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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 24] Edges (YE 38)

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Cabin 4

Mitsuko leaned over her desk to sip from her favorite mug, trying to finish the coffee before it grew cold. She'd been up for a while, inspecting her Type 35 Duty Uniform before donning it, then inspecting it again once she was dressed. She had been wearing the new Type 30C whenever possible, but for such a formal ceremony the Type 35 was preferred. She also needed time to make sure her medals were probably displayed and aligned. From the reports of conditions on the planet they were landing on, it did not seem likely the cap and coat would be required, but she had them prepared and waiting, just in case. Easy enough to return to her cabin to collect them if she wound up being underdressed for the the occasion.

As she imagined the crew lined up in their matching uniforms with the Captain and Natsumi standing before them, she couldn't help but frown. There would be a few individuals who stood out from the crowd, if they decided to show up for the ceremony. One civilian had become two, and now they were sharing a room. Sharing information, at the very least. Who knew what else they were up to? Charisma was assuredly keeping an eye on them, and Hanako had welcomed them, but she'd already seen one guest on their ship cause plenty of trouble, including trespassing in unauthorized areas of the ship to access sensitive equipment.

Murakami sighed as she exited her now empty room, trying not to worry too much about things she couldn't control. Victory had assured her the new guest's luggage and possessions had been thoroughly checked. They were strange, but seemingly harmless. She still didn't like it. However, considering Hanako's attitude towards civilian guests in the past, there was no use airing her concerns or attempting to deal with them herself. Maybe Suites would be more receptive to her worries...although he seemed to work with the classic SAINT paranoia, and not simply healthy distrust of outsiders.
UX-1 I Surface
A few minutes later

Glistening in the sunlight, the gunship Eucharis tilted back a little as it slowed down, approaching the spot Natsumi bad picked out. Landing feet emerged from panels in the ship's underside and the craft gently came to a rest with the crunching sound of rocks grinding as the weight of the ship was set upon them. The sky was clear and blue with two suns hanging in it, big white one and a smaller reddish one. The terrain was rocky and sandy, with no visible plants aside from mosses. It was a largely untouched world ready for more sophisticated life that just hadn't developed yet.

A hydraulic tone filled the air as a section of the ship's underside hissed open and folded downward. The armored rear cargo bay door moved downward until it became a ramp to the ground. Victory stood in the bay at the door controls, and when she had finished lowering the ramp she affixed her blue sailor cap style headwear and walked down the ramp to start looking around. The temperature was great and a nice breeze kept the sun from being too warm.

Over the intercom, Hanako invited everyone to come outside for the promotion ceremony.

The mornings operations and landing had all been routine, Junko was pleased to see as she sat at the main control station. She hadn’t really been able to get busy, and dirty, aboard the Eucharis again just yet but even sitting there watching readouts fluctuate - safely in the green of course - filled her with deep satisfaction.

Still, the Shosho’s invitation called and she set about ensuring the automatics were up and running. Just as a personal preference Junko liked to have the various Engineering systems running in local control, or at least on isolated, limited processors. It seemed rude to rely on Charisma to run systems that it was Junko’s job to maintain. Still, it was comforting to know that the AI was always there, ready to step in if the relatively dumb systems - in terms of sapience - ran into a fault or error their admittedly sophisticated programming couldn’t overcome.

With one final look at the system levels she was locking in, Junko stood up and stepped away from the panel and began removing the AMES she had pulled on over her Type 35 Class A’s. Having stowed the suit she spent a moment straightening a few wrinkles from her uniform and removing errant pieces of lint. She nodded in satisfaction with her appearance and set off on the short walk to the Cargo Bay.


Settling her cover precisely on top of her head, Junko strode down the ramp, considering the relatively uninteresting landscape around her. At the base of the ramp she drew to a halt near Victory, favoring the Logistics Specialist with a reserved smile and polite nod.

“Good morning, Heisho.”
Outside Cabin 5

Marcus had to admit, Tsuguka was certainly vigilant. While he didn't know her official role on the ship, he'd trained many security officers in his time. If she wasn't assigned to some type of security role, she was definitely acting that way. He smiled warmly to her. The difference in appearance didn't phase him in the slightest. He was from Ayenee, home to countless different races of beings all intermingling in one tremendous stew pot of cultural diversity. In fact, he was likely more comfortable with the current compliment of personnel than he would have been on a ship full of humans.

