Star Army

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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 24] Edges (YE 38)

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A/H Quarters

Aikiko glanced up as Jax rushed into the quarters and prepped for dinner. With practiced ease, she kept out of his way, giving way without hindering his movements as if she was invisible to him. She finished up at a more leisurely pace. She hung up his grease stained coveralls, he overlooked in his haste, on the vents to his locker where he could easily see it. To be reminded in a subtle way to be more careful in the future.

It was a good thing she like him, otherwise he would be the victim of one of her pranks in a more forceful manner of a reminder. It brought a smile to her expression at remembering the last time she shared quarters with a slob that no matter how many times she had told him while serving with the UOCPF and the prank she played on the person to get that person to wake up that neatness was worth the extra minute or two pick up after one's self.


Aikiko left her quarters in her shipboard duty uniform. She gave Jax a nod as she took seat nearby with one of her e-book pads that she was in the process of reading.

~~How's you and Umeshu doing?" ~~ Aikiko asked via telepathy to Jax as she looked for all intent and purpose reading her e-book. She was curious and hoped thing between them were going favorably for Jax and Umeshu.
Fabrication Bay

Umeshu shifted her weight a bit as the science officer Wazu now appeared in the bay for a new task to request of Jax. She was going to follow Mao out back into the Zero-G passageway when Hanako was and give them room to work on their inventions, though it seems the Nepleslian approached her first. She gave a bow of her head to the gentleman, the helmswoman looking a lot different in the snowy yukata rather than her grey paneled uniform that he had always seen her in while on the previous mission. "Arigato, Wazu-san. I would not mind at all... I hear Mango is cooking up a feast right now to celebrate as a matter of fact." The purple-skinned Neko then got a cruious expression on her features. "Just overhearing you on the bridge during our last mission makes me realize you have a lot of interesting experiences to share over a light meal. Though I have to admit, I did find myself wondering if that southern nebula and the passage near Fujiko was really named after you...?"

When Hashimoto-chui saw how the mention of food suddenly worked Jax up into a frenzy of activity in his little cubbyhole and out the door with a sense of urgency, the samurai trainee brought a fold of her yukata's long sleeve up to her mouth in a bit of formally covered surprise so as not to alert Mao to a faint blush that was on her cheeks. It faded into a smile as the officer seemed to enjoy the Minkan's boyish behaviors enough to not be too condescending about his sloppiness right now... after all, this was his haven and true genius needed to be given its space.

Still sat there holding hands with Taharial after their last kiss, Tsuguka gained a sort of sulking-come-vindictive expression as more and more people made their way to the wardroom. Truth was that her face pretty much always just looked angry, but that didn't change the fact that she also quite liked being formal, and wanted to set a good example upon meeting the new samurai. Aside from just gaining a new comrade, there were also melee weapon tricks that she hoped to absorb from the newcomer, provided they were willing to spar with her.

"If I leave my hair down, there is still adequate time to take a shower and change into a type 35 uniform." The crimson neko spoke as if it was a serious operation plan, angular eyes already gazing towards the doorway, before darting back to her angelic companion.

"How long do your wings take to dry, Rial?"
Bunk- Crew Cabins

Having just settled in, the Doctor was making headway on getting settled back in. He didn't have much to unpack but he had to make sure the few things he'd brought were present and in working order.

"Nothing like another unfamiliar view from my bed..." He mused wryly looking at the ceiling above his 2nd level bunk. He had grown accustomed to unfamiliar ceilings in star army but he never liked it.

This was . . . not what Mao had expected when she'd arrived aboard the Eucharis today. Mao had turned to leave the fabrication bay with the thoughts of the apparent failed Samurai taking her attention. It was clear that like many who left Samurai House, that it had conversely not left her. And then she heard the other woman's parting words as the two had turned to part company. Between that and suddenly being approached by another member of the crew (a true-blooded Nepleslian by the looks of him, unlike the ship's resident SAINT agent), Mao was brought to a pause. She gave the man in front of her a respectful nod of her head because she was honestly otherwise unsure of his rank and standing either in the Nepleslian or Yamataian military.

"Go aisatsu." Then to avoid being called 'new Samurai' for the rest of the day, "I am Mao, of the Ketsurui Samurai. I serve as Hanako's Yojimbo."

