Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 26] Skeletons and Spooks (YE 38)


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Central Uesureya, Yamatai
Fall YE 38

It was a slow journey home, but the battle-mutilated YSS Eucharis had finally made it to planet Yamatai for another round of repairs, descending during the night towards the same old repair hangar they used during the springtime during the hanami festival. The gunship's red and green running lights glowed in the foggy night air as Eucharis hovered over the old military manufacturing starport of Central Uesureya, using a spotlight to illuminate the landing site. After carely gliding over the railroad tracks and into the hangar, she extended her landing feet and came to a rest on the cracked concrete floor with a thump that rattled the old brass ammunition cases filling the rusty drainage ditches on either side.

The concrete floor was cracked and the scaffolding around the edges was covered in peeling paints in variously shaded layers, or streaks of rust that matched the ones coming down from the roof. The drainage ditches around the edges of the hangar were full of old nuts and bolts, brass ammunition cases and belt links, and random weeds eking out an existence from the sunlight that shined in through clouded, weathered window panes of nano-glass above. A variety of cranes, container movers, and various vehicles were lined up long one wall of the enormous hangar while the other was taken up by one to two story offices, their windows filled with damaged blinds and antique furniture and computer consoles from the early YE 20s.

Outside the hangar was a railroad track for moving ship parts and a large landing area surrounded by other hangars. Already a number of flatcars with Plumeria-class replacement parts were waiting on the rail nearby. A road led towards the city skyline populated by skyscrapers in older styles.

YSS Eucharis - Bridge

Shosho Ketsurui Hanako ran her hands through her aquamarine hair and stealthily put her shoes back on, stretching out in her captain's chair. Finally she picked up the intercom phone and dialed the shipwide announcement channel. "Attention crew. We have successfully arrived home on planet Yamatai. The time is approximately 9pm local time. All crew members except technicians and logistics crew are permitted to go on liberty. Red and oranges will be permitted on a case by case basis. This repair cycle could take a while, perhaps until the new year, so we have an opportunity to get out and do some things we cannot do on the ship. Also, Mango wants me to let you know that there is beef pot roast and biscuits in the wardroom. That is all."

"Go ahead and take all propulsion systems offline, Natsumi, and put the ship into standby mode."
<<YSS Eucharis - Power Armor Bay>>

Junko looked up from where she was working at the sound of the Shosho's voice. She'd figured they'd hit orbit, and come to a stop. Shiho would probably be heading straight for the Wardroom, if she had the other soldier pegged. Shame about the ship needing that much repair, but that was probably the best result they could have realistically achieved.

She set the helmet back on her Mindy, the ear finally replaced and the plating given a fresh coat of paint. She'd contemplated giving it some personal detailing, but decided against. Technically, the suit was property of the Star Army. Also, she couldn't settle on what to do with it.

Her next task was to rearrange her armaments. The modules for the Mindy were good, no problems there. SMG didn't need the bayonet, though, and the sidearm wasn't really a thing. Instead, she elected to take two of the beam sabers for melee combat.

It was a loadout for extremes, but that was fine.

Junko stood, stretched, and took a look at her work.

YSS Eucharis, Bridge

As small as Eucharis was it didn't have the luxury of an office for the ship's clerk. Most duty shifts the vessel's winged administrative technician could be found at one of the spare bridge stations using the terminal to conduct ship's business. After their bout with the Kuvexian space station that had involved a lot of repair requests and filing after action reports for the Shosho. Suites-heisho had also had Shigefume-hei transferred and had apparently applied himself to award recommendations...

Her own submissions on that matter had already been prepared for the Admiral's review. Suites-heisho's involvement brought color to her pale cheeks; even though it had been some time she still felt her thanks had been inadequate in relation to, well, his saving her life.

There were routine matters too. Victory-heisho had prepared all the resupply requests for food, ammuniton, and etc. they'd expended on the mission, leaving her the task of actually putting it all together for signatures before forwarding it onward.

YSS Eucharis, PA Bay

In the center most armor rack hung a black colored M2-4, powered but stationary. He knew it was generally 'uncool' to use his higher rank to get the station that was most likely to survive an attack but having a mostly intact station sure made paperwork easier. The volumetric display illuminated his face from beneath the solid faced helmet as it displayed the documents he was filing, but a majority of the process was happening between his own brain and MEGAMI as he continued multitasking through the nagging headache he'd yet to address since they'd teleported the mainframe into space. It was time for a break, he'd have to sign off on Shigefumi's data transfer to Fort Minori anyway.

