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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 24] Edges (YE 38)

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Junko was surprised but greatly pleased to have her bow returned with an embrace. It took her a moment but she did indeed break her bearing and return the Shosho’s hug.

“Thank you, ma’am,” she replied quietly. “It’s good to be back.”

She stepped aside to let the Shosho carry on with her business and returned her gaze to the compartment at large. She caught sight of the engineer busy eyeballing her. What exactly he meant by his study of her she didn’t know; she mainly hoped that her return to the Eucharis this time wouldn’t be as problematic as it had been the last. Still, that was for another time. Junko knew that many members of the crew would be new to her, but still there were many she recognized.

The XO in particular caught her eye. She remembered the white haired Neko from before and while she wasn’t surprised per se, having reviewed the available information on the ship’s company on her way there, actually seeing the Chui insignia on Natsumi’s uniform kept the smile on her face.

“It’s very good to see you again, Chui,” she said, pausing on the way to take a seat and bowing respectfully. “Congratulations on your promotions.”
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Taharial sat in her seat silently as her new partner talked, she didn't see a need to talk yet as no one talked to her and she was very hungry if someone talked to her she would talk back and she went to her data pad and was looking at the information she gleamed from the Rixxikor bodies, and what she was planning to do with the Nightmare Type, she had the idea of removing parts and using them on a newly created Neko so that it was was more Neko than NMX.

She looked over her data pad and stayed close to her partner not wanting to suddenly look up and her partner would be disappeared as Taharial wasn't playing attention "Hey Tsuguka, c-could you teach me to fight, I would like to learn some techniques that will allow me to fight with the rest of the crew easier...." she mumbled "and we can spend some time together."

Taharial looked at the new people who had just joined then, she could tell the samurai because of the garments but the other two were new and she smiled at them all "Hello there, I am Nitô Hei Taharial Chasan, the ship's medic if you ever need me I am normally always in the Medical Lab or here, if you need anything at all don't hesitate to come and ask me."

Natsumi turned her attention from one newcomer to another, this time a familiar face. "Hello, Takeda Heisho, thank you." Natsumi smiled warmly, pleased to see the familiar face. If she remembered right, the last time she had seen Junko she had not even made any form of senior rank yet. It had been some time.

"Welcome back to the Eucharis. It's good to see you again."
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Straightening from her bow, Junko moved to take a seat at the table, enticed by the lovely smells and by her hunger. She still didn't eat much, but from time to time the inclination to partake took her by force.

"Thank you, ma'am. I see the ship and the crew have remained in fine form since I was last aboard." She glanced down the table again as she spoke, checking briefly to see if she was still being watched. She was pleased though to be greeted again, this time by a new face entirely.

"Why thank you, Nito Hei. I am Takeda Itto Heisho," she said by way of introduction, with a polite inclination of her head. "I try to avoid medical complications if at all possible, but Engineering isn't always the safest of departments. If I have need of your services, rest assured I will gladly take you up on your offer."

She was surprising herself with her sociability, though it was perhaps natural to ride a bit of an emotional high for what felt like the best of homecomings. Still, there were professional responsibilities to maintain and so she stared at the setting in from of her for a moment to collect herself.

He smiled warmly to each of those who caught his eye. Once they started greeting him, he found that he didn't have time to introduce himself to an individual. Apparently, these people were far more friendly, in general, than from his own world. Of course, from what he could tell, the vast majority of them were comprised of a single race. Nothing unusual, at all, would have been seen by someone looking different than everyone else walking into a room back home. It was Ayenee. Everyone looked different. Hundreds of races with countless abilities made up the population of almost every continent on his home world. Even the most exclusionary governments had a few other species mixed in with their societies.

Marcus chose to pay the most attention to Hanako when she introduced herself. He stood and and bowed slightly. "Thank you, Captain Hanako. Yes, meeting with Admiral Wazu is the plan, thus far. I would also like a chance to speak with you, though, whenever possible."

He raised the volume of his voice just slightly, in order to address the entire room. "My name is Marcus Rodia, Vice President, Equilibrium Corporation. My home world is Ayenee." He smiled slightly. "This is my first trans-universal trip, and I have no doubt I'll mess something up when it comes to my behavior. I hope everyone is comfortable enough with me to inform me when I do so. I'm here as an opportunity to conduct trans-universal business for my employers. Any information I could obtain from anyone would be much appreciated."
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YSS Eucharis, Wardroom

Wazu would have to pause once he reached the Wardroom's entryway.... the room was much more full than he had seen it before. The mental gymnastics of where to sit had only just begun when Marcus began to speak up. Equilibrium Corporation did not mean anything to him, but Ayenee certainly did.

