn’t outlined in the description of the planet, and the species write-up doesn’t say what brought it about, when it happened, or anything like that. I wanted to keep this element from the original text, so it’s been explained in this new write-up. Empire would absolutely offer a technological solution to climate change to a world (especially a major agricultural producer) under their care.

Updated the history with important timeline events relevant to Ohara, such as when the planet joined the Empire (got this from the Treaty to Ohara writeup), as well as a link to the Treaty and the Amendment to the Treaty from YE 29. The history is still probably a little messy, would very much like feedback on it. Much of it is still original yangfan work of course.

I didn’t have any clues about how Phods view crime, but there was a quick line about piracy that helped me a little. I got creative here with the bit about Crime in the Culture heading.

Notes on technological advancement of Ohara and the intent of the creator: The Phods were originally designed by yangfan (the species creator, and a writer no longer on the site) with a technology gap built-in. To quote yangfan directly, “One, the Empire has so far encountered civilizations both advanced and primitive, but have yet to encounter one with 20th Century Earth-equivalent technology. The Phods will rectify that. Their homeworld, Ohara, is meant to be a simplified, romanticized model of Cold War era Earth.”

This concept of a world with 20th Century technology and a Cold War setup has been maintained on Star Army since the introduction of the species sometime in the year 2004. So, too, has the setup of Ohara as a world split between two competing political and economic systems. I believe that we can carry on the intended spirit of the original Phod creator’s work while still advancing and evolving the species to keep them playable and enjoyable by all. This includes describing how the world’s technology level and culture might have advanced, despite the planet’s ban on technology imports and their beliefs about the dangers of off-worlders spending time amongst their people.

With all this in mind, I didn’t want the Phods to move too far beyond roughly 1990’s tech levels AS A WHOLE. Some of their stuff has been uplifted pretty far (medical, agricultural), but otherwise, I felt it would be best to keep some intended elements of technological ‘delays’ present, at least in this first draft of the rework. Individual Phods can still learn and adapt to new technologies, and can serve in the greater Yamatai Star Empire despite their own world’s relative simplicity. Ohara is spaceflight capable, but not FTL. The two systems are still squabbling, but they’re not pointing nukes at each other.

And that’s it! Whew! Looking forward to feedback!
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So for lifespan, I'd just look at whatever it says for Nepleslians and take like 80% or something.
The wiki is intended to be an omniscient source of truth, and its tone should reflect that, so ensure you avoid unsure words like probably and likely.
Note that military technology is very specifically not imported to the surface, and Yamatai keeps very strict controls of it, going so far as to issue lower-tech weapons to personnel on the surface. (This probably comes from the Ohara article, rather than the species section- this also needs updated)
If you need to add sub-headings not present in the template to break up long sections, that is allowed.
As far as recent history goes, Yamatai goes to great lengths to protect and insulate Ohara from the outside, such as, by treaty, having an entire fleet solely dedicated to Ohara's defense (staffed primarily by Phods), so focusing on the support Ohara provided Yamatai in the Kuvexian War would be good, with the presence of an entire fleet a significant deterrent. One may wonder of what the Kuvexians thought of such a concentration of power garrisoning a single system with no other significant technological signs.
I wonder if Nepleslian-style last names on Phods imply association with Order of Freya?
Note that military technology is very specifically not imported to the surface, and Yamatai keeps very strict controls of it, going so far as to issue lower-tech weapons to personnel on the surface. (This probably comes from the Ohara article, rather than the species section- this also needs updated)

Do we have a source for the military tech ban, specifically? The language of the Treaty with Ohara and the Amendment don't mention military tech, nor do they mention the technology ban at all, as it happens. At the moment, only the Ohara world entry says this: "Since no non-native technology is allowed on the planet surface, Star Army of Yamatai personnel are forbidden to bring their firearms to Ohara."

At least, that's as far as I can tell.

If there is no source, that's fine, I'll just need to kinda... retroactively write out what the ban is in the species writeup, and expand on it in the upcoming Ohara rework.


As it happens, I addressed the curiosity about Nepleslian style names already existing on Ohara when 'First Contact' happened in YE 28.

But! I should mention that maybe Order people PREFER Nepleslian style names. I'll do that.
You know, actually the requirement that all Star Army personnel have their sidearm at all times was recently lifted, I think?

