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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 24] Edges (YE 38)

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YSS Eucharis Crawlspace

Some Minutes Later...

While Aikiko was a nice, warm, respite... Wazu had to pull away. "Thank you for the information on the Rixx..." He said, making his way back towards the crawl-space hatch, quickly unfastening it so that he could get out. There was a twinge of regret in his voice. It was certainly difficult for him to get up from where he had been sitting, but there was still much to do.

"We could go for a run together, once I have some free time."
Hanako's Cabin

Natsumi picked up her flag as she stood, then set it gently aside before bowing to the newcomer. "Thank you" she said in response, "I am pleased to meet you as well, and glad you are here. Welcome to the Eucharis" she smiled. She was glad there was a samurai here to protect the Shosho. With the recent coming of the Rixxicore and whoever was behind them, the galaxy was once more becoming a dangerous place and she was more than happy for Hanako to have a dedicated protector. This was not to say she did not think the crew could handle the task, but having someone who's sole reason for being there that of her protection gave them a lot more operational flexibility, and extra peace of mind.

The snowy haired Taii had, in her entire life, never met a samurai, so this was something of great interest to her. Nearly all of her life had been spent aboard the Eucharis among a relatively small group of people, many of which she considered family, all of which were soldiers, scientists, engineers and one admiral. None of which, though, had been anything like what little she knew of the samurai.
YSS Eucharis Crawlspace

Some Minutes Later.....

Aikiko nodded, giving Wazu a smile, "Sure. I exercise at 0500 hrs shipboard time." spoke softly as she shifted to give him more room maneuver in the crowded space of her cubby-hole.

She took the panel from him and re-hung it. Then she put on her light purple tanktop and settled back into her most comfortable spot, to read the latest in defusing bombs, mines, and missiles that failed to detonate.

Her mind kept drifting back to the massage and wondered why she shared her special place aboard the Eucharis as this was one of the few places aboard the Eucharis that didn't have an active scanner nearby.
♫ Japanese Lanterns

YSS Eucharis, Fabrication Bay

Normally, the Chui would be in the simulation rooms training as she always started the day. But today she couldn't bring herself to look at the dojo program or even pick up her bokken training sword or yumi bow. Something that was normally comforting before suddenly had become somber and saddening to the plum-haired Neko. It was because she had heard the news of Mao's arrival... a true Ketsurui Samurai was at this very moment boarding the vessel and no matter how hard she tried to put on a mask of happiness, inside she felt otherwise. Though she understood the why's of Hanako-sama requesting the presence of Mao, still the idea brought back all the feelings of years of shame at Samurai House that she had been trying to forget by throwing herself into the adventures aboard the Eucharis so far.

The former samurai-trainee knew that tradition dictated that she would have to eventually greet the fellow sister in a respectful manner. With difficulty, she willed herself to open the footlocker that contained her training gear, and pull out the one item at the bottom that she had not since touched -- a hakama, yukata and obi waited there. They were devoid of color, the shameful symbol that she had never even attained the royal blue of Journeywoman rank that her sisters had long since surpassed. Umeshu donned the traditional outfit with shakey hands, yet still was attentive to all the details in the way one who was drilled so constantly could never forget even if they wanted to. When the obi was at last tied in place and the geta on her feet straps secured, she stared at her reflection in the volumetric mirror in her room for many moments... a fragile snowflake dreading a meeting with the burning red sun, with only her wooden bokken in her belt to save her (for she had never truly earned the right to wield a real blade).

Unbeknowst to the goofy engineer in that moment of his modding glory, there was a familiar pair of green eyes and light purple face secretly watching him from behind one of the large robotic arms that were scattered around the bay. Umeshu figured Jax-san would be here plying his trade during his on duty shifts, but she didn't quite expect such a display in his free time. Then again, confined to the ship as they were, everyone seemed to have their own place of refuge somewhere on the vessels and this was most definitely his. The beginnings of a smile and a stifled giggle eventually escaped her lips Jax defeated the imaginary Rixxikor before him, giving away her position to his AIES sensors along with the unusual clickity-clack of her sandals on the floor... the appearance of the now yukata-clad version of his admirer was quite the sight, the Kogai stilleto in her hair glinting in the bay's lights.
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Jax froze at the giggle, and felt the color drain from his face.


He fell backwards into a scrambling mess, part of him trying to shut off the music, the other trying to stand up straight and stop looking like an idiot. He succeeded eventually, but not before knocking over a couple stools and sending several tools scattering onto the floor. Once up, he placed his hands behind his back in an innocent fashion. It was dead quiet, but he visibly relaxed when he realized it was just Umeshu.

