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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Cabin 2

Sienna gave Natsumi a sly smirk at the Neko's choice of words, allowing the change of subject. She folded her arms across her chest, still leaning her shoulder against the wall as she casually crossed one leg over the other. "Just the next lease," she corrected her wryly. "I could do whatever I wanted before. What I wanted to do on Urtullan just wasn't worth the cost at the time, till y'all showed up. But thinking nothing can stop me?" she added, raising an eyebrow as her smirk widened knowingly. "Well, surely you didn't forget how a horde of robots got aboard your almighty warship without anybody being the wiser." She left it at that, feeling no particular desire to give any further detail, but she was satisfied with what she thought was a profound answer. Since coming aboard, she'd seen little to make her think much of most of the crew, but she was starting to take a shine to Natsumi. She seemed to be innocent and inexperienced, which could be forgiven, unlike many of the others who seemed paralyzed by indecision and a total lack of emotional fortitude. Perhaps her subtle, if very brief, sermon on the nature of choice and hubris would help widen her perspective a bit.

She unfolded her arms and backed out of the way as Natsumi finished packing and rolled her suitcase toward the door. Stepping through the doorway into the corridor and to one side to make room, she glanced up and noticed Mitsuko standing in the middle of the hallway, evidently, to her amusement, very much paralyzed by indecision over something. The logistics officer looked even more rounded and top-heavy in her civilian clothes, and between that, her withdrawn poise, and the suitcase she was towing, she looked far more like a tourist than a military officer. Sienna threaded her other arm through her backpack and adjusted it to comfort, while she suppressed a grin at the sight and nodded curtly to her.
Cargo Bay (near Ramp)

The aliens large eyes shifted quizzically at the talk about these "fish", and that people ate, and even preferred them, as part of their diet. It rolled up its long sleeve as Hanako spoke, ropes at the cuff indicating it was usually left tied on the arm somewhere.

"I am Haka. Trader second, gentle che first. I will gladly speak with the one gracious enough to spare me a terrible fate in a fevered dream." It replied and displayed its bare forearm across its chest.

The dark skin, once hidden beneath that wide sleeve, was networked with intricate scar patterns, some of them resembling criss-crossing trenches over its arm. It appeared the skin was much tougher on this part of its body.

"And fear not, asylum is unnecessary for this one. Already has my clan claimed me." With a clawed finger it tapped one of the scars near its elbow, it appeared almost like a circle cut vertically, one side filled with angled stripes. "There is no disaster that I run from, merely where I wander to."

Its other hand covered its mouth. "Forgive me, I drivel on. I will gladly share with you your food and drink. It seems civilization has reached this part of the galaxy too."
Cargo Bay (near Ramp)

"Does that mean you owned a starship when you arrived on the dream world?" Hanako asked the che trader. "Would you be in the market for trade goods or a new ship so that you can continue? Where do you come from and what sort of goods do your people wish to bring home from this part of the galaxy? Also, what types of food appeal to you?"

Unsure of how much time she would spend with the chelti, Hanako wirelessly contacted Pineapple to ask the neko to pack her things for her.
"Alas, I would no know how to helm a vessel were it given to me. No, I had bartered travel over several vessels but the time I arrived on the dreamworld. The rest of the crew were not as-" the alien paused, its big golden eyes blinked slowly and there was a small click-click sound as two claws flicked against each other. "-resilient as I. Occasionally I would catch glimpse of them lost in the fog. The ship itself joined the others you saw beneath the lily pads."

It rolled down its sleeve, as it adjusted its cuff Hanako could faintly see deep black marks on the underside of its forearm, almost like extremely aggravated syringe marks. It tied the small strips around its wrist to hold the loose sleeve in place. "Forgive me, honor marks seem to make your kind uncomfortable." It mumbled apologetically.

"I come from a place far away, I'm afraid you would not know of it. But others of my kind will slowly trickle in, I am not even the first." The alien motioned to its cart further into the cargo bay. "Come, perhaps I can tempt you something as thank you for your passage."
Cabin 3

Having not been on the ship for long Kale hadn't bothered really unpacking much and most of his belongings were still stowed in his bag in the locker. Taking a few minutes to make sure he had everything Kale then sat on his bed and pulled out his datapad. He had time. Booting up the messaging client Kale began to type a letter to his sister, about all of the hectic happenings over the last few days.

'Hey Kira, you know I was assigned to my first post onboard the YSS Eucharis a few days ago? You would not believe the week that I've been having....'

He went on to explain the highlights of his trip and that after the next couple of weeks he would be at liberty to meet up with her and the rest of the family at some point in the near future.

