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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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"Yeah but... well..." Misato was sure now that something was going to happen with those two. One way or another.

"I wonder where these rooms will be, you think this hotel will be on the beach or else where?" She wasn't sure why she changed the subject but she was sure that if she kept pushing it, she would ruin the chance to play matchmaker.

Bors shrugged "Beats me. Though knowing our ShoSho here it should be somewhere nice... hope they have a brekfast buffet with a build your own omelet thing, haven't had a good omelet in forever."

Bors mind mulled over the upcoming trip a bit he really didn't have anything planned for the most part and where he was staying would dictate mostly what he was going to do.

"Omelet bars... hell I'll be happy if there isn't ripper trying to tear me apart and there is a warm bed to snooze off my hangovers." She smiled as she thought of one idea of trying every drink the bars could make.

"Maybe I'll buy a hoverbike or something stupid like that. Or maybe I can buy a place to live here when I get cashed out of here." she frowned, "Though I fear I'll get cashed out in a pine box someday."

Blackberry's voice came over the intercom. "It is 1300 local time, a warm 27 degrees and breezy. The ship is now landed at Fort Hanako, named after our captain. I am powering down most ship systems. Thank you, that is all."

Hanako took her seat next to Sune. Before she began to eat, she explained, "The plan for today is a for a formation and a promotion ceremony, followed by issuing travel documents and time to pack. After, the crew will catch a flight to the resort on the Telemachus or another shuttle or transport for those who are leaving the crew. I've paid for Sienna to come with the crew and stay at the resort. Victory will be staying behind to wrangle the ship's manifest. All cargo will be unloaded and sorted in a warehouse here. While all this is happening, I will have to figure out what to do with the merchant."
"Well as for the merchant, he brought some of his wares with him. I know some of the crew were interested in them, but the ship's rule against pets prohibits that. So I guess he could see about setting up a shop in the city.

We should probably see about having some representatives from the Scientific Studies Service come and meet with him. Perhaps they can figure out where his people are from, and send an expedition to make contact or at least take him home if that is what he wants."

He sipped his water.

"Will the formation be on the tarmac, or in the cargo area?" he inquired.

"On the tarmac," Hanako answered. She gave Sune's hand an affectionate squeeze under the table and gave him a sorrowful look. "I will miss you," she softly added.

Natsumi looked out at the blue sky through the window as she settled into the booth. She took a sip of her drink and enjoyed the crystal clear blue sky outside. It had been a long while since she had seen a blue sky. She smiled and relaxed in her seat. She was curious who was going to get promoted to what before they all departed for leave.

Chieko was impressed by what she hoped was an ingenious solution to the robot's programming; however she hadn't spent that much time learning much more than how to operate computers and various sensor equipment. That in mind, though, she did see the potential of such knowledge in setting up research apparati - she would need to pick the technician's brain on such things in that case.

"I'm not quite sure yet as it seems Ketsurui-Shosho seems to have things planned so far," the scientist replied to Kale, "Once I know where we will be and the rest of our limits I'll have a look through the online brochures for what is all available.

"Should I plan for two?"

The academic acquired a slight predatory quality to her smile as she asked the question, a smile that she seemed to only offer Kale on occasion. Blackberry's announcement broke it however, and she sighed looking at her food. It wouldn't be long before they would need to leave the ship and Chieko had barely taken a bite.

Realizing her shortening time, the young Minkan began shovelling food into her face. It was unladylike, but she wanted to be sure to last until, at least, the next meal.

Sune returned the squeeze and resisted the urge to ask her to come away with him. But he knew that would never happen. He did his best to hide the pain he felt, but was sure some it showed in his eyes.

"The tarmac should be just fine. At least it will be pleasant. Unlike when we returned from Nataria and were left with just our under garments on a cool damp night." he replied.

“Gawking, Sienna-san? Certainly having an appreciation of beauty warrants a more distinguished verb.” Junko smiled and began moving through the line herself. “I certainly wouldn’t have described my own staring as such. And as for EVA, I don’t know what your intentions are or what accommodations the Shosho has extended to you, but if you stay aboard the ship the opportunity may very well come around.”

Moving through the line, Junko populated her plate with a small but properly nutritionally diverse breakfast before turning to look for a seat. She caught the brief sideways glances from Suzume and Bors and frowned slightly. What exactly they were talking about was of course unknown, but she couldn’t exactly imagine it was complimentary. That brought up another thought and not wanting to delay any further, she paused to telepathically send her promotion recommendations to Hanako’s inbox.

She was a touch nervous as this was the first time she was being asked to directly make decisions - or at least recommendations - that would affect others’ futures. As that lack of confidence was wholly unbecoming of a Heisho, she dispelled the feeling with a shake of her head and returned her gaze to the Wardroom at large.

