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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill Picking up new crew

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Mel blinked at her and nodded to her and hurried over and helped her up and had her servant bring a gurney and soon, with Ag on the hovering little bed. Mel would take her into the medical bay and into the proper bed to deliver them. Once the labor pains and contractions began, she'd help her friend through it; knowing exactly what to do.

It'd take some time to deliver the baby though, and she'd inform the Ygg's AI to monitor ag's vitals with continuoually updated medical scans. She wanted to catch something wrong before it got out of hand.
"Acknowledged." The Yggdrasill replied.

"I have never witnessed the birth of a biological entity, and will watch and record with great interest. I thank you for the opportunity to observe how life is initiated."

"...Miyoshi-hakase, please respond."

Toshiro raised an eyebrow...it was not like Remi to just ignore his messages.
Remi blinked several times from where she was. The doctor shook her head before responding. "No Toshiro I am afraid not...I have important business I must attend to elsewhere. But I will try to catch up when I can."
"I understand. Please let me know when you're going to depart. The Yggdrasill is waiting to depart...and good luck with whatever it is. Don't forget this humble little ship, alright?"

Toshiro replied from the bridge.
After several days of searching in the run-down shuttle he hired, 'Teki still hadn't managed to pin down the Yggdrasill. Looking at the starcharts, he decided to start heading towards the Albini system, hoping to find information on her current whereabouts. He really hated the dingy shuttle he was on. It didn't even have a coffee machine for Frak's sake!
A few hours later, he saw a sensor return at the edge of his scanner range and decided to investigate what he hoped was the Yggdrasill. After a short while he got into communication range, and the transponder signal identified the ship as the SRSS Yggdrasill. GREAT thought 'Teki. He opened communications, "SRSS Yggdrasill, this is Shuttle-POS999, Kaosu Dasanteki. Requesting permission to dock."
"Hmm?" Toshiro said, blinking.

"This is Commodore Yuki Toshiro of the Yggdrasill Salvage Fleet. For what purpose do you wish to dock?" He asked, wary of the piracy he had seen in the past. He wasn't expecting this shuttle...
"Is it time?!?" Agrael groaned to Mel, unsure of what's wrong. She hugged her stomach in slight pain as her wings twitched slightly. Without realizing it, her eyes had clenched together in response to her pains.
Mel nodded to her and stood ready for the delivery. "It is time Agrael just push when you feel the contractions." she said. Eventually though there'd be a new life on the ship, a little ball of healthily crying joy after Mel swatted the child's rear to clear the lungs. "it's a boy" she smiled and swaddled the baby in a soft blanket and handed him to Agrael but would have to take it away and put in a bassinet nearby as she had to deliver another.

"And a little girl" Mel smiled a bit and would swaddle the child and hand them to their mother after the umblical had been cut. Once it was done, Ag would be allowed to rest with her two bundles of joy.
"...Fascinating." The Yggdrasssil replied.

"At what point does the assignment of nomenclature begin? At what time will they begin to initiate bipedal movement, and meaningful vocalization?"
Toshiro said:
"This is Commodore Yuki Toshiro of the Yggdrasill Salvage Fleet. For what purpose do you wish to dock?"

Inwardly relieved that he had found who he was looking for, 'Teki replied "Commodore Toshiro, in brief I am a former Star Army of Yamatai engineer who grew disenchanted with that life and resigned. I am requesting an appointment to your ship. I also have a smattering of medical knowledge if that helps? Now forwarding my records to you for perusal. I can understand if you are weary of an unknown and am perfectly willing to submit to whatever security measures you deem necessary. I can even stay on this POS shuttle if need be?".
Mel chuckled at the AI's enthusiasm and began to assault her with questions about the babies that now lay on their mommy. "Well they'll get names immediately when their mother sees fit to do it. And the other two behaviors won't be for a few months. Theyw ere just born and need time to adjust to the new world around them. they are completely helpless and utterly dependent upon their mother for the first year or so." Mel patiently explained to the ship.
"Hmm...you may come over. I see no real issues with your record, and engineering and medical are major skills for this vessel. We are not just involved in salvage, but have also been known to be involved in rescues from time to time.

May I ask what your rank was when you left the Army?"

Toshiro replied...

"I was relatively helpless for perhaps...25 hours, 3 minutes, seventeen seconds, but was still able to repel hacking attacks. Why do organic beings take so long to prepare for their role in the universe?"

Yggdrasill replied.

"What reason could that which some organics call God have for forcing life to be so fragile in such a chaotic environment such as the universe?"
Mel laughed a little. "Well we can't give birth to fully grown beings it's physically impossible." she said. "So we have to give birth to tiny version of ourselves, but they are helpless. And I imagine god would because every life is valuable or has a role to serve when they're able." she said. "I don't know, but since when did you, an AI begin believing in a higher power? it's interesting."
"My life in itself is a contradiction. I was implanted into this ship's computer system by a biological trans-dimensional entity which should not have existed. There are also signs that I am what you would call "haunted" by a deceased being, and other details.

I also recognize that the universe to have the structure it has, and the abundance of life in it to be possible in the relatively short time this universe has been in existence to be a near statistical imposibility.

Also, the only race I have information on which does NOT believe in such an entity is the Neko/Yamataian race, who were crated by the hands of mortal beings.

With all of this data, I conclude that there must be a higher power behind this multiverse, perhaps what you consider "God"."
After Agrael's contractions, her ears were greeted with the wonderful sound of a living baby... but not just one, two! "Twins.." she breathed while gently holding the two new lives in both of her arms. "What shall I name you two..?" Looking back and forth between the average cherubim-like boy and the almost sickly-thin girl, a few names entered her mind, but nothing seemed to stick yet.
Mel would chuckle at the AI's explanation and shook her head. "Well that's possibly the most interesting and logical explanation for a higher being I've heard in a long time." she said and looked over at the babies and Agrael.

"Isn't it wonderful, you had not one but two little ones." she smiled at her friend, her large white wings twitching happily as she did. The babies cooed a bit and grappled onto Agrael and cuddled to her, tired from being born.

She'd use the communications system with the AI. "Ygg, can you inform the commodore of the two new little lives?"
"Father has been informed, and sends his congratulations on the births. He has declared the area around your room a "Quiet" Zone, and asks if there is anything you will need."

Yggdrasill replied.
Agrael smiled and nodded, "No wonder I was so heavy..." Her face flushed as her lower body went a little weak from all of the effort. "I know.." she then whispered to each respective babe, "I'll name you Nathaniel, and you Adonia." After saying each name, she would nuzzle that baby.
Mel smiled and watched Ag for a moment and went to clean things up and move two little cradles close to the bed for her ot put them in when she wanted to rest. "They're good names." the blonde said and smiled at her. "Well we probably do need stuff like baby-size, very soft blankets and diapers." she told the ship.
"I do not have nodal production capacity. However, we will be passing very close to Pisces Station when we salvage at Albini. I am certain we can purchase such materials there."

The AI replied.
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