To: Calidius-Hei
From: Suites-Heisho
I'll be available to sign any necessary documents for the next hour. If you need me I'll be in the lounge.

With the message sent he exited his armor and dressed for his appointment with the coffee maker in the lounge, the only real concern on his mind being which couch he'd be sitting on for the next hour.

Eucharis Bridge to Lounge

Belle sent back an acknowledgement of Suites' message as soon as she finished reading it. It had been about time for a snack break anyway, or at least a reason to move around. Signing out of the workstation she made sure the right copies were on her communicator. She gave Blackberry a wave before hitting the hall.

It took longer then usual to reach the crew lounge; even with zero-g to help part of the way her bruises still stung enough to encourage slow movement from the volumetric paper pusher. Not sighting the spooky-type Heisho anywhere yet, she seized a cup of coffee and a place on the comfiest couch, or at least the one that let her sore wings rest easiest. Letting her eyes wander, she mentally noted the notice board needed updating...

Candon stepped slowly down the stairs from the wardroom as he entered the lounge, delayed only by a quick shower to clean off the hemosynth fluid from the older style liner of his Mindy. It had quite a cozy feel to it. Maybe it was the shaggy red carpet that lined the floor, walls, and ceiling of the circular room or the fact that he was just close to his cabin- that he shared with a semi-psychiatrist now…
That thought brought him no degree of solace as he dispensed coffee into the mug he'd pulled from the cabinet.

Little cream, little sugar, few feathers- wait.
He only saw Mehitabel as he turned back towards the couches.
"You feeling any better?" He asked in a hushed tone, for the sake if those sleeping.

"Sore, but far better then the alternative," she says softly, but smiling with the full force of someone who's recently escaped death. She didn't take up much space even with her wings out letting Candon choose his seat as he pleased.

Belle's brow furrowed, worried, "And yourself? You took quite the beating, Suites-heisho."

The spy shrugged.
"I've had worse. Actually hurt my brain a bit multitasking on that station," he replied, taking a seat next to the clerk at the opposite end of the couch "I miss my old body, I damaged that brain so many times that it actually stopped hurting when I overclocked myself. Even with so much perfection there's still no replacement for 'conditioning'."
He pointed to his temple as he said it. "Your file shows you have some experience with soul transfers."

She looked rattled as Suites opened up so frankly about what his mind had been through. To be so nonchalant about it... The winged clerk tried her best to look serious without being shocked. Of course the resident spy, and highest ranking rating, had access to her file. Even if he didn't it was a safe bet that most Elysians had been through the Caelisolan conversion.

"A little," Mehitabel replied. She gave a little more width to her wings, looking very proud of herself despite the modest words, "Nothing that serious. I just had to get used to having a body that was actually functional more then new thought patterns."

"It must have been nice, stepping into a body with more to offer. Like dropping a heavy burden, right?" he asked rhetorically.
"I'm sorry," he apologized, shaking his head as he took into consideration the feelings some had toward soul transfers, "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. Here's the creepy old war dog talking bad about your old body. It's easy to forget about the person living in it."

"There was. A little girl slaving away in the forge shop of an arsenal with no dreams beyond a life of labor," Mehitabel replies, sounding more then a little relieved if anything, "I know soul transfer is... A more familiar matter on Yamatai, but, learning that I could shed my form for another? Such talk is presumptuous but... I welcomed the chance to do more with my life then that."

It was a topic never to be broached among Elysians, if she was honest, such words would surely have brought the strongest of condemnations but... Suites-heisho was her superior, true enough, but she could someday aspire to be a Petty Officer in her own right. It made her open up a little. Now she snapped her own mouth shut, face fully red, "Ah, it's my turn to apologize. Much more about my personal life then you're interested in.

"I just want to say..." she had finally hit on a good way to thank him, hopefully, hands pressed into her lap, "I hope to prove it was worth risking your life for me. Now, ah, I did have a few things that required you to co-sign, and I believe you had a slate of commendations for the Shosho?"

