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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Mitsuko smiled at Bors as he waved, although Natsumi didn't seem to hear what she'd said. Probably because she was too busy talking to Sienna. The Neko frowned for a moment, before Misato's condition caught her attention.

"Suzume-chan! You're bleeding!"

Natsumi smiled. "Breakfast sounds like a good plan" she said, then waved her hand for Sienna to take the lead to the buffet.

Takeyu grumbled as he inspected the insides of one of the ships smaller maintenance hatches, the hatch had been ajar when he was making his way to the Wardroom and thus he was pondering why. He looked around inside of it, dozens of times already just to make sure he didn't 'miss' anything, naturally he made certain no one had tampered with anything.

"Charisma, did someone forget to close this hatch or is the lock broken?" he asked the computer as he inspected the mechanism and soon found the answer to his question. "Nevermind..." the lock did appear to be slightly busted, as it was bent at an odd angle. Explains things, the hatch can't be locked in place because as far as the system is concerned, it can't do that.

He put a note in the maintenance log to that this lock replaced after they dock, but for now he jury-rigged the lock so that it 'would' function as intended.. or at least, close to it. When he was through he closed the hatch and heard the resounding 'click' as the lock eased into place. "Good," he smiled and began to make his way back to the Wardoom.

Kale dropped into the seat opposite where Chieko had placed her tea and unloaded his tray. This would be the third planet that Kale set foot upon and he was riding a little bit of an adrenalin high at the thought. There would be so much to see and experience and not enough time to do it all in.

Jitter clicked his way to the side of the chair and butted his head against Kale's leg. Absentmindedly the technician rubbed the little bots upper carapace. Though it coudn't "feel" the touch it was programmed to respond the way a pet would and thus seemed to act appropriately.

Kale took a sip of his morning coffee and quickly checked his inbox for messages. He hadn't heard from anyone since he started here. He hoped there would at least be something from his sister in there.

Hanako knew she would miss Sune immensely. After another bout of crying, the Shosho composed herself in the mirror and then got dressed in her Type 35 Duty Uniform and joined the crew in the wardroom with a warm smile. "Hello, my crew!" she waved as she entered. "Who is ready for some liberty?" she asked as the ship rattled on its way down through the atmosphere.

After gathering up some food on her tray, Chieko made her way back to the table where she set her tea. Once the tray was on the table she gave Kale a smile before turning her attention to Jitter. "Still behaving is it?" the scientist asked before giving it a pat and sitting down.

When Hanako spoke up however, her attention moved to the Shosho. Liberty was just time off ship, which also meant not going too far; but that ended up being a blessing in disguise. This gave the academic some constraints to work with and work out what she could manage her first time on the planet.

Sune was sitting at one of the booth tables watching the interaction of the crew. He was also making a mental list of things. In light of his final discussion with Hanako, he decided to change his plans about setting up a home on Hanako's World. So now he was trying to decide between Yamatai, or Daichi. Both had their advantages for selection. It was more a question of did he want to set up a home on the Capital, or a Frontier world.

He looked up from his ICP when Hanako made her entrance. He also made a mental note out of habit about how the ship was performing during re-entry. Not my problem, I am sure Takeyu will take good care of the ship. he thought.

"Yo got a bit of red on ya." Bors chuckled at Misato before taking a sip of his coffee. "Don't want to get your uniform all dirty before we go on leave do ya princess?"

as if on cue Hanako came down to the wardroom and was announcing leave. Bors noticed that something wasn't quite right with the teal haired ShoSho but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Frankly however, he didn't really care, as long as the ShoSho wasn't planning on canceling leave and piloting the Eucharis into the sun or get him killed in some other way.
With both Mitsuko's and Bors's comments Misato snapped out of it. She quickly wiped her nose off on her sleeve as she looked back at the two. "uhh..."

She was Saved by Hanako coming into the wardroom. Misato quickly shot her free hand up into the air, "ma'am i am..."

"Liberty sounds great" Natsumi replied and grinned. She quickly finished filling her plate with a generous helping of food then waited for Sienna to get her own plate done before she would go back to the corner booth.

"How much time are we going to have off, do you think?" she asked Hanako, hoping that their shore leave would not get cut short this time like it had their previous trip to this planet.

