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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 22] Warm Holidays (YE 36)

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Natsumi rubbed her temple and shook her head at Sam. "The MEGAMI is the ship's computer AI, she is named Charisma," the operator neko said to Sam.
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"Thanks Mitsuko-son." Tony smirked and saluted her before trying to turn on her heel and hear Sam talking. "Damn Man... I'm the foreigner here and I know that crap..." She shook her head and frowned. Yammies sure are pushing idiots into the military... wonder if their neko production is crapping out or something... She figured she'd mention it in the report she had to send back to HQ.

Now that she had her room, and was packed she wasn't sure what to do next. Though the Captain was there now so she figured asking her. "Captain? Bosslady?" Tony walked up and saluted after dropping her duffel to the deck. "Was wondering... What all should I do now? got a room and well I have ideas for a plan but..." She swayed a hair from the whiskey she had drank already. "but... I don't know this world.."

Mitsuko was a bit surprised to see another returning crew member. First Kale, now Akane. Maybe some of her friends would return someday, too? The thought perked her up a bit, as did the sight of Darkfire being led off and out of her hair. "Welcome back to the Eucharis, Miyako-Hei. You've arrived just in time for shore leave, it seems. Would you like for me to assign you a room at the Ketsurui Resort Hotel, with the others?"

The Neko tilted her head to the side for a moment as she received an update from Victory. It was mostly focused on the offloading of some of the items in their Cargo Bay, but she also mentioned the rental cars. Mitsuko was also given just enough warning to be standing when Hanako arrived, giving her a deep, proper bow. "Hello Shosho. I believe almost everyone has been assigned a room. So far, no requests for travel off-world." She remained standing as she addressed the others. "There are two rental vehicles waiting just outside the Cargo Bay. It would probably be for the best if Chasan-Hei and Cadet Stark rode with you, Natsumi-chan." She was the pilot, after all, so Murakami assumed she'd want to drive.

Akane or Aikiko could also fit in the same car. Which left the other for Kale and Darkfire. Possibly Victory and Hanako, too, although she thought the captain might have her own car sent over. Sigurd and Tsuguka seemed to be recovering from their last mission, still. That left Mitsuko to finish here and catch up after, alone.
With a bow and a smile to Mitsuko, Akane said, "Yes, thank you. I would appreciate that." The idea of spending time with her crewmates appealed to Akane. A team that had fun together could rely on each other much more.

She made another bow as Hanako was brought up to speed. Deference was easy for the young Neko, especially in the presence of her commanding officer. Until addressed or an appropriate moment, Akane thought it better to remain quiet and respectful.

As Taharial sat back down she smiled as she thought about what the planet would offer her as she closed her eyes she heard a voice that sounded like someone she knew but she didn't want to interrupt anyone talking so she just ignores it for the time being.

Aikiko waited patiently as the others were dealt with, when the Shosho walked in. She remained in the background watching and waiting. She had her hotel room reserved and she could leave at anytime. But this was a new world. She knew she could get a ride once she reached the Base administration buildings.
She waited patiently beside her travel pack.

"It can be amazing, if you like the beach, the water, or the night life," Shosho Hanako told Taharial. She looked to Antonia next. "I am not going to tell you how to have fun," she replied. "Very good," she told Mitsuko. The aquamarine-haired captain then looked around and saw that everyone else appeared to have stopped doing whatever they were doing, so she explained, "If anyone else is looking to go shopping, you can join me in the blue air car. I am going to drive down to the new market district and start gift-hunting and replenishing my civilian wardrobe. Carry on." Hanako then slipped back out of the lounge and down the main vertical passage to the lower levels of the ship again.

"I'll come with you Shosho, I need to get dye and presents for everyone" Taharial smiled and picked up her duffel bag grinning "if you don't mind Shosho" she looked at the others then she made her way down to the blue air car and throw her bag into it.

She waited outside the car to see who else would come shopping, she wanted to spend time with some of the people she had met while doing her mission on the Eucharis.
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Mitsuko nodded in response to Akane, sending her the information about her room a few moments later. She remained standing until Hanako had left the room, settling back down onto the couch with a sigh. She retrieved her teacup and sipped, enjoying the warm beverage while she waited. Everyone present had been successfully handled, so she used this time to prepare herself for the return of the two crew members from earlier. While she'd like nothing more than to leave with the others before those two returned - she was packed, after all - she had her orders.
:: Eucharis : Lounge ::

Aikiko relaxed as Hanako left the Lounge, along with Taharial. She nodded to Mitsuka with a soft smile, "thanks," softly spoken as she passed by Mitsuka on her way to the central passageway. She had her information she needed on her datapadd for her hotel room.

She made sure her travel case was secured as she stepped into the central passageway and dropped to the level that would allow her to exit the ship with ease. Pretty much following Shosho and Taharial till they exited the ship.

:: Fort Hanako : Eucharis - Spaceport Administration Terminal Building::

Aikiko extended the handle on her travel case and pulled it along as she took the long walk to the Base's terminal. She enjoyed the fresh air and the opportunity to stretch her legs without being in Power Armor or an enclosed space if she had a choice in the matter. Distance to places didn't matter to her as she was used to walking. It gave her time to adjust to the different gravity of the planet that what was used aboard the Eucharis.

She removed her hat and stuck it in the lapel of her uniform jacket, letting the breeze play with her dark brown hair. It was loose and free from the usual onduty ponytail. Every once in a while she would reach down to prevent her skirt from lifting up to indecent heights from the sudden gusts of winds created by passing ships or vehicles.