Candon smiled softly. It wasn't often that he met others with the kind of drive he valued. From his infantry it wasn't an option but Mehitabel, she was different. A softer heart with intentions far more innocent than than his own type. It was for people like her that Candon had reforged his defeated soul. The people with desire to become more than just what they were told to be.
"Right," he said, a couple of moments late. He placed his communicator on the table and set it to display a holographically projected volumetric screen from which to access the ship's computer.
"You can log in on mine, it'll pull everything up the same," he offered.

"If you'd prefer," she agreed, paying no heed to Suites' momentary distraction. At least he hadn't been dismissive. That would have been far worse. Slender fingers manipulated the volumetric display, login screen winking briefly into existence then flashing past. A cascade of documents swam into view; Mehitabel pointed at the top one, "Shigefume-hei's transfer papers, campaign and service medal authorizations for your team, those are the two main items.

She flicked them around to the back, "And if you would co-sign Victory-heisho's ordnance reports."

"Alright," he said, using his finger to produce his electronic signature on the transfer papers and ordinance reports, "I won't sign for campaign or service medals though. The war is too young for the first and I don't believe in consolation prizes. The mission was a failure, blew up right in our faces. The analysts won't get enough readable date from the wrecked mainframe to accomplish anything and we won't even have ships available to claim the station's wreckage for weeks."

"Understood, Suites-heisho," she said, dismissing the War Medal and Combat Mission Ribbon recommendations with a wave of the hand, "Although as I understand it they're automatically awarded as it is."

"Not necessarily," He replied, "you don't get medals and promotions just for showing up. There was combat, they get an award for that. They didn't accomplish the goal, no service medal. And the war medal is given at the end of said war. Of course, Hanako-hime decides exceptions."

Candon rose up from the couch, taking his phone with.
"You did good back there. It was brave of you to help like you did."

She raises a hand, not dismissive but it was rather evident his praise wasn't fully sinking in, "It was nothing more then my duty. Thank you for your assistance, Suites-heisho."

Taking up her own communicator she rose and headed for the zero-G passage back towards the bridge.

A JP with @Rizzo

Natsumi relaxed in her chair, letting herself sink into the cushions even as the Eucharis settled down onto the landing pad, with a slight rock as her landing gear absorbed the ship's weight.

"Aye, powering down" Natsumi replied as she began setting the gunship's systems to standby or powering them off entirely as Hanako departed from the bridge, leaving the command center once more to the snowy haired neko. Anti gravity systems and engines were shut down, power and fuel lines bled off and, in the case of the engines, the exhaust nozzles blown out to clear any possible residue out. Even the main power plant was cut out of the loop as external power was supplied through a support umbilical. System indicators began going dark as the Eucharis went to sleep around her.

Natsumi stretched her arms over her head and rocked her chair back and forth as she stuck her long legs out, working the stiffness out of them as well, then settled back down, her red eyes sweeping the status boards. The ship was at rest now. Getting to her feet, the executive officer went to the engineering station and started up the bridge end of the post flight diagnostic checklist.
YSS Eucharis, Shuttle Bay

The Golden Apple V had crashed and Tsuguka was dead again. Well, simulated as dead.

Feet coiled up into the bucket seat as the red nekovalkyra audibly vented her frustrations on the arm rests of the tiny kuma-class shuttle, cursing yet another failed VR mission. She had once considered that the controls might not be too different from her Mindy, but the real problem was the handling. Pushing such a large bucket of metal around made the thing slide around like crazy at top speed, and that wasn't even taking into account how the whole thing flexed when pivoting on the spot too quickly. She really didn't know how Yamashiro-Taii did it.

The internal signal began to blink now, informing her that the Eucharis had reached their destination. They'd all be departing soon. Except for Shiho, probably, by the sounds of that buffet.

Deep breathing, wrists now wrapped around her knees. Her spine unit was getting sore from being plugged in so long, but part of her just didn't want to let control go.

This was the answer. A tool that could have got their payload home intact, as well as keeping Astridr-Hei alive. Raccoon T7 had a bigger cargo bay, but was a larger target and lacked weapon mounts. The Kuma, on the other hand, with the correct combat modules, would certainly suffice. It just turned out to be a lot harder to hotseat than the soldier had thought, and somebody needed to fly it, preferably whilst also in a Mindy. Two people, being realistic about combat scenarios.

