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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 22] Warm Holidays (YE 36)

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Fort Hanako, Hanako's World

After repairs and a long period of relatively boring patrols, Eucharis was finally back at its home port on the world discovered by her captain. A buzzing tourism and agricultural hotspot, Hanako's World was an ocean planet with perpetual warm and pleasant days, crystal-clear blue waters, lush green mountains and vast white beaches. It was also the home of the First Expeditionary Fleet, which mean the crew got to visit regularly to enjoy wet days and hot nights (or vica versa) at the resorts.

It had been about a year since the ship and her crew had returned home. At that time, they had just escaped the Essai Dreamworld, rescuing a Chelti named Haka from there and rescuing Sienna from the squalid independent colony of Urtullan. The governor had come out to greet them with a marching band, and promotions were awarded. First Officer Jalen Sune had hosted a dinner at the Princess Dunes restaurant in the Ketsurui Resort Hotel.

The Eucharis slowly came to rest just outside the ship's hangar, a large concrete dock with an arched roof located off to the side of the Fort Hanako's spaceport. In the distance there were shuttles, fighters, and bombers taxiing around flying through the air making delivery and conducting training operations. The weather was 24 C (75 F) with a moderate and constant breeze that would steal your hat if you it was worn too loosely. Local time was around 10 am.

Once the ship was it the proper parking spot, Hanako had Natsumi cut power to the engines and most of the other systems on the ship, which left the ship unusually quiet inside. She grabbed the center console's phone and dialed the intercom. "Attention crew! We have arrived in paradise! Liberty for everyone! You are free to leave the ship. For stock cargo issues, see Victory and for new item requests, see Mitsuko. Mitsuko can also get free barracks or hotel rooms for anyone who wants one. Also do not forget that in a couple days we will have our year-end holiday party and gift exchange. There are a few new things that you should know about. Fort Hanako now has train service to a new shopping district called Shinjuku, and also to the PAINT system, which is mass-transportation to other planets. So you can actually visit other worlds if you want. If you're planning to go off-planet, see me for permission first. I also recommend you use the buddy system for safety, although I'm not going to require it this time. If anyone else has any questions, ask me. That is all."

Down in the cargo bay, Victory opened the rear cargo ramp, which groaned loudly until it hit the concrete tarmac with a metallic thump.
YSS Eucharis--Med Lab

Sam woke up after hearing the intercom. Oh, cool! He slept through the last mission, and now they were on vacation. Awesome! He quickly hopped out of the bed and went into the halls, but stopped when he realized he was naked. "Um, okay..." He went back into the room, then grabbed a blanked and wrapped it around him. He needed some clothing. The intercom said to see Mitsuko for some free stuff. If only he knew who this Mitsuko was... Wait, wasn't she that girl in the Power Armor? He went to go find her.

YSS Eucharis--Lounge

After searching the ship, Sam eventually found Mitsuko. "Hey, Babe. I need some clothes." Just then, he remembered the intercom said they were in paradise, which usually meant beaches. "Oh, and a swimsuit too. I'd also like one of those free hotel rooms. Maybe two." One never knew how many girls he might bump into on the beach. It might be a good idea to have an extra room in case he found two girls and couldn't chose between them.
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Med Lab

Taharial didn't notice Sam leave as she was busy with her 'baby' and was totally engrossed. When she heard the intercom she smiled and chuckled and thought for a second then put her notes away "I could use a room, that is all I need for this time" she went to find Mitsuko. Her wings were going a pale pink colour as the dye was fading, she needed to dye them again and soon, she would find somewhere to get some dye, maybe bright neon pink or pure black, she thought a new colour would be great shake it up a bit.

Random Area of Ship

Taharial smiled as she met with Mitsuko, she saw that Mitsuko was busy so waited for her to finish with Sam, she muttered about her wings and sighed as she waited.

Mitsuko had not handled the crew's lodging on Hanako's World during their last visits, but she was not averse to the assignment. In fact, the captain giving her more responsibility was likely a good thing. They did seem to be short on officers at the moment, and their last stop here had involved promotions, after all. The addition of travel destinations outside of Fort Hanako, not to mention those not even on the planet itself, probably made it easier and more cost effective for her to requisition rooms only to those who asked for them, instead of booking one room for every crew member in the same hotel.

She had settled in the Lounge - a good, central location - and was currently seated on one of the couches. A cup of tea was placed on the low table in front of her, as the Neko looked over a datapad. She'd been connected to the local net long enough to have a list of the nearest hotels, as well as the information to find hotels at the most likely destinations outside of town. She'd even checked the PAINT system's destinations, preparing a list of planets people might be travelling to, along with how to contact hotels on the other end. Mitsuko didn't think it was likely many crew members would travel far, but she always liked to be prepared. Busywork was her favorite kind of work. In the end, she'd most likely simply default to booking everyone a room at the Ketsurui Resort Hotel again, but it was nice to have options.