"No, thank you." He replied, respectfully. If her rough tone affected him, one would be unable to tell. "I had to sacrifice a night of sleep, but I accomplished a great deal of work thanks to your efforts. I appreciate it, greatly."

He looked toward the speaker as the announcement was made. That would be quite a bit different from what he'd planned, but when in a completely unfamiliar situation, one had to be flexible. "Sounds like an experience worth witnessing. Since you seem to be the one focused most highly on security as it relates to me, which I must compliment you on, by the way, you'll be the one I need to tell. I'll stay close to the ship so as not to be a huge distraction during the ceremony."

With that, Marcus turned and headed toward the rear of the ship. This ceremony would give him a good deal of insight into the culture of the people would whom he would be dealing. He didn't want to miss it.
Aikiko stepped from her room, wearing the Type 35 Class A's. Her hair tied back into a ponytail. Glancing around as she made her way through the ship. From what she had gotten from the Ship's MEGAMI, Charisma. It was pretty much like the desert planet of the Mining Consortium where she had her first memories of being 'awake'. She easily made her way through the ship to the rear cargo hatch to get a good look of what lay beyond the ship.

Nothing but barren land stretching out towards the horizon as far as the eye could see. This planet had a lot of potential. She paused as she checked her service weapon, making sure it was ready for the unexpected. Fully loaded and a spare that she could get to easily. She secured her service weapon back in its holster at her side as she waited for the rest of the crew to show up. She nodded to those that were already there as she stood apart from the rest.
Wardroom - Crew Lounge

With Wazu's device completed in Fabrication, and Engineering fully manned, and a ceremony that didn't allow dirty coveralls, he'd dressed in his duty uniform and taken a seat on a sofa in the corner, where no one would disturb him until he'd had sufficient caffeine to be sociable. On his lap was his data pad, with a word processor opened. He was working on his book, and he was so close to finishing this chapter. Damn writer's block!

Jax sighed and drank his cola (he hated coffee). Right now was a small filler scene, part of the side-romance he'd planned. The order of knights was- for lack of better term- dicking around, relaxing, waiting for the next big adventure. One of the knights- the stableman's lover- was going to settle some unfinished business. There was a dragon, that had been terrorizing her for years, that she had finally decided to turn and face. The stableman, not being a warrior at heart, couldn't help her.
UX-1 I Surface

Over the intercom, Hanako invited everyone to come outside for the promotion ceremony.

Jax glanced up, realized he needed to hurry, and felt a sudden wave of creativity wash over him. Deadlines, amaright?

Quickly, he typed out:

...He watched her go, disheartened at his cowardliness. Although he knew she loved him and he the same, he wished he could be better for her. She was pure, pristine, focused, aloof- like a goddess. Every aspect of her was perfection. He was crude, vulgar, wore rags and spent his days toiling and laboring. Secretly, he wished some divine force would bless him with the same, super-natural qualities, so that he could rid himself of this feeling of inadequacy. She was fit for a king, yet here she was with a fool.

Despite this, he couldn't help but smile tiredly as he laid down for the night. He watched the fire, feeling its warmth, and dozed, confident she would return, and knowing he would do everything he could for her when she did.

'Eh. It'll have to do for now.' Jax thought to himself and stowed the data pad. He briskly walked towards the rear ramp to join his comrades.


Jackson inhaled deeply as he stepped into the cool, dry air.

"Ah! Gotta love that new planet smell!" he joked to nobody in particular, observing the body's infancy. Another thought came to him, and he chuckled deviously.

"We could totally build a crap-ton of pyramids, sprinkle them all across this rock, and confuse the hell out of whatever sentient life pops up in the next million years or so!"
Last edited:
Crew Lounge -> Landing Ramp

"Thank you for understanding, Mister Rodia." A slightly more hushed voice, complex emotions brooding beneath the surface. Outwardly, the stoic woman now just seemed more distracted than stern. "Your cooperation is appreciated."

The image of the large man's casual, heartfelt smile stuck with Tsuguka for a minute as she watched him leave. Perhaps she should have felt bad for unintentionally making the man feel like a prisoner, but the truth was that she didn't really. He had his freedom and his far-spanning enterprise, she had the walls of the Eucharis and her oath to protect it. Nobody ordered her to keep an eye on him. If he had asked her to run around and fetch him things like a house servant, she probably would have done that too, in the name of furthering the Eucharis and Yamatai's interests. There was a simply a certain point when loyalty became like a ritual.