After sending his message Kale checked the time. It was coming up to twenty odd minutes since he and the others had split to go pack. With a bit of a spring in his step Kale made his way back to the Zero G passage.
Cabin 2

All packed Natsumi stepped out of the cabin, pulling her luggage behind her. "The robots didn't stop us even though they got aboard" she commented and smiled, keeping eternally optimistic.

She glanced down the corridore as she exited and spotted Mitsuko waiting there in her civvies. "Hi Mitsuko-san!" Natsumi greeted her cheerfully. "We were about to head out" she said. "Do you want to come with us? I think we should get to the hotel and drop our stuff off, then invade the planet and have some fun" she grinned at both Sienna and Mitsuko.

Mitsuko noticed the two exiting the cabin, politely nodding in return to Sienna, but otherwise almost ignoring her. The other Neko, in comparison, got a big smile from her. "Natsumi-san, hello. I haven't seen that outfit since that last time we were here." Her own hat was packed away, for now. "Oh, I would love to come with you. Thank you." She bobbed her head and shoulders in a shallow sort of bow, before she maneuvered herself to Natsumi's side, their matching luggage jutting out behind them. She tried her best to make sure there wasn't enough room for Sienna to stand next to either Neko, and the rolling luggage took up a comfortable amount of space behind them as well.

"How should we get to the hotel? I bet Suzu...Misato-Heisho rented a hoverbike." She was always talking about hoverbikes or motorcycles, there was even one in her warehouse on Yamatai. She shook her mind to clear those thoughts away, for now. Lifting her arm, she displayed the Multi-Function Bracelet she'd received during the last Holiday, along with everyone else. "There's also taxi service and public transportation, along with vehicle rentals." A holographic map of the area appeared above the bracelet, built from the data she'd compiled during their last trip. The services she'd mentioned were marked, along with their current location, the hotel, and two other items. With their proximity to the beach, Natsumi might be able to realize they were the bar and swim shop they'd stopped at last time.

"I think the Shosho has transportation arranged, though worst case we could call a cab," Natsumi replied to the question. She noted Sienna was being left with no space to walk with them and slowed down, letting Mitsuko go ahead a couple steps so Sienna would not be left out. She did not know if Mitsuko had been intentionally wedging the Nepleslian woman out or not. She had not observed any pleasantness between Mitsuko and Sianna. "Should not take us long to get our rooms in order, where do all of you want to go after that?" she asked. "I've been itching to hit the beaches since last time we were here" she said and smiled.

Sienna moved to follow Natsumi as she closed her cabin behind her, only to find herself ostensibly boxed out by Mitsuko. At first, Sienna's only reaction was to stand still for a fleeting moment, eyebrows raised, a look of humored disbelief all over her face. Surely the logistics officer wasn't doing what she thought she was. As the two Nekos began to walk down the corridor, it became increasingly obvious from the way the normally timid and attention-phobic Mitsuko tried to take up the entire corridor with her person and luggage that she was doing everything she could to childishly exclude Sienna from their conversation. So obvious, in fact, that Sienna found herself wondering for a moment if the shorter Neko was actually attempting some poor inside joke or misguided hazing ritual.

Not bothering to call attention to it, but making no effort to hide her wide, derisive smirk at the passive-aggressive stunt, she went right along with it, allowing herself to be excluded from Mitsuko's private conversation, and dropped back a step or two, following them in silence. She was still smirking when Natsumi noticed her hanging back and paused to let her catch up.

She shrugged at Natsumi's question. "Ain't ever been here before, so you'd know better than I would," she replied indifferently. Her eyes then turned purposefully to Mitsuko, her grin spreading. "But I'm a big girl," she continued, still smiling, her eyes coolly locked dead on the tiny black-haired Neko's face. "I can find my own way if I'm horning in on something important."
On the road

"There," Takeyu pointed toward a rather luxurious looking restaurant in the distance that overlooked the beach. "There should be valet but not sure you want someone else handling your bike," he smiled at Misato before his attention was taken when he heard the sound of a siren and turned to see that it was a medical unit on a nearby highway, no need for them to pull over since it wasn't heading toward them. "Hope whoever that is headed for will be alright..."
In front of the Restaurant.

Misato brought the bike to a rest before the restaurant. "I'll go park if oyu want to go in and wait for a table. I promise I won't tear off and leave you stranded." She smiled a bit as she sat there pondering . "Oh hell" she stood up and tossed the keys to the valet. "I'.ll come in now with you i could use a drink." One of the hundreds she would most likely downing in the next two days.