He would make his way through the crowd towards Marcus. Unlike the rest of the crew, Wazu was in simple clothing, a dull green shirt, tan pants, a datapad clipped to his belt, no sign of rank or standing.

"Ayenee is a name I have not heard in a long time," Wazu said, offering his hand to shake,

"Heram J. Wazu," He said, stating his name, "Yamataians will let you know when you have cross a line... But I would suggest avoiding interfacing with the computer without asking it nicely first... or smoking, they hate that. What is happening in ACC these days? I have not exactly kept up with current events there."

Sitting on the far end of the table next to the cheerful angelic woman with a red wings, a second, more hawkish figure, brooded over the newcomers with a far more predatory glare. She stood up in order to preform a bow upon their reception, but the harsh and stoic expression on her deep maroon facial features spoke more of tempered caution and hard unemotional scrutiny.

"Much obliged, Vice President Rodia. Welcome to the YSS Eucharis." Calm and collected words it seemed, from a ferocious-looking, but in fact rational creature. "My name is Nito Hei Tsuguka. I am not technically a qualified trader, but if you need any practical assistance on your stay here, I would be more than happy to oblige."

Her attention was torn away in order to give Taharial a calm knowing look, but she remained standing in order to address several people at once if need be. "It depends what training you feel you require." Hands softly acquired both shoulders of the woman, as she loomed behind her. "There will be plenty of time for extended melee training soon. I would overjoyed to teach you that, if you desire."

Content with simply allowing the elysian to address Itto Heisho Junko, Tsuguka none the less gave the returning crew member a polite nod of welcome as she perched enigmatically above the unfolding conversation.

The process of it being difficult to respond to an individual continued after he introduced himself. He nodded at the rather angry looking female. "Thank you, Nito. Your hospitality is appreciated."

Marcus then gave Wazu his full attention. He held out his hand in greeting, knowing that, at the very least, he would know what that was for. "Well met, Admiral Wazu. I'm sure you knowledge will be highly valuable on my visit here. As for home? What can I say? It moves as it always has. Somehow the advanced societies are kept out of the more ancient cultures. Creatures of all races and callings stretch from one end of the universe to the other. Wars come and go. Pretty much, it's just like it always has been...indescribable."

Ayenee was, to Marcus, a unique place. There were no words capable of fully describing the odd combination of technology and magic, ancient tradition and modern progression. He was left guessing every day what the news events would be, and he loved it.

He motioned to one of the only empty seats around the main table left, which, not shockingly, was right by the one he'd chosen. "Would you care to join me for a meal?"

"James, I think it would be best if Mr. Rodia shares your cabin, number 5, with you for the duration of his stay," Hanako told Wazu and Marcus. "I would like him to be on the lounge level where the showers and other amenities are. Also, Mr. Rodia, you should note that Mr. Wazu is not an admiral anymore. I am the only admiral on this ship." Hanako raised both of her teal eyebrows for emphasis before withdrawing to get in the buffet line.

In a moment, Hanako was back at the head of the table with her plate and drink. What a crowd she had before her! "Transuniversal technology is highly restricted and rarely used. I find it hard to imagine that Equilibrium Corporation could keep a constant trade going. With that in mind, I find myself wondering if your intention is to stay here on a long-term basis and set up your business branch in a market that is quite different and possibly untouched. What sort of products and services does your corporation normally offer? We know you are a businessman but not what your business is."

Aikiko looked at Wazu at the rank he was given by Marcus. Then towards Hanako as she set the record straight on Wazu status as he did. From the way Marcus and Wazu reacted to each other, were past acquaintances of a friendly nature. It seamed that another crew member was returning to the fold of the ship they felt most comfortable on.

She stayed relaxed in her seat till Hanako had been served. She stood up and moved to the buffet and proceed to served her portion of the meal and her choice of drink. She settled at one of the outlaying tables to let friends be together at the main table and to catch up without her being in the way. She could observe the others in peace as she ate, or read her e-book.
YSS Eucharis, Wardroom

Wazu remained as non-reactive as possible as Hanako spoke. He was riding high on a nice bit of nostalgia, but for a moment her comment brought up the old wounds that nostalgia came with. He would look away from Hanako as she walked towards the buffet line, refocus, then turn his attention back towards Marcus with a smile,

“Let us eat,”

He would move towards the buffet line, grab a small portion, a cup of coffee, and do his best to avoid Mango before making his way towards the table, taking the seat near Marcus,

“I always liked Ayenee, there was always something new to see or do. People always running to or from something. The YSS Eucharis is not as large, but there should be plenty to keep you interested with while you are here.”