"Am I late?" asked the Taii as he walked into the Wardroom, Takeyu was already feeling tired after having to inspect a few areas of the ship before he got to the room, something he hadn't thought he'd need to do since he'd already DONE an inspection before their arrival; but alas technology is but a fickle thing and breaks down easily even with the best of maintenance.

Takeyu stretched lightly and took a seat at the table, where he glanced out the window at the beautiful sky.

That hadn't been the reaction kale hadd been expecting. And thus sadly for the second time that week Namach-OS bluescreened. Blinking he cleared his head, and immediately blushed deep crimson. He really had no clue how to answer that question.

"Th-that might be nice..." he squeaked, looking a little like rabbit caught in the headlights.

Absently he caught the comment about no pets. He didn't remember reading that but then again he had never expected it to apply to him anyways. Maybe his uncle would be getting an early christmas present this year. It wasn't that he didn't trust others not to go messing with the reprogramming he had put the bot through but the savvy old weapons tech would know what to do, and not to do, around potentially volatile tesla technology.

'Do droids even count as pets?' he thought

"Mm," was all that Sienna offered in reply to Junko's statement, or as any clue as to her intentions, along with a simple nod as the tiny brunette finished making her food selections. She drew a tall glass of ice water and turned with her breakfast to head for her usual spot in the corner, noticing that Natsumi was already seated at the booth, but thankfully not in the seat against the walls. Supporting her breakfast tray with one hand, she picked up one of the sausage links on her plate with her fingers and started in on it as she made her way behind those seated at the center table.

She stopped chewing and turned her head in slight surprise when Hanako mentioned that she'd paid for her to accompany them to the resort, but certainly didn't complain. She couldn't imagine what reason the admiral would have for such a gesture, but it meant another few days of free room and board, and in continued luxury to boot. She didn't say anything around her mouthful of food, but she simply offered Hanako a smirk and a single nod of thanks before continuing to the booth, away from the crowd. She accidentally bumped one of those seated at the table with her hip as she brushed by, but didn't call attention to it.

In the back of her mind, she knew the other shoe was going to drop eventually, and she had to stay prepared for it. But there was no harm in taking advantage of the Yamataians' charity while it lasted.

Sliding her tray onto the table across from Natsumi, she settled into her seat and lightly adjusted one of the shoulder straps of her tank top before digging in. Shoving a forkload of eggs into her mouth. "Y'all treat everyone you pick up to a luxury vacation?" she asked Natsumi with whimsical dryness around a full mouth, not looking up from her plate.
Cargo Bay

The rear door ramp was now open and the summery breeze rolling across the airfield was blowing into Victory's face enough that she took her hat off momentarily to pull down its black elastic chin-strap. As she stepped outside, she walked around the side of the ship to see two container handling vehicles approaching to help unload the ship's cargo bay. But there was something else. A marching band, dressed in white, was approaching the ship in formation.

"Mitsuko, look at this! I think we should call the captain and let her know," Victory suggested.


Hanako smiled softly when she heard her question. "I like you and you have been a great help," he teal-haired captain replied. "It's the least I could do. I get a lot of perks on this planet because I planted the Yamataian flag on it and I want to share them." The Shosho gave Sienna another, larger smile and then began to eat her breakfast.

The wardroom's wall telephone began to ring with the call from the cargo bay.

Sune noted that the intercom was ringing. He released Hanako's hand and walked over to the handset. He picked up the receiver, "Wardroom, Jalen-Chusa. Report."

Natsaumi smiled at Sienna as she sat across the table from her and asked about the generosity, which the Shosho answered before she could herself.

"Pay for Star Army soldiers is pretty good" Natsumi added her own comment. "None of us are ever left wanting, so a little generosity is never out of the question" she smiled and started in on her breakfast.

She noted the phone ringing and Sune picked it up. She was curious what that was for but didn't ask as she was enjoying her food too much at the moment.

"You're gonna have to wear out a few tanks if your plan on cashing out in a box." Bors said finishing off the rest of his coffee. "You neko's can practically live forever if you have one of those things. As for the hoverbike I'd go with something Nepleslian. You yammi's are good with your tech but fun vehicles seem to elude you, least in my opinion."

"Maybe..." Misato sat there sipping on her coffee. "Yeah well I like the idea of the hover-bikes. I'm not limited to paved roads. I plan on spending some time riding along the beaches. " She shrugged, maybe she would go out on her own, she hadn't been by herself for... well ever. "Maybe I'll camp-out somewhere."

"You'd have to talk to the ShoSho on that one, didn't really get a chance to spot any good camping spots.... found a few good bars though." he chuckled as he tried to recall most of the night, most of which was a blur. "Tell me if you find any though or a nice secluded spot away from everything."

"Yeah well, or you can join me on this beach bum trip. Maybe I'll get a hover van and we can cruise the coast." She smiled as she pictured Bors in surf shorts and huge dorky sunglasses. "Maybe, Or I'll just take off some night an return a few days later with a few books read and a few hundred miles put on the bike."
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