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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Hanako's World - 3 days later

Briefly cloaked in a shimmer of teal sparkles, the YSS Eucharis blinked into view at the edge of the star system named for its discoverer, Shosho Hanako. Three days had passed since the escape from the Dreamworld and it was breakfast time on the ship. As the ship neared its destination, the planet and its moon were visible with the naked eye from the wardroom's window.


Natsumi entered the wardroom after a long good nights sleep. She got a mug of hot coco and walked over to the window, looking out into space and the planet beyond. She was looking forward to leave, the last few months had been rough and a break was going to be nice.

She stretched and went to the corner booth and sat down, enjoying her warm drink.
Cabin 6

Chieko returned after having her shower and started throwing off her excercise gear onto her bunk until she stood with nothing on. She then went over to her locker and opened it up, the picture of her and her family in view as she started putting things away.

The photo looked normal enough, with a woman looking near her age on her left, and a man, also near her age, on the scientist's right - both easily mistakable as siblings. Chieko also seemed to be holding a boy whom could be mistaken as her son; though from the looks of things, that would have meant she had started rather early. The young Minkan sighed as she said good morning to it in her native Yamataian before pulling out fresh underwear and a uniform.
Cabin 4

Mitsuko snuggled up against her roommate, reluctant to get out from under the covers. The top bunk was empty, the two wedged into the lower bed. She knew it was time for breakfast, but it was difficult to force herself to move. Finally she started to try to nudge the larger Neko toward the edge of the bed.

"Mmff...time to get up, Suzume-chan. We need to get to breakfast before-" She to pause to yawn. "Before people wonder what's taking us so long."
Cabin 6

The commotion from the locker made Sienna groan quietly as she stirred, opening one heavy eyelid just barely enough to get a blurry view of Chieko talking to a photo. She sniffed hard and loud as she rolled her face back into her pillow and scratched the back of her head, her hair sticking up wildly in erratic directions from the static. Pulling the sheets and blanket tighter around her shoulders, she snuggled in and tried to bury herself deeper in the bed. She'd been getting used to not having someone literally kick her awake, and the heavenly feeling of a clean, comfortable bed had still not fully worn off.

The past few weeks had been rather uneventful, but even after the inadvertent adventures from when she'd come aboard, she still felt out of place and restless. The ship hadn't stopped at a single suitable place to move on since she'd come aboard, and while she was more than enjoying the comforts they provided her, she knew it wouldn't last forever. She was still an outsider to them, unwanted ballast. And she knew that eventually the ship would leave the border worlds and return to the core. Back to the politics, back to the posturing, back to the pointless sniping over stupid ideologies. She intended to be long gone before then.

For now, however, she remembered that their destination was some private resort world. If nothing else, it would be worth investigating and taking advantage of whatever it had to offer. And Sune had promised her a gun.

Groggily, she yawned into the pillow, and nuzzled it with her face. Eyes still closed, she spoke to Chieko, but between the pillow cover smooshed against her mouth and her sleepily unresponsive jaw, all that could be heard was an unintelligible "Mmns nnt tmmm ffmm bmmkfmm wemmt?"
Cabin 4

"I don't wanna..." Suzume responded before tightly cuddling up to Mimi-chan. nuzzling her mouth to kiss her neck. "It is warm, it is comfy and it has you... I don't want to move." She knew she couldn't stay much longer, there were things to get ready before they made planet side. her fist plan was to rent a hovercycle, so she could take Mimi out for a long nice ride, before going shopping.

"you remember last time we were on Hanako's planet?"
Cabin 4

Mitsuko blushed as Misato only squeezed in closer. "We have to report in. Oh, yes, I remember. We should go to the beach with Yamashiro-Hei and Bors-Hei again. I haven't been swimming since then." She smiled. "We can finally wear our summer clothes..." The Neko blinked. "Or, is it getting colder there, too?"