Reluctantly, she peeled herself away and skulked back into the hangar, feeling defeated. A shower was required.

Then again, the bridge was pretty close to the cabins, wasn't it?...

YSS Eucharis, Bridge

Zero-G passage was an easy trip. The ship was so familiar to her now that she could navigate it with her eyes closed. The actual command center, through, Tsuguka had barely visited three or four times in her entire term of service.

A massive plume of white hair hung above an ample skirted behind. Yamashiro looked kind of strange to Tsuguka from the back, like a yuletide ornament or something. Maybe the woman's looks were just too illogical for the born soldier.

"Taii, can I ask a favor?..." The lynx made a point of averting her gaze, playing it cool by standing sideways, cross-armed, in the doorway. "Standard terms of friendship suggest I should offer you an equal reward, of course."

Wazu got to listen to the crew, hearing bits and pieces of what happened during the last operation. He still had a lot on his plate, and not just the biscuit covered in roast, there was studying the Rixxikor, developing a sterility plan for the species, even preparing slides for showing Hanako regarding how to pull that off and win the war without a casualty.

Even so, it was hard to focus, and even harder to feel like he was making a meaningful contribution.
YSS Eucharis, Sleeper Module

Freyja's eyes slid open slowly. The announcement woke her up from a nap. Her first thought was of Junko-chan. With a huge smile on her face, she arched her back, stretching her limbs out and issuing a rather feline yawn. Her tail swished slowly as she sat up in bed. She was disappointed when she realized Junko wasn't beside her. Finding Junko-chan had to wait. First, she would have to get some tea and something solid in her stomach.

Her hands moved to her abdomen. No pain, no sign of injury at all. Maybe she had underestimated her body's ability to repair itself. This was her first real injury. Thankfully the slow journey home had given her ample time to rest and recover. She spent most of the time reading and performing what duties she could. Now she was fully recovered and ready to go have some fun.

She climbed out of bed and hurriedly put on her uniform. Junko would have been surprised to note that Freyja beat Shiho to the Wardroom. It didn't take her long to get a plate of food and a drink. Scanning the room, she couldn't see anyone she knew. She did spot the Nepleslian civilian consultant, or whatever he was, eating by himself. The soldier decided to sit with him, not exactly sure of why. It just seemed to her life he needed it.

Freyja plopped down beside him before he could protest. "Konbanwa Wazu-san. Ogenkidesuka?" She said with a smile. "I am pleased to finally get to speak with you. Forgive me if my presence is unwelcome, but I thought you looked like you needed someone to talk to." The Neko said politely. "I am Santo Hei Yuuki Freyja, but you can call me Yuuki-san!" She said, offering him her hand in what she hoped was a proper Nepleslian greeting.
YSS Eucharis - Crew Cabins

Finally, after another dance with death, Jax and the other techies had managed to repair the most critical pieces. Because he'd done the least during the battle, he'd offered to do most of the work during the repairs. Now that he was finished, Cherry and Becker had decided to give him a break for now. He had the night off, and he knew just who he would spend it with.

He felt that their relationship had progressed enough to where he could enter without special permission. After all, Blackberry handled the night shift. This would be the first time they'd seen each other since the start of the mission.

The door slid open, and he stepped inside. To his great surprise, the room was entirely empty.

And all of her stuff was gone. Jax stared at her side of the room with a look of confusion, hurt, and anger.

"...What...?" he whispered quietly.

YSS Eucharis - Cabin 3 - Present Day

After that, he'd done a quick search for her, worried out of his mind that something had happened during the battle. However, when he consulted the MEGAMI, he was shocked to find that she'd never even boarded the ship in the first place. Her whereabouts were unknown.

And that's how Jax wound up staying up late into the night, working on his experimental projects, which were coming along swimmingly, while slowly making progress on the bottle of celebratory wine he'd brought to her room to surprise her with a little bit of R&R.

Beside him was a bottle of anti-drunk pills, just in case. It still had its seal attached. His hair was even more of a mess than usual, his eyes were sleep-deprived and droopy. All in all, he looked a great mess.