"C-Chui-! *Ahem* I-I mean... Umeshu! What a surprise! If I'd known I was having visitors, I would have tidied up a little bit!" Jax sputtered from inside his armor. His voice quieted towards the end when he took a moment to look over her attire.

For lack of better term, she looked hot!

Jax whistled.

"Did you dress up just for me?" He asked while stepping out of his armor. He grimmaced when he realized he was no where near as neatly dressed as her. He was dressed in his coveralls, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It was stained quite horribly by grease and other assorted fluids, and he was sure he didn't smell that great either after working all day.

Jax laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

"Forgive me, I appear to be under dressed for the occasion..."
YSS Eucharis, Hanako's Cabin, outside door

Candon acknowledged his dismissal with a silent nod and a sharp but somewhat relaxed salute.
As he left he telepathically accessed MEGAMI again, this time to see where Jax was. Ever since he used his communicator to track the Rixxicor ship he had to access MEGAMI to get things done. It worked pretty well but Candon was also used to doing things telepathically. He headed to the Fabrication bay.

YSS Eucharis, outside entrance to Fabrication Bay


Candon drew his pistols and took cover by the door's entrance. With no idea what was happening Candon waited by the door just listening.

He fell backwards into a scrambling mess, part of him trying to shut off the music, the other trying to stand up straight and stop looking like an idiot. He succeeded eventually, but not before knocking over a couple stools and sending several tools scattering onto the floor. Once up, he placed his hands behind his back in an innocent fashion. It was dead quiet, but he visibly relaxed when he realized it was just Umeshu.

"C-Chui-! *Ahem* I-I mean... Umeshu! What a surprise! If I'd known I was having visitors, I would have tidied up a little bit!" Jax sputtered from inside his armor.

Hmm? Why is she in there?

Jax whistled.

"Did you dress up just for me?" He asked while stepping out of his armor.

Jax laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

"Forgive me, I appear to be under dressed for the occasion..."

Wait.. Did he just?.. He didn't...
Flirting with an officer was a quick way to shorten one's career. Candon lowered his guns but stayed there eavesdropping.
Captain's Cabin

Hanako nodded and sent Mao a special encryption key in return. "It is customary for the first officer to stay in Cabin 1, so I think Natsumi should move there. This would free up cabin 2 for you, Mao. The crew cabins are located around the main crew lounge on deck 2, which, from the bridge is just across the main vertical zero-gravity passageway. Do either of you have any objections?" Hanako asked. She stopped a moment to slip into her shoes and then began leading the way down the hall into the ship's bridge where the Chui Sakura Blackberry was sitting in the captain's chair. Blackberry's skin color was best described as deep cerise.

"Captain," Blackberry nodded. "The ship is operating normally and no contacts are on sensors."

Hanako touched Blackberry on the shoulder and then continued to the zero-gravity passage. "The bridge is on deck two. You can see every deck of the ship from here. The wardroom/dining hall is on the level above," she pointed with her entire hand, making a knife shape, "and on this level is the lounge. Deck three is the largest deck, with the recreation area, medical lab, and the armor and shuttle bays. Deck four and below are mainly cargo storage and ship systems."

As the captain looked down there she squinted in confusion as she saw Candon with his gun in his hand.
Fabrication Bay

The purple-skinned officer stepped out completely into the cat-eared technician's view, bringing a hand to her mouth briefly in surprise as he knocked over the tools and chairs with his overreaction at her sudden appearance, struggling to get out of his modified power armor while killing his music. Umeshu could see he was caught between regarding her as a superior and as something else, and watched him step out of the armor covered in sweat and grease as if it was the usual state of affairs, the difference between the two seeming like night and day.

"Jax-san... there is no need to apologize for being who you are," slightly chided Umeshu, as her gaze ran over his features. "I enjoy watching you work, and get your hands dirty. To play with your inventions as a boy would a new toy. It's... cute."

She took a few steps forward, and what followed was a different sort of smile... though smiling outwardly, she seemed inwardly to be very troubled by something. Jax had seen that look in her eyes once before when she spoke of her past. It seemed like she was caught somewhere between fear and tears, held back only by fine control of her emotions.