Retrieving her backup class-A uniform and then reviewing the appearance of her newly re-braided hair loops in Taharial's desk mirror, part of her longed for the days when that was really all there was. When the Shosho really was some austere and unknowable figurehead. When she felt like there would always be a place for this practical, unimaginative, unremarkable soldier no matter what... Hanako actually seemed to like the new changes. Her sanguine-haired angelic partner, too. But there was no instruction manual, no convention to follow past this point...

...Daily quota of vainglorious navel gazing definitely met, now. Time to go.

Shrugging, the red lynx slapped both of her cheeks harshly in order to get her head back in the game, then attached her cap under the lapel of her left shoulder.

She was looking forward to working closer with Joto Hei Suites, more than anything. Only time would tell what their leader decided was appropriate, but the last mission with him had gone like clockwork, and the idea of him having more power within the squad was a pleasing one.

The air at the bottom of the landing ramp smelt strange. Not like a planet with actual civilization, or the clear and pure oxygen of a ship... Affixing her beret onto her head, she simply stood at ease next to Nito Heisho Victory, as the woman waited for a more formal location to be allocated for the ceremony.

As the ship set down, Natsumi was running her own series of scans, sweeping the local area in case there was something she had missed. Last thing she wanted was for the promotion ceremony to be interrupted by something horrible! When she was done, a time that coincidence with Hanako's crew wide invitation, she set her bridge station to standby and quickly went to her cabin.

Natsumi had already dressed in her number one type-35 duty uniform and her type-36 officers cap and her shiniest rank pin on. Since this was a special occasion though, the neko now put on her small assortment of ribbons for the commendations she had earned over the years. They were few in number, but she was proud to have them. With them in place, she gave herself a once over in the mirror, making sure her uniform was crisp, free of any blemish and that her shoes were shined, then headed out.

Cargo Ramp

Arriving at the main ramp, Natsumi saw some of her shipmates already gathered at its base. She smiled and took a deep breath, breathing in the strangely scented air of this primordial world. Turning her red eyes up from the crew, she looked out upon the primitive landscape, the mossy rock that stretched out for miles around them, rimmed with a range of high jagged mountains that clawed up into the brilliant blue morning sky. The effect was breathtaking and beautiful. The world of UX-1 I may not have been far along in developing life forms, but it already had a stunning vista for them here.

She walked down the ramp, pausing a moment at it's base before stepping off onto the surface, her polished shoe leaving an imprint on the hint of powdery dust that covered some of the rock where moss had not sprung up.

"Good morning" she said to those already there, a broad smile on her face.
YSS Eucharis, Cabin 6

It was quite in cabin 6 as Candon stood in the view of the volumetric mirror adjusting his uniform to perfection. Anything less was unacceptable, especially when you didn't have to share the mirror with anyone. He wasn't completely happy to know that the ceremony was taking place on a planet, seeing as space was his home, but at least he would get a chance to enjoy a change in scenery for a little while.

Having just been promoted he wasn't expecting any personal advancement in his own career, he had a feeling that if anyone was getting recognized it would probably be Jax. Despite being a little odd the kid worked hard and knew his field well. He was also the only enlisted soldier that was dating an officer, though he was going to try keeping his thoughts positive. He had enough to think about with a Nepleslian civilian and universe invader on the ship.

He checked everything in the mirror again. Cap, check. Guns, check. Medals… he kinda missed his old war medals but after the things he did he knew he was lucky the YSE let him live. There were times he'd wished he had never come clean on his involvement in the second Mishhuvurthyar War. Some of the commanders appreciated his teams actions while others despised him. The only reason his crimes had been ignored was because the SAINT command staff recognized he'd saved more people than he'd harmed. Losing his medals and pension from the first war was a lenient punishment. He appreciated the second chance far more than he hated the admiral who'd insisted that he be punished. He'd make the most of what he had.
He turned off the light in his cabin and headed outside for the ceremony.
Medical Bay
Dr. Hemlock had been working in the medical bay when the call had come down. He was, of course, still immaculate, despite the messy nature of the samples he had been working on. Content with his work, he finished up what he was doing and retired for a moment to retrieve his cap and frock coat. He liked the heavy garment, it had some of the refinement he'd enjoyed back before he'd joined. He took a moment to properly dress himself- putting it on over his type 35 uniform. He had no patch on his arm as he was a Santo Hei, but he had polished his pin recently and wore it with some degree of elegant pride.