The total ban on technology was a Yamataian policy. The amendment to the treaty that allows certain imports also bans the importation of weapons technology in article 13.
How did I miss article 13! Shame on me! Updating...

I'll try to hunt down evidence of the lifting of the firearm policy. As it stands, the Ohara world write-up states that off-world military personnel are given Phod-level weapons when they come down to Ohara.
Now, on any potential colony, this isn't going to necessarily hold- so say whoever they teamed up with outside the star army themselves as a civilian industry tech partner to accomplish it would be a determinant: for example a Yugumo sponsored colony would use a bunch of Yugumo and Ryu-Keiretsu gear, where an Origin-sponsored colony would use Origin stuff
Most work on the planet of Ohara has been completed, excluding any information about Colonies (still under discussion) and Population (also still being discussed).

Please feel free to review the WIP page here:

Next is Fort Ohara, which should be even simpler to update and standardize with the Places template.

Edit: Actually, Fort Ohara doesn't really need much work, in my opinion, and trying to give it the Places template feels like we'd be forcing too much information into too many places. We could give the station an actual description at least, so that it's easier to roleplay there. Maybe that's what we ought to do.
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Alright, after reviewing discussion on Discord, I've upgraded the Ohara population on the planet page and on the species page to 7.2 billion.

I included text in History for the Phods that they're pursuing colonies (maybe we can make that a plot point through RP?)

I'll also work on an Ohara crashlanding plot in the future, to help flesh things out and revitalize interest in the planet and the species.

However! I want the Ohara population value to appear on the chart here:

Somewhere on the wiki, there's a value called 'place_pop'. I'm not yet sure where exactly these values are coming from.

Other than that last little piece, these two WIP pages are ready for another review to see if we've checked all the boxes we wanted to check.

Phods WIP

Ohara WIP
Voice Chat Time!

To have some more fun working through the proposed Phod article changes, I’ll be hosting a Discord voice-chat-based discussion and review of the species, their article, and the article for their homeworld (and probably some other stuff). All Star Army site folks are invited, if they’d like to join!

When Is it?
All I need to know is whether most people who Really Want To Join prefer Friday (02 February 2024) or Saturday (03 February 2024). You can show me what time frames work best for you (if you’re really jazzed about the idea) by using a link I’ll put on the site’s Discord (so that only members can put down times). In When2Meet, you can click and drag or just click to select what times work best for you. Remember to change your time zone in the drop-down on the page! You can optionally write in your Site account name in the ’Your Name’ section, but that’s not required. If you can’t find the link to the When2Meet on Discord, just search for “Phods When2Meet”, or @ me there, or PM me here on the site.

If no one indicates a preferred time, I’ll run it sometime on Saturday. I'll announce the time that the meeting will be held... at some point before the meeting.

If there's ample enough interest split between two major times, I'll just hold two separate discussions!

Can I Participate?
You bet! Anyone interested in helping out by reading the articles and offering feedback is welcome to join in. You don’t need to have already read it beforehand (though that can help), and you are also welcome even if your feedback is positive and short. We’ll take over Voice 2.

Do I Need To Speak?
Nope, not unless you would like to! In fact, I’ll probably just create a thread where anyone who would like to give feedback by text can do so there, and I’ll read your text aloud.

Will A Record Be Kept If I Can’t Make It?
Yes. I’ll endeavor to keep notes of major points made during the discussion, though I may ask for a volunteer secretary if it gets to be too much for me. I will NOT be digitally recording any portion of the voice discussion though, for privacy reasons. It’ll just be notes.

Who’s In Charge?
I’m hoping for a chill, fun discussion, but the stated goal is to focus on the Phod species and the proposed updates. I may gently redirect the conversation if we end up off-topic. Folks joining the talk should pursue the goal of the discussion, and be willing to hold side-talks later, or in the other voice channel.

No Webcams, Please
I’m asking that participants not use webcams, for a variety of reasons. Chief among them, we’ll be focusing on reading and talking, and I feel webcams can serve as a distraction from that work.

Let me know! Looking forward to hearing you there, or seeing your feedback by text in a Discord thread during the call!
Im totally down with Friday evening either before or after SARP's movie night! Also, anytime Saturday works as well. I will keep an eye out for the link.
Discussion Time Set! The Phod Talk is set for:

Date: Friday the 2nd of February 2024 (tomorrow for most of yall)
Time: 3:00pm Pacific (6:00pm Eastern) until complete. Maybe an hour?
Where: Voice 2 on the Discord
What: Phod stuff! Check the details post above.