She gave him a polite smile and then immediately had her attention stolen away by the mechanic. And of course Umeshu as a sleeve was pulled across her face. Mao simply clasped her hands in front of her and gave Umeshu a small smile and a cocked brow. Well it was clear that the training and its habits had stuck well with her even if she seemed to think that Mao had stepped out of a tank for the first time yesterday. But she would let the young woman have her dalliance and her intrigue. If Umeshu were still a Samurai trainee on her way to a Journeywoman's blue then it would be different but Mao wasn't so cruel as to hold her to standards she was no longer bound to.

She looked to Wazu, "I would love to have a chance to talk with you. I hope to become familiar with all those that Hime-sama decides to keep in her company and trust."

Taharial blushed at what Tsuguka seemed to be hinting at "Well my wings don't that that long to dry they are water resistant so it is all quick drying, so lets go." She smiled and looked at Tsuguka and giggled "well we can tag team a shower to make it go quicker and get back here fast" she stood up and pulled Tsuguka with her "so we get our uniforms first then get into the shower and we can sort out everything then get back here before everyone is here."

She pulled her lovely Neko out of the wardroom and blushed darkly "It is good to be alone together again, you are so much more adorable when you are just with me."

Tsuguka allowed herself to be dragged along, alrough it was a little awkward seeing as she seemed to be the heavier of the two. As usual it was just plain difficult to tell what she was emoting, with an expression that barely changed at all.

Standing in the corridor seemed to cure her of a little bit of the rigidity, however, and she breathed a sigh of releif to be out of the line of sight of the Shosho.

Timidly, her dark features made a little glance over, green eyes seemingly flashing in contrast. "I don't know what to say." A small shrug, but not an agitated one. "But you do make me feel at ease."

Taharial smiled and kissed the red Neko's lips and smiled "I am glad that I can make you feel at ease" she smiled softly and walked down the hallway with her companion and giggled cutely as she flicked her wing into the girl's face softly. She smiled and walked towards the rooms "So are you sure you want to shower together?" her red eyes shone with hope as she looked at her lovely Neko "I would like to love."

"Of course." The crimson nekovalkyrja made a slightly weird face, as if trying and failing to smile; In actuality, she was trying to avoid sneezing as a result of Tarial's fluffy wings brushing up against her nose. "Showering together is efficient. It makes perfect sense on all levels."

When Taharial reached her room she smiled "Let me just get a clean uniform, I don't remember how long I have been wearing this one" she blushed when she said "I-I have just been busy and forgot to come back to swap my clothes, I am not some disgusting girl." She smiled "Go get your outfit and meet me in the showers, she slides into her room and gave her companion a wink.

Rubbing her face to regain a little composure, Tsuguka made a more resolute pass the second time and actually managed a small warm smile for once. The eyes were closed, slightly enlarged fangs bared, but it was a technically smile. She really wanted to send Taharial the right signals somehow. The grace and flow the red-winged girl carried herself with could only be as the result of years of practice, as far as Tsuguka's distorted world veiw could gander. She felt worse than ill-prepared, she felt unqualified.

"I'll meet you there, Rial." Was a last soft word added to the end of her address, which Tsuguka almost bowed towards the empty doorway habitually.

It didn't take long to get back to the sleeper modules, and even less time to pick out a new uniform from her well organised locker of clothes. But Toyoe had more than enough material to fill her imagination along the way...

/// .... \\\

Taharial smiled as she was in her towel trying to sort out her hair "I should have done this earlier even with that shampoo my hair is still knotted" she grunted when she finally got the knots out and she smiled "That is much better." She smiled and done her hair into her usaul ponytail and looked at her "want me to do your hair love?" she smiled as she quickly got changed before she wallked over to her companion.

She smiled as she giggled "You are such a beautiful Neko, I am a really lucky woman to even know you" her wings fluttered and poofed out massively "Oh this funny." She started to play with Tsuguka's hair putting it into different styles "Say what you like."

Tsuguka made fast work of putting the skirt and tights of her type-35 on, through the upper half was left off as she dealt with the intimidating task of her wavy waist-high hair, buffetted up to a large frizz by the heat. She was digging out some hair straighteners by the time Taharial started having a go, finding herself a little confused by half the options offered to her.

Truth was, it looked really strange even seeing the red neko out of uniform, let alone with a new slightly sheepish demeanour brought on by the recent memories of what she had seen of her porcelain-skinned companion moments before. The comparision of grace between them was not an understatement. The robust, athletic frame of the nekovalkyrja really was worlds appart from Taharial's much more enthralling, womanly form.

"Can you help me straighten it?" Was the simple request made, her head arcing to one side, eyes making a quick shy glance before receeding back to the floor. "Only so many hairstyles look right with..." A pause as she faced back to the angel, eyes still meek, placing the ends of her fingers to the sharp diagonal shapes on her cheeks. "..Erm, these..."