As he descended the sloping surface to the planet, he walked with a slow air of aloof detachment. He wasn't cold, just off in his own little world. He was observing the others going about this way and that. He fell in line, not particularly rushing as he was not by any means the last one to make it there. He stood with poise and practiced ease in line- uniform regulation and spotless. He liked the shoe-polish and fine pressed jacket part of the military. He was comfortable with it.

Neatly pressed uniforms, polished rank pins, and gleaming "fruit salads" of ribbons on soldiers' chests seemed to be the order of the day. They were all gathering together for a promotions and awards ceremony that Hime-sama had decided would best be conducted planet-side. Mao would have protested to the idea of how an unknown planet could pose a security risk, but this was the Ketsurui Hanako who had ordered for the landing. If she wanted to do it on the surface of a dwarf star, Mao's job wasn't to complain it was to find out how to make it safe. So she'd kept her silence and had shadowed the admiral throughout the day preceding the landing and it wasn't until they had entered atmosphere that she'd headed for the cargo area to prepare for the landing.

To be honest, Mao felt rather plain compared to the ship's actual crew. As much as she loved her profession and as much as she had never once questioned the codes and ways they were to conduct herself, she still felt perhaps a pang of jealousy when she would follow a charge into a mall or simply out onto the street. Seeing the cut of designer dresses, the crisp lines of well-tailored suits, and of course the soldiers in their nearly immaculate uniforms with medals on their chests in rows. And here she was in a comparatively plain samurai's garb. Maintained to near perfection, of course. And to be fair what the cloth lacked in appearance it more than made up for in history and the impression it gave to onlookers.

When the ramp dropped Mao kept up towards the top at first and simply took in the first breath of unfiltered and unpolluted air. Not even Samurai House had carried such a pure and free breeze to it. Here there were no cities pumping out fumes and it was free from the ship's cramped halls where too-filtered oxygen came through the vents. Mao could simply clutch her odachi to her chest tightly in one hand and take in the scent as warm sunlight and a cool breeze drifted in. Not that she let such lax enjoyment show itself openly too greatly. There was the tightened clutch on her sword and a squint to the eyes but little else.

This was a crew of people she'd never met and the first "event" under her charge. Even if it was a simple ceremony where only the ship's crew would be in attendance. She had a reputation to establish here.

So she walked down the ramp and swept the immediate area before looking out as far into the horizon as possible around them. A cursory act by the standards of her training if she was being brutally honest because even she wasn't paranoid enough to expect an assassin lurking among the grass blades.

If she was approached she'd offer a warm smile and be willing to converse but for now she kept to her self.

Partly because she was on the job.

Partly because she was among strangers.

Umeshu was one of the last of the crew to join the ceremony, having still been stationed at the helm of the Eucharis for the descent to the planet UX-1 I. The purple-skinned Chui had taken utmost care that the landing on the uninhabited planet was to First Officer Natsumi's specifications and picture perfect... along with preparing all sensor maps of the surface and networking links with the Bisen Lighthouse and long-disused Frontier Starport were established, actively monitoring the known electrical storm activity in case it would kick up and cut the pomp short. She finally arose from the scarlet upholstery of the chair, severing the SPINE connections from her back and handing control fully over to the MEGAMI with a well-deserved and cat-like stretch from her ears to her toes.

Hashimoto-chui straightened her Type 35 A uniform and affixed her officer's cap on top of her long braided purple hair as she strode down the landing ramp into the pristine environment and joined the line up of the crew near the officer contingent, casting a warm smile towards the others in turn as she did so. Standing at attention, Umeshu couldn't help but open her lips with a tiny gasp at the truly breathtaking mountain vista and twin suns contrasting against the shiny hull of the Eucharis and Hanako-sama's imposing figure soon to join them. In that moment there really was nowhere else she rather be than among her new family.
UX-1 I Surface

Hanako arrived shortly and went to the front of the group, holding a data pad in one hand. Assuming the position, she shouted the order of "Fall in!" She paused for a moment for the crew to get into an evenly spaced formation facing her, before continuing.

"Chui Yamashiro, Chui Hashimoto, post!" Hanako summoned her first officer and bridge officer. When they stood before her in front of the formation, she began reading the data pad to the formation.

"Attention to orders!" Hanako announced, "Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai, acting on the recommendation of Taisho Ketsurui Yui, commander of the the Star Army of Yamatai, and noting the testimony of Shosho Ketusrui Hanako, has placed her special trust and confidence in the loyalty, strength, and wisdom of Chui Yamashiro Natsumi and Chui Hashimoto Umeshu. In recognition of their honor, integrity, and continued excellence in military service and mastery of the art of war, and their demonstrated potential to serve at a higher rank, do here by promote them both to the rank of Taii, of the Star Army of Yamatai's First Expeditionary Fleet, effective the first day of February, in the Thirty-Eighth Year of Our Empire, by order of the commander of the Star Army of Yamatai."