Mitsuko nodded at Natsumi's response, switching the display off. "I guess we should just wait and see." She frowned for a moment, as the other Neko slowed to let Sienna catch up. Murakami was left walking slightly in front of the other two, now, left leading the way toward the Cargo Bay. "The beach would be nice. And a drink." The thought perked her up for a moment, and she turned back to smile at Natsumi, although the expression didn't last for long.

Her jaw clenched at the look the civilian was giving her. The look she gave in return for that smile could only be described as a glare, Mitsuko's neon eyes almost glowing without her glasses. "You've never been free on a civilized world before. I'm sure you'll find plenty of things to keep you occupied. You'll love it here." The passenger's continued presence on this ship, her home, was a constant irritation. Murakami hoped this stop would present the perfect opportunity to finally remove Sienna from the Eucharis. If she appreciated her new life once she left, Mitsuko would honestly be happy for her. She just wanted the intruder gone, and the lingering threat and uncontrollable, undefined variable she represented banished.

"I think you will love going to the beach. Bright warm sun, sand and cool clean water to swim or surf in, its so much fun" Natsumi said to Sienna and grinned at both of them. "What were those drinks we got last time we were here? We have to get those again" she asked Mitsuko, thinking back, trying to remember. She took note of the change in the mousy neko's expression as her glowing eyes crossed Sienna. There was something unfriendly there.

"Is everything okay?"
she asked Mitsuko silently via a wireless communication channel.

Sienna's eyebrows raised higher at Mitsuko's statement, and her smirk fell just a touch, but her derisive expression didn't change otherwise. So, the rodentlike Nekovalkyrja had a spine after all, it seemed, even if it was a flimsy and petulant one. Even though what Mitsuko had said might be construed innocently enough at face value, the clipped tone of voice she used, as well as her impatient body language and childish antics made it perfectly clear that she was trying to get rid of her in the most cowardly way possible. She chortled a little bit as she looked over the shorter Mitsuko with an odd mixture of scorn and what could only be described as something like pity. But even though she didn't let it show, she couldn't help feeling just a little insulted at the Neko's pompously ethnocentric assertion, or her implication that she knew the first thing about her. At least now she was starting to see the side of the Yamataian welcome she'd more or less expected all along; strangely, it was something of a relief to confirm it was there after all.

"Yeah," she replied in an even, cool tone of voice to Mitsuko, nodding slowly and keeping her eyes focused on her, "you're probably right. And nothin' says 'civilization' like sitting on your ass in a cushy chair while AIs and the peons do the hard work for you. Good thing y'all are charitable, though, otherwise I'd still be in an animal pelt beating rocks together while nursing a litter of cubs. So thanks for that; I never did get the chance to be properly grateful." She looked at Natsumi, her expression slowly turning stony and unreadable again. She saw no reason to force her way into someone's social circle when she obviously wasn't wanted, and silently cursed herself for letting her guard down even for a second. "The beach sounds great, and I bet I'll have plenty of time to check it out," she told the white-haired Neko. She glanced back at Mitsuko. "I'm sure they have a section roped off for us barbarians," she added. With a final look back at Natsumi, she nodded to her and stuck her thumbs underneath her backpack straps, and started to walk on towards the cargo bay alone, brusquely brushing past Mitsuko. She passed Kale along the way, though she didn't say a word to him, or even acknowledge his presence.
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Cargo Bay

"Very well," Hanako nodded, following Haka toward the cart. "We probably need to move the cart out of the cargo bay anyway. The ship's cargo is being temporarily moved to a hangar nearby for inventory and sorting. We also have acquired a large amount of miscellaneous supplies to decide if we want to bring or leave."

As they moved back into the ship, Hanako was careful to avoid being in the way of the cargo, which was now mostly medium shipping containers being moved out of the ship with an overhead crane, where a container handling vehicle was picking them up and rolling away with them, making a racket of beeping noises (as construction vehicles do) as it moved around. She thought for a moment on the shoes she had kicked off back on the dreamworld when the bay was starting to flood. I need to get to the base's uniform shop, she thought to herself.

"Were will you go from here?" Hanako asked Haka. "Do you plan to attempt a rescue of your ship and crewmates?"

Bors tossed his bag onto one of the open beds in the room, apparently everything was already set up for them which made getting into the place relatively easy. Sitting down in a nearby chair he took out his communicator and looked over the message he had received earlier and wondered who in the hell it could be exactly, either way he was going to find out tonight but the anticipation was a bit over the top. Figuring that he might need some sort of protection for this evening he decided he would check out the local gun store, if he recalled some of the crew was going to be there and he might as well see who.
Cabin 9

As Ayumi entered the cabin she stretched her shoulders slightly, stepping past the beds and to the lockers. "I did not expect to be packing to leave so soon." She admitted, pulling open her locker and beginning to fill her dufflebag. Despite it being later in the year, Ayumi had not expected they would be having any leave. It hadn't occurred to her that end of year festivities may call for a holiday for the crew.

