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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 22] Warm Holidays (YE 36)

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Akane looked around, wondering if anyone would join Natsumi and herself. Everything promised to be a great deal of fun, especially if there were a few people to ride around with, people who would share adventures even on leave.
Hotel : Akiashio's Room

Aikiko found her room with very little problems and was soon unpacking her stuff neatly in the drawers and closets. She changed into one of her civilian outfits. Seeing the weapon laying on the bed mingled in with the discarded uniform she wore to the hotel. She sighed softly and was unsure what to do with it. She couldn't leave it in the room unattended and it would look distractingly out of place when she wore her bikini or any other reveling outfit.

She quickly reconfigured the straps on the holster to ride under her armpit along with her service pistol. She tried on several of her shirts to se if she could conceal it for the trips out in public. She smirked at the unsightly bulge and the impossibility to get to it quickly. She removed the shirt. Followed by the holstered gun from her and tossed it on the bed. She would have to find another way to carry it. Or secure it so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands while she was out shopping and exploring.

Making up her mind, Aikiko would make a trip back to the Eucharis to secure the weapon after she got settled into the room, as she moved around barefooted on the carpet, wearing a skirt and bra. She hung up her uniform and placed it to be cleaned while she enjoyed the time away from the ship.
Shinjuku Market District

Hanako brought the blue aircar to a halt near a parallel parking spot near a cluster of clothing stores, and had the aircar park itself. When she got out of the car with Taharial, she told the Elysian, "Stay in the area. Remember I am famous here so I may be a target of paparazzi or enemy agents, although since Lor and Nepleslia are on our side now, the risk is probably much less. Still, I want to be able to call for help in case of an emergency." The Shosho looked particularly obvious in her resplendent duty uniform with its giant rack of medal ribbons, command white panels, and chrome gold energy pistol. "As an Elysian," Hanako mentioned, "You were born and raised by a family. I am surprised you did not and for permission to visit them for the holidays."

With everyone leaving, tony stood there silently for a moment trying to figure out a plan of action. She decided she would go and hop in the the remaining car and ride it where ever they were going, and they figure it out from there. So she climbed in to the one Natsumi and Akane were about to take and waited with her duffel between her legs and her rifle case on her lap.
A redhead wearing a cap passed by Akane, jumping into the car. "How's it going?" Akane asked with a smile. She took her own bag and sat down in a similar manner, ready to head to the planet below.
Shinjuku Market District

Taharial smiled at Hanako and nodded "if you would like we could shop together, that will mean I could treat you as soon as something happened to you, if something happens to you" she looked around and saw there were people already talking and looking at Hanako. She smiled and was glad she was still in her uniform with her own pistol so she could help if needed, she was also glad for the med kit she had with her as a just in case, as she looked around she heard mention of her family "oh well you see, umm theysot of disowned my when I joined the Star Army, my whole family is all about Elysian indepedance and hate the Star Army not wanting a part of it." She smiled slightly "I like what I have seen of the Military and I am happy I was allowed to join such a great ship with a new family" she blushed as she said that "well I hope that later I can consider the whole crew as my family."
looking over at Akane tony smiled faintly, "Not terrible though if I don't get another drink soon my buzz will be gone, and I'll have to start from scratch again. Where are you two going anyways..." She looked out the window at the Eucharis parked on the tarmac.
"I'm going to pick up a swimsuit and then hit the beach," Akane said. "A drink doesn't sound like a bad idea either."
Natsumi powered up the car once Akane and Tony were aboard. "Some quick shopping then drinks and beach. Sounds like a plan!" she said and smiled to her two companions. "lets roll!"

With that she hit the gas, zipping the car off at a decdnt pace, driving them away from the Eucharis along the base roadways and towards the city beyond. "You need a swimsuit too?" she asked Antonia as she drove.
As Natsumi got the car going, Akane started grinning. Even though there was only a small amount of space, the redhead shot her fist upward and said, "Shore leave, were we come!"

"Look's like he's your problem now," she mumbled to herself. Mitsuko booked the two remaining crew members rooms on the ship's reserved floor of the hotel, again putting them at the far end next to Stark. She left the information with Charisma to notify Kale. If he didn't inform Darkfire himself, then the MEGAMI would verbally remind the Nepleslian once he was properly dressed. Soon the Neko was rolling her luggage out of her Cargo Bay, giving it one last, fond look before departing.

At first, she walked, enjoying the pleasant day. Eventually it was just easier, and far faster, to fly. She headed for the hotel, but planned on making a short stop nearby before checking in. There was a certain beachside bar she'd visited before that had a frozen margarita with her name, rank and serial number on it.
Reactions: Wes
YSS Eucharis-Cabin 5

While looking for MEGAMI, Sam found a room that looked awfully familiar, and found his belongings inside. That's right, he left his stuff in a room before going into the power armor. Well, now that he found his stuff, he put on his spare uniform.
Aikiko suddenly smiled as she remembered packing her clutch purse with its shoulder strap. The perfect place to hold her issue pistol and spare battery magiazine. She would have to be careful when getting stuff out from the purse.