Really did feel bewitching, just having those mesmerizing ruby eyes gazing down at her.

Taharial smiled and nodded to her red skinned companion "Yes I think that is fine, that will look nice with your face" as she picked up the straighteners she blushed remembering what she had seen of Toyoe and she smiled. It was something that she was happy to do with her again if it was required, she shook the thoughts from her head as she didn't want to burn her companion as she straighten the hair that was in front of her.

She smiled "I couldn't help but notice you stared at my tattoo a lot, I guess you want to know why I have it... Well it represents me before I become a Medic, I was kind of more violent and dyed my wings black, this is to remind me of my past and to let me know that there is always more than what is on the outside of people."

Tsuguka didn't move from her posture since Taharial was still working on her hair, but made a somber sort of face whilst she absorbed what the woman was saying. It was a bit difficult to comprehend how natual-born organics even remained the same as much as they did. Their lives were just so much longer. It made the neko think of all the life experiences Taharial must have had, both good and not so good. Was it right to pry without knowing how deep the rabbit hole went? It was not a situation she had ever encountered before.

"What made you change? From who you used to be, I mean?" Fluffy triangular ears moved outwards on their own. Could have been nerves, could have simply been avoiding the heat from the straighteners. "It feels like there is so much about you that I know nothing of..."

Taharial leaned close to the ear of the the neko and whispered "I will tell you one thing, my nickname of the butcher came before I joined the Army not while I was training" she looked down "That may tell you why I don't share my past, it isn't really good to share horrible stories with people you like."

She sighs and then nuzzles on the girl's ear as she giggled cutely then pulled away so she could continue with straightening her companion's hair as she smiled "Your hair is so soft and nice." She smiled then when the hair was straightened she removed her band that held her hair in a ponytail and used it to tie up Toyoe's hair into a ponytail as taharial's hair fell to her waist "How does that look? I think it suits you."

Tsuguka looked a little forlorn for a split second before smiling at Taharial's face pressing to the side of hers. She had always know there was something more going on. They had touched on her old nickname in the past, but nothing ever came of it. She wondered if, subconsciously, they attracted each other because they were more similar under the surface than either of them had expected.

Further words from her winged partner dragged her out of the contemplation, and her hair looked remarkably different in Taharial's mirrior before she even recognized what was going on. She tightened it up a little higher to meet the sharp apex that the ears and cheekbones made, but overall seemed keen.

"I trust your judgement." The remark was a little off-kilter, but her turning upon the cabin chair, facing into Taharial's chest, made it clear she was trying to avoid feeling too outclassed. Standing upright, she made an active effort to straighten out the angel's uniform collar before placing her body closer, hands around the woman's curvy waist, her head to one side of the neck. "If you feel like giving me your things, I mean..."

Taharial smiled and wrapped her arms around her companion's neck as she giggled "That you for helping out, my uniform is always hard to make perfect but you have done it." Sh grins at the little comment that her companion said and she giggled more "Well I will give you my 'things' when we have a lot more alone time then just this little time, because I think we should be getting back to the others."

She gently pulled away "H-hey would you like to borrow some lipstick, I have a few but I always use the black one" she smiled as she added the black lipstick to her lips "I have a pink, this black, a red and lilac colour" she smiled and showed the girl the lipsticks "That is if you want one of these, or I can just share the one I have already put onto my lips with you."

She giggled "We should be heading back as we can't be late or people will start talking that we are doing naughty things, plus you can parade your new girlfriend around the others of the ship." She giggled then turned paler which just made it look like she would faint "I m-mean I didn't mean to say girlfriend, now I scared you, I am so sorry."

"I'm fine with being girlfriends." Tsuguka took a break from throwing her jacket on to fix a stray ruby hair encroaching across Taharial's forehead, completing the movement with a warm kiss there. "But lipstick is just inefficient. I'm Nekovalkyrja."

It was almost a rasping sort of giggle, but hushed with embarrassment. The red neko knew she could just throw up a new hologram and change her skin colour, but that just didn't feel true to herself at all. The attention she got from the elysian still made her feel truly pleasant regardless.

There would be more time to experiment, more time to research, the lynx considered, whilst rapidly perfecting the shape of her jacket's shoulders and fastening up the front. Most of it still made zero sense to her, but at least she was no longer facing it alone.

