Star Army

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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 28] Year-End Holidays, YE 40


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RP Date
Late YE 40
RP Location
Hanako's World
After the Kuvexian Invasion hit a snag caused by the Eucharis crew, things calmed down a lot for the hard-hit First Expeditionary Fleet and the fleet began building new ships and better defenses to prevent another invasion from being successful. Meanwile, the YSS Eucharis was stationed on Hanako's World to help defend but mainly things lately were repairing the old gunship and sitting around waiting for the year to end. Things were strangely...calm. The citizens had also been able to return to Hanako's World and there was a huge commercial push to try to get the local economy moving again.

Hanako was hanging out in a Star Army cabin, getting the fireplace going, and she'd invited the Eucharis' small crew over to have hot cocoa and to help decide what the roster would look like in YE 41 as some people were transferring in and out. It was a casual event and she was dressed in a cream-colored sweater and a black skirt and tights. In one corner was a stand for a yuletide tree but the tree hadn't been acquired yet.

The first person to arrive was Victory, the green-haired Nekovalkyrja that Hanako had rescued from the Mishhuvurthyar years ago, earning life-long loyalty. She was followed by the cooks Mango and Lime.
Hanako's world, Hanako's Cabin

Directly behind the two cooks came a punctual, yet out of uniform and slightly mussy-haired, blonde clerk named Stella Glass. To feel more of an identity with the military and Nekovalkryja culture that she saw around her, but had lacked herself, the woman walking into the small cabin now was a Nekovalkyrja. No noticeable changes were made to her person during the updgrade, save for the addition of a SPINE interface and a glitter to her smile as it pressed into her cheeks and blue eyes. She had come to the conclusion that recycling her old body through a hemosynth vat was one of the most releasing processes she had been through. She stepped into the room and bowed with toes and pose pointed to Hanako. A reddish present that was wrapped gingerly and with care had been behind her back and she set it down on a corner of the mantle before saying a few discreet words.

"For you, Shô- Ketsurui-sho-... Uh, this is for you, Captain."

Majime pushed her palm lightly into the frame of the doorway a few seconds after the words were said by Stella Glass and watched with sharp and icey eyes as Stella found a seated position.

The red-headed said, "Reporting in," Majime said tersely, then a smile showed softly on her lips, "I heard there was a party!'
Hanako's World
Hanako's Cabin

No doubt several nekos and crew members had seen an Elysian-shaped mass glide into the lawn around the quaint, warmly-glowing cabi, the weapons operator for the YSS Eucharis landing politely and cleanly, a short and wide box in her hands - only a few centimeters tall, in fact. She shivered a little bit as she stepped towards the door, her substantial pair of fluffy wings swirling and swishing like the nearby ocean, which was hidden by the mist clinging to the air. Arria Smith raised her hand neatly, and politely knocked on the door:

Rap tap tap tap.

Letting herself in a moment afterwards, the golden-eyed woman smiled towards her captain, brandishing the shiny, gold-colored box in clear view; a short and dull rattle resounded from its shifting contents. "Good evening, I'm not making anything be delayed, am I? Where are we to pile the gifts, by the way?" Smith held her smile as she wiped her feet at the doormat, closing the door behind her before more warm air escaped. Much like Hanako, Arria was wearing a sweater, but it was a mildly corny one - a verdant green formed the base coloration, and a small candy cane imprint was located on the upper left portion of her chest.
Hanako's World, The Cabin Where Everyone Is Showing Up

Matusvo Shinomori was the next to arrive at the door, the watery mists having slightly dampened his exposed head and coating his hood-less jacket. He shook his head, small water droplets scattering slightly as he did so. "I hope I'm not late, I spent a little time looking for my hat but I couldn't find it."

Mat shuffled to the side slightly to bypass the short-ish Elysian in front of him. He hoped that Meissa would be making it to Hanako's world safely, what with the area just being a war zone only a little while ago.

He set down his gifts on an empty table and looked around for someone to talk to, recognizing Victory as well as Mango, both from everyday life aboard the Eucharis as well as The Battle for Hanako's World. "Victory Heisho, Mango Heisho, it's good to see you both well after the battle. I hope I wasn't being too presumptuous by giving instructions during it."