"At ease," Hanako commanded, giving the crew an opportunity to clap for the two officers. She stepped forward toward Natsumi and removed Natsumi's Chui rank pin from her jacket and then replaced it with a golden heart-shaped Taii pin, and then did the same for Umeshu before returning to position. "Please stand at my side and help me pin the others," Hanako whispered in Natsumi's ear.

"Victory, post!" Hanako summoned the green-haired supply Nekovalkyrja, who had a wooden box containing rank pins and awards for the officers to distribute.

"Crew, atten-tion!" the Shosho ordered. "Suites, Howard, Toyoe, post!"

Once the three were up front, Hanako read the next orders from the pad: "Attention to orders: Shosho Ketsurui Hanako has placed special trust and confidence in the valor, loyalty, and professional excellence of the following soldiers. In view of these qualities and their demonstrated leadership potential and dedicated service to the Star Army of Yamatai, they are promoted as follows:
  • Candon Suites, promotion from from Joto Hei to the non-commissioned officer rank of Nito Heisho
  • Jackson Howard, double promotion from the rank of Nito Hei to Joto Hei and additional he is awards a Morale Award.
  • Toyoe Tsuguka, double promotion from the rank of Nito Hei to Joto Hei and additionally she is awarded Mission 24's Good Conduct award.
  • Dr. Thaddeus Hemlock, from the rank of Santo Hei to Nito Hei.
...With date of rank 1 February, YE 38. All crew members present for Mission 24 are also awarded with a Star Army Service Award Ribbon. Congratulations on a job well done." Hanako and Natsumi began to pin all the soldiers with their new pins. Once that was done, she had them return to their former positions. "Fall out!" she said, ending the formation.
ON YSS Eucharis, Cabin 5

Wazu looked drained, constantly rubbing his eyes as he shifted from one datapad to the next. Of course, he could have just switched to a different tab on the pad, but there was something pleasently analoge about switching topics along with hardware. His room mate had already left for the promotion cerimony, and it was about time he headed that way too. His mind wandered to the kitchen and how easy it would be to sneak in and grab coffee while Mango was at the promotion cerimony. It was hard to maintain a train of thought without something to help focus the mind, and he had plenty to think about. There were the Rixx and Kuvexians, how they interacted with eachother as well as others, the dangers of being on a Yamatain ship, Aikiko's shockingly pleasent familiarity...


How about we take that run while we are planetside?


Wazu then raised his hand...


The sting was refreshing, a bit of adrenaline helping clear the mind as he grabbed his hoodie and headed to the rear of the ship.


"You did not sleep last night either," Wazu said, approaching Marcus's spot overlooking the promotion cerimony. Neither of them were soldiers, and Wazu's plain clothing clearly stood apart from the finery that the others had on display... even his colors did not quite match the surroundings, the dull green looking out of place in the rocky basin.

"No. I didn't." Marcus eyed Wazu as he stepped down to join him near the ship as they looked at the gathering for the ceremony. "There was a lot of research to do. This universe is substantially different than Ayenee. Of course, you know that."

Marcus pondered for a minute, then came do a decision. "You asked me last night about how my combat ability came upon me. While the fighting knowledge itself was purely through training, I've been given a great deal of genetic engineering. My father was a brilliant scientist. My sister and I were his favorite projects. Some of those modifications allow me to stay awake without consequence. I can't do it often, but it works well when I need."

"You would get better results with chemical additives than genetic engineering I think," Wazu replied,

He shrugged. "It's entirely possible. But I've never known anything different. I've been this way for the entire time I can remember."

"For an explorer, you do not seem that interested in exploring," Wazu said, taking a quick look at his datapad... looked like the device he requested from Jax had been finished, "Though, maybe you prefer the world of busness instead? I take it you have a better idea of what industry you want to go into now that you have had some opportunity to look around? Genetic Engeneering has a bit of a taboo about it here... or at least companies that do have been responsible for enough shady activities to give them a sour taste in the public.... eye... uh... mixed my metaphor a bit there...."

"Honestly, I never considered myself to be much of an explorer." He paused for a minute. "Granted, there isn't much of Ayenee I haven't visited. I've been all over that realm in my business dealings. I suppose that does make me somewhat of an explorer. Still, my primary role, honestly, is more related to my family than to anything else."