The first familiar face to approach her was not one she'd been particularly eager to see. His current state of dress - and manner of addressing her - did not make her any more enthusiastic. "Darkfire-Hei. I understand you have been in Medical following the....failure of your unique negotiation tactics...but you were still assigned a cabin when you came aboard. I believe you picked it out yourself." She returned to examining her datapad, making it obvious she was dismissing him. "If you can return fully dressed, and manage to address me properly, I can see about requesting a single room for you at the Ketsurui Resort Hotel." She had sent him her information when they first met, and he'd known to talk to her when the announcement mentioned her name, so he obviously knew who she was. "I can also handle any replacement uniforms or other requests for Star Army regulation equipment you might require. All purchases of civilian goods and attire are your own responsibility." She glanced up, looking past him to return Taharial's smile, obviously through dealing with him for now.

"Hello Chasan-Hei. Did you need assistance obtaining a hotel room? Is this your first time on Hanako's World?"
Back on Hanako's world again for another sunny holiday break. Natsumi was pleased with this. As soon as she had handled the landing, the snowy haired neko had put everything into the proper standby mode for parking and had excused herself from the bridge. She then rushed off to her cabin and packed her travel case with her civilian clothing and swimwear and anything she felt she needed to bring for time off the ship, which did not include any uniforms save for the one she currently had on, which she would change out of once she was to a hotel room.

Packed, Natsumi rolled her case out and made for the lounge, where Mitsuko was managing lodging planet side.


Natsumi rolled into the lounge, behind where the logistics neko was already dealing with the guy who had got himself shot up by the space bugs in their last mission, and, Taharial, she recalled, another new member of the crew. There were so many new faces on the Eucharis recently, it was hard to keep track of all of them. She set her rolling case by the door, then walked up to wait for her turn in line.

Taharial smiled and nodded "Yes please, I would love a hotel room and it is my first time here, c-could you give me a tour of the place when your done around here" she smiled sweetly but sighed as she looked at her wings "I need somewhere to get dye though for these."

Taharial chuckled "a room with you may be good, I will probably be working most of the time, we may be able to force each other to go out and enjoy the paradise of this planet." As Taharial looked around she saw Natsumi and smiled "hey, guessing you have been happy to have the room to yourself while I have been in the Med Lab" she chuckled and was thinking what she needed to take planet side.
YSS Eucharis--Lounge

Sam was confused. Hay? How the hell did animal food become his last name? Also, he was almost certain Darkfire wasn't his first name. He was about to ask for an explanation when Mitsuko addressed the angel in a similar fashion. Maybe it was honorifics or something? Wait, manage to address her properly? With her last name as her first name? He didn't know her last name! All he bothered to look at when the screen popped-up was her first name. Fuck! She didn't seriously expect him to come up with her last name, did she? That could be a problem. Perhaps he could get around that by simply using 'you'. "Um, you see. T-that's the problem. My only uniform. It's gone. I don't have it. I had it on earlier. But, when I woke up, it was gone--my only pair of undies too. I don't have a spare set of clothes to change into. That's why I'm wearing a fricken blanket. Do you think I like walking around in nothing but a blanket? Do you think this is some kind of joke? Seriously. If I had clothes, I'd be wearing them. But, I don't, which is why I'm here."

Aikiko finished up her day's set of duties and chores when the announcement came over the ship wide intercom. She smiled as she moved to her quarters. Stripping off the dirty uniform and underclothing. She slipped into a robe and scampered to the showers and cleaned up to give rush of people that Mitsuko had to deal with a chance to clear out.

She returned to her quarters and gotten dressed in her best uniform and packed her travel case for the limited time she had away from the ship. She was unsure of what to pack, but she packed lightly. Just enough clothes to last the furlough to include her swimsuit.

Looking over her stuff as she packed, she would have to get some new clothing as she needed to get a more wider selection. It was weird to have money just to spend on things she wanted to have, instead of being very tight with her money and getting the barest minimum to meet her needs. She gave one of her rarest smiles, but it was wasted on an empty room.

Once packed she headed to the lounge where Mitsuko was busy with others. She sat in a nearby lounge chair that was out of the way. Putting her travel case down on the floor next to the seat, she withdrew a techmanuel she had interest in and resumed reading it as she waited for the room to clear.