Pondering what clothes to pack, she steadily nudged her roommate out of bed. They still needed to get dressed before joining the others.
Cabin 4

Misato let her bunkmate push her out of the bed, falling to the floor with a thud. "i see how it is..." she mock grumbled from the ground. "I don't know you would have to ask Charisma or the Shosho I guess. Though I was thinking, I asked Sienna if she would go weapon shopping with me at some point... and it would be a good thing to keep an eye on her." She knew Mimi didn't care for the tag along so she knew the right words to use.

"Also I was thinking about taking you cruising on a hoverbike. we never got to do that last time."

Msiato pulled the blankets off the bed leaving Mitsuko uncovered, as she stood up. "Wow you are cute first thing in the morning."
Cabin 4

Mitsuko giggled as Misato wound up on the ground. She sat on the edge of the bed, finding her glasses and putting them on to obscure the way her eyes seemed to glow. Then she scowled at the idea of Sienna with a weapon. "That doesn't seem safe. Maybe we could...lose her on the surface. Convince her to leave?"

The Neko squeaked as the blankets were yanked off the bed and onto the floor, uncovering her. She was more worried about having to make the bunk up again, but still blushed as Misato teased her.
Captain's Suite

"Shosho?" Charisma's voice chimed in the Captain's Suite, causing Hanako to stir beneath her large fur comforter. It felt heavy but part of the weight was just the resistance to leaving its warmth.

"Yes, Charisma?"

"We are approaching Hanako's World," the ship informed Hanako.

"Splendid. Please tell Blackberry to land at the spaceport at Fort Hanako."

"Yes, Shosho."

Hanako rolled over and wrapped her arms around Sune's waist. "I still need to figure out what to do with our Chelti guest. I suppose I could ask him if he wants political asylum like I did with Sienna."
Cabin 6

Chieko shook her head at Sienna's mumbling as she put on her underwear, then her uniform. She then fluffed up her hair some before putting on one of her maroon hairbands. "Ittekimasu," the scientist bade to the photo before closing her locker and turning to look at her cabinmate.

"Breakfast should be starting soon, so you might want to get started," She told the sleeping Nepleslian, "I'm headed up there now." The young Minkan then left the cabin and Sienna for, hopefully, a nice morning tea.


The academic made her way up the stairs from the Lounge and looked around to see who had arrived. Upon seeing Natsumi, Chieko gave her cheeriest "Ohayou gozaimasu," before making her way to the mugs and hot water dispenser.
Exercise Room

A stern concentrated look was on Bors's face as he let precision hammer blow after precision hammer blow strike the large black punching bag. The dull thwack of his fist hitting the bag helped him bring his mind to ease, as well as get some exercise in. He had hardly had a solid night of sleeping after leaving the dreamworld, he guessed that there were still traces of whatever was in the air in his system. Each time he closed his eyes he seemed to be in the middle of another nightmare resulting in him waking up in a cold sweat no more than two hours after he had went to sleep. Throwing a a quick fury of punches he let loose one last hay-maker before wiping the sweat off of his brow and rubbing the all to apparent bags under his eyes.

As Bors wiped some of the sweat off of his shirtless torso with one of his towels he glanced at the clock.

"Eh time to wake up I guess, should take a shower before grabbing breakfast." He thought out loud before slinging the towel over his shoulder as he picked up his folded duty uniform that he had set on a nearby chair.


Freshly showered and dressed Bors entered the wardoom, grabbing a cup of coffee before flopping down in his usual seat. Taking a nice long sip he starred out the window at the looming planet thinking to himself that maybe a bit of a vacation would get him back to his usual self.

Takeyu relaxed in his chair, his eyes focused on the many displays that circled around him, each one showing something different related to the ship.

He stared at the planet that they were approaching and smiled, and then leaned inward toward the displays. "With what happened a few days ago, I think I'll ask the Shosho if we can have the ship checked over entirely, just to be safe..." his voice trailed off as he noticed the results of a diagnostic, which he tapped - looked at - then filed the results away.

