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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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"I didn't pick up a lot of clothing last time we were here. Maybe we can go shopping?" Mitsuko quieted down for the captain's announcement, smiling at the thought of some time to actually relax. It would be strange to spend so many days off the ship, though. Sleeping, living in a strange place. A bit of her old worries began to creep back in, as she pulled up her maps and notes from their last visit, mentally looking them over.

Murakami was jolted out of her silent preparations as she heard her name. "Hmm? Oh, yes, Nito Hei Victory." She smiled, letting go of Misato's hand as she matched the formal attitude. "Permission granted. Let me assist you." The Neko turned to give her roommate a much less formal peck on the cheek, holding in a giggle but unable to keep from blushing as she moved to accompany Victory to the Cargo Bay.

Misato turned a vivid purple color has her natural blue color mixed with the bright deep crimson red of her blush. Her hand reached up to her cheek as she stood there dumbfounded. the spot Mitsuko kissed burned with such a grand tingle.

after a moment she raced to grab some grub and coffee and dropped in beside Bors. She had forgotten his comment already about princess or she would have tore into him.

"So Beaches?..." She smiled dumbly again as she tried to ask Bors if he would like to join them on the beaches this time.

Bors chucked as the now crimsion neko sat down next to him.

"Didn't know you neko's could change color so quickly there princess."

Reclining in his seat he sipped on his coffee enjoying it bitter taste and mulled over the idea of going to the beach.

"Well I don't see why not, could use a bit of scenery change, getting a bit tired of seeing the same color walls everyday, and I'm pretty sure you get tired of seeing my handsome mug everyday."

That 'princess' got through. Misato's blush changed to one of anger. "I'm Not a Princess!" She growled a bit louder then she meant.

"I'm not... I think I'm about a far as one can get from one..." She said a bit quieter, as she looked around hoping no one caught her outburst. "Yes we should go to the beach... Maybe you could grab one of this young new nekos for your arm?"

She motioned at Chieko, as an example.

"I'd rather scope out the beach first, nothing wrong with anyone here just don't want to making someone I live with irritated at me. Not a fan of waking up with a kitchen knife in my chest know what i mean Princess?."

Putting his hands behind his head he mumbled to himself 'not the first time'

"Keep it up Mr. man... I'll be sure to set you up with some homely old thing." Misato glared at Bors as she pictured shoving the kitchen knife into him.

"Anyways, you should find some one, I can't be everything for you... I'm just another gun around here."

Bors rolled his eyes at Misato's comment, "Your not just a gun, I don't shoot ya off a few times then wipe you down with a towel before putting ya back in the armory until I need to use ya again."

He paused for a minute before speaking up again.

"Guess you're right though, just always feel a bit awkward hitting on people who I'm ten times older than at best."

"I guess not, but still you need to try." Misato smiled, though felt bad, like she was cheating on him with Mitsuko. Not that she and him ever were anything. She still felt she had betrayed him somehow.

"I'm sure they would love a big strapping Nep to come a sweep them off their feet. Though there isn't any of them around I'm sure you'll so."

"Cute princess cute." He said closing his eyes and relaxing a bit, "We'll just see what happens during this leave then I guess. Though I'm not one to sweep people off their feet unless its a fight and I don't think fighting them is getting on their good side."

"It works for some of us..." Misato shut her mouth and looked down at her chow before her. 'What am I thinking egging him on like that...'

Misato started eating a bit as she thought over what she was saying to him, and what Bors meant to her. Life for Misato was getting pretty hard, she kind of wished she could have gone back to the days of just bouncing from one fight to another. At least then she was too busy to worry about these things.

"Ohhh so thats what your into, didn't know the mousy one had it in 'er." Bors chuckled, trying to sway the conversation away from his love life, more so lack of one. "Was wondering what those noises were late at night."

"Well At least someone likes me enough to spend sometime with me." Misato snapped back a bit meaner then she planned but oh well he had it coming.

"Booze and cold bunk isn't everything one needs in life is it."

"Well excuse me princess, didn't mean to hit a nerve there." Bors said as she snapped at him, the normal sarcastic tone gone and replaced by something that sounded a lot more serious with a hint of anger.

"Maybe not yours but it helps me out a bit, haven't really been sleeping lately anyway so frankly I don't give a damn about the temperature of my bunk at the moment." Punctuating his sentence by taking a sip of his coffee.

Msiato eyes widened as she heard him talk about his sleeping habits. "Have you thought about seeing one of the docs about this?" She looked at him and tried to get into his head, "If you need to talk you can always come find me." She frowned and looked back at her half empty plate.

"It's fine, I can handle it myself doc's don't need to ta get involved, pry just some remnants of that dreamworld place still in my system." He said taking another drink of his coffee before stirring it around with is finger even though nothing was in it. The anger he had pent up fleeted from his face as it was quickly replaced by the tiredness of body and soul " I just need a break from everything is all, should be better after this little break."

The look on his face really made Misato worry. "Promise me that one night here the two of us will go and drink, maybe bs a bit. Might do us both a bit of good." She tried to smile reassuring but it fell a bit flat from her worry for him.

"We can get drunk and get into trouble."

"Most of the code for that I had on an old file. I just mixwd in some new hardware drivers and the personality data from one of my sisters old pets." he said dismissively.

Speaking of data he still had all of the data he had pre-ripped from the little machines datacore to go though. The little bit he had gone through was so that he understood the specifications of the hardware but the rest of the simple AI network was still tucked away on his computer pad.

The technician brightened somewhat at the thought of liberty on a new world though a niggling little part of his conscience kept telling him that he didn't really warrent it, having been on board less then a week.

"So any particular plans for here? Or should we play it by ear? I guess the only thing I need to do soon is pick up a cubic meter or so of ferrous material for nano-lathing. I have a few ideas I want to try out before winter celebrations begin."

Noticing the robot still being a bother he called out to it. "Jitter, come. Now sit, stay. Good boy." The robot soundlessly dropped back onto its haunches by his chair.

"I can't promise much, we might have leave cut short again and I think a certain someone would be mad if we showed up tanked." Bors said as he eyed the Heisho, his normal sarcastic and joking tone coming back. "And if you want to be concerned for someone go for her, I at least know how to have fun once in awhile."

With a chuckle Misato looked over at the new NCO before taking a sip of her coffee to hide her mouth, "Then again both of you could use a good lay..." She smiled and took a long pull of the black elixir.

"I'd rather chop off the rest of my right arm." Bors said dryly "I can't even crack a joke around her without getting in trouble, last thing I need is to spend a night in the bring or hitting on a superior officer." Granted she wasn't half bad to look at but Bors was still a bit miffed at her from earlier in the week, first impressions were a lot to him afterall.
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