"Rial." It was just the name, whispered softly, just because she wanted to say it again. A hand grasped that of her partner, and she moved to take her outwards, back into the main corridors. "Let's go."

Taharial blushed as she let the Neko sort out the hair that was out of place, with what the Neko had said, the girl had said yes to being girlfriends, she was so happy about this but she waited until th girl was done with her coat then have her a big lovely hug "Well then we are girlfriends."

She was shocked when she was dragged from her room by the Neko but she knew that it needed to be done so walking hand in had with Toyoe she walked back to the wardroom she had gotten suddenly shy as she had never walked into a room with another girl while holding hands. She smiled as they entered though and felt calmer as she knew that Toyoe was with her all the way, she moved towards where they were sitting before and sat back down there moving over so Toyoe could sit down as well.

She had given a salute to the people who were in the wardroom and smiled "Nitô Hei Taharial Chasan and Nitô Hei Tsuguka, reporting back."
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YSS Eucharis - Wardoom (Dining Hall) - Deck 1

Shosho Hanako quickly shied away from the clanging pans and sizzling foods of the steamy galley and returned to the wardroom where she sat at the head of the main table, staring a moment are the void outside the ship's only window, which was across the room, looking at black space and a peppering of stars forward of the ship that moved in lines because the ship was in orbit. The aroma of Japanese-style spices and meats hung in the air and filtered out from the galley and into the crew lounge that was down the stairs. Ancient tradition was strong tonight.

"I remember," Hanako said, looking at Tsuguka as the red neko returned. "We encountered the crystalline base in the Splorfin system and we came back here and met in this wardroom and I expressed that I was disappointed in you for the way the exploration mission turned into a chaotic fight. That was in YE 36, more than a year ago. I can now see you have grown since then, both socially and as a soldier."

A small grin spread across Jackson

'Oh, things are good,' replied the cat man, who was watching an airbike race on his own data pad. 'Mao walked in on us earlier.'

Aikiko entered shorty into the wardroom and took her seat in her usual spot at the farthest point from Hanako, interrupting the symmetry of the descending order of navel ratings (rank). Officers on one side of the table, NCO's and enlisted on the opposite side from the Officers. With those with no discernable military ranking, filled in where they stood in favor of the Shosho, CO of the Eucharis.

~~Whose Mao?~~ She shot back via telepathically to Jax. as she gave him a shy smile at his response.

She resumed her neutral expression that would put the most disciplined Samurai to shame. She kept her body language to a very minimum as if she became a statue that breathed. Her eyes moved taking in those present to include the newest members of the crew.

"...Thank you, Shosho." Her leader's nostalgic tone made Tsuguka think of that rainy night in Kyoto, waiting patiently by the launch ramp to be allowed on board for the first time.

It felt so much different here now, from the familiar polished sound of the hardwood floors, to the stars swimming past the portal across the room. Akiashiro's characteristic reserved expression, always hiding that sly smoldering individuality. Yamashiro's looming demeanor in the corridor beyond, betraying her constant attentiveness despite her disarming snowy appearance. Taharial's constant chipper attitude no matter the weather... New faces like Candon were only an improvement.

"If I may be as bold as to speak my mind, Shosho Ketsurui..." A solid voice took it's time to compile what she would say next carefully. "It is a painful irony that I cannot guarantee I would be the person sitting before you now, if it were not for Splorfin. For that all I can ask for is your forgiveness. All I knew since then is that I could not overcome my failure, if I did not return. I felt as through I had left all of my progress, my actual soul, here in your care on the Eucharis."

Perhaps it was melodramatic, but the stern expression of faith that boiled in her chest now made the promises of her younger self seem like weak dirge in comparison.
YSS Eucharis, Fabrication Bay

“That nebula is named after me, but who named it and why is not something I am privy to... but I suppose I could guess. The Qel'Noran Industrial Sector used to operate out of that area along with the 4th fleet.” A smile would come to his face as he remembered what it was like back then,

“... My 4th fleet.”

Wazu straightened up a bit, lifting up his datapad for just a second so he could wipe that smirk off his face. It certainly felt inappropriate to have good memories about dark times...

“Although, that might be a story better suited for mealtime. Perhaps you and Mao would like to come with me? Looks like everyone is headed that way already and having two Warriors with me would make me feel much safer.

… Mango is very quick to use her knives.”

Without wasting too much more time Wazu would start off towards the wardroom, quickly typing out a message on his datapad as he walked,

Doctor Hemlock,

Looks like the crew will be eating in the Wardroom soon. Care to join us and discuss the Rixxikor data?

