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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Misato was about to walk into the joint with Takeyu when the message hit her communicator. The fact that it also pinged her telepathically through SYNC told it was a priority message. She stopped and pulled the communicator out figuring it was a message from Mitsuko. She didn't tell her she as going to leave so it was no stretch of the mind. But once she read the message her whole demeanor changed.

"Sir... I think I need to head back. There is a problem..." She said as she started typing up a message. "Sir... She doesn't like Sienna, and apparently there was an incident."

She sent the message off to Natsumi seeking more information.

What exactly happened? I need to know now please." Get back imminently. -Misato

She sighed then started a message to Mistuko.

 Mitsuko.... Umm what just happened? -Suzume
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Takeyu turned toward the Valet and held up his hand in a 'stop' gesture. "'Incident?" Takeyu didn't like that word, especially when it involved the crew. "What happened?" he asked and looked in the direction of the base.
Natsumi quickly responded to Misato, rather than try to describe in detail she accessed the memory file in her digital memory and transmitted it to Misato.


She replied via wireless, then refocused her attention back to Sienna.

Chieko watched as Natsumi passed by her after hearing some rather forceful language in the direction that the Neko had come from. She looked back to see Kale and some others then called back, "Is everything okay?"
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Misato watched the memory file. Her mouth dropped open shocked that she at what she had just watched. "Sir... You know how I mentioned I didn't care for Sienna... in private to you? Uhh well it looks like Mitsuko just told her she didn't belong and how she would be better off leaving the ship. Uh... wow..." She stood there staring straight ahead for a second before sending the file to the Taii. "Sir I really don't know what to do. She did wrong but I fear I can't look at there perspectively."

Mitsuko blinked, behind those sunglasses, at the odd look Natsumi was giving her. The other Neko's reaction startled her. "Do what? What's wrong?" She frowned, confused about the way her friend was yelling at her. "Well, now you won't have to worry about her." Her tone was not mean spirited or teasing, she was just stating a fact. She actually sounded like she didn't understand why Natsumi wasn't pleased with the outcome. "We should be concentrating on our duties. A military vessel is no place for a civilian we know nothing about." Mitsuko was mentally preparing notes on the proper protocol for civilian contractors and consultants to be stationed on a Star Army ship, but she wasn't given a chance to argue her position.

She squeaked as her fellow crew member suddenly shot off after Sienna. "Natsumi!" The Neko hesitated for a moment, as her friend disappeared, closing her mouth. Frowning. Murakami wanted to try to catch up, to reason with Natsumi, but she didn't particularly want to deal with the smug outsider again. She was still standing there as the message from Misato was routed to her via the Eucharis. It took her a moment to craft a properly polite reply.

Misato-Nito Heisho

Regretfully, I am not sure what just occurred.  After encouraging our 'guest'
Sienna to explore our current location - which I helpfully pointed out is a
much more logical place for her to reside, compared to taking up space on a
military vessel - she was quite rude to me.  After storming off, she was
followed by Natsumi, who was upset by our conversation for some reason. 
She was also very rude to me.  I am currently unsure how to proceed. 
I will likely wait for a short time before continuing to the hotel as planned,
and attempt to rendezvous with Natsumi there.  If I may ask, how did you
know to question me right at this moment, Heisho?

Murakami-Joto Hei

After sending the message, she blinked and looked up, hearing Chieko's question. "Oh...I'm not sure. I think so?" She rolled her luggage towards the other crew member, who was on her path to the exit.
Misato stood there looking at the new message that came in from Mitsuko, She could have almost believed it if she hadn't just watched what Natsumi just sent to her.

It took her a moment to craft a properly polite reply.

Really? Really? Are you sure? I mean really you are sure? That's what happened. REALLY?!!?! I
mean Seriously Really? Seriously... Really? -Misato

Then she had the idea to send a message to Natsumi quickly.

Natsumi Fine Sienna and keep her from running off. Please, I'm going to try to get this solve
quickly. :(
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 Already attempting to right now. Standby.
Natsumi replied via wireless.
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Just outside Restaurant

Takeyu watched the file, standing there for several moments while he played it, stopped, rewinded it, and played it again just to ensure that what he was seeing was 'truly' what he was seeing because, quite frankly, he was actually stunned in disbelief - to actually see a soldier pretty much run off a civilian. "This... is rather troubling," he said and looked at Misato. He was tempted to say something to her, but given that this was a military matter and that they were around civilians, it was best not to say it 'openly.

"If it was a civilian and a civilian incident, this wouldn't be such an issue... but this is a military matter, all of us represent the Empire and in the case of the Eucharis, we represent Princess Hanako as well. If we don't behave in an appropriate manner, then that shows poorly not just on us but on her as well, because it makes it seem like she has no control over the crews discipline..." his hand balled for a brief moment, then he released it and took in a breath and then slowly released it. "Let's return to the Eucharis, I am very sorry Misato-san, but this is something we should probably deal with right away."
Eucharis Passageway

Mitsuko blinked at the latest message, before frowning as it was absorbed. "I'm sorry." She nodded to Chieko as she slowly walked past her, distracted in a manner that might be familiar to the Minkan, as she responded again.

You seem to be having the same reaction as Natsumi, Misato-Heisho.  I apologize.

She wasn't sure how else to respond in this situation. They were supposed to be enjoying this vacation, but the first day had already been just as confusing and nerve-wracking as any day on the job.
Just out side the Restaurant

Misato nodded then showed him the reply she got from Mitsuko, it had her side of the story. She shook her head. "Sir I know better but I'm going to ask anyways, Do I need to come back with you?" She stood there frowning as she tried to work out a way for her to get out of going back.