Thanks! Again, if there's surprise interest that hasn't yet expressed itself, and that can't make it to this chat, I'll gladly schedule a follow-up. This kind of live review of pages that need a look-over may even become a fun, regular thing!
The Voice Text Chat Channel during the meeting:

Wes — Today at 5:13 PM
Why aren't the Phods popular?
-- Lack of OOC manager or advocate?
-- Non-humanoid appearance?

raz — Today at 5:20 PM
I didn't really come to participate just listen, but it's a question that kinda resonated with me.

I think they're unpopular because they're short and are pigs. Kinda funny. In a lot of games and tabletop RPGs, short races (even "popular" Dwarfs) are less played than any more normal races. And the fact they're pigs is just kinda unappealing.

They're just space gnomes. No one really likes gnomes.

Wes — Today at 5:20 PM
-- What aspect of humanity do Phods appeal to?
-- What sort of escapism do they offer?
-- Are they serious?

raz — Today at 5:24 PM
Hey, based on what Wes is saying too, I enjoy Phods and other minor species as background races. Flavor inclusions are always cool!

Yuuki — Today at 5:25 PM
The real real reason is they were Yangfan's thing
and after he left
no one picked them up

Wes — Today at 5:26 PM
Yeah, it's always awkward when people leave setting things and no one knows if it's okay to touch them.

Yuuki — Today at 5:26 PM
also kind of viewed as a "gag race" kind of
like reasons Raz said
wanna hear a cold war joke?
THe unaligned movement
And Nepleslian records from 150 years ago are basically gone

GingerGlitch — Today at 5:32 PM
bonus points

raz — Today at 5:33 PM
Not sure if it's just me but can't understand you, @Yuuki. You sound far and behind some blankets.

Wes — Today at 5:33 PM

Yuuki — Today at 5:33 PM
im RIGHT in front of the mic lol
the last phods I put in a scene were hair and makeup for a modeling shoot

Soban — Today at 5:35 PM
One idea is that we might change the nose to being described as a bat nose?

Wes — Today at 5:35 PM
Maybe they need a PR campaign, some new art for example
Or a Phod-focused open RP

Yuuki — Today at 5:36 PM
They are batty

Wes — Today at 5:37 PM

Yuuki — Today at 5:37 PM
Yamatai doesn't want peple there either
as a prime directive kinda thing
It is a tech quarantine
Because of legends/religion it does say humans get mobbed like rock stars
somewhere in there

Wes — Today at 5:38 PM
Phodcore music

Yuuki — Today at 5:38 PM
not quite
i need a plush phod

Wes — Today at 5:39 PM
-- OOC manager?

Soban — Today at 5:39 PM

Wes — Today at 5:41 PM
--The International Relations Conference is this year, it would be a good place to renegotiate the treaty with Ohara.

FrostJaeger — Today at 5:41 PM

Yuuki — Today at 5:42 PM
Delsaurians are Nepleslian Phods
they are also not isolated or backward and are technological etc

Wes — Today at 5:43 PM
-- Colonies to give them more opportunities to show up in RP?

Yuuki — Today at 5:44 PM
the vision was because:
All the species encountered were either:
a) advanced like yamatai
b) primitive
the phods were "the differnet thing"
the idea of them making 2 different colonies
was good
2 phods on a star army ship from different factions
Yamatai should be like, sheperding them lke that
get them to the moon

GingerGlitch — Today at 5:49 PM
oh id be down for that

Yuuki — Today at 5:50 PM
the natural resolution of their political divide got aborted by yamatai arriving
they never go tot play it out

raz — Today at 5:50 PM
Baseline Yamataian political belief: "I am Neko or a veteran, let us kill enemies."
Sorry, kind of a joke rather than something super important.

Yuuki — Today at 5:51 PM
You don't need any other beliefs
the comment right bfore

raz — Today at 5:58 PM
You can put the artist credit in alternate hovertext for every image, which I find best looking (or footnoted). But that doesn't work on mobile.
Yuuki — Today at 5:58 PM
long press to see it
at least safari mobile
idk about the other kind lol

raz — Today at 5:59 PM
That usually just opens its menu for me, you'll have to tell me secrets later.