Marcus paused, again. It was obvious that he was reflecting on something. "That brings me to something I wanted to discuss with you. You're right. I do have a better idea of what I would like to do. The problem I have is that I don't have much expertise in the area of commercial farming. I have ways around my problem with data cloning technology and the like, but in the end, I'm going to need to return to Ayenee. In order to do that, I have to be able to start this business as quickly as possible. I'm going to need your advise...and possibly some direct assistance, if you're willing."

"Sure. I assume you have access to the genetic engineering technology used on you? Or at least something similar? The people here use fairly basic crops for food, so there is plenty of room for improvement. Developing the crops itself would be the hardest part, finding land to grow them and developing the resources to do so is a bit more straight-forward. A decent amount of computing power and off-the-shelf drones should help you do most of the heavy lifting." He said, thinking about it for a moment, "But first things first. We should develop a crop based on some market application."

"I don't know what era of its history you were around Ayenee for, but our people have had material compression technology for years. A specialized version was particularly popular when young would-be gladiators would capture wild animals and fight them against each other. They used a style of compression technology that managed to make the wild animals more amiable and keep it alive at the same time. It was barbaric. However, it gave us some tremendous technology. I have similar equipment at my disposal. I have a large sampling of seeds that are versatile enough to grow on any terrestrial planet. After weighing the options, I believe Kotori would be my best option." Marcus was clearly getting into an area of discussion with which he was far more comfortable...logistical planning and business. "I have enough equipment to implant information into a data-clone of myself until genuine experts in the field can be taught and/or found. Ideally, I would sell bulk foods, both fresh and prepared, to those who need it, particularly this region's military. That would also allow me to take part in more philanthropic interests, as well."

Marcus seemed to recall something just as he paused. "And yes, I do have a style of genetic engineering available, as well. Although, for the record, it pales in comparison to what my father used on us."

"Kotori!" Wazu replied with a smile, "I met her once.... " It took a moment for it to click as he reached down for his datapad, quickly keying in a query "Oh, that is a plant of some kind right? I am not familiar with it."

"... Companies here are vertically intigrated to a high degree. If you want to focus on selling bulk foods and ready to eat style rations you will need to build most of the infrastructure to support it. Industrial capacity is fairly easy, and I have contacts that would help with transport, but that still leaves growing of the stock plant, harvesting, and getting it on store shelves... so, I should start with Kotori.... what exactly is it and what do you plan to do with it?"

Marcus chuckled. "Kotori is a planet in the Bard Cluster. It's controlled by the Yamataian Empire. I figured, since I'm currently being lead around on one of their ships, I would need to start with them. It has a reasonably low population, but not completely void of civilization. There's plenty of water and soil. I have a lot of the necessary materials to begin a construction process. The next part is, also, where I'll need your assistance."

He pulled the pouch out of the interior pocket of his vest and held it out. "Again, compression technology. It's even more efficient with non-living samples. I have a rather large amount of valubale material and raw metals. I've already taken away what doesn't seem to be of any use in this universe. I tried to do a reasonable amount of research on their value, and there's definitely enough to have everything I need purchased and constructed. My main obstacle is that I don't know where to sell any of it."

"Selling to civillians is like pulling teeth... it takes a lot of time and effort to speak to each person one at a time and talk them into buying your product. Your best bet is to speak with someone like Hanako once you have a product ready. The Ketsurui clan will buy in bulk, though you may be familiar with their busness practices from Ayenee... Your other options for big sales are the Nepleslian government, or some of the smaller nations." He replied, "Though... with a name like Kotori I would suspect someone already has plans for the planet. I would have to check with the Ketsuruis."

"Providing I can just sell enough of the material to get starting capital, I can hang on to the others until I've established myself. And as far as the location is concerned, honestly, Heram, so long as a decent terrestrial planet can be found that's within reasonable distance to other inhabited worlds, it doesn't much matter to me where the original location is. I figure, one way or the other, I'm going to have to buy the land from the government. That and the expense for actual labor of construction will be the largest drain on starting up. The good thing about matter being converted into energy for compressed storage is that it can be reprogrammed to form into basic shapes easily. I can form several of the pieces of the structures I'll need from what I have. I just can't put them together. But, as you observed, a lot of that can be automated."