It might not be entirely proper to mention battle during a celebration, but he hadn't gotten a chance to apologize to the higher ranking soldiers who he had bossed around during the battle. He should probably also apologize to Hanako too at some point.
Last edited:

Kai arrived shortly after mat, his clothes also slightly dampened. He wore his white with red stripe hoodie and cargo pants, a black t-shirt, a nice pair of hiking boots, and his pilot's cap with Eucharis on the front. Under his arm was a smallish box almost one foot in length, half a foot in width, and only 4 inches in height. It's exterior was wrapped in green and red striped wrapping paper, with a white ribbon tied into a bow atop it. It had taken a couple hours to research how to do with a manual, but he wanted to make sure he put personal effort into it for his new captain.

He slipped the hood back and tipped his baseball style cap before removing it, "Forgive my tardiness everyone, I hope I haven't missed much." Kai wasn't sure where to sit, or who to sit by possibly, and it gave him a sort of nervous air. It would be a stark difference then his somewhat cocky and assuredly confident attitude when in the pilot's seat. There, he felt strong and invincible, capable of anything, yet when not. Well he felt almost handicapped in a way, as if he was missing an important part of what gave him purpose. It was a strange enigma to say the least, but failed to hinder his more flirtatious side.

A few minutes after.....

Setsuya arrived in her dark red hoodie, a white t-shirt, black cargo pants, and a pair of white, red, and black sneakers. The tall raven haired neko had her hair pulled back in a long ponytail, which was draped over her left shoulder. Under her arm was a small present that was almost a duplicate of what Kai had brought, possibly due to like minds and all that. She was even more nervous then Kai had been as she entered, giving a timid bow and "Hello everyone, I am terribly sorry for being late." With her greeting out of the way, she decided to take a seat next to Arria if she took one, as she was the only crew member to have any familiarity with.
Hanako's World, Party Cabin

Maybe Emil should've brought presents to make a good impression. But, the issue with that plan was that all the few presents he had were currently in space, contributing to orbital debris, ready to be shot down or harvested by some orbital waste company. So he walked in empty-handed, not expecting to give or receive anything. Whatever, random chance sucked. Things happen, and while a Plumeria getting blown up was pretty bad at least it was an excuse.

He spotted an unfamiliar Elysian girl walking in, with brown wings and four presents. Probably someone who received a party invite from the outside, whatever.

The sound of presents being placed down behind Matsuvo made a quiet thump, as the sound of two hands smacking down on Matsuvo's shoulders made an even louder sound.

"So I hear you bagged yourself an entire flagship, crew and all!" she practically yelled in his ears. Meissa hadn't changed at all.
Hanako's world- Hanako's Cabin

A certain short, black haired Neko came strolling in dressed in some of her , a few presents on hand, with a big grin. But... not as big as it could be. She still wasn't sure that a certain person would show up- nonetheless she had one extra present than she intended to give away on this occasion. Since she wasn't exactly sure what to give her comrades... She bought a series of... Well, they were suprises, but they were as tightly and neatly packed as she could manage them. Several wrapped boxes in tow. Infact, she had ten such presents.

It wasn't like she wasn't going to spend a very, very long time in service anyway, why not splurge like that, afterall? Even if it almost physically pained her to note how low her savings had dropped. And thus, she was hopping along, even with the presents in hand, tip toeing the lawn up to the cabin. If it wasn't for the, admitedly thin bindings tying the boxes together, she would have failed in her trek at the very begining, not something she'd care to admit that she learned the hard way... more than once on her way there.

The misted cat chose to ignore the slightly uncomftorable feeling the damp atmosphere created, and happily swished her tail as a greeting. "Heya- oh even meissa is here!" She quickly walked in- giving a few random hugs with one barely free arm as she made her way to a place she could finally place the presents down. A few notable recepients of the hug almost certainly included the likes of Arria, Meissa, and reluctantly, Matsuvo as well. "Party already starting huh?"
Hanako's world- Hanako's Cabin

Matsuvo winced slightly when Meissa all but shouted in his ear. "Yeah, that was pretty cool I guess, though it was a bit hairy taking the bridge. There was also that one that blew up. I think I caused that one too. I almost didn't make it before my teleporter charged up. I didn't see many other people make it out, so I think a lot of them had to ST."