Slowly, and unsteadily, Jax set down his stylus and reached back for the bottle. He shakily rose it to his lips. It was empty, and he wasn't nearly drunk enough! He set the bottle down and stared at the label, resting his head in his arms. It was plum wine, her favorite, and incidentally the same color as her beautiful, soft-

At that moment, the hard walls he'd forced up around his heart crumbled like sand, and with an enraged snarl he swatted the bottle off of the table. Thankfully, it didn't break. With a series of loud clanks, it skipped across the floor and abruptly stopped against the nearest wall, leaving a trail of the lilac substance dripping after it.

Such a sudden motion was not good for Jax in his current state. With a soft, drunken mewl, Jax tumbled off the stool from the force of his own swing, and found himself scowling up at the ceiling.

"Wha... wha dish...e lllllllleave?" Jax slurred silently, his rage turning to anguish, and little flecks of mist forming in the corner of his eyes. Yes, why had Umeshu left, when he needed her the most? When the crew needed her?! No note, no way to find out where she was, nothing!

"Jax, I'm sure she had her reasons," His FAR cooed soothingly. Jax, in his current frame of mind, mistook the voice for something else.

"Ah! m' consheeee-inse! I thaw eye drow'd you ina bodel yers ago! Look lie eye ned anodderrrrr! *hic!*"

"Jax, I'm sure wherever Umeshu went, it wasn't because of you. She still loves you. You're jumping to conclusions." the robot persisted firmly. Jax lolled his head with a groan, trying to process the words of his inner "conscience". He let out a quiet sob and a hiccup.

"Yer reye..." he whispered solemnly. But with another flash of anger, he balled his fists, still laying spread eagle on the cold, metal floor. "Buh adlest a cawl wudave bin naice... Eye... I... I thaw shewaded! Avder dah fite, wewer so fik'd up dat eye thaw shed bin sugged indoo spes!"

With that cheerful thought, Jax's blood went cold. He began trying to climb to his feet, bawling hysterically.

"O shid! Um-eee! Um-EEEEEE! Lezgo we gawda finer! She good bein' drubble!"

Jax, however, made it two steps before falling again with a loud thud. He openly wept, slamming his fist into the deck.

"O gawd I'm suj a oriball boyfren!" whined the intoxicated nekojin with a mewl.

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Candon was about to enter Cabin 6 when he heard noises coming from Cabin 4- no, 3. Any sound loud enough to be heard outside the cabin was pretty loud. He stepped over to the door, it sounded like someone was crying. Sounded like Jax's voice.. And Sigurd doesn't make cat sounds.

Candon pressed the door buzzer, "Jax, you alright?"
Eucharis - Cabin 3

There was the sound of rustling, something being knocked over, a few curses and hiccups and sniffles, before finally:

"...No!" came the drunken whimper of the mechanic. "I'm owda booze!"

The sight from the doorway would've been a pitiful one. No light save for a desk lamp. On that desk were several blueprints and scraps of paper with mathematical equations, as well as two holographic projections- one of the Parking Brake, and one of Valhalla, which looked suspiciously like a soul-transfer chair.

Off to the side of all of this, was a small, framed photograph of both Jax and Umeshu, beaming at the camera as they held each other in one of Kyoto's many parks.

Jax himself sat slumped against the wall, trying his hardest to stifle his tears, clutching the empty bottle of plum wine like a stuffed toy.
Cabin 3

"I'm owda booze!"

"Well thank Space for that," Candon replied seriously, "I'm coming in." Telepathically accessing MEGAMI he requested the door open and was granted access. The sight of the boy defined the word defeat. He closed the door as he entered.

"Jax, what happened?"
Eucharis - Cabin 3

Jax lolled his head back and took a deep, shaky breath. Candon clearly meant "what happened recently?", but Drunk Jackson interpreted the question as an invitation to vent

"Avder duh ship godstol-ed a vew munts ago eye stardeh gedding really vrickedout cuz eye nerly god shanged by a fuken roach ad I loss all my muney an my Umee almos ded cuzovem an iben aven deez nimares an so i maida thin datill stobda shib from moovin an i maida thin thadill kep yer sol alive avder yu die cuz i wuzaven a eksisdenshal grisis an i don wanna die anav a cheeb copy ofme taeg m'place-!"