Mitsuko was all smiles as she conversed with the Elysian, obviously enjoying this conversation more than the one she'd had with the Nepleslian. "During earlier visits the crew stayed at the Ketsurui Resort Hotel. I assume a room there would be satisfactory?" She nodded a few times at the following comments and questions from the medic. "I, um, don't know much about dyes...or wings. But, I can reserve you a room on the same floor as mine. I am familiar with some of the local stores near the hotel. I would be happy to travel there with you after I've finished here. You might need some time to pack and prepare." Of course, Mitsuko had packed hours ago. It had been extremely satisfying to organize the clothing and personal items she would be taking, and she always enjoyed using the personalized luggage that the captain had gifted her and the rest of the Eucharis crew that year.

Speaking of which, Natsumi had just rolled her own into the Lounge. Murakami's smiled faltered a bit, as she remembered the last time they'd visited this planet, the two of them rolling matching bags down the corridor. A moment later the smile had completely disappeared, as Darkfire began speaking to her again. "Santo Hei Darkfire, records indicate you were issued two Type 35 Duty Uniforms and two Type 31 Working Uniforms. Since you were in uniform when I saw you in the Power Armor Bay before the...negotiations...that leaves three surviving uniforms in your care." The Neko was staring at the space to one side of his head, as she accessed her digital memories and exhaustive mental lists. "Furthermore, you were also issued two Type 29 Exercise Uniforms, as well as six pairs of Star Army Undergarments."

Her eyes flickered over to him as she momentarily returned to the scene in front of her, before accessing another bundle of information. "If you are suggesting you have lost every single article of clothing you were issued, I feel I must remind you that failure to adhere to the Star Army Uniform and Appearance Policy can result in serious punishment, including: hard labor, forfeiture of pay, reassignment, demotion, dishonorable discharge, and, of course..." Now she was smiling again. "...forfeiture of shore leave." Mitsuko was still smiling as she again dismissed him with a simple nod. "I again urge you to locate your cabin and your equipment. Yamashiro-Hei, Akiashiro-Hei, do you also require hotel rooms? Would the Ketsurui Resort Hotel be satisfactory? Perhaps you can help show the newer crew members the way, um, Natsumi-chan." She hesitated before using that name, but otherwise seemed comfortable enough as she talked to the two newest arrivals while once again attempting to ignore Darkfire.
Lounge -> cabin

Taharial nodded to Mitsuko "a room there sounds perfect, and by yours sounds even better, I'll come back once I've packed so you can show me the way" Taharial ran off towards her room to gather her stuff, as she packed she hummed a little in excitement .

After Taharial packed her shore leave clothes, a pink bikini and her notes she felt ready to go and enjoy herself with the others. She slowly made her way back to see that everyone was still talking to each others, so she put her duffel bag down and waited.

Natsumi waited quietly as the 'conversation' between Mitsuko and Darkfire continued.

"It's been alltogether too quiet" she replied to her new roomie. "I'm used to sharing a cabin with a Nepleslian soldier that swore in his sleep" she replied to Tararial before she left.

"A room there will be fine" Natsumi replied to Mitsuko. "Thank you" Despite their past disagreements, she saw no reason to be cold or rude to the logistics neko, especially since that logistics neko had the keys to her hotel room.

"I could show them the way to the resort, sure she answered.
Cabin 3

The bottle of "ration" whiskey was half empty on the desk as Antonia Stark wobbled to and fro packing her duffel bag. She was trying to whistle but the tune was obnoxious and kept falling over to humming. The bag was being stuffed with her swim wear and her gun parts.

Her plans for leave were pretty simple. She had reports to send to HQ, then it was just screwing around with random crap. Like putting weapons on the personal floating assistant, and getting a tan. There would be also time at a firing rang, but that was just icing on the cake for her.


Tony walked into the lounge with her rifle case in one hand and her duffel tossed over her shoulder, in her other. "Yo... Mitsuko-Son May I get a hotel room. Pretty please with a bullet on top?" She smiled and attempted to bow a bit, with the booze in her and the bags she was a bit wobbly, but she was trying to play nice so she could get her room and get out to a beach where she could drink and work on her reports.
Reactions: Wes

Aikiko nodded at hearing her name as she listened to Mitsuko. "That would be fine." Unsure of her rank, she spoke in a respectful voice to Mitsuko. "Thanks." As an after thought, just to keep on the good side of Mitsuko as she was busy getting the other's lodging.

She packed away the techmanuel in her luggage she was taking with her. Studiously ignoring Darkfire's state of dress as she waited on Mitsuko and the rest to get finished.

She was about to help Tony, but decided against it as she was looking forward to the time to just be on her own without anyone bugging her till it was time to return to the Eucharis.
Engineering - Maintainance duct

Kale was replacing a faulty command relay unit when the call went out over intercom.

'Huh, that was fast, didnt expect to be here so soon I mean its only the... oh hell...'

Kale sat bolt upright smacking right into the metal paneling above his head and once again collapsing across the floor.

"Owww..... I can't believe I forgot my own sister's birthday." he groaned, head throbbing from the sudden impact.