When Hanako was finished with her questions about his Buisness Wazu would add in his thoughts,

“I also would like to know what capital you brought with you to start up here, as well as your plans for developing your presence here. Since Trans-universal travel is such a rarity these days, I would assume that wealth is not material... meaning you would be here looking for analytics work, or reciprocal technology transfer agreements to bolster your product lines at home by licensing what you have at home to markets you do not plan to directly compete in?"

It seemed like in less than a day that Mao had already lost the distinction of being the newest member to the ship's crew. Mao didn't mind, however. She couldn't help but feel the air of familiarity and comfort around the wardroom as those present went about talking to one another, getting food from the buffet line (tended to by a woman with vibrantly green hair). The whole place felt well lived in and like everyone was comfortable on some level or another. Which was why Mao was rather content to keep to herself and observe everybody else.

Mao kept her distance yet at the same time she seemed to shadow Hanako: always close enough to step in should trouble arise but never close enough to be seen as a part of or interfering with whatever the Shôshô was doing. Everybody who approached the admiral did it under Mao's seemingly emotionless watch. Each person taken apart into pieces and examined without ever having a finger laid on them. It likely wasn't the best way to establish a good first impression with newer arrivals but in security sacrifices had to be made. Others would surely understand.

Of course Mao stuck to her code and didn't partake of anything put out on the buffet. It all looked quite delicious and once things had winded down she'd be sure to ask the kitchen staff for a plate of her own. But her code aside, she'd always found a good rational behind it. Every moment that she was holding chopsticks or eyeing her food was a moment when she'd be delayed in lashing out at an attacker or a chance for a potential threat to slip past her guard. So as much as she might have enjoyed a cup of sake and some of the rolls she saw out on the buffet, for now she would wait.

She kept to herself with one hand on her odachi: holding it almost like a staff as always. If approached she would be willing to converse but for now she was "switched on" and working.

He nodded in response to Hanako. "I apologize. I'm accustomed to calling former military personnel by their last known rank, even after they leave that station. Current titles it is, then."

Marcus joined with Wazu in getting food. He was excited to try the new foods. The possibility of his digestive system not being able to handle it...well...there really wasn't one. Genetic modifications, when done right, were wonderful things.

As he returned to his seat he answered both Wazu and Hanako's questions as briefly as possible, though he knew there was no short way to get a decent explanation out. "As I'm sure both of you know already, Ayenee is both the name of the universe from which I hail and the main planet within that universe. The company I work for is based within Ayenee Capitol City, and has a reach that crosses the borders of multiple planets. There are multiple reasons for them choosing to send me on their first inter-universal contact mission, not the least of which is the fact that the division I oversee has been the fastest growing since the year after I began heading up its operations." Of course, he didn't tell them the other reason for him being the primary candidate. Several of his genetic modifications made him the most dangerous employee the company had when it came to close quarters fighting. If a trip across universal borders became dangerous, he was the most likely one to be able to get out of it alive. That, he assumed, wasn't information they really needed to have. Still, hinting at it was generally good procedure. Prevention was better than being forced into defense.

He continued. "Generally, my standard procedure is to attempt to set up a martial arts school of some kind. I created the fighting style we teach with the help of a couple other melee combat experts. The police force of Ayenee Capitol City uses our schools to train their officers, as do a few specialized units. It works well. If that works out then trade is done on a case-by-case basis to determine a suitable arrangements for both sides. Also, Equilibrium is a massive company with many different trade interests. Even if that plan doesn't work, I have a great working knowledge of their other venues and could identify several areas where they may find an acceptable business venture."

Marcus held up the pouch he'd removed from his bag earlier. "Using a style of material compression technology, I have several valuable materials I've brought with me both from my world as well as several others that could be assessed and traded for an initial bit of capital here. Most, I'm fairly certain, would bring a fair price, though I'm sure there are some that I'll just have to end up taking back home. Once I have the starting capital I can go forward with whichever avenue seems the most appropriate. The Equilibrium Corporation has the capability of beginning inter-univeral travel if they need to create a trade route, but if your laws make that difficult to do on a regular basis, then we would send a team of trusted executives and supervisors, or rather data clones of them, to oversee operations and make the trip back to our homeworld whenever possible."