Jax, who was pointing to the two holograms, broke down once again at that part, throwing away the bottle again. For several long moments he bawled before sniffing and wiping his sleeve across his face. He continued, this time a bit more shaky, which couldn't have been helpful for translation efforts.

"-an nao we go on dis nu mizzon an we nerly aldeye agin an avder i wannedo dooda frig-frag widumeshu an SHEWAZNONDASHIBDAHOLTEIM!"

Jax yelled that last part, pointing to the picture on the table. Looking at it caused another momentary breakdown.

"-Adnow eye dunno wersheeiz an eye wanna no cuz eye luv er! Dasrite! Eye! Luv! Er! Webin doogedder dishol teim she didn wananyone to no cuzzover schtupid samer-eye rules but das okay cuz i dongiv a FUG anymore hoonose an eye didn wannatel yu guyz cuz yerall so badaz antuff annothin skairsyu an eye didinwanna loog leig a sizzy dazwhy eyenever agt zeriouz aboudany obdishit weedoo cuz i don wanna admih domyzelf dadeim jusa schtupid gid hoo joineda milidairy cuzhe wuzdoo schtubid doodoo aniding else..."

Jax curled into a ball in his corner and cried even harder.
Shiho Fails to Disappoint:

While many had assumed that Shiho would already be at the buffet, she had in all actuality fallen victim to her own planning. Shiho was in the shower when the ship came in to land, following an extended weight training bout in the recreation deck. Listening to the announcement with shampoo still in her hair she quietly cursed herself. She should have just gone up there all sweaty and gross, now everyone else would be getting the good meat!

In some ways it was amazing just how fast a Shiho could move when she was properly motivated. Quickly finishing up, toweling off and dressing, the sound of her boots on the stairs heralded the presence of a beefy neko out for some beef pot roast. It actually wasn't gluttony which inspired this as being quite common, but more along the lines of greed: Every free meal was a gain in Shiho's book.

And in this case, Shiho felt lucky. She hadn't beat everyone to the wardroom, but she was the first one to stay focused on the job at hand; getting some eats. Freyja was talking to that Wazu guy, others were downstairs in recreation. Shiho was first in line! Undefeated since the Gyoza battle of 38. At least in as much as she hadn't noticed Freyja already eating. And so she piled up her plate and sat down eating; fast and loud. Quite eager to get out of the Eucharis and start enjoying her leave, yet free food was free food.
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YSS Eucharis, Bridge

Mehitabel quietly entered behind Tsuguka, communicator in hand. During their most recent deployment she had become a sort of wraith, seemingly always in the shadows at the rear of the bridge hard at work on something all the time. The promise of a delicious 'welcome home' lunch courtesy of Mango had failed to distract her from returning topside to complete her remaining mission wrap-up. There should be mail, as well, waiting for distribution to the crew.... More messages, circulars, and directives to filter before passing on to Hanako... She sighed contently; work was never done!

"Watashi wa ... yoriyoi kanjite imasu," Wazu replied, awkwardly trying to get up for a moment, then moving to shake Freyja's hand as he sat back down. He would continue the conversation in Yamatain but his speech would feel ridged, like a newborn neko who hadn't gotten used to the more personal aspects of the language yet.

"I suppose I do have plenty of problems right now..." He said, his voice trailing off a bit as he tapped his datapad, "And not all of them are technical... but I do not want to sit here and be a sad sack. How did the last mission go for you Yuuki? I am afraid I was not very involved past the initial planning."
YSS Eucharis - Bridge

"Hello, Belle," Hanako greeted Mehitabel. "Thank you for helping with the promotion recommendations and awards tracking. I also trust you also read Suites's report I forwarded to you. We can perform the formation and ceremony after the candy festival." The veteran Shosho closed a few windows on her screen and then stood up. "Have you had dinner yet?"
Cabin 3

Candon missed most of what he was saying but got the general idea, one that he found alarming.
"You don't know where she went? She didn't mention anything about this?" he asked calmly as he looked over the volumetric blueprints. He had no idea what he was looking at but it was but it looked very complex, though a sober explanation would probably simplify it. He did find it odd that someone involved in a romantic relationship wouldn't tell their significant other about being reassigned.