With that out of the way, he looked over at Cherry. "I'm headed to the wardroom, let me know if anything needs my attention," and with that started out of engineering.
Power Systems

The flight had been uneventful, something Junko could appreciate. Excitement invariably meant things broke and in turn someone had to fix them. On that mental note, Junko closed the panel encasing the number two coolant return pump for the back-up Auxiliary capacitor bank. If the only fault caused by a system start up followed immediately by a SCRAM and then another start up was a shorted data run for a redundant temperature sensor, she would be well pleased.

In any case, she’d woken up a bit early just to make that repair and that done, she was in the mood for some food before her shift proper began, or at least however long she had duty until they made planetfall. It was nostalgic, really, going back to the system where she’d first met the Eucharis in all of her glory. She could hardly believe how much she’d changed since then, or how little the ship seemed to have. And, though her younger self would have been revolted by the thought, she was glad of all that had happened.

She made her way absent-mindedly down the bulkhead ladder and, with a polite nod to Cherry, across the main deck of Engineering, smiling all the way. Drifting up the zero-g passageway, she paused before entering the Wardroom to wipe her hands; the coolant systems were securely sealed units but during replacement evolutions some amount of the fluid always seemed to lightly coat the surrounding equipment and proved positively devilish to clean.

She didn’t mind. Those little details made the ship feel alive, and Junko loved her all the better for it.

Still fiddling with her hands, she entered the Wardroom and began to cross the beverage carafes, but stopped short upon seeing the site through the main viewport. Nothing to her mind could match the beauty of starship, but the jeweled orb hanging in the deep black before her, well it wasn’t half-bad.
Captain's Suite

Sune enjoyed the feel of Hanako's arms. It was something so simple, and yet it gave him such a sense of completion.

In response to Hanako's comment about Asylum. "Well, that is up to you. If not asylum then perhaps assistance in getting through immigration.

Though I wonder if Haka Alura Vika would want to stay on the Eucharis or disembark once we land. He is a merchant, and if he's a true merchant, he is likely to find life aboard a military vessel somewhat limiting.

Either way, where ever he stays, I suspect he will have plenty of people wanting to learn about him and his people."

He reached down and gave Hanako's arm a squeeze.

"Hanako, I love you, more than I have any other person in my life. But I have come to a crossroad with my career. Ironically it was five years ago on Hanako's World that I first joined the Eucharis. So I guess it is appropriate that I will leave the Eucharis and the Star Army there.

After that night of bad dreams the crew had, I realized that I do not want to spend my entire life in the military. Your statement about the Lorath made it clear that you intend to do so.

I have been approached by the Scientific Studies Service, they have offered me my choice of several positions. I have not made my final decision about which position I will take. I want to take some time to weigh the choices.

I intend to retire from the military and see about setting up a residence here on Hanako's World."
Cabin 6

Sienna's mouth gaped wide open in a vocal yawn as she swung her bare feet down to the floor after Chieko had left, rubbing the back of her neck and trying to coax her eyes to open. The cool air on her bare legs and arms helped wake her up a bit, but it was still difficult to make herself stand rather than bundle back up in the sheets.

She squeezed her eyes closed tighter once, then finally got them open. Reaching above her head, she grabbed the edge of the underside of the bunk above her and arched her back, slowly stretching out and getting her blood moving. She wasn't hungry yet, but she figured if she didn't want to wait until lunchtime, she should probably get going before breakfast was gone.

Wiping her face from brow to chin with the palm of her hand, she licked her lips and stood up, tugging the tail of the small white T-shirt she had slept in that barely covered her navel. Her cotton shorts had ridden up to an uncomfortable place in her sleep as well, she noticed. After she'd adjusted them as well, she bent down and placed her palms flat on the floor with her knees straight, stretching out her legs, bouncing softly until finally coming to rest when she was almost completely doubled over at the waist.