"I have to be who I am too," began the Chui, her hand idly drifting to the wooden sword sticking out of her obi as she make eye contact with the blonde Minkan. "Does my ceremonial samurai garb please you, Jax-san? Though it is only that of a trainee, I would gladly wear it again for you. But this time I am afraid it is for a less pleasurable occasion..."
Eucharis :: Cubby-Hole

Aikiko grew restless and put away her Data Pad and cleaned up the crumbs from her snack. Packed up the data pads that she had already read into a satchel she used to carry them in. She turned off the light after she removed the panel. She exited and secured the panel into place.

Making her way to the central passage, looking up the passage, she could see the Sho-Sho looking down at something. A million thoughts flittered through her mind as she looked up the passage to see what drew Hanako's attention on the lower decks. It couldn't be her unless that rat Wazu squealed on her for being down on the bottom deck of the ship. But it was dark down on the 4th deck as it was rarely used and had minimum lighting as is.

She quickly scanned the vertical central passage way, seeing Candon parked outside the P.A. Bay. She gave a soft sigh of relief. Something must be happening in the P.A. Bay. She hoped that nothing bad had happened. She being dressed in purple tanktop and track shorts. Slippers to keep her feet clean. Her service pistol was in her satchel along with the data pads.

She stayed in the shadows, looking up the central vertical passageway to watch that would happen next.
Hanako's Cabin

"I don't mind at all" Natsumi replied to Hanako's question about moving cabins and smiled at Mao. She then followed the Shosho and samurai as they left and began a brief tour of the ship. She carried her flag in her arms, cradling it like a delicate and priceless artifact. She followed along as they visited the bridge, then arrived at the vertical passage,

Seeing the sudden change in Hanako's expression and the pause in her explanation of the ship, Natsumi peered over the edge into the shaft that granted access to all of the Eucharis' many decks and frowned as she spotted where Hanako's line of sight was aimed and zoomed in her vision to get a batter look at what was causing the look of confusion on her Shosho's face. She also spotted Suite's with his pistol drawn.

"The hell?" she breathed quietly and started tapping into the ship's system. Was there an intruder aboard? Some threat they had been unaware of?

"Charisma, can you relay me a an audio-visual feed from Suite's location? What is going on down there?" she asked the ship's MEGAMI via wireless as she carefully shifted the flag to her off hand and rested her gun hand on the grip of her NSP, getting ready to draw if she needed to defend Hanako.
Central Passage

The tour had been brief but Mao hadn't expected too much on a ship of this size. Things seemed like they'd be easy to keep track of and reference by landmark, and by the sounds of it her cabin would be close enough to Hanako - because she was comfortable calling her "Hanako" in the privacy of her own thoughts and nowhere else - in case she was needed for any reason. And it sounded like she'd be close at hand to the ship XO: potentially useful in its own right. For the whole of the tour she kept her hand on her odachi and her eyes took in all of her surroundings. Every last bit of what info was given to her was stored away to be remembered in the event that she needed to draw on any of it.

Then they arrived at the central passage that she'd passed through once before on her way to the bridge. And hair on the back of her neck began to stand on end when she saw the change in Hanako's expression. Something was wrong and she didn't even need to look down the shaft to know that. She was already set to act when she peered over the edge but when she saw the same SAINT agent who'd been escorting her standing just outside a door with his pistol drawn, she didn't need to "get ready" to act. She had to act. Her lips formed a tight line and her eyes grew hard as she held out the five foot long sword for Hanako to take.

"Hime-sama, if would please hold this for me?"

And with that she was into the central passageway. She moved silently and free from the walls for a majority of her descent until she was coming above the doorway. At that point she manipulated herself to be inverted and moved to hug close to the wall. Effectively she was still looking "down" at the door. She looked down to Candon and gave him a curt nod as her only greeting. A hand fished into her yukata and drew her own Type 33 from its shoulder-holster. It wasn't a blade and so she wouldn't have to go slicing, or in this case shooting, anything to put it away when she was done. As the scars on her palms would attest to her having done in the past.

She looked to the SAINT agent and spoke through telepathy, "Suites Hei. What seems to be the issue?"

She could just look through the doorway with her skin-vision, true. But she didn't want to spend her first day with her new principal in a med-bay regrowing a lost hand in case there was something nasty or surprising poised at the doorway.

Jax's smile slowly faded into a look of concern as the gears in his head began turning in his head and he put two and two together.

"Umeshu, what's wrong?" He asked while slowly walking towards her. He stopped in front of her, once more giving her outfit a once-over. He looked this way and that before asking, telepathically:

'Is it about that new woman?'