Yuuki — Today at 6:00 PM
it will read the alt text when they get to it
I had a blind CS professor that we all thought knew everything and had a tic where he scratched his leg while lecturing turns out the sumbitch had braille notes taped to his leg under his pants

Wes — Today at 6:01 PM

Yuuki — Today at 6:05 PM
that was the scope
I wanted them to get to a good START point
yamatai should acknowledge ohara "grew up"
a bit
yamatai helping them with their native space program is a good rp

GingerGlitch — Today at 6:07 PM
toots horn in solidarity

raz — Today at 6:08 PM
idk, some of the most important RPs have been solo or limited. But yeah people like taking part.

Yuuki — Today at 6:08 PM
getting people to make one-shot characters is hard
that's why I make all the open RPs lol
standards were different
especially pre-wiki
it's a very good article for its time

raz — Today at 6:11 PM
That's actually kind of egrigious because Russians and Ukrainians call each other pigs.

Hollander — Today at 6:11 PM
Rule 7: Avoid IRL politics and other "hot button" topics likely to cause arguments

GingerGlitch — Today at 6:11 PM
aka damn it naks behave

Soban — Today at 6:11 PM
I'd be willing to bet it looks the way it does for the same reasons.

raz — Today at 6:12 PM
Ohara's blue is a nice baby blue
instead of that royal

Yuuki — Today at 6:13 PM
i had like five meetings today i am glad hollander is doing this

GingerGlitch — Today at 6:14 PM
arguably the best meeting ive been to in a good long time

Yuuki — Today at 6:14 PM
i even had to talk in them

raz — Today at 6:14 PM
Fun fact, Yangfan went to Cal where this Brutalist building exists

Yuuki — Today at 6:15 PM

raz — Today at 6:15 PM
(it's hilariously the architecture building)

Yuuki — Today at 6:15 PM
Yangfan is listening to all of our convos here from Google's command center
all godo

GingerGlitch — Today at 6:17 PM
my delicate innocent ears

Yuuki — Today at 6:17 PM
I wanted them to be at a point we can DO something with them
we can pick up from here

GingerGlitch — Today at 6:18 PM
loves chu wes ❤️

raz — Today at 6:18 PM
Wes doesn't have a bot to mute for his soundboard, we just have to hear them
not that I mind.

Yuuki — Today at 6:19 PM
@Wes we are like approve here right?
like i think it's good to go through
Tight Scope
Tight is rIght
Appeals to my inner CTO

GingerGlitch — Today at 6:20 PM
yes, that

Wes — Today at 6:20 PM

FrostJaeger — Today at 6:21 PM

Soban — Today at 6:22 PM
Don't tell Alastair about the International Relationships Confrence...

GingerGlitch — Today at 6:22 PM
oh god

Yuuki — Today at 6:24 PM
nataria is a military base planet
that number is pretty static
people donn't 'live" there

raz — Today at 6:25 PM
I think a lot of Neko have their addresses there.

Yuuki — Today at 6:25 PM

raz — Today at 6:25 PM
They get a free apartment.

Yuuki — Today at 6:25 PM

FrostJaeger — Today at 6:25 PM

Yuuki — Today at 6:25 PM
but it's not like, big families of people reproducing a bunch of nekos
to make it go up much
i guess

Soban — Today at 6:25 PM
the Separa'Shan are in the middle of a population explosion but their one of the lower population species in the Empire.

raz — Today at 6:28 PM
It was a fun listen. Do Phods need such thorough attention? Will they suddenly get played? Who knows. But it's cool to listen to just nerding about a little corner of SARP.

GingerGlitch — Today at 6:29 PM

Soban — Today at 6:29 PM
Separa'Shan, jkjk

Yuuki — Today at 6:30 PM

FrostJaeger — Today at 6:30 PM
the elysians could always use some love~

Yuuki — Today at 6:30 PM
we have a LOT of underutilized old cruft that needs

raz — Today at 6:30 PM
Species are a good "target." I think Star Army organs and government departments less so.

Wes — Today at 6:30 PM

FrostJaeger — Today at 6:30 PM

raz — Today at 6:31 PM
Uesu's Star Army Organ.

Wes — Today at 6:31 PM
Also helping to create a future for the Hidden Sun Clan.

raz — Today at 6:31 PM
The Precious Sword.

GingerGlitch — Today at 6:31 PM
id offer assistance with whoever ends up taking that on