Rising back to her full height, she did a few trunk twists and cracked her neck with a grimace. Her tight muscles and inability to rouse herself quickly concerned her. She was starting to feel her lack of physical work since she'd come aboard the Eucharis, and she had been far too lax about her usual morning regimen of situps, pushups, and planking. Perhaps, she reasoned, she should stop lazing about like she had been and take some of this quiet time to regain her discipline about staying in good condition. Things were good now, but if experience had taught her anything, was that nothing ever stayed the same, and misfortune didn't wait for her to be ready for it.

Wardroom, some time later

The hot shower had done its job in making her fully awake and alert, and once more she revelled in being clean and put-together. She'd even taken a few minutes to brush her hair and arrange it the way she liked it. Obviously, she had no uniform like the rest of the crew, but with the few clothes she did own, she may as well have had one of her own as she'd worn the same two outfits pretty much day in and day out. She'd used the laundry facility more often than anyone else aboard, she was sure, and she was surprised that no one had said anything about it to her so far. Today, again, it was her snug dark green tank top tucked beneath her belted black utility pants as usual, topped off with the only pair of boots she possessed.

Entering the wardroom, she surveyed who was present, not bothering to greet anyone, content with no one ackowledging her presence. She hadn't gotten more than a few steps towards the breakfast bar, however, when the shining gem visible through the vieport in the ceiling caught her eye.

Unable to hide her awe, she slowed to a stop in the middle of the room as her jaw went slack and her mouth dropped open at the sight of the dazzling blue and green jewel suspended in the velvety blackness of space. She'd never seen a planet so beautiful in her life, and could only stare in wonder.

Natsumi spotted Sienna enter the wardroom and get waylayed by the view out the window. She smiled and got up, walking over to her.

"Pretty, isn't it?" she said as she also looked back out in the planet that was growing larger by the moment as the ship approached.
Cabin 4

Standing there in nothing but her boy-shorts Misato Suzume thought for a moment, "She asked for political asylum, and the Shosho gave it to her. She is as much a part of this crew as you or i. The fact she was with out a weapon when those drones attacked, meant she was defenseless."

She sighed and continued, "I'm not concerned she is going to hurt any one of us on purpose. Hell she was a dangerous as i was to the crew during the whole gas incident." She thought back to the moment she held her gun point blank in Mitsuko's face. She had to look at the desk, cause she couldn't look her bunk mate in the eyes.

"I think she needs something, and hell even more so i hope that if she feels like we care she might start becoming one of us more and more." she turned and started digging out a fresh uniform. As she put it on she looked at the calendar wondering what the day might bring.

"That and The XO was going to get her one anyways, so it is going to happen ether way. This way though I at least will know what she is packing."

Kale lay back on one of the couches in the lounge. His portable terminal was bringing back the latest results from the ships diagnostics programs. There were minor glitches here or there but nothing out of the ordinary. The chief seemed to like getting up early and so Kale had found himself doing the same, since there really wasn't any point trying to get any more rest. Instead he took the time to do a daily check of the major computer systems an read another bit from his latest book. (The Quintessential Guide to Quantum Communication.) Written by a well known professor of physics the book detailed the various methods of communication used by starships to send and receive data.

Jitter, ever the playful little bot was busy chasing a T-32 Floating Flashlight around which had been set to make small circular paths in the center of the room.

The flow of data into the computer module ceased. No major bugs and all systems working fine. Snapping out a crick in his neck, Kale went to stow away the pad in his cabin before returning to pocket the flashlight and head over to the ward room for breakfast.

Deziarra came out of her cabin to find Kale reading a book. Beside him was the robot, Jitter. She wondered what had motivated him to build a robot pet out of the parts of their attackers but had never bothered to ask. She was about to say something but stopped when Kale headed towards the wardroom for breakfast. That remained her that she had not had breakfast yet either. Her previous thoughts were pushed aside.

"Wait up!" she yelled running after him.
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