"I know better I know She needs to have her butt kick hard, if I was there I would have slapped her. Slapped her hard. But I really don't know if I could stay professional her sir... we... Mitsuko and I just kind of hooked up, as Bors would say."

"I think it's best," Takeyu said to Misato and accepted the keys back from the Valet. "You remember when I told you that friends are always there to help? A friend always knows when they need to set their friend straight," of course, Takeyu knew this was also a good chance to teach Misato a bit on leadership, of course this wasn't exactly the way he had PLANNED on advising her.....
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Misato frowned and shook her head. She was about to sound like a child with a 'But Taiiiiiiiii' instead she turned and got on the back of the bike. "You know... I didn't think that any of this could happen in any way." She knew she tried to set Mitsuko right on this, that very morning. "She told me she had issues with Sienna but I didn't see this happening."

"Always expect the unexpected," remarked the Taii with a smile. Takeyu turned the bike on and glanced over toward the street, waited until a few cars passed, before turning out onto the main street and starting toward the base. "Although not noticing the problems can actually be the fault of us officers, we are supposed to always be mindful of what goes on around us, not noticing can lead to problems."
On the road back.

"Yes I know... I should have told someone about her before this happened I just didn't think that it would lead to this. not is the least." She sat there reaching forward and wrapping her arms round his waist and held on tightly as he maneuvered the bike around. 'Why Mitsuko why...' she kept going over the same few thoughts wondering why she did it. she could have just left well enough alone but no she had to poke the badger.
Eucharis Cargo Ramp

Sienna was about to descend the ramp out into the airfield when she heard Natsumi calling out after her. Looking back over her shoulder, and seeing there was no one else with her, she halted and turned her shoulders slightly, not quite facing her directly, and gave her a slight toss of her head that seemed to wordlessly say "What is it?"

Her brow furrowed a bit more with Natsumi's every word as the snowy-complected Neko poured out an apology on Mitsuko's behalf, apparently frothing with a frustrated anger that Sienna had not yet seen in the normally sickeningly-sweet fembot in the short time since she'd come aboard. She had never understood why some people felt it was appropriate or even worth the effort to make an apology in someone else's stead, especially when the person who should be the one to offer such an apology is so very obviously not repentant in any way. But what really had her attention was the fact that, amid her anger, Natsumi looked so flustered, almost even panicked with worry that Sienna had been irreparably crushed by Mitsuko's immaturity. It was a bit surprising that Natsumi had misread her disinterest in endearing herself to someone who already thought poorly of her, and wasn't worth her time .

She shook her head and flicked her wrist, as if shooing an annoying insect away from her face. "Don't worry about it," she responded, her voice entirely nonchalant and without concern. "She's been doing nothing but giving me dirty looks since y'all picked me up. The only thing that's surprising is that she finally worked up the stones to quit mousing around and make herself clear. Even if she did it in a way I wouldn't even expect a six year old to." She gave Natsumi a small smirk, trying to let it show that she was unbothered by such a trivial confrontation.

Kale frowned. He had been coming back to the meeting point in high spirits after having written to his spacially distant sibling, however the current situation as he percieved it was killing that real quick. His eyebrows furrowed and he raised a hand to rub his forehead.

"Can someone please explain to me why our resident civilian has gone rogue for the second time this week, and why ,as last time, Yamashiro-Hei is left picking up the pieces?"

Kale hadn't really spoken to Sienna since leaving the dreamworld. His own guilt stopping him from approaching the somewhat intimidating female. Either way having spoken to and interacted with Sienna in the past he was much more likely to be taking her side in whatever conflict with a relative unknown. He could quite quickly work out who the aggressor had been. Of the few people there only the quartermaster did not have an expression leaning towards confusion. Bors had given him a pretty bad impression of the trio with their behaviour towards Takeda earlier and looking at the slightly drawn face of the Logistics neko. He had to admit that whatever happened afterwards she would get no sympathy what so ever from him.
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Cargo Bay

The big alien shook its head sadly, adjusting the front of its jacket in a self-made distraction. "There was little enough I could do for myself on that world, let alone how I could do anything meaningful for them."

It waved its arm invitingly to its small cart. "Please, I have precious little with me, but you are welcome to something of your fancy."

It held up two fingers in front of it suddenly, as though just having had an idea. "Ah, hold on, I have something your whole crew may enjoy." It reached down and picked up a package wrapped in greaseproof paper. "Please, take this to your cooks. It will not last, but it should be more than fresh enough to the palate."

Haka offered it to Hanako with both hands.

Inside the package were fine cuts of a very pale meat, it appeared to be almost entirely muscle fiber with little fat and felt very tender. Delectable.

The big aliens eyes flicked to the couple that barged into the bay for a second before turning back to the smaller Hanako. "It is Shing, very prized on my world. Very dangerous. Many farmers missing limbs."
Natsumi frowned heavily. Even though Sienna was dismissive of the situation she was not alright with it.

"I have to worry about it" she replied. "What happened, how Mitsuko is treating you reflects on all of us," she explained. "All of us, our actions, how we behave and treat everyone we meet while in uniform reflects upon all of us. We represent the Empress, the Shosho and the Empire. Our actions determine how the universe at large sees us." She was very serious about this. "And," now she spoke a little quieter, "I'd like to think we are friends and friends don't sit by and let their friends get treated like that."
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Cargo Ramp

Sienna smiled a smile that was a mixture of her nonchalant smirk and muted gratitude. "Thanks," she replied with a slight nod, "but I've dealt with way worse than that. I can handle Mitsuko." She glanced back out over her shoulder at the open field stretching out before the open ramp, ready to set foot on the beautiful resort planet, but clearly unsure where to go or how to get there. She looked back over at Natsumi with an impassive expression, glancing down at the Neko's shoes and then back up at her face. "You coming, or what?"
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