Even if they were alone, Jax didn't want to start off on the wrong foot with the new guy if she happened to barge in at that exact moment.

Tsuguka backed out of hug reluctantly, so that she could return to seeing Taharial eye to eye, alrough her hands remained around the woman's waist.

"Parents... I wonder what that feels like..." Her green gaze returned somewhat to an expression of confidence, but the voice remained soft for now. Actually, the way she said it almost made having parents sound like some kind of far-off luxury, alrough she didn't say it. "Are you from Empyrean? I really don't know much about Elysia other than what was taught in training to be honest. They mostly teach us about enemies... On the one hand I guess I can kind of respect sticking to ritual, but on the other, I guess I don't always find their rituals all that efficient..."

"Sorry. I don't mean to sound insulting, Taharial-Hei." Standing upright, the woman seemed to quickly bundle up her emotions again. Speaking her thoughts was not something that came naturally, and it was quickly making her feel vain. "Are you hungry? I'm not sure if the catering staff is still awake, but I am qualified to prepare sustenance if you do so wish."

Taharial looked at the girl as she pulled away from the hug and smiled sweetly but felt a little embarrassed as her pure white skin got a tinge of red from the way Tsuguka was staring at her.

She listened to her friend as she talked about the little knowledge she had for Elysia and nodded "I really enjoyed it there, I lived in a poor district but it was home and I was happy, maybe you could come next time I go out to see my mother" she smiled "I think she would like to see that I have got friends on the ship I am on, she was worried that I wasn't making any."

She sighed at Tsuguka and placed a hand on the red Neko's cheek "Can we just go back to hugging, I am really tired and it felt super good being held by you" her tinge of red became deeper as she said this to her friend and looked down "I been in the medical Lab for a really long time researching two project and been running on empty."
YSS Eucharis, Fabrication Bay, outside door

"Jax-san... there is no need to apologize for being who you are," slightly chided Umeshu, as her gaze ran over his features. "I enjoy watching you work, and get your hands dirty. To play with your inventions as a boy would a new toy. It's... cute."

"I have to be who I am too," began the Chui, her hand idly drifting to the wooden sword sticking out of her obi as she make eye contact with the blonde Minkan. "Does my ceremonial samurai garb please you, Jax-san? Though it is only that of a trainee, I would gladly wear it again for you. But this time I am afraid it is for a less pleasurable occasion..."

'Cute? She's- it's not possible- this can't be- is this a…

"Umeshu, what's wrong?" '

Candon's mind was blown. It was obvious now that he hadn't given Jax credit where it was due. He'd always seen Jackson as an immature kid but here was actually going out with an officer! But despite being impressed Suites had neither the right nor the reason to continue listening. While he still had no idea why things were crashing he didn't care to stick around for something that didn't involve national security or things of that nature. Returning his dark NSP to it's vacuformed holster on his left hip he turned to leave.

She looked to the SAINT agent and spoke through telepathy, "Suites Hei. What seems to be the issue?"

As Mao spoke directly into his brain Candon nearly dropped his HHG. He'd been so focused on the two in the Fab bay that he hadn't realized that half the command staff AND the Shôshô were watching.. and a Samurai when he looked up. Part of him wanted to blame Jax for the embarrassment but he knew it wasn't his fault. He had no one to blame but Wazu.

He responded to Mao telepathically, 'Nothing to be concerned about. I heard loud noises before, I think Jax Hei probably just knocked over something heavy. It sounds like Hashimoto Chui is taking care of things in there.'
Candon spun the large revolver as he dropped it into the other vacuformed holster on his right thigh and drifted to Hanako. It went without saying that she would want an explanation for why he'd felt it necessary to draw his service pistol and pocket sniper.

"SNAFU, Ma'am," he explained, "I heard something crash. I think Jax Hei knocked something over. I heard Hashimoto Chui in there. It sounded like she has the situation under control." He spoke calmly with a straight face but quickly. Desperately wanting to avoid spreading any details on the nature of the level of 'control' in that room he tried to change the subject. "Also, I figured out why the Rixxicor plasma weapons hurt Akiashiro's Mindy so badly. There were very small traces of berillium, mercury, and tungsten. When these metals are brought to their plasma state, ionized and fired in succession through a magnetic driver, perhaps a coil, it can increase the effects of each metal. They probably fired the mercury first to super heat the armor because it's soft. Then the berillium pits the surface so the tungsten can bust right in. It's illegal and although it's old tech it apparently can take down our armor."