Mitsuko frowned a bit at Misato's dazed look, before the other Neko snapped out of it and cleaned herself up. "Now you'll have to get that uniform cleaned. What's wrong with you?" She didn't have time for other questions, as Hanako arrived. It would definitely be nice to get through shore leave without any interruptions, she had to agree with Natsumi on that point.

Misato looked down at her sleeve then back up at Mitsuko, "I'll change here in a few... I'm sure when we hit dirt and we are released we can go in civies." She smiled as the image of Mimi in the swim suit rolled though her mind again.

Satisfied that she had drunk in the view sufficiently Junko continued on to the beverage station, aimlessly pouring herself some tea before moving toward the buffet. She smiled and bowed very slightly toward Hanako upon her entrance and greeting. Today felt good: the ship was in excellent condition - all things considered, the view was fantastic, the Shosho was her usual inspiring self, and breakfast smelled delicious. She really couldn’t remember the last time she had genuinely felt good; she certainly wasn’t complaining now.

Figuring it went right along with the day, Junko decided to do something else unusual for her.

“That was quite a sight,” she said congenially as she paused next to the ship’s civilian guest. “I don’t believe we’ve formally met. I’m Takeda Junko. A pleasure.” She smiled at the woman - vaguely remembering the name Sienna from the cabin assignments Charisma had shown her but not daring to presume from that alone - and bowed. “Have you ever had the opportunity the view a planet during EVA? I found the experience even more awe-inspiring, visceral even.”

Deziarra sat in the booth beside Kale and across from Chieko. This was the first time she had seen Hanako's World. Liberty sounded good to her. She had not yet decided what she was going to do with it but there was no rush. That was the advantage of liberty.

"Have you fully recovered from your injury yet?" she asked Chieko.

It was the obvious thing to ask. Although there were no longer any visible signs there could still be bruises or scars hidden by her clothing. Emotional scars were even harder to detect but Kale or Natsumi were more likely to have those. She recalled seeing the landing from a distance, not knowing how bad the crash had actually been. Eating her strawberries, one right after the other, she waited for a reply.

Sienna moved just ahead of Natsumi along the buffet line, taking a sample of everything spread out before her. Over the past few weeks she had started to finally adjust to having such banquets at her fingertips every day, and had succeeded in making a point of curbing her appetite. Everything always looked so fresh, inviting, and savory, and it had been difficult to convince herself that it wasn't necessary to gorge herself every time. But old habits of never being sure where her next meal would be coming from were tough to break, not that she wanted to be rid of such a mentality. Caution and foresight had been her truest and only reliable companion so far, and it would be foolish of her to lapse into decadent carelessness at any time. One never knew what tomorrow brought, and although she had indeed been dazzled at the sight of their next destination, she couldn't allow herself to share the same lacksadaisical attitude and childish giddiness that seemed to be spreading through the crew like an infectious disease.

Near the end of the buffet line, an unfamiliar voice spoke. At first she barely noticed it, ignoring it nearly the same way she paid absolutely no mind to the conversations going on in the rest of the room, but after a second she realized that the voice was addressing her. Looking down and to her side, she saw the tiny, baby-faced brunette she'd seen give a sharp lecture to Bors some time ago. She tilted her head curiously; it had to be written all over her face that she wondered why this girl who'd introduced herself as Junko was even talking to her at all. What further put her slightly off-balance was the fact that until now, she'd seen the short brunette milling about the ship from time to time, but never looking so... cheery.

"Sienna," she offered simply in exchange for Junko's name, making no further effort to continue. Her eyes flicked briefly to the viewport in the ceiling briefly as Junko spoke, then back at the brunette. With a one-corner-of-her-mouth grin, she shook her head as she selected the last bits of her breakfast. "No," she replied casually, and picked up her tray. "Ain't never done that. Ain't never seen a planet that pretty, either, I have to admit. But you probably already deduced that from my gawking," she added wryly.

Kale chuckled slightly. The small robot had received a pretty cold welcome from most of the crew and it wasn't hard to figure that it would be Chieko who broke the metaphorical ice.

"He can be a handful as I'm sure you noticed, but I never really had a pet before so I don't have anything to compare it to. In regards to security of the ship though I did a full maintenance stripdown two days ago. Changed his communications hardware and protocols and removed a couple of suspicious inactive modules. He should be perfectly safe. Well... until I tell him to taser someone."