Marcus took a minute to take a look at the ceremony gathering. There were more people on the ship than he would have thought, now that he got the opportunity to look at the outside of the vessel. "If you can find someone willing to buy some either valuable rare materials, or useful less rare ones, and verify a decent startup planet, I should be able to handle most of the rest, myself." He grinned, slightly. "And don't think I'm just trying to take advantage of a common background. I'm in the practice of keeping my business dealings fair and honest. We can easily negotiate remuneration for your assistance."

"Like I said, manufacturing is easy to come by. Assuming the Yamatains do not want to just give you the land in exchange for setting up in their territory you could always look for planets just outside of their territory. It is a bit more dangerous but not by much... though I would strongly consider talking to Hanako first about such things. They very well may just give you some territory to work with on one of their worlds for free. Based on the deal they offer we can then look at what options you have availble and what the expected ROI will be.

As for labor, I have been meaning to do a robot-army thing for a while. I think the easiest option would be to purchase some cheap drones or configure some cheap power armors to run remotely then have a nicer computer system run the whole thing. The computer system I have laying around, the drones not so much... but I can take a look at what is avalible."

Wazu looked over at Marcus for a moment, that smirk was something he was used to seeing on Ayenee,

"A small cut of whatever is fine, It is not like I need the money."

He nodded, again. "Thank you, Heram. Your help is greatly appreciated. I'll speak with the captain...or admiral...or shosho..." He sighed. There seemed to be no end to these titles. "to Hanako as soon as I have the opportunity. I do find one thing strange about this universe, more than any other."

Marcus looked around, not really fixing his eyes on anything in particular. "There are tremendous empires that exist on the backs of other empires. Alliances and coalitions stretch across galaxies with amazing feats of technology at their disposal. And yet, there are planets who, while knowing about the technological marvels of their time, are completely underdeveloped. I'm amazed that empires have managed to be forged when so little focus is given to basic needs."

He shrugged. "I suppose, though, not everything works as Ayenee, right?" It was an obvious joke. Still, the point did bother him. Even in a chaotic and mixed up universe like his home, societies, in general, advanced together. Still, that wasn't why he wanted to go back.

"... The Ketsuruis killed a lot of people," Wazu replied solemly, "... others, do not share your vision for what constitutes basic needs."

"Fair enough, then." It was clear now, to Marcus, that he would have to spend a great deal more time learning about the various people of this universe. ~"Or rather"~ He reminded himself. ~"My clone will. Things aren't good at home. I can't spend too much time here.~

"Thank you, very greatly, for your willingness to help. Upon my return, if, for some reason, you ever find yourself in the confines of my home universe again, I will be more than happy to assist you with whatever you may need." Marcus held out his hand to Wazu. He didn't know about the customs here, but anyone who had spent time in Ayenee knew what to do with that gesture.

"I suppose I am being dramatic... next time I can play story-teller and fill you in on that particular bit of history," Wazu replied, shaking Marcus' hand.

Aikiko smiled softly as she clapped for those got promoted and awards for their quick thinking in the face of danger. Once the familiar term of Dismissal came, Aikiko took her time and really took in the scenery, enjoying the warmth of natural light and the cooling breeze. It would be a perfect time for a really good run.

She darted aboard the ship, passing by Wazu and Marcus. She held up her three digit hand in wave to the two gentleman, She gave a nod to Wazu to let him know she had gotten his message as she headed deeper into the ship to change into her exercise uniform.

A few minutes later, Aikiko exited the ship via the rear cargo hatch and moved off some distance away from the Eucharis to stretch out, before her run. She kept her service weapon with her, as this was still an unknown place and the Rixxikor still in the area.

While Natsumi had already known her promotion was coming, it didn't stop the big grin and blushing cheeks that came when Hanako pinned the new rank to her uniform.

"Thank you, Shosho" she said with a polite bow after she received her new rank.

Natsumi was even happier when Hanako whispered for her to help with handing out the rest of the promotions. There was something satisfying in helping promote her shipmates.

She took her place beside Hanako and assisted with delivering the new rank pins to her shipmates. It was a short ceremony, but by it's end a good portion of the crew had shiny new rank insignia pinned to their uniforms.

"That was fun" she said with a big grin to Hanako once the Shosho had dismissed the crew.
UX-1 Planet Surface

Marcus smiled back and raised his hand to acknowledge the wave as Aikiko passed into the ship. He was, also, keenly aware of the watchful eyes of the samurai. There was another crew member he mentally commended for her attention to security.