- Wazu
YSS Eucharis - Wardroom

The intercom came on while the last of the dinner was getting set on the table. "Shosho, we are being hailed by a freindly gunboat that just arrived in the system," Blackberry's voice announced.

"Patch it through," Hanako ordered.

"YSS Eucharis, this is Captain Hasumi-Taii Skuld of the YSS Pliable, currently in service of SAINT. In addition to standard passenger and mail delivery, we are transporting a VIP passenger, a Marcus Rodia. Vice President fitness division for Equilibrium Corporation, to you to meet with Mr. Heram J. Wazu. We request permission to shuttle him over."

"Of course. We will prepare a space for your shuttle," Hanako replied to the other ship's captain. "Hanako out." She turned to Natsumi. "I wonder what this is all about," she said. "I suppose we will know soon. Would anyone like some wine?"

YSS Pliable - Shuttle Bay

(Continued from YSS Pliable - Marcus Rodia)

Nito Heisho Brynhildr Hamasaki, a brown-eyed Nekovalkyrja logistics specialist. led Marcus through the small corridors of the Hayai-class YSS Pliable and into its tiny shuttle bay where the lone, heavily-used shuttle rested inside a red and black rectangle of caution paint. "We have permission to bring you to the Eucharis. It will be a short ride. Get strapped in to one of the passenger seats," Bryn directed. A stern-looking Nekovalkyrja with concrete gray skin joined them, dressed in body armor and carrying her helmet under one arm and took a seat in the back of the shuttle, as did a brown-haired Nekovalkyrja in a red-paneled uniform, carrying a duffel bag. An additional suit of power armor was also loaded on the shuttle and put in the back. Finally, they were joined by a very handsome and athletic-looking red-headed male, also in a red uniform.
YSS Pliable - Shuttle Bay

Marcus nodded to Bryn and followed the directions swiftly. The restraints were easy enough to figure out and he was soon watching the others board the ship. This trip was going to be interesting for him with so many females around. Though he didn't show it, he felt a moderate level of tension around them, to the point where he was actually relieved to see the other male board.

Marcus nodded a greeting to each of the others as they boarded, but held his usual small talk. Being from a completely different universe, he didn't know the customs of these people, and wasn't about to wreck the purpose of his visit before it ever really got underway.
YSS Eucharis - Shuttle Bay

Moments later, the shuttle from the Pliable came to rest on the gloss black floor of the larger gunship's shuttle bay with a resounding THUNK. After a moment to let the atmosphere settle, the door hissed open and the soldiers inside were dragging out their gear into the next room over, which was full of power armor suits and an armored bay door on each side.

"Welcome aboard the Eucharis," a Nekovalkyrja greeted the newcomers in the armor bay. Like Bryn from the Pliable, this one had green hair and brown eyes, and also had an orange-paneled uniform marking her as part of the Star Army's logistics profession. "I am Nito Heisho Victory Kuroki. We are just about to serve dinner, so feel free to leave your things up here along the wall and come to the wardroom. Follow the main passageway forward to the zero-gravity horizontal passageway and then up to the top level, Deck 1, to reach the wardroom. You will find the captain there."

Bryn, standing in the doorway of the shuttle bay with gray-face at her side, gave Marcus a little wave goodbye. "It was nice to meet you, Mr. Rodia."
YSS Eucharis - Shuttle Bay

Marcus turned his attention to the other logistics officer. He made sure to pay careful attention to the directions he was given. He planned on looking around while he made the trek to the wardroom, and knew he would probably fall behind the others. "Thank you for the hospitality."

Marcus removed a small pouch from one of his two bags and stuck it in his pocket, then turned back to the Pliable's shuttle. "Thank you, Bryn. It was nice meeting you, as well."

He waited for the other occupants to make their way out of the bay, then headed for the main passageway, himself, mentally noting to inquire about the possibility of trade at the first opportunity. As he made his trip, he took in every bit of information he could. He was impressed by the stark white all around with the red flooring concept. It worked well. He took in as much as he could while still paying enough attention to make sure he didn't make a wrong turn, though he figured that would be difficult considering he was, apparently, to follow the main passageway most of the way there.