It was the only reasonable assumption for Matsuvo to make about how his crewmates and fellow infantry soldiers had returned from apparent death, though some had returned to the Eucharis after the battle had ended, so some must have made it out as well. As Yoshida approached and hugged him he said jokingly, "Hey, a hug from you? What's the occasion?"

Though he joked, he also reciprocated the hug, however brief it was. He was glad that his old crewmate from the Kaiyo had survived the battle mostly intact. "It's good to see you all in one piece again Yoshida."
Christmas Cabin!

Arria breathed a little sigh of relief as several people arrived after her, some bringing gifts and others, not so much. The other Elysian girl caught her eye, Meissa's energetic movements quite the attention-getter, and her voice was certainly matching. Smiling at the couple, she asked, "You two been together for a while? Hello!" The last part was directed to Setsuya, as she sat down. The fluffy wing of Arria radiated a comfortable amount of heat, especially compared to the cool misty weather of the outside.

"Hey, you. Guy... you." She gestured to the black-winged boy. "You're the new guy, right? What's your name?"
It's Year's End.

Quite amusing, how the Elysian tried so hard to...greet him without a name. "Emil," the Elysian replied, a bit of a smile on his face.

Smiles were good. They were useful tools to make yourself seem less dangerous to people. The tools the damn senators used back home to make themselves seem all trustworthy and helpful. They calmed the idealistic and made everything seem completely spotless and alright. So yes, a smile for the undersized Elysian.

"Who are you?" he asked, looking to collect some information on the crew around him.


"Hey, I got invited over here. That's why I'm wearing something that isn't a Star Army uniform," she told her old shipmates. It was the truth. Rather than wear a proper uniform or anything, she was instead wearing quite a formal looking outfit consisting of a deep blue suit and pants, along with a white shirt. She looked better in a suit than a dress, anyways.

"So, how's it been really going?" Meissa asked Yoshida teasingly, leaning in while nudging the back of Mat's head with her wing. "Any trouble from him at all?"
"Arria Smith. You look tense, Emil. Take a chill pill and relax, we're not gonna bite you!" Arria joked, her golden eyes shining softly in the crackling fire's light. "Well, unless we're gonna do one of those dare parties I've heard about. I can't make promises, then." The birb stretched her wings outward, going behind the neko next to her. Setsuya felt a hand take hold of her shoulder. "By the way, this is my friend Setsuya! That guy with the pretty-lookin' girl over there is Matsuvo." Introducing a handful of other people - okay, really only the ones she's had time to properly meet, one being her roommate and the other a recently-met friend. Things around here did seem a little... Stiff. Interactions between the Eucharis' current crew seemed oddly low given the time of year.

I guess I'll just need to help get things started. Clapping her hands together a couple times, the Santo Hei - though, here, ranks really shouldn't matter, not for normal people. "So, how's the weather been treating all of you tonight? I like it brisk, personally."
Setsuya was a bit conscious for some odd reason with all these people she had hardly any time to meet, though a small smile formed on her lips as the Elysian who she had met in a rather bumpy beginning called her "friend". She then looked to Emil, then Matsuvo and this Meissa woman, finding it a slightly odd bunch. "Setsuya Itatski, a pleasure to meet you all. I recognize a couple of you from among the crew, though I sadly haven't had a chance to meet many of you. I've only recently become friends with Arria, but I look forward to meeting everyone else properly.", Setsuya said in a somewhat cheery tone. She idly rubbed at one of her feline ears, trying to remove the moisture from the misty weather, "This weather is playing havoc with my hair." she added with a small chuckle before asking about something she hadn't heard of. "What's a dare party?"

Kai was at this point mostly listening after getting some cocoa to warm up, but Minkan ended up choking on it as he heard the neko's name. Oh goddess, she was here?! He was not ready for that, much less her being on the same ship he was at the helm of. He tried to compose himself though, otherwise this was going to be a very long night.
"Well, you know, year's end and what not..." yoshida said, trying to brush off matsuvo's and meissa's questioning her. "And besides, the closest i've ever been to not being in one piece is, well, after I found i didn't have a leg to stand on." Sometimes, she still even felt an urge to double check and make sure they were still there in the mornings when she woke up, actually.