Tsuguka just grasped Taharial's hand and held it between them for a second, with a slightly agape mouth and angled eyebrows suggesting disgruntlement as she scanned the Elysian's features for meaning. For several paces she said absolutely nothing, leaving her thoughts completely impenetrable...

A soft ushering motion using Taharial's shoulders. She placed the fey woman sitting in the main booth seat, so that there was enough room for the crimson-hued lynx to curl up directly next to her. They were close enough for body heat to transfer. Adequate range for limb management. Very practical.

"I am not trained in this sort of thing. You are going to have to tell me where to put my hands." Her expression still seemed a little too stern, face slightly lowered so that is was more level with the medic's collar bone. "Will also have to look into the security details if you want me to meet your mother... I'm a weapon, you know."

There was one extra feature of the blood-colored feline soldier's body that was never added to the capabilities list...

You'd need a full on medical scanner to tell if she was blushing.
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Taharial giggled at her red skinned friend "You are so adorable with how you think" she smiled as she gently moved the neko's arms so they were against the angel's waist as she snuggled against the red skinned girl and kisses the Neko's forehead and tilted her head. She smirked and snuggled closer to the girl as she talked more "Well you are a girl in my eyes and I don't think of you as a weapon, I am sure you could come with me, if not I will tell them you are my bodyguard so you will have to come."

She smiled loving the feeling of being with Tsuguka, she was different and it was a good different to what she was used to "So um there is something else we could do, if you think you are up to it" she grinned "But I won't give you time to decided, if you like it go with it if you don't you can hit me." She smiled and planted her lips on the Neko's as she holds the Neko close and started to kiss her.
Fabrication Bay

As Jax stepped closer, a part of Umeshu wanted to run into his embrace without a care and squeeze him tightly. To get out all of her frustrations on him like he was a child's stuffed animal. Still, she needed to keep her outfit pristine and white for the upcoming meeting... and so the officer kept those sensitive few inches between them, dodging the greasy coveralls and yet close enough to feel quite personal.

"Hai, it is Mao-sempai," she replied telepathically, "A true Ketsurui Samurai to protect Hanako-sama has finally come, and I must face that which I have ran from. I may be a Chui but as a former Trainee, decorum demands I must greet her appropriately... but... what if she is like the others? Will she treat me with the same disdain?"

Umeshu's expression seemed to wax bittersweet as she reached out and tenderly stroked Jax's hair near an ear a few times with her fine, purple-hued fingers. They were hands that were trained to kill, yet they wished to love just as much. "I just wanted to see you before I face that. To help me put on a smile, like yours..."
YSS Eucharis Wardroom

Wazu entered the wardroom, swiftly heading towards the back area where there was coffee. What little time he had between his meeting with Aikiko and now had been spent returning to his bed to grab a set of extra datapads from his bag.

He walked right by Tugs and Taharial... his attention focused entirely on the datapad in his hand.

He then reached the kitchen area, placing his pad down on the prep-area as he fished out a bag of coffee beans




In short order the bag was opened, coffee beans ground, and a fresh, strong pot was brewing. The planned meeting with Taharial regarding the Rixxikor was coming up soon, and as he still needed to study up.

“Drei, skip this and move onto the next lesson...”

While the coffee was brewing, he picked back up his datapad and started reading.... Meiosis and cellular reproduction, Chapter 4....

At first, Jax was hurt that she refused to touch him. Then, he remembered how he was dressed in a grungy coverall and she a prestine, white yukata.

"Well, to put it bluntly, who cares?" He asked, feeling a twinge of protective anger. If Mao really was going to be like that, he would put itching powder in her armor.

"Umeshu, you have nothing to be ashamed about. You're a sweet, loving, intelligent woman. The Hanako trusts you with the keys to the-freakin'-Eucharis." Jax began, trying to console her. "If I cared about the 'disdain' of my peers, I'd still be on Nepleslia, working nine to five in a job I don't want, to buy crap I don't need, to impress people I don't like."

'If Mao doesn't like you, I still will, we all will. She's come here, to our home, and if she messes with one of us, she messes with us all.'

'...But on another note, she may be different. Everyone here's an oddball. You both may turn out to be the best of pals!'

Jax paused. He knew he wanted to say one more thing, but he didn't want to press his luck- ah, screw it!

Jax leaned forward, keeping his coveralls away from her clothing. He had a devious grin on his features.

'Kiss for good luck?'
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