The technician watched as the robot in question made a little jump and rubbed its head against Chieko's hand.

"I think he likes you," he grinned.

"I did not have a particular length of time in mind," Hanako answered Natsumi. "My only requirement is that we leave by the second day of YE 36. What I was thinking would be liberty here for a week or so and then giving out leave time to everyone so you can travel to see your families and friends as desired. Of course, you are also welcome to bring them here if you wish. During our stay I have arranged for a private hotel room for each of us at a Ketsurui resort. I have also asked, earlier in the mission, for Chusa Sune and Heisho Junko to give me recommendations for promotion and I expect to receive them privately today. Together with my observations, I plan to look them over after we land and give promotions later today while we are still together."

The Shosho went up the short steps to the buffet line and began getting breakfast. Meanwhile, outside the window, they could see clear blue skies and, eventually, a huge spire that marked the center of Fort Hanako. Shortly afterward, the ship bounced slightly as the landing gear touched down.

Victory stood up, and turned to Mitsuko. "Ittô Hei Murakami, permission to start the cargo transfers?" she requested.

Chieko moved over, further into the booth, to give Deziarra room. "Yeah, seems I started walking right after we left the Dreamworld," she replied, "Though I'm not sure when exactly; I just know that I was walking when I helped out in the Cargo Bay."

The scientist then jumped as Jitter touched her hand having sill not quite gotten over the attack a few days ago. It liking her further made the comfort level of the situation more dubious, though she kindly pet it anyway. "I guess you did a good job then, not having much experience to draw on when programming it," she commented to Kale with a wary smile.

The academic's ears then opened to more of Hanako's comments on what was up. A week or more, then leave? With all the time left until the end of the year Chieko was wondering what they did to earn such time off. Finding out that they will also be getting rooms at a resort resulted in her eyes bulging in amazement - the Shosho knew how to spoil a crew.

Seeing that breakfast was getting into full swing, Ayumi stood up from her place at the table. She walked swiftly over to the buffet table, picking up her plate and choosing a few food items in small amounts for her breakfast. She turned to Hanako beside her and bowed towards her.

The medic quite respected the captain's smart idea to retreat from the dream world, no matter how she'd protested it to begin with.

With her food on her plate, Ayumi set off to sit herself alone at the table again. Despite how she had met several people when they were on the dream planet, Ayumi still preferred to be alone and tended against conversations. She was and quietly began picking at her food.

The prospect of the leave was not something she particularly looked forward to or didn't. She didn't have anything to do, no friends to visit, nor any family. Perhaps she'd simply stay near the ship, having positively nowhere else to go.

Sune listened to the others present, especially Hanako. She was in her usual element, giving lavish gifts to her crew. He composed a message to Emiko.

To: Jalen Emiko
Subject: ISC Raia

Emiko-San, kindly prepare the Tenba for launch. I am going to need a ride to Yamatai. Do not launch until I contact you again as I am going to talk to Takeyu-San to see if he wishes to catch a ride with us, or if he would like you to bring his sisters here.

Sincerely, Sune.

After he sent the message one came in from the SSS.

To: Jalen Sune-Chusa
Subject: Position Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in the SSS. We understand that you have not yet made up your mind, but we do have one opportunity that your military service would qualify you for. We are looking for some Commanders for our Tansaku-Class Research ships. If you like we have an immediate position available on the YX-C1-0023 YSS Hanako. If this is not convenient, we have another ship under construction and you could be assigned to that.

Saiki Kouan, Chuji SSS

Sune read the message, That is too ironic, to be given command of a ship with her name. No, I do not think I am masochistic enough for that. he thought.

To: Saiki Kouan, Chuji
Re: Position Opportunities

Thank you for your generous offer. As I am still resolving some matters at this point in time I am going to pass on the position aboard the YSS Hanako.

I look forward to speaking with you in person when I arrive in Kyoto.

Jalen Sune-Chusa.

Since he was not hungry, he decided to go find his friend Takeyu. He sent a mental query to Charisma regarding his location. He sent a brief message to Takeyu's communicator.

I would like to speek with you prior to departing the ship.

He was about to leave when Hanako sat down and started speaking to him.
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