She took the chance this offered, to take a seat on the other side of meissa, placing down her presents with blank names on them beside her, and setting the one that DID have a name on it aside. Notabely, there didn't seem to be an 'Anastasia' present either amoung the roster, or the party. "Just, you know, the normal amount of trouble, firing off rockets in enclosed spaces."

And thus, she sat, her tail swishing form side to side for the most part. She could have sworn she heard the word 'dare party' shaking her head to remove the mental images that brought back up from her memories. "Ahh... none of that please" She muttered quietly before perking back up and patting meissa on the back. "its nice to see you again! Only need to see one more person from the old ship to feel, just a bit more complete of a year's end party here."
"Well. I've done worse than that, so I can't exactly tell him off, can I?" Meissa replied to her Nekovalkyria friend. Safety really didn't matter when you were, oh, breaching a battleship, or doing something absurd like, say, taking on a swarm of NMX. Or one of the other many stories they shared. They've all done their fair share of dumb things on the battlefield, including but not limited to...

Wow, of all the stupid things on the list of stupid, there were a few too many taken up by a certain Minkan. Now she wasn't sure if she was supposed to be proud of him or proud of herself or saddened by the fact that she wasn't the top. Oh well, at least she had her fair share of awesome-yet-dumb stunts. Like that one with the inertial dampener overload. She wasn't going to lie, she sometimes replayed that scenario in the simulators. Just because.

"The colder air is nice," Emil commented. "Albeit a little difficult to fly in, at times. The air is far too heavy for much other than straight lines. But at least aerial traffic is low."

Elysians could, at times, talk at great lengths simply on nothing but the texture and temperature of the air. While it was a bit...'air-headed,' he supposed, it always made good conversation material between Elysians. Especially when your kind was natural-born for flight, and not the kind that Yamatai used.

Was he tense? No, he simply just had no situational advantage here. In fact he was quite at the disadvantage. Maybe that was why Arria saw tension in him -- the fact he was running this blind. This entire party would have to be played by-ear, and there was nothing he really could do about it.
Hanako's world, Hanako's Cabin

Hanako, who had been a little zoned-out for a moment, now accepted the red-wrapped gift box from Stella with care and ran her hands over the exterior. She brought to a corner of the room. "We can put the gifts here," she told everyone, "or...we could just open them now," she grinned. "What do you think?" Her ears perked up at the mention of a dare party. She had never seen one go innocently!
Hanako's world, Hanako's Cabin

Matsuvo laughed at Meissa's comment. "Almost everything you do ends up with explosions one way or another, that's for sure." He said, as he turned to say hello to Arria properly, and introduce her to Meissa and vice-versa. "Hey Meissa, have you met my roommate, Arria? She was saying hello just a while ago." He indicated towards the other Elysian woman in the room.

"Well, opening the gifts is a great way to get everyone talking to each other, that's for sure!" Matsuvo said, in response to Hanako's question. When someone mentioned dare parties he began to remember the last one. If things go down anything like that does, it might get a little... interesting. He thought to himself.
The neko became much more conscious of herself as her her greeting was utterly passed by. Setsuya frowned slight, her brow furrowing, as she thought of what it possibly could be she was doing wrong. She was right there on the couch next to Arria, yet she seemed to have gone unnoticed. Maybe she should apply for SAINT the young neko mused. After a moment with nothing to respond to, she decided to get a drink, then come back. Hopefully the warm chocolate drink would calm her nerves.

Setsuya walked over to the cocoa table after getting up, fixing herself a cup as the man who had coughed before was taking a moment to pull himself together. He seemed nervous now, despite his cocky demeanor she had noted when coming in. "Are you alright sir?", she asked lightly touching his arm to get his attention to ask for a moment. "Yes, I am quite alright, just a bit of a surprise from a passing comment.", Kai answered reassuringly as hadn't seen who made the intro that had lead to his coughing. Setsuya gave a slight smile and a nod before returning to the couch, gently sitting down with her newly acquired refreshment.