The engineer glared at the faulty component, as if somehow this was all its fault, before sighing and fixing in the last few connections on the new unit. Job done he shimmied out from the maintainance passageway and made his way through to Cabin 6, It was a shame, with Dirjon and Tank gone that left him one of only three technical staff on board, and he hadn't gotten around to speaking much to their new science officer yet. Checking to make sure he hadnt gone and left anything important behind Kale sat on his bed and took a few minutes to type out a missive to his sister, wishing her a happy Birthday, and made a mental note to send something later. Picking up his bag he left for the lounge.


Kale looked out across the fairly full room. I seemed like every man, woman, child and associated dog had turned out almost immediately for a chance to get off the ship. He could kind of understand the want for shore leave though, even though he always felt better when there was something to be working on.

"Morning all," he greeted those already assembled.

It was then that he spotted the newbie, standing around in nothing but a bedsheet. He sighed gustily, not even wanting to speculate how this particular situation came to pass.

"Hey, kiddo. You know that you could just ask MEGAMI to fabricate you some new clothes right? As far as I know such things are left to the discression of the user rather then the supply staff. This may be a mostly informal ship but I'll be damned if a self respecting member of the army went running around in public like this." He turned to the supply officer. "If you don't mind Mitsuko-san, I'll deal with this now, you have enough work on your hands as it is."

It only took a moment to communicate with the hotel, using the authority Hanako had given her to use her name, rank and resources to assign rooms to the crew members. It was simple for Mitsuko to send the data to Natsumi and Aikiko wirelessly, but she still had to explain verbally for Taharial. "There, you're all set. They've set aside a floor for us, to keep it simple, but we can always make separate arrangements if necessary." She smiled and nodded, making sure to share a look with all three to ensure they knew they were included. "The front desk will have your information and be expecting you. Natsumi-chan can show you the way, and I'll catch up as soon as I, um...finish here." By that time, Stark had wobbled in to join them.

She managed to hold in a sigh, but her expression was still a bit frustrated. "Of course, Cadet Stark." She looked at her datapad just to cover the pause while she contacted the hotel again. "There, same floor, like I said." She didn't mention the fact that she'd assigned Stark a room as far as possible from the ones reserved for her and the others. Mitsuko considered the Cadet's state as she glanced at the other two Neko, giving them an apologetic look. "Perhaps I should send for a vehicle to meet you all outside?"

Murakami seemed somewhat relieved when Kale arrived to handle the improperly dressed crew member. "Thank you, Namach-Hei. We can discuss your lodging when you return."

"No worries." he repled with a small smile as he began to lead the aforementioned crewmember towards the fabrication facilities. "Come on kid im pretty sure you dont want to be standing around like this, and I'd bet the rest of the crew doesn't want to bear witness to this for an extended period of time either. Just be thankful for small mercies, in that the Captain wasn't there"

With a small shake of his head he left, dragging the unfortunate Hei behind him.

After a tour of additional combat training, Akane walked through the lounge on the Eucharis, looking to rejoin their combat ranks.

With her travel satchel over her shoulder and her crimson hair drifting past her shoulders, the young Neko saw a few members of the crew. She raised a hand in greeting. "Hello."

By now, it was obvious Mitsuko had no intention of honoring his new clothing requests. Sam wasn't impressed. Hanako clearly stated to see Mitsuko for all item requests and Mitsuko wasn't doing her duty. He was about to go to the bridge and put in a complaint when some dude said something about seeing MEGAMI. Sam wasn't so sure who this person was, but he followed him anyway. "So, who's this MEGAMI?" Couldn't Hanako have said to report to MEGAMI for new item requests instead of Mitsuko? It would have made things a hell of a lot easier.
Cargo Bay

Blackberry, Cherry, Lime, and Mango, assembled in the cargo bay, where Hanako met them. She sent the nekos out in the utility truck to get rental vehicles, and they returned a few minutes later with each driving one. This gave the crew access to 3 Zephyr aircars (a red one, a blue one, and a green one) and the ship's old Light Utility Truck. The night shift nekos then went to the hotel in the red aircar. Lime and Mango took the utility truck, filled it with trash, and left with that. So that left a green and a blue aircar that the remaining crew would have to share.

Meanwhile, Victory was using the ship's cargo crane and a forklift to offload containers and cargo, including the items recovered in orbit over Splorfin I, and putting them into the hangar bay.

Not wanting to leave the ship on her own, Hanako went up to the lounge to see what the other crew members were doing.

Taharial sat there and listened to the others, she was excited as this was her first time on Hanako's world but she heard a lot about it. While she thought about what she would do she saw Hanako enter the longue and as she was just sitting around she stood and gave a salute to her commander happily "hello Ma'am, I can't wait to see the world, it is my first time here, but I heard it is amazing."
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