She took the pistol from the holster and dropped it into her purse along with the spare battery magazine. She looked over her stuff and put in her ID packet that held her KS Credit/Debit Card. She was thankful that she had took the time to update the KS C/D Card while at the Spaceport Terminal Admin Building. Her room Card Key followed quickly. Along with a comb for a quick fix. Plus some perfume and a little make-up kit. She made sure her personnal communicator was in the clutch purse also.

Aikiko finished getting dressed in the knee length yellow skirt and lighter shade yellow blouse. Slipping on her sandals, she was ready. She secured the rest of her stuff, leaving the room with a slight occupied look to it. As if someone just dropped off their luggage, changed and then left the room, making sure it was secured before heading down the hallway to the elevators.
Natsumi drove the car along. The rout was easy, trip short. Even if she had not become familiar with the base and city after multiple visits to Hanako's World, she would have been able to easily call upon navigation to guide her around with ease. As it was though, they arrived at the shopping center within a short time and Natsumi parked their car.

"We're here!" she announced as she powered the vehicle down and unfastened her seatbelt.
Shinjuku Market District

"Alright," Hanako nodded with a smile, although she looked at Taharial a little strangely when the Elysian pulled out a giant medical bag. "Is that really necessary?" she asked, heading towards the clothing stores. "I am sorry to hear about your relationship with your parents. Based on geography and my time as a senator, I think the Elysians may be independent again when they are ready. Maybe then you can start healing process...although it is not too early. Maybe you could send them a video or a card to let them know you still care. I got a card from very very far away this year."

Inside the clothing store, there was a stylish-looking android lady at the entrance, who greeted them. She had a coin in her hand with a 3-dimensional barcode engraved in it. "Welcome to Body Cheer, the shop for attractive women and womenlike people's fashions. If you look at this code, you can use it to access our online catalogue and inventory. If you would step into the changing booth, we will measure your sizes and filter our inventory to show you what we have or can make in your size."

Hanako's golden eyes darted down the coin and scanned the code. "I am sure I am at least one of those," she smirked.
Shinjuku Market District

Taharial giggled "I always want to be prepared Ma'am" she looked around as they made their way to the clothing store, she looked at the Captain and smiled she had thought that the Captain was quite nice looking and she wasn't that surprised that everyone around was watching them, the amazing Hanako with a lowly Elysian girl. "Okay, I will write them a letter to tell them ho I am fairing and that, hopefully they will send one back, I love my family, but between you and me I find the Yamataian ways better to live by" she looked down and smiled "was the card from your partner, family or friend? sorry to pry it is just you were my role model through the academy."

As Taharial walked into the store her jaw dropped and she she looked around "this all looks so amazing and expensive" as she listened to the andriod she looked at the coin "that is pretty cool" she looked at herself and at the other people shopping "I feel so out of place here, I have never shopped in a place so beautiful and nice." She was surprised when she was told they would take her measurements but smiled and looked over at Hanako "so shall we go and get all beautiful and hot" she added "even though you don''t need to" in a mumbled voice hoping she didn't hear what was mumbled.

When Taharial heard that Hanako was in the cataloge her face went from her normal paleness to be quuite red "r-really that would be cool to see" she hoped that she didn't seem weird, as Hanako was her role model and she was extremely happy to work on the YSS Eucharis under the command of her role model.
Outside Somewhere

After getting dressed, Sam simply left the ship and began walking. Like hell he was going to go to the lobby to see that Mitsuko person again. He didn't need a car or hotel arrangements. He could walk. And he didn't need some silly hotel either. The room on the ship would do him just fine.
Shinjuku Market District

Half a hour later, Aikiko entered the market place and was immediately overwhelm by the sights, sounds and smells assaulting her. She stood transfixed looking around her, disrupting the flow of people around her. She slowly spun a full three hundred sixty degrees around, in thrall of the market place. She wanted to flee, yet see what she could discover.

She took hesitant steps in a meandering way that had no rhyme or reason, but being pulled in different direction of instant attraction, only to be replace by another a few seconds later.

~~ Maybe I should've teamed up with a more experienced crewmember ~~ Aikiko thought as she found herself switching direction more than a desert fly in flight. But it was too late for her to retract her decision. She could blow her entire meager saving here in one shot. So much interesting stuff to buy, yet so little money.

Aikiko rushed through the Market, hopelessly lost, trying to find a way out to a more less crowded part of the Market Place to get her bearings or return to the Hotel. She created a stir at her disruption in the flow of others at her full flight in panic to get to a much less populated location. Even on the Mining Consortium World , the most crowded place wasn't this bad as it was here on Hanako's World.
Beachside Bar

Mitsuko had found the bar from her very first trip here easily enough, consulting the maps and notes she'd made years ago. She let her feet rest on top of her luggage, dress flats spreading a bit of sand about, the Neko settled atop a barstool as she stared at the beach. Half admiring the ocean, the people enjoying their day, and half reorganizing and reviewing mental notes related to their last few missions. One empty glass soon turned into two, the third in her hands as she relaxed, leaning back against the bar just slightly. A few more buttons than normal had been absentmindedly undone on her blouse, as the tropical heat affected her even in the shade the bar's canopy provided.
The Shopping district.

Tony slid out of the back of the car with her two bags. "So we are... but where is here and where are we going? She looked at Natsumi and got a mean grin on her face. "Thought you were navigating here..."
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