She listened to the wheels on her travel case thump over the various irregularatities and the sounds of an active Spaceport and base as ships and vehicles passed by her on their various errends. She would pause in her walk to watch anything that caught her interest, whether it was a vehicle or ship passing by.

:: Spaceport Adminstration Building ::

Aikiko pushed the door open and entered the vast common area of the ground floor of the building. She looked around the room, taking in the various information signs as she progressed through the vast open room of the main concourse. She paused where she wouldn't block anyone's progress as she got her bearings.
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Akane bowed to Mitsuko. "Thank you very much. I look forward to taking leave. Just let me know when and where to depart."

The young Neko thought she might paint something if there was a chance. Even though she hadn't been on the Eucharis as of late, she'd still been active, furthering her training in the military arts.

"Well, I'm going to swing by the hotel,then hit the beaches" Natsumi said, stretching her arms, then grabbing the handle on her rolling case.

"Anyone who wants to come along, let's go" she said and started for the exit.

The mention of beaches perked up Akane's pointed ears. "I like beaches." As she followed the migration toward the exit, the redhead realized she didn't have a swimsuit. If there was a hotel nearby, something told her she could track a swimsuit down in little time at all.
Fort Hanako Spaceport

Shosho Hanako looked to Taharial. "I can drive," she offered, swinging open the blue aircar's door and stepping down into the interior. She sat down in one of the vehicle's four brown leather seats and in front of the steering wheel. It had been a year since she had operated one of these so once she turned the aircar on, Hanako took a moment to familiarize herself with the features. "Lights, autopilot, jet engine..." Confident she sufficiently knew enough to drive around, she bucked her lap belt and two arm belts and waited for Taharial and her wings to get situated on the passenger side and began heading for the base's gate. It was a short ride to Shinjuku, the capital city of Hanako's World. The market district there was newly built but in an old style that made it feel like a traditional historic "main street." The shops had narrow fronts and big front windows showcasing their wares and were made of stone and bricks.

"Did you need me to drop you off anywhere?"

Natsumi overheard Akane's comment about beaches and smiled. "Wanna come with me? Hit the hotel then the beach" she asked, pausing her advance on one of the cars.

"I'd love that," Akane said. She started shifting toward Natsumi's car with a reserved smile. "I'll still need to track down some swimwear, but I'm hopeful I'll find something quick."

Aikiko had taken the mass transit system into the city. She moved along with her case rolling along behind her as she moved to the hotel that had a room reserved for her. She moved at the pace of those around her, just enjoying the moment alone to get the feel of the environment.

She looked at the displays of wares being sold in various stores that she passed by. Some caught her interest and she made note of which store had it on her way to the motel. Seeing it was that time of year of giving of gifts to others.

Aikiko reached up and moved some of her hair out of her face that the wind shifted as she entered the hotel. She moved through the lobby, feeling as if everyone was looking at her. From what she could see that this was one luxury hotel where the Rich, Visiting Vip's, and Bosses would hang out in when traveling.

She moved to the registration desk and showed her Military ID, as she spoke somewhat intimidated, "I come to check in." Hoping that her reservation had been accepted.

"Miss Akiashiro," The desk clerk looked at her ID card and typed in her name on the console's keyboard. After a few seconds, which seamed like forever to Aikiko, Desk Clerk spoke again and reaching down out of site to pull out a keycard. "Would you like an ocean view or cityscape view?"

"Both?" She asked hesitantly, making it obvious that this was her first time here on Hanako's World.

The clerk typed in more commands and looked at the screen, thoughtfully. "Unfortunately, that is the penthouse suite. Miss Akiashiro."

"Cityscape." Aikiko spoke, as she was a bit nervious with the ocean in view when it wasn't blocked by others passing through the vast lobby.

The Desk Clerk nodded while inputting more commands and then swiped the keycard through the reader. "Welcome to Hanako's World. We hope you enjoy your stay," while handing over the key card with a bunch of brochures that offered what the planet had to offer to visiters.

"Thank you," Aikiko took the offered brochures and the room keycard from the Deskclerk. Which wa..." As the clerk anticipated her question and pointed in the correct direction to the elevators leading up the upper floors that held the rooms for the hotel's guests. She nodded as she stopped speaking and grabbed her case as she took off to the elevators.
Shinjuku Market District

Taharial was mesmorised by the planet, she shock her head and smiled at Hanako "well I need to get dye and presents, so um... I am sorry I don't know where is what here" she blushed a bit as she was embarrassed that she didn't know her own captain's planet but hoped Hanako would understand. As she looked at the town, she smiled, "just drop me off somewhere in town, I will walk around till I find what I need, then use what Mitsuko sent me to find the hotel" she didn't look at Hanako as she felt that she would do something stupid and make Hanako angry with her.

Left alone, Mitsuko took a moment to finish her tea before standing up again. The datapad was left on the table, displaying a 'back in five minutes' type message, in case someone came looking for her. She returned her cup to the kitchen before entering her cabin and retrieving the outfit she'd laid out for the day. It was time to get out of her uniform and into the civilian clothes. Of course, she was just trading one blue skirt for another, but at least she could replace the uniform jacket with a breezier blouse. Murakami emerged from her cabin just as her self-imposed five minute break was wrapping up, dressed something like a typical secretary, rolling her luggage along as she returned to the couch.

A quick check with Charisma let her know that one car had already departed, and the other seemed to have passengers preparing to leave at any moment. She sighed impatiently, not particularly wanting to waste more time waiting here. She routed a message through the ship to Kale, letting him know she would be leaving shortly if they did not reappear, and that their rooms would be automatically booked on her way out.

"Oh that wont be an issue" Natsumi replied to Akane. "Anyone else want to join us, nows the time!" she announced.
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