He took a few quick bites, knowing there would probably be more questions. He did make a note, also, of Mao's behavior. He was the self-appointed guardian of his family, and he trained Equilibrium's security personnel in violence prevention and counter-measures every month. The behavior of one being certain to keep an individual safe was easy to spot, if you knew what to look for. He smiled as reassuringly as he could, though he knew that, if he were in her position, that wouldn't change anything.
YSS Eucharis, Wardroom

Wazu listened to what Marcus had to say, taking that time to get started on the coffee mango had denied him earlier.

"There are usually a few companies doing military forces work here, but none quite as responsive as the mercenary services in ACC. I think we also may be interested in seeing how you stack up to an NH series soldier in a fight..."

He would take a quick sip of coffee to break up his thoughts,

"Turning your materials into a more. liquid capital might be a bit tricky, I know a few people in that business and I can see what prices they would offer. Financial instrumentation is also a bit lacking here, but again, I can point you in the right direction of you need something like factory time or more capital.

... So if you do not mind me asking what route did you go? Cybernetics? Gene therapy? Or something more Arcane for your combat skills?"

Hanako visibly cringed. This was not what she wanted to hear. The material compression tech being on the ship, the revelation that there was trans-universe technology in Ayenee that could potentially find this universe, and the way that Wazu and Marcus immediately starting talking about who was strongest and the best fighter like stereotypical Nepleslian men comparing their penises.

She should have seen this coming. This guy was from a place where only the strong and the extremely paranoid survived any length of time and where every person was expected to defend themselves personally. She understood why Yamatai had largely stopped visiting that place. Why had she even entertained the thought that this person's business would be in creating things and not in destroying things? She poured herself a glass of fine red wine from the planet named after her, took a ponderous sip of it, and topped off the glass some more, before passing the bottle around.

Hanako's big golden eyes searched the rest of the table for some other conversation to bestow her attention upon. "Ano...Junko-Heisho," she said in Yamataigo, "You will become the ship's chief engineer. I think you will like Jax. He seems to be doing a good job, although I get the impression he dislikes being stuck in engineering."
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Again, Marcus' ability to notice details didn't fail him. Hanako's reaction was immediate, and clear. She didn't like his initial answer. He felt it was strange for a military member to have such a reaction to his news. Marcus didn't know the reputation Ayenee had amongst other worlds. He was immensely well traveled in his own universe, but most of those within Ayenee who made trips across planes were solitary creatures who didn't, often, share their experiences with others. Add to that the fact that some of them were also immensely violent, and you had another good reason for people being uneasy about the prospect of Ayenee travelers to have access anywhere they wanted to go.

He raised an eyebrow at Wazu's suggestion. "I don't, typically, make a habit of getting into sparring matches when I'm considered a visiting dignitary. With the exception of a few of the more violent cultures I've encountered, it often has just as much of a negative result with those I'm interacting as it does a positive one for showing my value as a combative instructor. My primary purpose is to conduct business. My arm of that company just happens to be in martial arts. It's not the only route."

He felt the need to reiterate the flexibility of his visit to this universe to, hopefully, put Hanako at ease a little. "Equilibrium Corporation wasn't named such by accident. We try to maintain a good amount of corporate balance. Martial arts isn't the only form of athletics with which we're involved. We make sports equipment and build fields and courts for youth sports teams. There's even a startup branch of my department that's getting into teaching rural children how to play various games, if they're interested. We also put just as much effort into medical technology and various supply manufacturing as we do athletics."

"I'm mainly here to gather information and see what the best options for conducting business will be. If it's my department, then I can start while I'm here. If it's someone else's, I can do the initial setup and get them here when possible."

Everyone was so busy yapping that they hadn't even noticed that their resident man-cat-thing had just finished his second pass through the buffet. Jax, once he got a general feel for the newcomers, lost most interest in them, and instead focused on the delicious, steaming hot food.

He let out a content sigh and returned his plate.

"Ah! That's the ticket!" he chuckled and rubbed his stomach. He then turned and headed downstairs to his cabin, and found his coveralls neatly hung up on his locker. Jax grinned and rolled his eyes.

"Thanks, mother..." he whispered to himself. Jax shut the door behind him and changed back into the coveralls. Taking the hint from Aikiko, he neatly folded his duty uniform and stowed it away.

Jax, tail lazily swishing behind him, walked to the zero-g, and flew back down to Fabrication.


Wazu's blade was still being produced, with fifteen minutes left on the timer. This allowed Jax to find a chair and prop his feet up, and then pull out his data pad and continue watching the race.
YSS Eucharis, Wardroom

"You might like it on Nepleslia. It is a lot like Ayenee, but less Arcana and not nearly as dangerous.