After a moment of calmly placing her things into her duffle, Ayumi reached into her pocket and pulled out her pin and patches. She looked at them in the palm of her hand for a moment, as if she was trying to reassure herself that they were really there. Then, she placed them on top of her things as if they were made of glass, and she didn't want to break them.
Eucharis Hallway

Mitsuko's expression softened a bit, as Natsumi brought back fond memories of her first shore leave. "Frozen margaritas? I have some pouches in my fridge, but they're just not the same..." She didn't have time to respond to the wireless question just yet, frowning at Sienna's chortling. Oddly, her rant only caused the Neko to nod in response. She simply didn't know any better. What would be the point in trying to explain? Mitsuko didn't want to waste her time arguing with the outsider. "Everyone is welcome in the Yamatai Star Empire. You'll run into plenty of people just like you out there."

The Neko grunted slightly as she leaned out of the way to let Sienna push past. The indignity was worth it, to get to see the intruder's back as she walked away. Away, off the ship and hopefully out of Murakami's life. That would be one less thing to worry about, and Mitsuko had plenty on her list already. Pausing to unclip her cat eye sunglasses and settle them in place, she gave Natsumi a happy little smirk, giving Sienna a head start before beginning to move again.

"Everything is much better, now."

Natsumi was mortified at what happened before her eyes. She did not need the response to her wireless inquire to realize what was going on. She had not perceived the level of what was happening unspoken between Mitsuko and Sienna until it was too late. She stood there, mouth agape as the exchange happened and Sienna stormed off. Her red eyes shot back and forth between Sienna's retreating form and Mitsuko's smirk.

She was absolutely shocked. She had worked so hard to make Sienna feel welcome and safe on the Eucharis and had hoped she had been able to make the Nepleslian woman they had brought off that slime ball of a world feel like she possibly had a place and a bright future in the universe, not to mention that she might have a friend, a real friend in this group of people she was now traveling with, to have it all shattered and crushed by one little logistics neko who, now she saw, was more closed minded that she could have ever thought possible.

Natsumi had gone pale, if it was possible for the pale skinned neko to get any more pale. She had. "No, everything is not better!" Natsumi finally managed, her voice a croak as she fought past the shock. "Why did you do that?!" she knew it had been intentional, there was no way it was not and the smirk on Mitsuko's face just make it the more obvious. "What is wrong with you? Do you know how hard I have been trying to help Sienna?!" she yelped, anger filling the voice of the otherwise always cheerful and pleasant Operations neko.

"I Can't believe how mean... I thought I knew you better." she couldn't speak with Mitsuko anymore, not right now. Natsumi picked up her case, turned her back on her and stormed off town the passage to the cargo hold, leaving Mitsuko in her wake.

As she charged on, hoping to catch up with Sienna before she vanished into the crowds forever. Natsumi balled her fists and snapped a few curses she had learned from having lived in the same cabin as Bors for over a year. She needed to vent this to someone before she tried to reason with Sienna and try and keep her from running off. She dialed up a channel to Misato, the person that she trusted and that knew Mitsuko closely.

"Misato, it's Natsumi. Your roommate has something wrong with her. She was just
incredibly mean to Sienna and drove her off the ship! I donno what the blazes is going on in her 
head but she has some sort of grudge she developed against our guest and all but ensured her 
permanent departure from the Eucharis with a bad taste in her mouth about us and Yamataian 
hospitality as a whole!"
Natsumi sent this wirelessly to Misato, tagged priority. She then
took off using her gravity manipulation and shot out into the more open space of the cargo hold.

Sienna was still there, she spotted her advancing towards the main ramp down to the landing field and called after her, "Sienna, wait!" she called and fell in pace with the woman. "Can we talk? I'm so sorry. I do not know what has gotten into Mitsuko" she really felt horrifically bad about it and it showed blatantly in her face. This had been an absolutely terrible breach in her concept of good manners, hospitality and downright decency. Natsumi was a mix of rage and anguish as she tried to stop Sienna from going.

Takeyu smiled and got off the bike, looking over at the valet and saying. "Don't damage the bike please," before looking up at the building that lay before them, it had a stair way in the front that lead up to a balcony where a man holding what could only be menu's was presently waiting. The man looked in their direction, waiting to see if they were going to come up or not. Takeyu could hear pleasant music being played and it - for the most part - relaxed him. "After you," he stepped aside to allow Misato to go first.
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