With the ceremony completed, as well as his conversation with Wazu, Marcus calmly and openly approached Hanako. "A fine display, Admiral. I gather, from the number of promotions, your last mission went rather well. I'm glad."

He paused for a brief moment, then gestured back to where he and Wazu had been talking. "I was speaking with Heram...or James as you called him, I believe, about potential business ideas. I wonder if you might have a few spare minutes for me to discuss a couple ideas with you, as well? And I'm sure you'll have a few questions. I can't imagine completely trusting someone from another universe, whether you'd been there or not, simply because they promise they're trustworthy. I'm more than happy to address any concerns." There was no air of deceit to his attitude or tone. He seemed to genuinely want to be open about his plans, because he did.

Tsuguka didn't change expression. Didn't say a thing. The curt nod was brisk but icy. Didn't really seem like there was much to say.

Hair looms wavering in the cool winds of the unborn rock, the soldier's spring green eyes seemed to just wander slowly for a pace as the command crew ordered their dismissal. The outer world seeped back in long enough for her hands to reactivate again soon enough, which she used to thoroughly shake the hand of the newly knighted Nito Heisho Suites.

The man was definitely a good choice. Proactive, practical, reluctant to immediately resort to violence, and could form a solid plan of action on the spot. She was fine with working underneath his future machinations, to the point that she had even considered offering her services as a sort of aide figure there and then. His laddish personality could stop him from being blunt with her, so allowing him to make more direct orders seemed, well, just socially ideal.

Thoughts were still on other things, through, and the suggestion caught in her throat.

Arms on her hips, the predatory-looking nekovalkyrja averted her forlorn eyes towards the double-suns, then towards the new medal pinned to her chest, and then back to him.

"...Shosho Hanako think's I'm... friendly?..." A basic phrase, spoken disquietly.
UX-1 Surface

"To be honest, Mr. Rodia, I feel that your business concerns are not neither my business nor my concern," Hanako told Marcus. "I can speak with you but keep in your mind I have bigger things on my mind that preoccupy me. Namely, where our mission will take this ship next. This empire of ours continues because people like these," Hanako gestured to her crew, "...are out her on the frontier dealing with the opposition. And if you decide you want to become a Yamataian you can get a piece of the wealth and security that the Star Army's vigilance makes possible. And is your business idea something that will help Yamatai? How long do you plan to stay with us? Are you willing to see us in combat? "

With a glint in her eye, she looked to Natsumi. "I am feeling particularly bold today. Let me ask you something: do have the heart to change the universe, to collide with those who stand against us until they let us through or can no longer hold us back? Perhaps it is Taisho Yui rubbing off on me, or the unfulfilled rage at the Rixxikor, but I am practically itching to go find something to fight and I intend to do so soon. In the meantime, why not give the crew a chance to name this planet and the rest of this system?" Hanako suggested.

Jax beamed. Inside he felt like shouting and jumping, but outwardly held it in, mostly because he didn't want to hear Mitsuko pine at him for, you know, not being a stick in the mud. A morale award?! That was the first time he'd ever gotten an award in general. Excluding his eighth grade science fair where he'd slapped together- of all things- a baking soda volcano with his father...


His ecstatic thoughts were cut short by storm clouds. He needed to call his family and inform them of his promotion. Due to his youth and... eccentric nature, most people forgot that outside of the military, he was an uncle. He wanted to see how Jackie was doing, and Isaac, and Grant. But, calling home meant having to listen to the grumpy old man's incessant bitching. He was what you expected of a Nepeleslian of his age: racist against anything with wings and cat-ears. There'd be a screaming match, his mother would leave the room, and Jackie would calm both parties down before she let her two sons join in on the call.

For this reason, Jax opted not to call his family until he could do so away from his friends. They didn't need to see that. Especially since he hadn't told his parents about Umeshu yet. That would probably be the final straw on the camel's back for his parents. Jackie wouldn't be able to stop that particular scrap. His father had explicitly told him not to fall for any of those "factory-made whores".

Jax's smile resumed after a small flicker. That was a while away. He still had time to enjoy himself.

Jackson turned when he was given orders to dismiss, heading back into the Eucharis for a change of clothes, and his FAR. He stepped back out minutes later, dressed in a work uniform, gun on his hip, robot floating close. He needed its plasma cutter. Definitely not to carve fake religious symbols into a rock for later civilizations to find, or anything. With that, he walked off, the soft dust and gravel crunching under his boots. He saw a sizable mass of rock a few hundred yards from the ship that would probably have a suitable cave.
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