YSS Eucharis - Wardroom

Eventually, he did make his way to the Wardroom. He noticed a couple of the others from the shuttle almost immediately, and began to find a place to seat himself, opting for an open chair around the main table. While he preferred eating more in seclusion, he needed to keep in mind the purpose of his trip. Avoiding contact with anyone would be counter-productive.
YSS Eucharis, Wardroom

Candon found his seat quietly and laid the datapad he'd retrieved from his room on his lap. There was an alert on his device in alerting him of the new arrival, a Nepleslian- no, a human from Ayenee. Thus the reason he was ignoring the alert, he thought it was a bad idea to have Wazu on board Eucharis, having anyone from Ayenee in the universe was downright reckless. The last disquieting as the newcomers arrival was Candon could at least be comforted by the fact that he wasn't a soldier.. at least that was the claim.

As the man entered the wardroom Candon took a long look at him through the corner of his eye. As a big guy there was no way he would be fitting into Yamataian power armor but there was no telling what tricks may he up his sleeve. And again the SAOY put an obvious security risk on the same ship as royalty! Candon wanted to keep his cool but this was pushing his limits. He moved his datapad to the table and turned on the screen, sifting through lines of code for the project he had be toying with.

Natsumi settked into her usual seat. She was still in contact with the computer, looking for a good place to land the ship tomorrow. The snowy haired neko, ears twitched as word of the incoming ship and guest came through. She listened to the communication between Hanako and Blackberry and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. There was no word of anyone coming out to us." she replied to Hanako. "Wine would be nice, thank you" she said and smiled.

She turned her attention to the newcomer once he joined the wardroom for dinner. He did not not identify himself, but just sat down with the crew.

"Hello" she gretted gim, her red eyes fixed on him, "I am Chui Yamashiro Natsumi, ship's executive officer" she introduced herself to the so far silent newcomer.
Shuttle Bay

Takeda Junko took a moment for herself. There was something ineffable about the Eucharis, or at the very least her back brain was reacting to the unique lingering smells that had been a part of the ship since she had first stepped aboard, eight years before. Whatever it was, Junko knew she fit again, as she hadn’t felt in all of her time on Gemini. The experience had been invaluable, the work engaging, but the difference between building gigantic warships aboard a monstrously huge space station and crawling through maintenance conduits on a tiny gunship was marked, to say the least. She knew which she preferred.

Junko was, above all, a professional though so she shook off her reverie, straightened her Class A’s, and stepped forward. She nodded her thanks to the Pliable’s Logistics Heisho and scanned the other newcomers again, almost without internal comment. She had kept to herself - in her typical manner - during the trip to the Eucharis and she still didn’t feel the need to inquire after the status of the tall, clearly non-Yamataian civilian accompanying them. If previous service with the Shosho had given her anything, it was equanimity in the face of the bizarre and unexpected.

Instead, she smiled and returned Victory’s welcome while pinging Charisma with a separate greeting and a copy of her transfer orders, just to be safe. That done, she set her bags down as directed against the bulkhead, at least until she received a cabin assignment, and proceeded on down the familiar route up ship.


At the door to the wardroom, she took another moment - this time only fractional - to compose herself and still the incipient smile coming on. There would be no breaks in military bearing, not on Takeda-Heisho’s watch. Her surging emotions quashed for the present, she stepped across the threshold. Her eyes snapped to the head of the table and shone with joy at being back in the presence of the officer, the leader she respected most, and the crew of the ship she adored.

Her face remained otherwise immobile as she braced to attention and bowed deeply to the Shosho.

“Takeda Junko, Itto Heisho, reporting as ordered, ma’am.”

Jax maintained an indifferent face as well, keeping his face glued to his data pad as he spoke to Aikiko.

'Mao? She's the new guy-'

Jax glanced up, and saw several new people.

'Er... one of the new guys. She's wearing a samurai outfit, you can't miss her.'

'What do we have here? Jesus, that guy's big. Does he even lift? And who's that engineer?! Please don't be a- damn it! She's an officer! Hopefully Hanako will stuff her down in Engineering with Cherry so I don't have to watch myself in Fabrication.'
Jax grumbled internally, discreetly eyeing the new tech. While he was glad there were new hands on deck to help with repairs, couldn't they have gotten someone a little lower ranking? You know, so that they couldn't get mad about his "antics"?

'Hey now, stay on the positive side! She may not be a "Mitsuko"!'

Hanako gave Tsuguka a meaningful look and nodded in understanding before focusing on the new arrivals. She stood up from her seat and made her way over to the entrance. "Welcome back, Junko," she greeted with a warm smile and a hug. "Come in, we are just serving dinner." Next Hanako went to Marcus. "Welcome aboard the YSS Eucharis. My name is Hanako. I am the ship's captain, so if you need anything, please ask me. I understand you are here to learn the ways of this universe from the infamous H. James Wazu."
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