Eventually, the Neko soldier needed to put something down the hatch. Hadn't eaten much, since she'd decided to fix up the last bits of her armor. Plus, it was probably the best chance she'd get to talk to the rest of her squad. Since the mission, she hadn't really gotten a chance to speak at length with anyone.

Well, with one happy exception...

Freyja was speaking with Wazu, the ships science expert. Truthfully, she wasn't terribly familiar with most of the crew outside her squad. Oh, and Shiho was present as well, about as much she figured. Her desire to be near Freyja struggled with that little voice to make herself inconspicuous.

Eventually, she figured Freyja wouldn't mind. Assuming she didn't hog all the attention. So, when Junko had gotten a good meal on her tray, she'd quietly nab a seat. She'd offer a small greeting, and just try and let the conversation flow unimpeded.
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Natsumi almost did not hear Tsuguka enter the command center as she was busy at her work. Well, she had noted someone coming in, but had paid little attention to them until they spoke and used her rank. The snowy haired neko straightened and turned around to face the newcomer, smiling as she recognized the red skinned Tsuguka.

"I would be more than happy to help you out with whatever you need" she responded, a pleasant tone to her voice. She had no plans for shore leave as of yet, beyond visiting the wardroom for a bite to eat. "What can I do for you, Tsuguka-Hei?"
Central Uesureya, Yamatai

In the time it took to get from the Kuvexian's territory to Yamatai, Masumi had recovered. Her Neko body and the abilities of the healing hands of cooks and tables alike had done wonders for the pink-haired, dark-skinned woman with blue eyes that were dimmed, lacking their youthful luster. She had gained lessons on the last mission she was not willing to forget.

She saw herself out of the Eucharis and made her way deepr into Central Uesureya. Blindly, she made turns and soon found herself at a ramen house with a VCE Cafe attached. She got a sliced beef shoyu ramen with a whole egg in the bowl and a hot green tea. She tried to enjoy it, but couldn't quite muster the happiness that some got from eating. She, instead, rapidly gained interest in the VCE units and when she was done with her half-eaten meal, she paid the 10 KS for a day pass.

Inside of a booth, she put on the HALO and became immersed in creating her avatar. With skin like ink and hair like bubblegum, her avatar was the spitting image of her, if not for the eyes. Hers were much more gloomy than those of the avatar, which were shining and excitable.

Once done, she was thrown into the options for creating a landscape or being a part of a realm. She opted for creating something that was not available to the public, just for her, based off of her memories. After a few minutes of processing, the transfer was complete.

She was out in open space once again, and the aether blast was coming at her. She was hit and the sensation of pain did not follow. She heard her name being called like she was in an echo-chamber, reverberating off of her eardrums many times before it ceased. Inhaling sharply, Masumi looked around feverishly to find the nearest Neko with something to plug the wound. The blood spooled out in front of her and froze in space.

"I-I'm dying!" Masumi said, panicking that this was all happening again, that she was losing her grip on life for a second time. "I'm dying!" she appealed to them, but nobody turned to her, as incoming fire assaulted them and the Kuvexian computer core.

When she looked around herself, she was affronted by the pure perplexity of it all. As she tried to come to grips with what was happening, she was hit repeatedly by fighter jet's aether fire.

The words, "GAME OVER," blinked in front of her view.

Again, she was in open space, this time no blood was coming from her chest and arm and she was safe. Then, the aether blast hit her, though there was no sensation of pain, like the last time. She head her name called and noticed the heart containers in the upper righthand of her vision. One diminished and the one to its side blinked in and out of existence. Masumi remembered that this was all a game. The memories were real, but what she was doing now, a game.

She thrusted to patch herself up as she had done on the battlefield, this time with more efficiency and ease. Her left arm was fully mobile, unlike in space above the station and she was able to go back to shooting the enemy. She had a full loadout, one that was impossible in reality. But here, in the game, anything was possible. Gauss Cannons fired away from her shoulders at six rounds a second and took down the incoming enemies with ease. One fighter dared to nearly land a shot, to which she pulled out her saber and struck the aether fire coming at her, slicing through it before teleporting directly onto the fighter and plunging the sword deep into the hull and engines before thrusting off of it. She hung suspended in space as she watched it explode.

Joyously, she continued the game, having found something that brought her the sensation of happiness when in weeks, she had found none.