Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP (non-canon): D&D Post Mission 1: Changing of the Guard

Talarin managed to wrestle the human to the ground as Ghira's snake took a small bit out of him. Meanwhile, Aurelus missed the ape by a hair, but luckily the ape was bombarded by a Magic Missile and the attacks of Gix. However, the effort wasn't enough because the ape managed to remain standing, if only barely. It limped as it managed to swing one of its fists at Gix, wildly missing, and stumbling over. Just as the ape began getting up, the human managed to wrestle free from Talarin's grip.
Gix jumped onto the ape's back and went at it again, he wasn't going to let this potentially tasty meal get away from him. The size of this thing would ensure an abundance of meat to make into rations for himself, just needed salting or smoking in the fireplace.
Aurelus just turned the handle of his sword so that the blade would face downwards, then as he came back down he would attempt to stab the ape in the back, going in for the final kill. This time he actually aimed the strike, if only because he was actually getting worn out because of all his frenzied attacks.

Ghira stayed away from the fray, having expended all of his combat spells, and simply allowed his viper to continue assaulting the human. He held his staff in a preparative manner, in case his opponent got up again, but he didn't want to accidentally strike his comerade like Aurelus did moments ago.
Between Gix and Aurelus, they were easily able to take down the ape. As for the human, despite the snake nipping at his ankles and another magic missile slamming into him, he managed to stand up and prepare a spell. Moments later, three stones emerged from the ground an shot towards Talarin, two of them striking him.
Talarin grunted as the stones struck him. but he held his ground and faced off with the other mage. He quickly pulled up his inner power and pointed a finger at the mage, sending a ray of frost at the mage.
Aurelus turned around and shouted as he charged towards the enemy human, shield forward. He attempted to bullrush the mage with his shield, take him down, then finish the job later. For now the bullcharge would have to do.
Since the enemy was finally up and away from his allies, Ghira wasted no time in launching the strike he had prepared to take with his staff. The snake continued to bite the everloving hell out of the human's feet.
As the human took his beating from the party surrounding him, he drew his scimitar and swung at Talarin, missing him by inches. Realizing that the odds were now against him, he took a step back in preparation to run.
Ghira was mildly surprised at the fact that his snake hadn't poisoned the human yet, but did not lose focus. A sweeping blow was aimed at the human's legs.
Aurelus would take a step forward and follow after him, his sword high and aiming for the man's face. Guided by anger and vengeance, Aurelus aimed to slice the wizard's head in half.
The wizard was bashed by some of the party's blows, but managed to dodge Aurelus' sword. Realizing that he had only a few moments left he moved his hands and mutter for a second before there was a flash as light as bright as the sun illuminated the room, giving the wizard a few more seconds. A second spell, clearly prepared to be a quickened cast, was shot towards Aurelus who froze in place. By the time the group's eyes would adjust to the sunlight the wizard was gone, and so was Aurelus...
"Well, that was unsuccessful," Ghira said, malice seeping into his tone. "They got away and with our muscle. I believe that counts as a loss, no?"