They were still chatting by the time she got back, and quite frankly it made her feel out of place. Setsuya had never been a social animal like her mother Itchika, who practically got in people's faces for even just a simply hello. The neko disapproved of such, but she was starting to see there was merit to it. But what to say, what to do, these are the things she struggled with given her inadequacy with social skills. The two who seemed the most into the current conversation, were the elysian woman other then Arria, and a Minkan man she remember being referred to as Matsuvo. Setsusya took a sip and decided to leap for it, "So Matsuvo and...Meissa was it? What's it like being a couple?"
Hanako's world, Hanako's Cabin

Stella's body followed her eyes, which had been trailing Hanako idly- the clerk had been as zoned out as the captain, truly. Once near a chair beside the Ketsurui woman, Stella sat and clasped her hands above her knee to look between guests with an unassertive expression that she had confidence wouldn't intrude on anyone's good time. Once Hanako stated her small quandary, Stella recognized she had been passively absorbing the conversations and personalities around her rather than exuding her own. Determined to change this, the bright blonde's eyebrows perked, eyes shone, and lips pursed, ready to speak. A fraction of a second later, her expression had slackened to look more akin to quizzical than ready for commentary and Stella's eyes went from Setsuya to Arria, wondering if the conversation would turn back to a dare party. Even more so, she wondered how she would feel if it did.

Majime looked from one part of the room to another through lidded eyes. With an expression that bore not approval or criticism, she felt as if some sort of uncertainty had just come to pass and that this time, above all, was one for pause and rest for them all. She tucked her empty hand behind her back as she rested her other arm's elbow on the fireplace's mantel. Once her body was settled in its new position, she brought her hand up to her mouth and sipped at a rocks glass, whose neat contents shone many hues of the same red-orange glow that the fire emitted, before letting her hand lower down to below her hip.

"I say," the azureous eyes of the woman tightened above her smile as she continued, "open them now."
Hanako's World
Hanako's Cabin

Arria glanced over when Shosho Hanako spoke, blinking her golden eyes a couple of times. Even now, she's gotta manage the military across our space... Damn. I feel sorry for her... That's a lot of responsibility. The golden-eyed little owlgirl shook her head, looking back towards the rest of the party. Some other people seemed o focus on the idea of a dare party, though a few looked kinda... Nervous? Displeased? Unhappy with the idea of one happening. She cleared her throat, firing a response back to the snow-haired Minkan, "Yo. Your boyfriend sheds sometimes, by the way. I think. It's hard to tell, really, but I don't lose my hair that often!" She interrupted herself with a chortle before addressing the taller female. "You must be the world-famous Meissa, then. Your boyfriend couldn't stop talkin' about you for basically the past week and a half. Kinda adorable, actually!"

Wow, that dude needs to like... Chill. So professional. That's great and all on the battlefield but this is a friggin' party!
Still in the cabin

"Okay, to be fair, most men aren't as dumb as he is. For all I know all that shedding could probably be from him putting his helmet on wrong, to using something stupid for his hair," Meissa commented to the people around. "So all my impressions of being in a relationship may be completely off."

Interesting observations. Quite the astute girl, as Emil observed. Boisterously loud, and probably the kind of woman a mother would warn a child about. The kind of 'dangerous' person that really wasn't all that dangerous, really. Just oddball. A fun kind of person to deal with. They always had intriguing ideas about things. Quite the charismatic one, too; instantly turning a stranger of sorts to simply enjoy her presence.

"But when have I been world-famous?" Meissa asked. "Unless if somehow someone dug up my reports and made a movie about me or something while I was away, or I got a film made about when I got my Red Tessen, I doubt I'm really worth whatever title you've given me."

Okay, maybe not so astute. Though, there's an entry point to the conversation.

"Do you want a film about that?" Emil asked, a hint of a smile on his face, his posture manually adjusted to be a little more lax.

Meissa only gave the swan a side-eye, and then a very snappy response. "Hell yeah. What, do you know people who can make one?"

"Unfortunately, no." Emil replied. This only prompted an overexaggerated "Well, fuck" from Meissa.