It has plenty of underdeveloped communities in and around their megacities. There is also a glut of manufacturing capacity so churring out balls and sports equipment would be simple to do.

Finding space may be an issue.... Though I suppose indoor sports fields should be easy to setup and rent out. Throw in an adjacent medical center and you would drive up property values a bit... If you do not have a real estate arm you should consider it.

Driving demand would be the hard part. Kids on Nepleslia prefer playing with guns. "

Wazu would take another drink of coffee, passing along Hanako's bottle without partaking. He was certainly interested, engaged, but perhaps a bit unaware of their host's dislike of the topic.

"Medical tech is also a good growth industry. The basics are covered by the military and there are plenty of cybernetics dealers and military hospitals around... But there is little in the way of day to day self care options. Medicines for home use, preventative or enhancement options, even some basics like high grade disinfectant or healing aids are sparce in the civillian market.

Of course, militaries are also always looking for good designs too."

Junko’s head jerked up as she heard Hanako switch to their native tongue and address her.

“Oh,” she said, momentarily taken aback, and then bowed in her seat. “Yes, ma’am. I’m honored, to be sure.”

She glanced around briefly to see if she could catch sight of the other engineer, but he had apparently just slipped out of the wardroom. With an internal shrug, she made a mental note to seek out Jax after the meal and turned back to the Shosho.

“As you say, ma’am. I’ve yet to ever find a complaint about my fellow department members whenever I’ve been aboard. And,” she said with a twinkle in her eye, “if Jax-Hei finds being stuck in the Mainspace distasteful I’m sure Cherry-Heisho and I can find some way to keep him distracted.”

A grin flickered on the edge of breaking out across her face, but then she sobered and sat back in her seat.

“Do you anticipate the ship’s next evolution to be, ah, highly taxing on Engineering, ma’am?”
Fabrication Bay

Wazu's response to her question about the nebula was certainly not what the plum-haired officer expected to hear, and her eyebrows raised slightly when he mentioned the entirety of 4th fleet belonging to him. Thanks to her courses at Kyoto War College, Umeshu was at least partially familiar with the Qel'Noran and their shipbuilding prowess. Now that she thought about, wasn't there a very obscure mention of an old escort bearing Wazu's name as well? As her digital mind rapidly cross-referenced this new information in that precious second or two, it all suddenly painted a very impressive picture of the Nepleslian standing before her that had left his mark on the universe at large in ways that made her feel like she had just stepped out of the cloning facility yesterday in comparison.

Hashimoto-chui gave him a bow that was a bit more reverent than before. "Your stories from times past must be very grand indeed. It's no wonder that Hanako seems to treat you like an old friend." She then gave Mao a quick nod of acknowledgment, and followed the two out of the bay. She promised to meet them in the wardroom in a few moments, as there was one thing she had to do first.

Cabin 8

The samurai trainee darted into the room that she shared with the other more interestingly colored Chui, Blackberry, who was at this time manning the helm and not here to see Umeshu close the door quickly and lean heavily upon it. "Yo katta..." she exhaled with relief, letting all the pent up emotions out with it. She had managed to face Mao, whom she thought as some oni sent by her old sensei to haunt her days... but with the relative kindness shown by her sempai, she was left in a difficult spot of where to go next. Jax being there this time certain helped her keep a smile going, but the next time could she contain her old traumas enough to ask the full Samurai to become friends? Even if the gulf in skill between them was as great as the spectrum of colors of their yukatas, the wisteria-skinned Neko was still the closest person on the vessel that the samurai had to a compatriot. They could learn a lot from each other's company. And she would finally have a sparring partner in the sim rooms... not to mention one that would likely appreciate her Samurai House dojo program.

Umeshu filed all these plans away in the back of her mind mentally, as physically she disrobed and smoothed and folded the ceremonial white clothes back into their familiar place in the trunk they had laid inside for so long. It was a bittersweet feeling as she did so. But on a hangar not far away hung the trappings of her new destiny, the formal uniform's jacket and skirt and tights slipping onto her synthetic body symbolized a great happiness and fulfillment she did not have before at Samurai House.

The unique Nekovalkyrja looked into the volumetric mirror once again with her sage green eyes, the reflection staring back at her now that of a decorated Star Army officer. She felt a smile creep across her purplish lips, pride welling up from her soul making it genuine and her own this time. "Hanako-sama may not need a samurai, but the Eucharis needs its operator," Umeshu whispered softly like a mantra, before turning for the door. She had a place to be, and that was all the wayward trainee needed to focus on in that moment of clarity.
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